Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」

Chapter 9: Chapter Nine 「Special Education」

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Tuesday, June 1st 

--~~* Kouta *~~--

Even if she said we’re more than family, it’s not like I can so easily call her anything other than Onee-chan.  I mean, no matter what she’s saying, it doesn’t change the fact that she is still my older sister, and it’s sort of an ingrained habit already.

That being said, there is a good reason she is in my bed again this morning.  Yes, she had some alcohol again last night.  Yes, she’s completely naked again.  And yes, I may have ended up um, letting her feel the joy of motherhood.

She’s always talking about how she’s more of a mother to me than our mom is and… you know… s-she never got the chance to breastfeed me properly like she complained about…

But that’s all I did, I swear!

By the way, I’m still sucking on them while she’s hugging me and petting my head.  

I’m a degenerate, I know!

Anyway, this morning is just a fluke!  After our discussion yesterday morning, I had told her that if I wasn’t here with my girlfriend, if she wanted to she could stop in and hug me for a bit, because what she said was true.  She did do so much for me growing up and I was being distant with her.

I mean, how do I pay back my Onee-chan for being an outlet for masturbatory relief for the last several years?

I can’t explain why she’s so comfortable not wearing clothes in bed with me, though.

Maybe she started sleeping naked at some point when I stopped letting myself be spoiled and sleeping with her in her bed when I was still in elementary school?  I’m not going to lie, I hated sleeping alone back then.  Onee-chan would always keep me warm and dote on me, and often even sung lullabies to me.

I really was something closer to her child than her little brother.

Well, as much as titties are endlessly enjoyable, at some point you have to leave the dream and face the world.  In my case, that means I have to wake up and get ready for school.  So with a sad heart, I said goodbye to the marshmallowy goodness and tilted my head upward.

Onee-chan was there, eyes wide open and staring at me peacefully.

“Good morning, my Kouta.  Did you sleep well?”

I sighed.


She gave me an enthusiastic squeeze.

“So, would you like breakfast first, or a shower, or Ka~ na~ e~?”

She said it…

The line reserved especially for a loving bride after her husband comes home tired from work to receive the special affection of the loved one he worked so hard for!!

Where’s my Shi-chan in a naked apron holding a ladle and making me a poorly cooked meal that’s way too spicy because she has no sense of taste and is also a clumsy housekeeper!?  

Why is that gap moe not here and my perfect sister who can do all of that perfectly and make me resent my try-hard waifu later on because I’ll always subconsciously compare the two of them whenever they do this again.  And so flawlessly too!?

“UUuu… You’re too cruel, Onee-chan…”

“…What did I do that you didn’t like?”

Sob sob sob kuuuuu~

I quickly got over it.

“I want breakfast.  I skipped it yesterday and never ended up eating anything other than the snacks at the studio.”

“Alright, since I’m fully recharged,  I’ll make your favorite this morning… TKG with some Karaage.”

Ooooou!  That’s motivating!

She ruffled my hair and gave me a kiss on the forehead again, then got up and began to put her clothes on.  I guess some habits die hard.  She bent over to collect her clothes in such a way that I could see the star of an old favorite show I used to watch.



Onee-chan… you said it before… that there are no barriers between us.”

“I did.”

“Then, it shouldn’t matter to you if I touch you right now, right?”

“That’s right.  But don’t think of me as your woman, Kouta,  think of me as an extension of yourself.  There is nothing you aren’t allowed to do with me.  You can freely do what you want with my body as you would want with your own.”

I climbed off the bed and walked towards her.  I reached for her breast and took hold of it with one hand.  Her expression didn’t change at all.  Not even when I took hold of the other one.  No.  It did.  There was a subtle smile on her face.

“This doesn’t bother you, Onee-chan?”

“Mm… I just think of it like masturbation.  There’s nothing to feel shameful about when touching yourself privately, and when you’re feeling pleasure because of it, it’s natural to feel happy.”

I gave up touching her breasts, and slid my hands down her body.  I reached behind her and groped her ass, and then the back of her leg, coming around the side and up to her naked starlet.

I dared to let my fingers trace and upside down U-shape from the side of one hairy outer fold to the other.  As I touched her, all the times I had ever imagined brutally mating with her while looking into her room as she fingered herself for me flooded my mind all at once.

