Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」

Chapter 10: Chapter Ten 「Wednesday’s Worries」(1/2)

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Wednesday, June 2nd

--~~* Shizu *~~--

I hadn’t really acknowledged this problem before, but seeing as how I’m around Kouta these days, the number of times I have needed to depend on my sister in the last week have been few indeed.

That’s why I left Kouta early yesterday after walking him home.  Shiori needed some me time, and using a thinly veiled excuse of needing to do homework, I returned home to find her waiting.

Onee… what’s this about?

Shiori was quick to show me the picture which blew up yesterday after lunch.

“About that…  How do you feel about doing some modeling?”


“Yeah.  It was quite by accident, but it turns out Kouta’s sister is the one running KanAtelier.”

“Come again?”

“His sister runs KanAtelier.”

Shizu-nee, are you telling me our boyfriend’s sister is the fashion queen of Shibuya?”

Nihehe~  It caught me by surprise, too.”

“That crazy mama bear?”

“She’s nice once you get used to her.”

We had a back and forth about it for a little while, before Shiori made us dinner and eventually shared a bath afterwards.  She came to sleep with me in my room and I let her do whatever she wanted.  I didn’t need her to calm my itch yesterday, but she’s my precious younger sister and I need her.  This is where our bond took us, and what Kouta asked of me at lunch was an answer given of this.

Shiori is my other half.  We begin at ourselves and end at each other.  There is nothing I won’t do for her, and I know it goes the same for her.  But I am protective.  I won’t let her share in the traumatic experience I had with mama’s ex-boyfriend.  I won’t let that level of harm ever come to her.  Shiori doesn’t need to be a filthy broken girl like I am.

Not her.

Not ever her.

Our bodies naked and intertwined, Shiori has her hands between my legs and her face buried in my chest.  I love my sister so much.  I want her to be happy.  I know I’m doing crazy things with Kouta… I know I shouldn’t be encouraging what I am, but it’s also a part of who I am.

I want Kouta to be a bit less nervous about sex, even if it’s not with me, because it won’t be just with me.  It’ll be with Shiori too, provided he shows me he’s really not interested in just having sex.  Because if it’s that, then I’m enough.

Because I want Shiori to have that magical first time that I was denied, I want to train Kouta to be good enough for her.  She deserves it, so she can have that opposite experience to balance us out.  The only thing I’m torn about with the whole matter is deciding if I should instead let Shiori have it, since I’m pretty certain his idea of lovey-dovey romantic sex is more compatible to her than with me.

After all, I’m a slut.

I can’t go back to my innocence, even if I would have the chance to with a great guy like Kouta who might even have accepted me for what I was...  Because I did that to him.

If only he was a bit more proactive in just going for it, and my own reputation wasn’t in ruins… maybe I could have lied to him?  I could have pretended I wasn’t Shizu the slut and been someone else instead.  I’ve done it before… I could have let him believe it was my first time, and maybe he could have healed me with that lovey-dovey sex of his he’s so determined to have.

But these are useless thoughts.  If I’m up this early to have them, then that means Shiori has overslept.  I stroked my sister’s long wavy hair from where it ended and further down her back.

“Wake up sleepyhead~”

Shiori was in recent times much more attached to me.  She was awake now, but reluctant to let me go so easily.

“Come on, I have to get dressed and pick up boyfriend for school.”

“Don’t wanna~  let’s skip today and just be like this.”


I eventually roused her, and once we got out of bed, she pouted.  The only thing that would settle her down was a long kiss and a minute or two of her feeling me up.



Even though she has her own room with her own clothes, she fits perfectly into my entire wardrobe.  So saving time, she borrowed a clean pair of underwear and got dressed.  We met in the bathroom to do our makeup quickly, and then got dressed for school.

Mama handled breakfast today.  It was just scrambled eggs with tiny bits of pan fried bacon mixed in, and toast with jam. She must have woken up late as well.

“Oh yeah, Mama.  I got another job yesterday.  Shiori will be participating in it as well from time to time.”

“What kind of a job?”

“Modeling!  Boyfriend’s sister runs a mega-popular gyaru blog, and recruited a bunch of girls from my school.  Rina and Mahiro will also be doing shoots with us.”

“Nothing tasteless I hope?”

“Maybe just a little.  I won’t let Shiori do any of that stuff though.  She’ll do the safe shoots.”

Mama gave me that skeptical look.

“This is about as bad as it gets.”

I opened my phone to the page with the photos Mafuyu the photographer had edited for the promotional piece and let Mama see it.

“So it’s gravure?”

“Not entirely.”

I opened up a few articles, tame ones for contrasting purposes, all tastefully done.  That seemed to let Mama relax a bit more.

“So, Shiori will be doing ones like those, and you the other?”

“Only if she wants to do it at all.  It’s just an opportunity to be with boyfriend.  And I won’t let it interfere with her studies, promise!”

Mom let it go when I promised that much.

“What about your current job with me?”

“No problem.” I said, making a big O-shape over my head with my arms.  “They’ll work around my schedule.  Rina’s also, since she works part-time as well at that coffee shop by the Seven.  Since there are five models in total they brought on board to work with, it’s easy enough to do.  It’ll just be the first half of the week and it’s not even hard work.  They give us free food and drinks and the pay isn’t bad either.”

“How much will you be earning?” I was asked.

I let Mama know the details, how much we would be getting paid and when.

“It’s extra money for Shiori at least.”

Mom agreed.  We weren’t rich at all, we just lived at the end of our means.

“Are you comfortable doing something like that, Shiori?”

My sister said she was.

“Then, I have nothing more to say.  Just don’t let it affect your grades.”

“Un, that was in the contract.  We can’t get remedial classes over summer.”

Mama agreed.

“It’s fine for now.  If anything unscrupulous happens though, you are to at least have Shiori quit at once.”


With that, morning breakfast was over.  I left home to pick up Kouta from his home and maybe find out if he’s interested in a quickie.

