Nakada-san To Ren’ai

Chapter 7: Kouta’s date and dare

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Morning finally came.


It’s Friday, July 31st  and nearing the end of the second week of summer break.


I had woken up at 7:15am, so there’s not much else to do right now but eat breakfast and do some contracted programming afterwards.


I notice at once my thoughts have been somewhat settled.  My mind which was racing with thoughts of Nakada-san had calmed.  There is a build up of exciting energy, but no outlet for it yet. I want to text her, but I’ll wait until after ten.


What shall we do today?


I ask google-sensei about dating spots. What he comes back with just too much information for me to handle all at once.


The photograph of her outside an arcade seems like a good place to start.  I wonder, does she actually play arcade games, or is she strictly a UFO MaidenGirls who only play the crane games?


I’m a bit of a gaming otaku, I like fighting games and zombie apocalypse shooters, however I'm not too big on arena battlers.  I happen to love dating sims and eroge most.  Yet I'm not a fan of games which promote [Nice Boat]s...


As for home consoles, I have all of the current generation ones, and even the Tinkendo DS from my youth.  My PC is a dual monitor beast, and can handle all the latest games with next to no frame drop!  Too bad I'm not a competitive player who needs all that. I just like having nice things to show off when I need to on internet forums.  


There is no shortage of games for her to play if she were to visit my room. Well, I don’t want to invite her to my home quite yet. I have reservations still.  The names of those reservations are Dad and Onee-chan after all...


I did pick up a guide for rentals in the local area.  I browse through a few and realize the prices are a bit higher than I initially thought, even for 1LDKs, but they are not undoable.  With my current savings, I can somehow probably do a year as long as I can manage to produce two or three games in that time along with my regular pay.  Maybe I should look into visiting an actual realty company? It might be cheaper to do so...


Guess I’ll ask Michio-senpai for a lead on extra work soon.  Or perhaps look for other part time work I can do.  There’s always an old person who needs someone good with computers. It's the future after all, everyone has to be connected at some point down the line.




A photo attachment arrived from Nakada-san.


It’s a picture of Nakada-san making a cute kissing face. There are little hearts all over the photo and some kind of pastel blur for the background and frame.  


How many selfie retakes did she need to do for that super cute face I wonder?


Well, I’m not complaining at all…   Cute is justice!


Let me just save this photo to my phone too… and done.


[To Nakada Shi-chan:


I was wondering what you wanted to do for a date today?  Is there anywhere you want to go?  The photo you sent me showed you in front of an arcade?  Would you like to go to one?  Maybe get some ice cream or cake along the way?  Looking forward to today.]


Ping! Sent!





[Nakada Shi-chan (1)


Good morning Kouta<3


Nee~ a date at an arcade?  Are you sure?   You aren’t a sore loser, right?  Because I’m really good at arcade games. I'm also good at adult games, too!

Between Ice Cream and Cake… I know a place called the [Pingin Cafe] in shopping district XX, it's near a good arcade I used to play at as a kid!  They have a good selection of both.

Shall we meet there first, around 11?  We can go the arcade afterwards.]


I google the location of the cafe.  It’s only about ten minutes away on foot. Does Nakada-san live close by?


[To Nakada-san:


Sounds good. Pingin Cafe at 11.  Looking forward to an exciting date!]


Short and concise.  Also devoid of all the things I want to say that might put her off.


Thankfully a certain bulletin board for loners like me had a relationship advice thread titled:

[How to avoid saying creepy things that would make girls avoid you.]

It was full of advice from actual girls about how they would have given average or pathetic guys a chance, if they didn’t say the wrong thing at the wrong time.  Then that instigated a flame war about 200 replies in, and the thread hit the bump limit, and then got locked.


So I could only read advice, and couldn’t ask my own.  


I also have no intention of being Densha-sanDensha Otoko, 2chan legendary story thread about an otaku dating a normal woman., and opening my own thread.


If I need advice, I can always ask Miyajima-okusan, since she probably would be better at it than Senpai.




No stress.


There weren’t any further messages.  I was finishing up coding a SFX module to insert various erotic sounds when the player clicks on certain spots on each heroine during the game.  It serves no purpose other than to hear cute 2D waifus make cute sounds to pass the time while you play!


Cute is justice! 


10:30am rolled around and I left the house.  It would only take 10 minutes to travel there by foot, but I wanted to get there early.


I was dressed up for a date, though it looked like I was more dressed for a job interview.


I was wearing a gray tee with a black open blazer.  I had black slacks on and grey-and-black tennis shoes.  My hair was combed nicely, but I passed on any gel.  It just doesn’t work properly for me. It was about five minutes until eleven when Nakada-san showed up outside the cafe to meet me.




She clopped over to me and then when only an inch away, launched into my body, putting her arms around my neck and giving me a big kiss on the cheek. It almost felt like she was feeling me up for a moment.


“Nihehe~! I caught a Kouta<3!  Oh look, you dressed like a Penguin-san!”


I hadn’t realized it, but I did indeed dress like a penguin.  It wasn’t intentional, I was just trying to use fashion advice I saw on the forums online.


I’m an otaku after all.  What do I know about fashion without asking?  I have half of a wardrobe than consists of t-shirts of large mechanical robots, and magical girls with questionable fashion morals, the other half are either mismatches or misfit clothes that were bought by my parents a long time ago.


This was the absolute average outfit I had!


And now I’m Kouta the Penguin.


“Shall we go inside?”  I offer, as I open the door for her.


“Let's!” She takes the initiative to enter, and when we pass through the door, she grabs my hand.  Our fingers are interlocked, and she is making sure they stay that way.