I lowered myself to my knees, and put my face to her hairy mound.  I inhaled deeply.  My cock had been hard since I woke up, but I felt it stiffen up profoundly now.

I opened my mouth and fought a mental battle with my morality.

“Can you put your left leg over my shoulder?”

Wordlessly she complied.  When she did that, her lower lips parted. I opened my mouth and exhaled a warm nervous breath onto it.  I pushed my mouth forward until I came in contact with her pink.  Sealing that space with a lip vaccuum, I let my tongue lick the contained area within, tasting a salty and savory flavor very different from Mahiro or Shizu.

My right hand reached underneath and I inserted a single finger into this body who in my entire lifetime I had only ever come to terms with being my older sister.

I closed my eyes.

I pulled my lips away for only a moment.

Only long enough to tell her that I wanted her to guide me.  I wanted to make her come.  I wanted to masturbate with her body.

With a free hand hers covered mine and pulled out my finger from inside her.  She opened up a second digit and along with hers, she inserted us both inside of her.  She guided my fingers where to touch inside of her.  She physically imparted over my own the amount of pressure she desired and how to stroke inside of her.

With her other hand, she cradled the back of my head, making small adjustments as my girlfriend had on the floor of this very room.  She’d softly breathe the words, “slower,”  “faster,” “softer,” “harder,”  “higher,” “lower…”

The hand which was with me inside of her slipped out, I heard a dull thud and her weight shifting.  The leg over my shoulder felt a bit lighter.  Kanae was using her arm to balance her body better using the wall she was up against.

Her leg trembled.

She came.

I pulled my mouth away, and let my fingers slide out from inside of her.

I stared at my two fingers, wet and viscous.

She slid her leg from my shoulder and squatted down in front of me.  Her arms wrapped around me and pulled me into the sanctuary of her bosom.  A hand stroked the back of my head tenderly.  A whisper breathed softly in to my ear.

That’s right Kouta.  This was perfectly normal.  Nothing about this was wrong.  No part of this was forbidden.  I’m your Kanae, and you’re my Kouta.  This was just understanding each other.”

Was this how the devil tempted man to fall from grace?

If so, I understood why man fell.

Even though what I had done should never have been forgivable… Kanae’s words enveloped my very being.  She wrapped it up tight in a bubble of safety and security, and slowly strangled out any opposition I should have had with her soft, clear, confident words about who we now were.  Who we had been, if I had only paid attention and tried not to divide us into only brother and sister.

Kanae-Oneechan… my rough overbearing sister who always tried to steer my life in a particular direction.  The one who I finally rebelled against had taken the time to talk with me on a deeper level.  She explained to me that she trusted me, and that all this time, she only wanted me to be happy.  I argued that I didn’t need to be under her thumb anymore, that I was an adult.  She listened to my heartfelt plea and to my surprise concurred.  She promised to take her hands off the steering wheel of my life and allowed me to control it myself now.  She took to the passenger seat instead.  However, she wouldn’t leave me.  She would stay there as a navigator for when I needed her help and advice.  

I would understand the depths of this bond she spoke of as time went on.

Nothing further sexually happened between us that morning.

We had simply gotten up and put on our clothes.  I went to the bathroom to wash my face then returned to my room to put on my uniform.  Kanae had made me what she promised for breakfast, and even some extra became my bento.  There was one extra piece of chicken that looked dangerous.  It was for my girlfriend, Nakada Shizu.

A peace offering.

I felt strange.

Almost lucid.

Breakfast was delicious.

Mom complimented it.

Kanae huffed at her as usual.

The knock at the door came, with my beautiful girlfriend arriving on time to collect me for school.  She came inside and greeted my mother and there was no hostility this morning between her and Kanae.

Kanae told her to take good care of me.  That action caught my mother off guard, enough to stare concernedly at her daughter.

I was definitely in a strange place.

Shizu walked with me as she enjoyed her morning delinquency.  She talked on and on about how cool it was that my Kanae was the current Fashion Queen of Shibuya.  I held Shizu’s hand swinging it a little bit while we passed through the business district to where Umeko would eventually join us.

Which she did, right on time.

“Good morning, Kouta.”


“Yo, Blue!”

“Yo, Blondie.” Umeko replied while taking her place at my other side.  “Hey, Kouta.  I talked with Chikako and she says the contract is good, so I signed it already.  Do I give it to you?”