--~~* Ruru *~~--

When someone brings up what a sukeban is, certainly saying a girl appearing as a lolita with a room full of cutesy pink shit with frills all over is not the first impression that should come to mind.

Yet, that is the truth of my non-public life.

I am a bit of a fraud, because of love.

That’s not to say I’m not the onna banchou of Seijou High.  That is the current truth.  I have trained in martial arts since I was young, so my ability to kick peoples asses is 100% my own ability.  But, I’m also a woman.  I happen to love romance novels both normal and yuri.

Why yuri?

Because two girls kissing is fuckin’ hot.

The reason is more profound than that, but not by much.  Since I was younger, back when Sakuraba Umeko, Uesugi Saya, and I played on the playground as kids with our shota-like boy-friend Kawamura Kouta, I first met the woman I admired most in this world.

She too, was a sukeban.

She was called The Beast of Seijou High, and she was that boy’s Onee-chan.  However, to me she was none other than my one and only Aneki.

Kawamura Kanae, a flawless beauty that made me first doubt my own gender preference.  She was tall, way tall, and her breasts were bigger than my head!  She would sit a little bit away from us and watch her little brother playing while she messed around with her smartphone and smoked.

I thought she was so cool, but I wasn’t confident in approaching her.  That changed one day when a couple of idiot boys started picking a fight with Kouta and Saya.

Saya was always the prettiest out of us three friends, and obviously boys at that age were going through some things.  Saya had big boobs too and I think those boys wanted to see hers, so they started misbehaving.  While Kouta tried to play the role of the princess’ knight, the reality was that I grabbed a fallen branch that wouldn’t break so easily, and jumped in the fray when fists began to fly, giving them all a harsh beating.

My reward for that was for her to approach me first, and ruffle my hair.

“Thanks, twerp.”

I didn’t wash my hair for almost a week after that.

She would keep coming to keep an eye on him, though he would get fussy from time to time about his sister being there.  He was such an idiot, but he brought her along so he wasn’t entirely useless.

I would often play with all three of them, then sneak away and come find her.

“Heya, twerp.  Something up?”

“Can I call you Aneki?”

“Oh, you want to be my underling?”

I was so thrilled at that time.

“Can I?”

“Sure, but hmm… you aren’t in high school yet, are you?”

“No.  I’ll be going into middle school next year.”

“An underling has to be useful though… how about this.  You see my Kouta over there?”

“I know him.”

“Can you be my eyes and ears when I’m not able?”

“You want me to spy on him for you?”

“Not so much as spy, but could you be a secret bodyguard?”

“For him?”

“Yes.  You might not know it, but him and I are important people.  I just don’t want to put a security detail on him because he’ll only act stupid if they are around.  But someone like you who already knows him would be much more effective.  I saw how you handled those other brats who bothered him the other day.”

“So… do I have to spend all my time with him?”

“Not at all.  As long as you are there to protect him when he needs it, that’s all I’d like for you to do.  That would make you alone my most important underling.”

It didn’t take even a full second of time thinking about it before I agreed.

So that was how things went.

Kouta would play with Saya and Umeko, and sometimes me, though I would mostly hang back and observe alongside Aneki.  She never discounted me being there with her and was always cordial.  She’d even send me to get her stuff like ice creams or candy, and then she was generous, because she always gave me money to run the errand and there was always something for me to enjoy as well.

One time there weren’t any errands to run.  So she told me it was fine if I wanted to ask her for something she could give me. She had just started a cigarette and I wanted to be cool like her so I asked to have it.

God it was awful, but my lips totally touched the same place hers did.  It would later become a bad habit, but that’s not important at all.

Around this time a number of things happened.  Namely, Saya’s parents got into a car accident and died.  This was at the end of summertime before we entered sixth grade together. Furthermore, Saya wouldn’t talk about it, but she had become pregnant in sixth grade somehow and had to take a year off to have her daughter, Satoko.  She changed middle schools so it divided us three more.

Then there was an incident that made Kouta not come out to the park all that often after Saya’s parents passed away to play.  Because of that, I didn’t get a chance to see Aneki much at all anymore.

Umeko was the only one who did see Kouta, but that’s because she always ended up in the same class as he did.  She tried to visit him at home once, aiming to take the place in his heart that Saya held, but Aneki chased her away quickly.  She had always been a bit weird since her father passed away and she had to take care of her sister.  That only became more pronounced after that.  She was like a nervous rabbit.

As for me, I had been down in the dumps for well over a year until one day I saw Aneki by the candy store when I was in eighth grade.  She had remembered me.  In my efforts to be as cool as she was, I had become something of a banchou already at my middle school, since Saya and I went to the same one, which was different from the one Umeko and Kouta attended.

That’s when Aneki asked me if I still wanted to be her underling.

And I did.

She was still the pinnace of strength, beauty, and coolness to me.  But the reason for her asking me to continue being one hadn’t changed.

“My Kouta will be attending Seijou High when you will be a second year.  I want you to keep an eye on him, and protect him when it’s necessary.  That’s all.”

However, I was changed a little by that point.  There was give and take now to consider.  What was in it for me?  I dared to ask.

“Obviously you will be rewarded.  It won’t be long before I become a person with tremendous influence and power.  It might be just after you graduate, but I’ll guarantee your future, and on top of it, I will give you one wish.”

“A wish?”

“Yes.  I will give you it after you graduate.  After all, you won’t be able to protect him in his last year, but by then he shouldn’t need protecting anymore.”

This is my final year at Seijou High now.

But somehow, I got involved with Kouta again when I was only supposed to be keeping an eye on him.  I have an underling of my own in his classroom to keep me appraised.

He somehow managed to get himself tangled up with the biggest slut in the whole school, or possibly worse.  I had fucked up big time!  I mean, I knew he was on the rooftop with that idiot vice-captain from the boxing club filming pornos with his girlfriend and her lackey.  But he was only ever filming, never getting involved himself.