She is dressed a bit in the usual fashion of a gyaru, except the shirt is light blue with short sleeves, and her skirt is… really skimpy.  In a matching blue tone, of course.  Her hair is done up, and only the ribbon doesn’t match the tone of the clothes she's wearing.


The cafe is mostly empty, so the waitress on duty says we can sit anywhere.  


Nakada-san points to a particular table, and we head in that direction.


“I like this spot, because it’s the most private spot in the place.” she points out.


“Do we have a need for privacy here?” I ask concernedly.


“I wonder~” She dodges suspiciously.


Why am I suddenly nervous?


“Nee~ Nee~ Kouta.  I want the choco-banana parfait.”

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“Okay.  I think I’ll have the chocolate cheesecake slice.”


The waitress is soon over to take our order, I also get a cola and Nakada-san gets a cafe au-lait.


“Kouta doesn’t like coffee?” She asks, noticing I ordered a soda.


“I never got into it.  I had a bad experience when I was younger.  My mother drank it black, and when I tried a sip I threw up.  Now, every time I try a cup, even if it’s sweet or milky, I throw it up reflexively.”


“Your mom did that to you? Giving it to you black I mean?”


“No, my Onee-chan did that... That girl is an evil bully sometimes, but she usually cares for me properly.”


“How old is she?” Nakada-san seems curious about my Onee.


“23.  She’s just finishing college for social media fashion influencing.”


“What’s your sister's name?” Nakada-san asks me.


“Kawamura Kanae, though to just about everyone else she is Kana-chan.” 


“Is she really that bad?”


“It’s because of her, I learned how to dogeza that well.” I say with great pride.


“Hee~  I’d like to meet her now!”


“Maa… I’m sure there will be plenty of time to meet her.  Rather, let’s take as long as possible before you meet her.”


“Why?” She asks again.


“I’m not good around her.  She’s into intense skinship with things she likes.  She likes cute things also, and Nakada-san meets all her critera.  She'll probably try and steal you away from me at some point.”


“That doesn’t sound too bad.”


“Well, can I just say, I warned you?  I don’t really want to talk about my sister.”  Wait! What do you mean doesn't sound too bad!?


“Then, how about Kouta’s parents?”


“I’m fine talking about my mom, but I’d like to pass on my dad, if that’s alright.”


“Kouta can share only what he wants to then.”


“My mom’s name is Kawamura Reiko.  She works overseas in America for half of the year, then is home for the other half.”


“What does she do?”


“I believe it’s some kind of travelling secretarial work.  I’ve never really asked more about it.  Well, I think I asked once, but she just offered to buy me a video game I wanted, and I kind of didn’t pursue the answer.”


I scratched my head.


“as for my dad, let’s just say I found out recently he was cheating on my mom.  I don’t really want to even see his face anymore.”


“So, a crazy sister, a cheating father, and an absent mother…  Poor Kouta. You have it tough don't you?”


“Mm. When you say it that way, it seems worse than it is.  I’ve been left alone like I wanted, never had to meet ridiculous expectations, and for the most part have had every basic need fulfilled.  Maybe I’m being unreasonable in complaining about their personality flaws.  I mean, I’m the family introvert. I’m sure they have similar feelings about me…"

I take another sip of cola, then motion to her.  

"Now, what about Nakada-san’s family?”


“Mm.  Not much to say.  There’s only really Shi-chan and Mama.”


“No papa?” I check.


“Mama… said papa was no good in the end. So mama did her best to raise Shi-chan up by herself until now!”


“How vague.”


“Well, Kouta can visit my house, and learn more.”


“Is that the scam you are running?” 


“Un. That’s right.  I really want to introduce you to my mother.”


“I suppose.  It would be rude of me to visit without bringing a present, though.”


“Mom likes high alcohol content shochu for making mixed drinks with.  She’s also fond of dark chocolates.”


“Well, since I’m a minor, the shochu is out.  I suppose I can buy a small box of chocolates as a greeting gift then.”


“Mm. Then it’s settled.  You should come by Sunday, since she’s off of work then.”




Our dessert came.


We talked about some other nonsense while we ate.  I don’t remember what it was, but it didn’t matter, it was only small talk.


I found the reason for the privacy though, when she showed her ability to pick up the entire choco-banana with only her lips, tilt her head back, and I watched it slide down her throat without seeing her bite into it.


Honestly… I somehow felt I should have payed a fee to see that.


She finished before I did, then demanded with a wide open mouth, and an “Ah~” that I feed her the remaining portion of my cheesecake, including the strawberry I had saved for the last bite.


Still, being playful like this was nice.  I suppose it was actually very good that she wasn’t one of those heavily reserved types.


“Nee~ Kouta.  How exciting do you want the next part of our date to be?”


“What do you mean by ‘exciting’?”


“Check your right pocket on your blazer, but don’t pull it out too far.”


I reach my hand in the pocket, and I feel something soft.  It feels like a handkerchief, but I don’t remember bringing one.


Wait.  No way.


This soft feel can only be…!


“Nee~ Kouta.  The game is like this.  I’m going to go into the bathroom here.  There’s only one, so it'll be clearly occupied by me.   I’m going to wait for five minutes for you to come in.  If you don’t take care of fixing me up in that amount of time, then that’s how I’ll be going to the arcade.”


She got up, and took a few steps before turning back to wink at me.


That's when I realized.


That skirt is too short!


“Time begins…  now!”


(Secret 07: Kouta learned later on that Nakada-san can only do the choco-banana trick if the banana has a chocolate covering. Nakada-san's Mama however, can do it raw!)

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