“No.  You should visit the studio after school and give it to her or Mafuyu.”


“So, Blue’s gonna be a gyaru now, huh?”

“Seems like it.  It’ll be weird though… there was a line in the that said I had to make it part of my lifestyle now.” Ume said sounding a bit unsure.

“Nothing wrong with being a gyaru.  I debuted as one in middle school.  Made a whole lot of interesting friends once I did.”

Umeko didn’t seem to buy what Shizu was saying.  Or rather any friends my girlfriend made wasn’t specifically because she debuted as a gyaru.

“Worst case scenario; if people give you shit, you’re free to come up to the rooftop at lunch and hang out with us.”

My silvery-blue haired stalker narrowed her eyes.  

“We’ll see…”

Umeko’s peck on the cheek came as usual before she went first.  Shizu’s kiss, much more playful told me without words that lunch wouldn’t be stressful.

I opened my locker.

There was a pink envelope sitting on top of my shoes.  It had a heart shaped sticker sealing the flap on the back.  Without opening it, there was no identifiable information.  A fruity scent wafted from it.  Was it a perfume?

I tucked it into my bag and went to class.

Kawazu had a face that wore an expression of apology.

I stuck out my fist, and he bumped it.

“We’re good, bro.”  I said to him.

I had a week to figure it out.  While I have no doubt he enjoyed himself, I may have caused him hardship with Rina because of yesterday.

“Sorry I didn’t come by your house.  We can do roadwork tomorrow.”

Ah, I had completely forgot, having been caught up with Kanae this morning.

“Sure.  Tomorrow’s good.”

I got a strange look or two from Kobayashi-san, but she didn’t say anything directly.  I couldn’t imagine for a second this letter came from her.  Nor would it be from Mahiro, and certainly not from Ruru.  Ume would have just told me to give her my virginity already.

I didn’t want to make a fuss about it, so I kept it hidden in my bag.  I’d read it later, privately, somehow.  Right now I was distracted.  I wasn’t quite done processing what happened with Kanae earlier.  What bugged me the most about it, was that it didn’t feel wrong like I expected.  I was just left feeling strange.

--~~* Shizu *~~--

On the rooftop, Kouta was resting his head on my lap with both of our bento boxes opened and resting on his chest.  We were both enjoying our lunch, and I had a particularly delicious piece of chicken which I was told his sister had made just for me.

Was I getting special treatment for being amicable to her?

Or was this a way to grease my palm for whatever interesting project they were planning at the studio I went with everyone to yesterday?

The rooftop was mostly quiet.  Rina, Mahiro and Kawazu were sitting a few feet away, the usual fuckfest on the rooftop passed over so we all could just hang out.

When he first arrived, he gathered us all and apologized for his inaction, though specifically to Rina.  Kouta swore he would figure it out within the week timeframe.  Honestly, I thought Kouta would be way more fucked up about things, but it’s almost like he wasn’t all that disturbed.

But he is distracted right now.  It’s like his mind is somewhere else, even though his loving girlfriend, who is me at the moment I think, is pampering him.

“Kouta, what are you thinking about?”


“Yay~  Ready for it today, champ?”

“No, I’m just thinking about the different types of it.”

“Gotcha.  I’m good with pretty much anything, but I think you’d enjoy me on top for your first time.”

“No, Shi.  I mean like, I want to have that romantic kind of lovey-dovey sex with you.  But what happened yesterday wasn’t anything like I imagined our first time would be like.  But… it worked to calm your itch down, didn’t it?”

“Un.  I’m not itchy today.”

“So, what if… it was done like a medical treatment at first between us?  Something like once a week, just to quell your itch when it’s bad?”

“Can we bump it to twice?  Kouta, you are underestimating how bad it was.”

“Shi, do you really have sex that often with other people?”

“Yes, Kouta.  In fact, I’m surprised there hasn’t been some trouble yet because of that.”

“What do you mean?”

“Rather than call them sex friends, there are some people who are sort of just… regulars for me.  It’s not even to the point of needing to bullshit around or drop hints that I’m in need of some.  I just… show up, and it’s done and over in a few minutes.  Of course, I make sure to use protection 100% of the time.”

“You’re talking about students here in this school?”


“So yesterday before Rina stopped you from leaving, that was where you were going to go?  To one of your regulars to have it taken care of?”