So, I kept an eye on him and even gathered some information from Umeko about him from time to time.  It was out of left field when that girl who basically graduated every underling I had working under me from their virginities by spreading her legs like it was nothing, that I knew shit was bad.

She had her sights on him next.

Before I even knew it, I was face to face with Aneki at her studio, where she had become famous after all, and this after following Shizu and Kouta to his home, where I even ended up giving him my panties.

Now, I’m… a loligyaru model working for Aneki on top of being the banchou and watching as Kouta made my friend Umeko a plaything of his.  None of which is bothering Aneki at all!

Now I’m all messed up because I don’t know what to do right now.

Kouta is a jerk, and I don’t actually like him all that much.  But my body keeps reacting to him lately.  Just like yesterday.  I saw Kouta treating Umeko like a toy and I got aroused by it.  He even made her kiss his girlfriend.

Then to top it off, afterwards we had to all get naked at the studio on Aneki’s order, and while I can say for certain Aneki is my ideal woman, I also couldn’t keep my eye off of that gross thing between Kouta’s legs.

I mean, that’s the thing that makes Shizu a stupid slut.

That’s the same kind of thing that had to have made Saya pregnant all those years ago and made her life difficult.

It’s the thing Umeko thought she needed to have to secure Kouta.

And it’s the same thing that’s got me messed up right now.  I woke up from a dream this morning imagining myself… doing things with it.

Kouta you asshole, give me back my sweet Aneki dreams!  Where are my dreams where I ask her for boobs and she gives them to me!?  Why is it when you are around everything sucks?

Ugh, another day I have to deal with that guy is coming.

At my computer desk is a photo.  My heirloom.  It’s a picture Aneki took with me when she gave me the role of incumbent banchou at Seijou.  It’s both of us looking like boss bitches.

As usual, every morning before I head out of my room, and every night before I go to sleep, I give her picture a kiss to give me strength to continue doing the best I can for her, and hope against hope that maybe one day, I could be something more.  Maybe she’d grant my wish.  It’s really not that much.  I just want to be allowed to warm her bed, and show her how dedicated an underling I really can be.

So, with my head held high, at well under five feet, I venture out of my room and into the kitchen, where my mortal enemies await me.  My mother, the D-cup menace.  My little sister Teta, who is four years younger and beats me out in both height and chest.  And finally my youngest sibling, Teruo, who just from being lazy playing games all day and going fishing with dad on the weekends has gotten fat and also has bigger boobs than I do.

It's just not fair!

--~~* Mahiro *~~--

“Young Miss, it’s time to wake up.”

“Yes, Francine.”

The woman waking me up, wearing a maid outfit is Francine Montblanc, one of my family’s three household servants.  She is both the maid to myself and my mother.  There’s also Sebastian Saint-croix, who is our butler and chef.  Then finally William Greenwood, our chauffeur. 

Francine would wake me up, laying out my freshly laundered school clothes, then I’d go eat breakfast, sometimes with my  mother and father, though lately they’ve been busy with the company.  Afterwards I’d get driven to school by William, who for the sake of ease, lets me call him Billy.

My mother and father are from a branch family of the Suzukis.  Yes, those Suzukis.  Famous for a certain name brand vehicle.  I’m the only daughter of the third son, with minimal inheritance rights.  I’m guaranteed a place at the company, and any man I marry would be entitled to the same, but that’s about it.

We’re well off, taking vacations once or twice a year.  We have plenty of high-end electronics, and we live in a small mansion.  That’s the Western kind of mansion, not the shared apartment kind.

Yes, I’m pretty much an ojou.  I hate being called that, however, because it makes me feel alienated from my two closest friends, Yamabuki Rina, and Nakada Shizu.

Being strangled from a young age with talks of marriage into prestigious families, I needed an outlet for my frustrations at what my future was almost certainly destined to be filled with.

An unhappy marriage and children from a man I wouldn’t love.

That’s why I decided I’d do whatever I wanted now, so that I wouldn’t have any regrets later.  Before anyone brings up the point that I could say I didn’t want to get married… shut the fuck up.  The upper crust live life differently than the poor commoners underneath us.  They get to be free, but they don’t know the truth.  Once you’ve had money, or come from money, you can’t live like a plebian.  It’s a kinder path to take your own life than to try and pull yourself back up out of poverty.

That being said, Rina is from a middle class family, she’s just a rebellious gyaru because her parents won’t get a much needed divorce from each other.  Shizu is from a single parent home, and her story is a bit difficult even for me to stomach sometimes.  She was victimized and it left behind a sexual dysfunction.  But other than that, she’s really a sweet girl.  I know this for a fact, since I met her twin sister a few times and we got along fairly well.  She’s just a gyaru because she wants to be.

There are also two others I should mention…  

The first is Oda Kawazu.

He’s a sports freak who loves exercise and boxing most of all, being the current vice-captain of the club in our high school.  He’s a bit of a dumbass with studies, but he has great common sense, and is a good guy overall.  He’s 176cm and taller than both Rina and I, he’s got plenty of muscles, and a handsome face.  He qualifies as an ikemen, even with the occasional lumps he gets from boxing.  He’s also a beast with plenty of stamina, which I recently have had a first hand taste of.

Yes.  I lost my virginity to him the other day.

It’s not that I was specifically trying to, but I’m good friends with Rina, to the point we are able to share the same guy.  For me it’s not a serious thing, so she doesn’t have to worry.  Before that happened I was actually trying to work on his friend, this little cute friend of his named Kawamura Kouta.

Which leads us to the second.

Kawamura Kouta.

He’s an otaku who has been friends with Kawazu since middle school.  He’s had a huge crush on Rina and my friend, Nakada Shizu for like over a year!  I had thought if I was friendly enough to him I might tempt him to be my boyfriend instead, since I was sure he’d be fun to play with.  I thought we got along great, and he had a way easier time being friendly with me than with Rina who I think he’s a little scared of.

But no matter how many hints I dropped, he just never went for it.

That all changed when Rina, Kawazu, and I decided to ask Shizu to take some time out of her day last week and come to the rooftop to meet him.  At the very least, he could confess and she’d get over him.  If it happened, I would snatch him up.

But that plan backfired.

Shizu agreed to date him!

I mean, I can’t get mad at her for it.  She’s never had a real boyfriend, just sex friends.  Kouta’s really had a thing for her, and so far it’s looking good with them.

I like both him and Kawazu, but I ended up letting Rina’s boyfriend take my first time.  Something I think I might be regretting a little bit right now.  But Shizu’s cool, and when I mentioned that I still liked him a little, we reached a compromise.   She said it was fine to play around a little with him.

So, I did.

Since I wasn’t exactly a committed love interest of Kawazu, even he didn’t mind.  But lately, the more I’m around Kouta… the more I like him.  He’s not cool, but he’s got the right kind of respectful attitude and as it turns out, he’s also connected!

His older sister is a goddess!

She’s the fashion queen of Shibuya!

Rina and Shizu were the ones to get me into gyaru culture, and I really enjoy dressing up and wearing all kinds of fun makeup and accessories!  Now I have a contract to be a model for one of the most popular and influential gyaru fashion blogs in Tokyo!

I’m hella hyped!

But I might really be losing out…  Kouta was just hanging out with Shizu yesterday, and two new girls, the same two who also were part of our entourage that became models with us, joined him and Shizu on the roof.

Furthermore, the one with the pretty silvery-blue hair, Umeko, I think her name is, just decided to declare herself his slut.  Then all three of them got frisky and made out with each other!

What?  It was that easy!?

I’m… actually kind of vexed.

Did I just miss the timing?  

It’s strange though.  He’s dating Shi-chan but they haven’t done it yet.  Would he have done it with me before doing it with her?  He’s had no problem licking my pussy and receiving a beej from me, so like… is it more that he wants his first time with her to be special more than just a regular fuck like it was with Kawazu and I?

My first time with Kawazu wasn’t all that gentle.  It kind of hurt a lot at first, and afterwards he’s not all that delicate.  I mean, it’s sex and it feels good, but maybe it’d be a bit different if it was with Kouta?

Then there is just that one last point.

Kouta having to watch Shi-chan get fucked by Kawazu.

I honestly didn’t see why he couldn’t just do it himself, but I felt bad for him, so along with Shi-chan we tried to make it as painless as possible for him.  I mean if you got two super-hotties all over you, then it’s not all that bad if your slutty girlfriend gets tapped twice, is it?

Rina might disagree, though.

She really didn’t want to let Kawazu and Shizu do that.  But that’s only because Rina doesn’t want to be compared to her best friend.  That’s all.  I mean I’m still new to sex, since Kawazu and I have only done it three times, counting the first, so there wouldn’t really be anything to compare to Rina with, since she’s been having sex since middle school.

I’d really like to do it just once with Kouta though.  I bet it would be fun.  When Shizu and I were sitting on his lap and he was fingering us both, I could really feel his attentiveness.  Like, he really thought about making sure Shi-chan and I were both enjoying ourselves more than how he himself was enjoying it.

I like a conscientious and considerate guy.

Too often as a woman in the position I’m in, that kind of treatment isn’t something I would always be entitled to.  It’s just a pity.  If he was just someone from a powerful family, then I wouldn’t be stuck in my engagement to Yamaha Hiroto.

Yes, again, that Yamaha family, but not from the main, just a second son from a branch family.

That’s part of the reason though why I didn’t feel the need to keep my chastity.  I don’t know if my parents know or not, but no one should ever underestimate a gyaru’s information network.  Through them, I’ve learned that he’s already nothing but trash, having laid his hands on plenty of girls already, and even using his family’s money to clear up things when problems pop up.

Well, there could be a good thing to come from this modeling contract.  If I somehow get popular or influential enough, maybe I can use that to my advantage and gather enough blackmail to threaten him to cancel the engagement.

Better than to end up like the second daughter of the Saotome Family.  I heard she fell in love with a guy and begged her father to get them engaged only for the guy not to know who she even was, but for a family member to step in and not even let her get in contact with.

I suppose even when engaging in self-pity, there’s always someone who has it worse.

I got dressed with Francine’s help and after letting her brush out my hair, I was escorted to the dining room where a full breakfast was waiting for me.  Neither mother or father cared to join me this morning, so I ate alone.  When I finished, it was out to the car.  As my parents have left early somewhere, Billy was their driver, so Sebastian who is also capable of driving one of our family vehicles, became my driver to school this morning.

I wonder what fun today will bring, and how the photo shoot later will go?  I really wanted to go next, but I’ll be going after that silvery-blue haired girl.

I wonder what kind of theme it’ll be for Kouta and I?

--~~* Rina *~~--

“Rina, wake up or you’ll be late for school!”


Like you even care.  You probably want me out of the house so you can bring over your little boy-toy.  Fucking nasty hag.  If you hate your husband so much, just get a divorce like a normal couple and don’t act like nothing’s wrong.  Do you think I’m retarded?  I know both you and dad are seeing other people.

I’ve known for years.

Do you think you’re doing it for my benefit, staying together? Or are you worried about who I’d want to stay with?  That I might deem one of you better trash than the other?  Here’s a hint, neither of you have the right to call yourself a better parent.  Growing up with you makes me think there’s no point in being one myself.  Why would I want to pass on the fucked up shit I’ve had to endure through some fault of my own onto an innocent kid I might one day birth into the world?

Damn, I hope this contract is fuckin’ legit.  If it is I’ll be able to pay for my own tuition and if that modeling apartment thing is real, I can say good-fucking-bye to these shitty assholes.

My own place.

I don’t even have to stay at Zuzu’s on the weekend anymore.

As long as it’s real I guess I can consider it good karma for what I let Zuzu do with Shi-chan for Kouta’s sake.  Plus, modeling? What!  I’m a fabulous bitch, and I could make it big?

It’s about time I had some good luck come my way!