“I was.  Just to be clear, since I’ve started dating you, the only person’s cock I’ve had inside of me was Kawazu’s, yesterday.  But for me, going six days without getting any is unusual.  Usually three days is when I throw in the towel, it’s just that being around you… seems to take the edge off.  That’s a good thing for me, at least!  However, what happened yesterday was a miracle in itself.  I was in a bad place with my itch, Kouta.  Being let off after only two times with just Kawazu, and one of them you were a part of?  No.  If I had gone that long normally, and not had you around, it would not have been such a tame scene at all.”

I laughed sarcastically.

“Aren’t I just the best girlfriend?  Here I am telling my cute little lover all about his slutty girlfriend’s mating habits that don’t involve him.”

“Shi…”  he reached up and touched his finger to my nose.  I responded by quickly giving said finger a playful and painless bite.  “Can I ask you something weird?”

“Weird sex?  I’m okay with a lot of stuff, but no surprise anal.  I cannot stress it enough that things will end badly for you if I don’t get a proper warning before you try it with me.”

“That… wasn’t where I was going with the question.  What I meant by weird was… do you think it’s possible to be more than family and even lovers with another person?”

“Un.  I do.”

“Really?  You don’t think it’s strange?”

“Not at all.  For some people who have known each other closely from as far back as they can remember, it’s not a difficult thing at all to imagine people having a bond like that.”

“Even to the point where you can say that you and that person are almost one and the same even though you are two different people?”

“Yes.  I believe that’s entirely possible.”

Of course I would.  What he’s describing was up until only a few years ago, the exact nature of how Shiori and I existed as twins.  We were each our own person, but also we acted, behaved, and did things as if we were one person with two bodies.

“Is that so…?  I thought I was crazy to imagine such a thing was really possible.  Then, um… can you be a patient with me, a little while longer?  It’ll be my first time with you this week, and while I know how it works, I don’t exactly know how good I might be at it.”

“Don’t sweat that part, Kouta.  I’ll teach you everything!  Just make sure to eat a lot of garlic and ginger.  I need you raring to go.”

“I can do that.”

So, it’ll happen this week.  I… should be able to handle the itch until then if it’s a sure thing.  Kouta and I leisurely continued eating our shared lunch boxes until two new arrivals threw off the fluffy atmosphere we were enjoying.

One of them was a shorty with long black hair, and the other was a bit taller, with silvery-blue hair and a light complexion with a few freckles under her eyes.

“Ruru-chi!  Blue!”  I called out to them.  Why had they decided to visit the rooftop today?  “What brings you two up here?”

The delinquent lolita had crossed her arms in front of her chest.

“No real reason.  Why, were you about to get busy with Kouta or something?”

“Maybe.” I replied mischievously.  Mostly to get a reaction out of Blue.

“Oh, it’s you two!  Hey~~!” Mahimahi waved at our new arrivals.

After some quick greetings, Blue and Ruru-chi both sat down on either side of us.  Them being here diminished, but not removed entirely, the likelihood of Kouta and I fooling around.

Well, the atmosphere was peaceful anyway, and it looked like nothing was going to happen with Kawazu, Rina, and Mahiro over on their side.  They were just enjoying spending time with each other.  I think me being here has messed with the dynamics that used to be just those four.

“You know, the rooftop is a hangout for lovers to enjoy themselves.” I lectured them.

“That’s fine with me.” Blue said with confidence, “Kouta should have been my lover anyway.”

“Oh, are you trying to make a move here and steal my cute boyfriend?”

“What if that’s exactly what I came to do?” Umeko spat back, crossing her arms, trying to look imposing.

She was not imposing at all.

Not one bit.

“Shi-chan, do I have permission?” Kouta asked me.


Oh, is my penguin going to go on the attack?  This could be fun to watch.

“Un.  Full permission granted.”

Kouta moved the bento boxes off of his chest and to the side.  Then he pat his leg.

“Then have a seat, Ume.  If you are confident enough.”

She looked down at both of us.

“Hmph.” She stepped over him and sat down right on his lap. “There.  Easy.”

“She’s feisty today, Kouta.” I said without reservation.

“So you’re going to steal me away from my girlfriend?” he asked her.

“That’s right.”