But to think Kouta was hiding such a big secret for the last year or so!  He’d occasionally talk about his sister to Zuzu about his crazy brocon sister, but who’d have thought she was the fashion queen of Shibuya?  He’s such an otaku I couldn’t even grasp how huge the gap had to be for it to be possible they were siblings even though all three of their names are at the bottom of the site in a small font.  His sister, his, and the photographer’s with the strawberry-colored hair.


Then again, that kid was hiding what he was packing that first day when Shizu came up.  I thought he might be a bit of a shrimp dick and that’s why he was fine just watching Zuzu and I go at it, but I guess he’s good at keeping secrets.

Actually, it’s not like I didn’t know how good he was at keeping secrets.  I remember being in middle school year two with him, Zuzu, and Umeko.

Kouta can keep a secret.

But it doesn’t change the fact that he’s also a bit of a dense motherfucker at times.  Umeko was clearly hiding something seriously bad happening to her and he didn’t even think to ask her.  All because she kept quiet after his sister chased her away from his house?

I thought for sure Kouta would be windows to the wall inside of Umeko, instead he just shut down until he got a hard-on for Shizu a couple years later.

I get it though.  No one’s perfect.  Kouta can follow through, but his ability to get shit done by himself is pathetically bad.  I guess Zuzu and I will have to keep an eye on him until we graduate.


Maybe I’ll surprise him with a graduation bang?

Would be a pity to let that thing go untested now that I know about it.  I mean, we’re all friends anyway.  I let my boyfriend fuck your woman, and I get a freebie as an interest payment.

It’s good to be a slut.

I don’t have to hold on to worthless feelings that will only tear me apart later in life.  That’s why I like Zuzu.  It’s no strings attached… for me at least.  I don’t mind being his woman for a long time, but as long as he doesn’t do anything to pressure me into something more, nothing has to change.   

Kouta’s built different though.

Even though Mahimahi and Shi-chan were taking care of him, he couldn’t hide his real feelings.

I, who never averted my gaze away for even a second saw it all.

So I’ll continue to keep an eye on him.  He’s worth having as a friend, and who knows, if Zuzu’s out of town for a competition, maybe I’ll have a little fun with him.

Because I know Kouta can keep a secret.

--~~* Kanae *~~--

The only thing better than a morning cigarette and cup of coffee, is having my whole world entwined voluntarily with my own body. 

I was a bit out of it last night, but it seems Kouta decided to night crawl into my bedroom.  I’m sweaty as hell since he was right up against me, but at the same time there’s no where else I would want to be right now than sweaty next to him.

I plant a number of kisses on his head and wish he truly understood my feelings for him.  He really is my everything.  If I could end the whole world, and have him for myself and Mafuyu, I’d press the nuke button as many times as I needed to.

After all, I exist for him.

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I just came into the world earlier to make sure it was that much easier to move for his sake.  Granted that had a problem attached to it.  Three fucking parasites the world would be better without.  Reiko, Ryohei, and Jiji.  At least one of them is gone.  But that leaves the other two.

Hopefully with what I’ve been busy arranging thanks to inheriting the rights to the Shimejima Company, I can take a more profound step in securing his happiness.

A private residence.

It was supposed to be for us three and any other girls that catch his eye from time to time, but to think he’d find such low-quality trash.  It’s a bit disappointing.

There is one potential among them, though.


I don’t expect him to know her, but I’ve seen her a few times at those high society parties I was forced to mingle at.  I never bothered to introduce myself, but she’s definitely the daughter of the Suzuki branch family.

I suppose if choosing someone in high society was a must, she’d be a much better pick than Saotome Ibuki.  If it were at least her older sister, Saotome Haruka, that would be another story.  I’ve never heard a shameful word about her.

Kouta and I are direct heirs.  There’s uncle Rui and his two daughters, but he has actively tried to not inherit Shimejima.  That’s why it fell to me, as I was appointed directly to inherit the reigns as CEO from Reiko’s father, Shimejima Gorou–Jiji.

I’d rather not think of the events of a decade ago, but this is also why Kouta will have to deal with her, eventually.  That scheming bitch who saved me from an absolutely horrible fate.

Even if I don’t like her, she’s kept to our agreement and hasn’t knifed me in the back.  Ten years with Jiji must have been hell for her.  It’s a debt Kouta must repay for me, even if it destroys a magnitude of trust and affection between us.

Seeing as how I’ll be twenty-five next year, I’ll also not only be CEO, I’ll also having the board breathing down my neck and quickly trying to set me up with a husband no doubt.

I have no interest in men besides my Kouta.

They are all filthy disgusting pigs.  Women aren’t that much better, but at least they are better at concealing their base desires and cruelty better.

That’s why I’ve put my trust into three important people.  Those who are loyal enough to seeing both Kouta and I not becoming separated.

Nishioka Tamayo, Yorugata Ruru, and Echizen Mafuyu.

All that’s left now is to enjoy the remaining time I have before work inevitably drags me away from what’s most important.

I want to see his smile.

That’s all I need.

 As long as Kouta is happy, I can endure anything for him.

--~~* Kouta *~~--

I woke up sweaty with my face tucked into Onee-chan’s tee buried between her breasts.  I only opened my eyes because my head was being stroked by her.

“Morning, Onee-chan.

“Good morning, Kouta.  Did you sleep well?”

“Yep.  I feel totally spoiled by my other half.”

I reached a little upwards and groped those soft marshmallows, giving a playful bite over the cotton of her shirt.

“Teasing me this early in the morning, Kouta?”

I hugged her body tightly and claimed her as mine.  She’s my older sister, so as a spoiled little brother, I have that exclusive right… for now.

Onee-chan… I’m going to have sex with Shizu this week.”

“If that’s what you want.  Are you going to do it here, or would you like me to rent you a hotel?”

“I’m not sure.  Can I let you know later?”

“Any time you want to.”

She ruffled my hair.

“It’s still early.  Do you want to take a shower with me?”

“I do, but can I ask your help with something first?”

“What is it you need help with?”

“I… want to practice being able to put it in… so I don’t um… make a mistake.”

Onee-chan laughed.

“If that is what my Kouta wants, practice all you like.”

She got on all fours for me.  As she wasn’t wearing a bra, her breasts dangled low and pushed the limits of her tee.  Her curvaceous butt was pushed out, with a pair of soft white cotton panties covering up her birthing passage.  It became obvious that I would need to strip those off of her if I wanted to continue.

I approached her from behind, carefully sliding my fingers in between the elastic and slowly removed them.

“Kouta, do you like how my pussy looks?”

Was she asking me rhetorically?  This was something I beat my meat to regularly for the last few years.  Even if it was hairy and didn’t look like she took particular care in grooming it… yeah.  I did.  

“It looks erotic and adult-like to me.  Why wouldn’t I?”

“Some guys like it shaved, so that they can feel like they are fucking a young girl.”

“I think on your body that would take back some of the sexiness.  Onee-chan looks best as an erotic older woman.”

“Fufufu, then I’m glad.”

It didn’t take but a few moments, and a lick or two, to get my partner motivated.

Kanae reached underneath her body with one hand and spread herself apart in the right place.

“It goes there, Kouta.  As long as the person you want is a woman, their weakness to you will be right there.  You just need to take a deep breath and take what you want.  When you get that far, don’t hesitate.  Don’t doubt yourself, and be confident.  Otherwise you will hurt their trust and goodwill.”

I took my fleshy slab of goodwill and pressed the tip at her slightly gaping entrance.

“That’s right, Kouta.  This is how you unlock a woman’s restraints.  It’s only at this moment they can stop having to wear their social masks and reveal to you their inner selves.  The part of them that is a bitch who wants to be bred by superior genes.”

“Superior?  I’m just an otaku, Onee-chan.”

“No, Kouta.  Right now you are a man with superior genes.  My womb is aching for it right now.  Do you want to feel my insides with your fingers?  My entire body is flooding with lubrication in the hopes you’ll put it in me and coat all of my insides with your seed.”

Onee-chan’s erotic talk was a bit much.  I was almost ready to plunge it into her.  But, it did inspire confidence in me now.  Just like how I saw dad mount mom last night, I now understood how to do it properly with a woman.  But this was just one position.

“Can we try another position?”

“What do you have in mind?”

“The normal one?  Where you’re lying on your back.”

She went onto her back and made sure to pull up her knees.  The angle was a bit tricky at first since I was also still on my knees, but I was able to put it to the hole correctly again.  Seeing her breasts become like marshmallowy puddles underneath her tee was also massively erotic.

I took a moment to touch them as I wanted.

“Enjoying yourself?”

“Would you be ashamed of me if I am?”

“Why would I?  Then I’d have to be ashamed of me for using my body to seduce you as well.”

I was satisfied with this position enough already.

“And for the last one… can you get on top of me?”

We changed places.  She climbed on top of me, and was hovering over my throbbing unit.  She was careful here though.  Unlike the previous two times, she took hold of my thing and guided it to the right spot.  She really was just gushing pure unadulterated ara ara right on top of my piece.  I could feel how much hotter her place had become.

“Are you okay, Kouta?  Would… you like to cut the shit and just do it?”

The temptation was real.  If it were anyone other than my sister right now.  I wouldn’t be able to say no.

Onee-chan, is… it your first time?”

She got oddly quiet and put on her poker face.

“You’ve got to learn when not to say the wrong thing at the worst possible moment to say it at, Kouta.”

“Eh?  So it’s… not?”

She adjusted herself and I slid in between her folds instead of into her vagina.  It didn’t feel any less incredible.  She leaned forward and her lips occupied my own.  My crazy, obsessive sister and I kissed each other.  

But it somehow felt sad.

Then after a little bit of grinding, she climbed off of me.

“Was there anything else you needed?”

It was cut short right when it was getting good.  If I needed anything, it was to finish, but I felt like I couldn’t ask that of her right now.

“No.  Thanks… for the practical lesson, Onee-chan.”

“Anything for you, my Kouta.”

She took a moment to light up a cigarette and dug around for some clothes.

“I’ll meet you in the shower.”


After a rather plain shower devoid of anything past us washing each other, and a moment where she just hugged me quietly while the water rained upon our heads, we got out, dried off, and got dressed.

Downstairs she got right to making breakfast, my bento had been prepared last night already, and mom and dad were asleep still.  After what I saw those two did, I’d be tired still too.

With breakfast downed, Nakada-san had come to pick me up right on time, and I left Onee-chan behind.  Her expression having been unchanged since I asked her that question.

Was there a reason for her not to tell me?

Walking with Shizu, I decided to ask her if she might know why a woman wouldn’t answer a question like that.

“Are you asking for real?”


“Because that’s a question that puts a value on a woman.  If you love each other, then isn’t that enough?  Why should it matter if she’s done it before if you’d already both be at that point?  I mean, with me, you already know up front I’m not.  But if I kept it a secret and someone asked me, I’d wonder if they cared more that I was just some girl who hadn’t done it before so they could feel more secure than I was, rather than feeling secure with them like I should be because they accepted to love me regardless of my past.  This is mainly the same reason as to why up until you, I’ve never dated anyone.”

She gave me a lot to think about.

“Would it mean that she isn’t, though?  If she reacted poorly?”

“It doesn’t necessarily mean anything, only that your words hurt her.  If you truly love someone, then love is the only thing that should matter.  It’s like the zoo.  The lioness likes to mate, but do you think the lion cares if it’s her first time?  They just enjoy the heat together and he gets wrung dry, by one or by many.  But if you’re a penguin, then you do that whole find the person you love thing and bring them shiny rocks, and then get your penguin woman stolen and can only find solace in a cardboard cutout, destined to be alone forever… because you cared more about an outdated way of doing things than the moment itself with the person who mattered.”

Nakada-san wrapped an arm around me.