“Umeko, I’m a healthy boy with urges.  Shi-chan here is quite willing to go along with all the dirty things I have in mind.  In fact, as we were just discussing earlier, she’s even okay with some very weird sex.  Of course surprise anal is out, but I can live with that.  You on the other hand, get pretty flustered over only a kiss.”

“Well, I can do ecchi stuff too!”

“I’m sure you can.  I’m not even trying to bully you here Umeko, but up until now I’ve never been even remotely popular, you know that.  Now all of a sudden I have a cute girlfriend who does this stuff with me up here, even with other people watching.  You see, Shi-chan is willing to do anything I want.”


“I do believe if you want to steal me away from her… how does that phrase go in English… put up or shut up?”

Oh, Kouta knows some English?  Neat!  I’m horrible at it.  I can say a few phrases like ai rabu yuu and let’s fucking!

“You’re disgusting, you know that?”

“I do.  I might be a nice guy, but I’m also a complete pervert.  I don’t have to be my reserved self around Shi-chan.  I can ask for whatever I want.  To be honest, I don’t know if I can do that with you, Ume.”

“So, what, you want me to be a slut for you then?”

“Shi-chan, would you mind if I had a slut on the side just for me?”  He looked up at me with these little puppy eyes, like a kid trying to guilt trip his parents into to buying him candy for the first time because he’d never tried it before.

This shit was comical.

Plus, I don’t feel remotely threatened by Blue.

“Kawamura.  You’re really an asshole now, aren’t you?”  Ruru-chi made a comment with a pissed off face.  “But, you were always like that.  One woman was never enough for you.”

I met eyes with Ruru-chi.

“One woman’s not enough for Kouta?”  I prodded for information.  Since Ruru-chi seemed to know his sister, did she perhaps know something about Kouta that I should also know?

“That’s right.  Kouta’s a greedy boy.  Umeko can also testify to this.  Kouta is like one of those disgusting otaku creeps who want a whole harem of women, even though his personality is shit and he has nothing worthwhile to offer them.”

“Hey,” he complained, “Having a harem is the dream of any guy!  But right now, all I have is Shi-chan and I’m quite happy with that.  There are strict criteria as to what defines a harem, and that’s having three or more women who want me.  Even if I include Umeko here, she doesn’t want to be mine, she wants me to be hers.  I’d have to lose my current girlfriend, and if that’s the case, I want to be greedy here.”

Blue leaned forward, her breasts pronouncing themselves.

“So, then, if I offer to be yours instead, you’d have no reason to refuse me anymore, Kouta?”

She looked up and her ocean blue eyes met my own.

“Are you prepared to be his slut, Blue?” I teased her.

“No takebacks?” she answered seriously.

I nodded.

“I’ll be your fucking slut, Kouta.  What’s the difference anyway who belongs to who if it means I can have you?”

“Uh, Shi…?”

Nope.  You did this on your own, boyfriend.  Don’t look to me to bail you out.

“Congratulations, boyfriend.  You are two-timing me with permission!”

“Um… wait a minute.”

“No takebacks from you either, stupid!” Blue looked down and yelled into Kouta’s face.  Then she dove right in and stole his lips in front of me.


I’m a really great girlfriend.

Plus, I enjoyed feeling Kouta squirm.  I bet he didn’t think I’d let him go this far.  I could already tell he only planned on dissuading her, but he really underestimated her hang-up for him.

“A kiss is fine and all,” I began, “but you're not his girlfriend… you’re his slut.  And sluts are reprehensible bitches who like to behave badly, and like nothing more than to fuck.”

Blue stopped her kiss with my boyfriend and met eyes with me again.

“Alright, I’ll play your game, Blondie.”

She sat back up, and lifted up her shirt.  Her body wasn’t half bad from what I had seen yesterday, but she’s basically your childhood friend next door in appearance.  Not even the sexy kind, just the kind that loses out in the end of a romcom manga.

“So, blue all the way, I see.”

She had on a dark blue bra.  It looked soft and lacy, but I could tell it was cheaply made, and wasn’t even a name brand.  Kouta was staring at her covered breasts, but hadn’t made any kind of movement to deal with her yet.

“Are you a man or not, Kouta?  Your newest slut is offering herself to you.”

Kouta was not gentle to Blue when she provoked him like that.

Both of his hands shot up and took hold of each of her breasts over the dark blue bra she wore.  I was about to show some concern based on her reaction and stop him, but she took it surprisingly well.  Almost like it wasn’t the first time a guy went right for her tits…

Blue just became a whole lot more interesting to me because of that.

“God, Ume, look at yourself.”

“I don’t need to.  I finally have him, Ruru, after all these years.  If this is what it takes, I’m fine with it.”

Those words matched her countenance.

But she would never be the one he truly loves.  Should I feel pity for her?  Of course not, I have a defective personality!  If I wasn’t messed up, why would I have ever allowed this in the first place?  

 “Lift it up, Kouta.” I said to him.

Kouta slid his hands down from her breasts to the place just below where the fabric ended, his fingers pressing in against the underside of her breast and sliding upwards under her dark blue bra.  He was now making full tactile contact with her perky breasts.

As his hands rose to cup more of her, so did her bra rise too.

“Take responsibility.” She demanded.

“Sluts are irresponsible in the first place, Blue.” I educated her.

“I’ll be as irresponsible as he wants me to be, but he has to take responsibility… for me… as his slut.”

Kouta didn’t answer.

Or at least his silence was an affirmation to her request.

Her bra rested comfortably below her collar, and her tits were now out on display, being squeezed and pulled by Kouta.  They weren’t a bad size at all.  Maybe just a little smaller than mine, actually, but compared to the breasts Kouta has seen, she beats out Ruru-chi for sure, and I’m fairly certain Mahimahi as well.

Incidentally, Rina’s are about the same size as mine.  Hers are softer, though.  She loves nipple play, but Kawazu’s a fucking moron and doesn’t do it enough for her liking since he’s a muscle-brain that only knows how to pound away.

(I happen to like it rough like that though, so don’t tell Kouta.)

Kouta let go after a while and pulled her down to him so he could kiss her some more.  That at least seemed to be what she was really prepared for.  He didn’t go easy on her poor maiden heart at all.

When he pushed her away after tasting her lips, she went from staring at him, to staring at me.  The next words he said made me appreciate the kind of boyfriend who wanted me to be his lover, and not just a one-time experience.

“Umeko, be a good slut and give my girlfriend a kiss.  I’ll take responsibility for you after that.”

Umeko and I stared at each other for a moment.

“Kouta, If you even try to take it back after this, I will curse you for the rest of your life.”

Our faces leaned in closer.

Nihehe~  Blue… did not taste blue at all.

--~~* Kanae *~~--

“God fucking damn it!”

I slammed my fist hard on the table, spilling some of the freshly brewed coffee.

“Kawamura-san.  Pardon me if I sound rude here, but are you trying to dispute the terms of the agreement at this stage?  I do believe I have done what was requested of me all this time and have earned the right.” 

“No.  I’m not disputing it.  I would question my own humanity the moment I ever did.”

I sighed.

“But can it at least wait a short while, Nishoka?  He doesn’t know any of the circumstances yet, and he just got a girlfriend a week ago today.  Asking you to wait a short while until he at least has his first time with her isn’t an unreasonable thing to ask you to bear with, is it?”

She adjusted her glasses with that muted smile on her face.

“Not at all.  However, since you are asking me to delay the act, then I should at least be able to meet him, say, for a coffee?”

“I understand, I’ll arrange it soon.  Just keep things that don’t need to be said to yourself for now.  You have your promotion, the rest will come in time.”

“Then, I look forward to working under you as your secretary, Kawamura-san.” She bowed.

Jiji’s former personal secretary, Nishioka Tamayo, wearing her hair up in a bun, a long white sleeved shirt, and a flat black skirt vacated the café in the lobby of the Shimejima Company building.

As much as I want to hate her, it’s thanks to her there were no interruptions in my raising Kouta all this time.  Nishioka bit the bullet for me ten years ago, and I owe her a blood debt at this point.  

But all she wanted was two things:  A permanent position as my secretary when it came time, and… the right to bear a descendant of the Shimejima bloodline.  

The first request was easy.  With Jiji’s death, I was able to arrange for that with no effort.  The second however, is now something only Kouta can assist with, and he might be unwilling to pay back a serious debt that he has no idea the importance of.

Nishioka Tamayo was specific in asking for it in such a way, because of the superstition surrounding my maternal grandfather and even my maternal uncle.  Supposedly there’s some kind of thing in the blood of the males born from the Shimejima bloodline which can be inherited that makes them powerful and desirable.