“It doesn’t mean I hate that part of you, though.  You can bring me all the shiny pebbles you want, and I’m going to let you think you’re doing well no matter what, then after mating with you a whole bunch of times, when you are way beyond spent, I’m going to bite your balls as many times as I need to until you get it back up and I’m satisfied.”

I felt a small cold ache down below.  I had experienced such a moment already, when she kept sucking on me after I came.

I’d rather not experience that again.

We continued to walk to school until Umeko joined us at the usual spot.

--~~* Umeko *~~--

“Lazy little bitch!  It’s about time you start pulling your weight around here!”

Mom’s got that glazed-over look on her face that lets me know she had been poured one too many drinks last night.  

“You don’t do shit around here, and food isn’t free!  Who do you think is the one providing for you and your sister?  At least make yourself useful and use that pretty body I gave you and bring home some money.”

Mom’s tirade has nothing to do with food costing money.  It’s her excessive drinking and probably a drug habit too, though I’ve yet to actually catch her with the latter that does.  I’m just glad I was able to send off Chikako to school first.  I can handle whatever bullshit mom throws in my direction, but my sister doesn’t need to be here for any of it.  

“Just give me a week, I’ll have something to give you by then.”

“Hmph.  You better have.  If you don’t, I’ll have you come with me.  I’ve got someone who’d be happy to pay to play with you.”

Mom lightly caressed my cheek before giving it a few testing slaps.  Thankfully she didn’t just swing wildly at me.  Not that it would have been the first time if she did.

“Anyway, there’s some food in a plastic container if you want to eat before you go to bed.  Have a good rest, mother.”

I tried not to say that last word with biting sarcasm.

She was anything but a good mother.

If anything, I was the mother of this family.  Without me no one would eat properly, no one would do the laundry, no bills would be paid on time…  but to her I’m the useless shit who needs to become a whore like her to earn scraps and hate myself because of it?  I’m the one who doesn’t pull my own weight around here?

Fucking cunt.

I grabbed my school shit and left the house.  Kouta would eventually be right around the corner, and then my day would get progressively better.  After all, if I’m going to be a fucking whore, at least it’s on my own terms now.

I’ll be his whore and take care of my sister at the same time.

When I reached the usual place, Kouta was deep in thought, and Nakada-san was right beside him.  Kouta was unaware of the difficult face she was wearing.  He’s so unobservant when he absolutely should be paying attention to his woman.

But that’s just how he is.

I joined those two, and decided I would give him a pick-me-up.  My much desired morning kiss, just a shamelessly slutty Umeko version of it now.  Kouta didn’t expect it, so he had no way to guard against it.

“Good morning, boyfriend.”  I said, slighting Nakada-san a little.

Nihehe~ Aren’t you just rolling around like a pig in shit?  Aren’t you forgetting something?  Where’s my passionate morning kiss, Blue?”

This blondie bitch.

I stepped to the left and threw my arms around her.  I closed my eyes and forced myself to do the same thing to her that I did to Kouta.  She tasted like coffee and a hit of tobacco.  However she wasn’t forcing the kiss like I was.  I could tell that she was trying to make it enjoyable for herself.

Kouta coughed, it was enough to break us apart.

“Didn’t enjoy watching it, Kouta?” I asked him.

“No… ah, actually it uh… was um…”

Both Nakada-san and I looked down and saw how much he did happen to enjoy it.

“You pass as a reliable slut, Blue.”

“Gee, thanks.”

I assumed my usual place by Kouta’s side as Shizu did hers, we continued onwards towards school as usual.  

“Are you looking forward to our shoot after school, Kouta?”

Kouta was distracted.

“Is something up?”

“Yes, it’s up.  Fuck, now I’m going to be dealing with this thing all day long.”

 Kouta, was only worried about his boner.

I should be happy at least that he popped one for me, even if I was only half of the reason.

Nakada-san does not miss any opportunity to show how much of a whore she is at any given time.

“We’ve got twelve minutes.  Want to help me take care of it, Blue?”

“What do you mean take care of it?”

“Shall I show you how to give boyfriend a blowjob?”

Is she serious…?

We changed into our indoor shoes and Shizu grabbed both of us, spiriting us away to the girl’s bathroom on the second floor, taking care to shield Kouta from anyone noticing he wasn’t a girl.

We both entered a stall, and it took no time at all for her to free his beast.  She went down on her knees, and pulled me down too.  I watched as she sucked off the man I had been in love with since I was a little girl.

It’s not unreasonable to say I was jealous.

Then she pulled off of him and offered me it.

Kouta was looking down at me, and I was looking up at him.

He was giving me a look that said it was okay, that I didn’t have to do it.

Like hell.

I’m your slut.  You’re going to take care of me in the future whether you want to or not, right?  So there’s no reason to refuse.

I whispered one word, one he could easily read on my lips.


--~~* Mafuyu *~~--

I checked my phone and it was almost eight thirty.  I had missed my alarm, but it didn’t matter.  I could be late today since there weren’t any models scheduled to come in, except the new hires which wouldn’t be until later.

I had drunk a little too much with Kanae after the girls left as she talked a bit more about her hastily constructed 「Black Label」 project to me.  There was no denying that the reception from our fans was overwhelmingly positive.

Kanae had been looking into using a payment processor that took not only standard forms of payment, but even cryptocurrency.  It was less about the value of the various coins, but about the reach they provided.  Even do-nothing NEETS who only mined coins could pay for sexy pictures, and they would surely share it on image boards which would in return attract more people to KanAtelier.  And odds were most of them would have the ability to pay traditionally, upping our revenue.

Hopefully, each of the new girls would be able to provide some wow factor that she could use in order to land us contracts with some much higher end clothing companies.  Like the ones out in Harajuku.  Though our fan base was focused on gyaru culture, Shibuya and Harajuku both are essentially the parent cities that birthed the fashion behind it, …or so I read in a book.

Again, I’m not a gyaru.  But, I do find the fashion amazing.  I like it when girls look cute and sexy at the same time.  Saying it like that I sound like a dirty old man taking a train and eyeing schoolgirls on any random weekday, but it’s not like that.

Gyaru culture is essentially made up by the concepts of youth, freedom, expression, and rebellion.

It’s gone through many phases.  One of my favorites was parapara in the 2000’s.  I used to love watching any number of gyarus gathering together and doing their fun dances as a circle.

Having a bunch of friends much the same as you, and being popular.  It’s a life I always wanted to have, but sadly was not in store for me.

Now… where are my panties?

Tomorrow is going to be my date with Kou-chan, and after seeing what he had to offer on the table after our nakedness team building exercise yesterday, I couldn’t stop thinking about it.  I’m pretty sure I rubbed one… or three… possibly more than that out last night.

I’m not even a slut.  I just kind of imagined Kou-chan being gentle with me.  We share a slow and erotic kind of pace which leads up to him claiming every nook and cranny of my body as his own, and well, I have quite the vivid imagination as to how he goes about doing it.  

It comes with the art degree, you know?

Putting on the very least amount of clothing acceptable to me, I stumble out of my room and make for the kitchen, where my mother is reading the newspaper.

“Hey mom…”

“Oh, Mafuyu.  I didn’t realize you were still home.”

“Nnnh… yeah.  I was drinking a little last night and I’m hung over right now.”

“Don’t overdo it, you only have one body.”

“I know, I’m just finally working on something really motivating.”

“Then that’s fine.  You look like you’ve lost a little weight, though.  Are you eating alright?  Shall I make you something to eat?”

“Could you?  Also, is there any coffee made?”

“There is, just rest, I’ll take care of everything.”

“Thanks, mom.”

I let my head drop on the kitchen table after I took a seat.  I had pulled an all-nighter the night before last and along with trying to keep up with Kanae’s liver, I’m really feeling it today.  I have so much model data to input later I want to cry.

But, if it’s for the sake of art, I’ll get it done.

As I sat there in a daze, the smell of mom’s home cooking filled the air.  Also a freshly brewed scent coming from the coffeemaker whispered sweet relief was coming soon.

A few minutes later I was digging into what mom made for me and beginning to feel a little better.

 “Mom… I’m in love.”

“Oh, a new model?  What fashion line is he modelling for?”



“Well, ours.  Sort of.  He wasn’t originally a model, but he just debuted.  Also, that’s not the reason why I’m in love.”

“You can tell your mother all about it.”

“He’s… younger.”

“Ah, still in college?”

I shook my head.

“Younger.  He’s in high school.”

“Mafuyu.  You’re twenty-five.  What in the world would you have in common with a boy in high school?”

“Mm.. I don’t know, but he’s exactly my type.  We both like cameras, and we can talk about digital art when we’re together.  He’s not the kind of guy who’ll stare at these stupid things when he and I are alone, and he’s kind of cute and nerdy but also attentive and considerate.”

“And what about him?  Does he like you?”

“I don’t know.  I have a date with him tomorrow though, and I am hoping for the best, but when I think of the kind of women that catches his eye, I feel a bit depressed.”

Mom’s hands began to massage my shoulders.

“Mafuyu, honey… even if he’s an immature brat, if he can’t see how wonderful you are on the inside, then he doesn’t deserve you at all.  You are a wonderful girl, and I’m not just saying this because I’m your mother.  I’ve watched you all your life giving it your best every day.  You also deserve to be happy, it just might come later for you.”

Says my mother, who had me at sixteen.

And me, her daughter, the failure in love whether at sixteen or even now at twenty-five.

“But, you know.  It’s good to hear you’re really going on a date with a boy, even if he’s younger than you.”

“What do you mean?”

“You’re always going on about that friend of yours since college, Kana-chan.  I had started to think that maybe you were gay, and I’d never get to see any grandchildren.”

“Mom!  Kanae is just a friend…”

“Sure, sure.  That’s why you’d come home drunk from time to time saying that since you’re going to be a Christmas cake forever, that at least Kanae would be your waifu.”

 Oh god, can I not shut my mouth when I’m drunk?

Okay, maybe I have a small thing for Kanae, but I think it’s more like a half-platonic thing.  After all, she’s my savior and my best friend, as well as being super beautiful and treating me like I’m important, but never talking trash about me either, or being ashamed to introduce me to important people and clients.

She’s even considerate to my shy nature when not hiding behind a camera.

“No, I’m not gay, mom.  I’m just…”

She pat me on the back, then gave me a kiss on the top of my strawberry hair.

“It’s okay, whatever you choose to be.”


“I suppose since this topic came up, it’s as good a time as any to mention it.”

“Mention what?”

“I’m thinking about getting remarried.”

“Fueh?  Remarriage?  I didn’t even know you’ve been seeing anyone since you and daddy divorced.  Are you two serious?  Are you planning on having another child before it’s too late?”

She pinched my cheek hard.


“Yes, I’ve been seeing someone.  I’m a woman, I have needs just like you.  I’m just more fortunate it seems to have found someone before my forever alone daughter.  I did use that term right, didn’t I?”

“Sadly, yes.”

“Anyway, we are serious about each other, and have been for years.  Also, no, neither of us have any plans to have children.”

I felt strangely relieved.

“Then, if that’s the case, why don’t we go eat dinner together and you can introduce me to him.  Are you going to move in together at his place, or will he be living here with us?”

“About that… I’m afraid I can’t introduce you to him.”

“Why not?  It’s not because of my chest is it?”

“Don’t be absurd, Mafuyu!  The reason I can’t introduce you to him is because there is no him to introduce.  You see… I haven’t been forthcoming about it until now, but the real reason your father and I divorced all those years ago is because… I’m a lesbian.”


“Her name is Chiba Fuuka, and she’s a wonderful woman.”

You can find story with these keywords: Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」, Read Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」, Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」 novel, Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」 book, Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」 story, Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」 full, Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」 Latest Chapter

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