What she was banking on at this point was the chance to obtain a son from him.  Jiji was already old, mostly infertile, and aside from his absolutely perverse proclivities, suffering from erectile dysfunction.  He couldn’t sire one with her.

Uncle Rui claimed he was unable to fulfill the conditions due to some circumstances which were known to both Reiko and Jiji.  That means the only one left who is qualified, is none other than Kouta, who was confirmed by uncle Rui and even Reiko to possess it.

I don’t know if I believe in it entirely yet.  I believe in tangible assets, not unfounded, outdated superstitious hearsay which dated back a hundred or more years easily.  The Shimejima line is part of the old nobility, and Kouta, though he doesn’t know it, is essentially a prince, and I, a princess.  Though, since almost  everything is corporatized these days, we simply fall under the term zaibatsu.

These matters were kept from him intentionally.  I would bear this burden in his stead so he could live his own life freely.  Which is exactly why I created KanAtelier for him.  For Kouta, and his future with Mafuyu there, just in case the stories were true.

The thing in question that was mentioned, is supposed to be an ability to attract others.  Left unchecked and untrained it could pose a serious risk, however, I’ve never seen signs of it manifesting the way uncle Rui and Reiko mentioned.  If it has, then I’m only full of disappointment for it, because then the results would speak for themselves already in the form of Sakuraba Umeko, Oda Kawazu, Nakada Shizu, and even Saotome Ibuki.  

All of them utterly worthless.

Taking out my phone, I placed a phone call to a certain real estate company.  A forgettable woman’s voice answers.

“Thank you for calling Ishida Realty.  This is Department Chief Sato, How may I help you?”

“Hello, Sato-san.  It’s Kawamura Kanae calling.  About that thing I asked you to look into, how is it coming?”

You are reading story Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」 at

“Ah, Ojousama!  Yes, all of the paperwork has been handled already.  Please give us one week to have it ready for you.”

“A week?”

“Is it not soon enough?  If you’ll bear with us we can…”

“Relax.  I was initially told the estimated time would be longer.  I’m quite satisfied if all I have to do is wait is a week for it.”

There was an audible exhale of relief from the other end of the call.

“Yes.  One week is all we will need.  Hearing you are satisfied is our greatest pleasure.  We also look forward to doing business with you again in the future, Ojousama.  If you need anything else at all, please contact us at any time.  Have a good afternoon.”

“You, too, Sato-san.”

I ended the call and made for the exit of the café.  Since the meeting I needed to attend was over, and my business with Nishioka Tamayo was for the moment wrapped up, the next stop should be to pay a visit to the studio.

Of course, I should probably get Sato Minami a present.  Who would have thought that first year lesbian kouhai who chased me everywhere back in my senior year when I was the banchou of Seijou High would have been a useful connection after all.

If I’m not mistaken, she works the late afternoon shift at the Seven nearby.  I suppose I can stop in and show my appreciation in some way.  After all, Kouta falling in love has made an absolute mess of my timetable for the foreseeable future.

A series of rapid pings hit my phone, and when I went to check it, I couldn’t hold back a smile.

“You are something fucking else, Mafuyu.”

I needed to get to the studio now.  That crazy strawberry titshake!  What the hell kind of sorcery did you just use!?

--~~* Kouta *~~--

I was in class when it came.

A message in the group chat.

>LionPrincess:  Kouta!  Check KanAtelier, now!

>ThiccWaifus:  What’s up?

>LionPrincess:  Just check the blog!!

I did as she requested and there it was… the headline:

「Coming Soon – Black Label by KanAtelier」

Underneath it was a square image, and within that image were four sequential images, doctored by the unholy magic of expensive licensed imaging software and a digital tablet that cost more than all of my consoles combined purchased at retail price.

A caramel goddess descends upon a mere mortal.

Four pictures from the many that Mafuyu took, enhanced to a supernatural level stared at me from my phone screen.  Even though I was just with her less than an hour ago, and the image of her kissing Umeko vivid in my mind… what appeared on the screen here was true erotic fashion.

>Mahimahi:  Holy shit!  Look at you two!  I wanna fap to this!

>BadAssBitch:  Who sold their soul for this?

>LovelyBanchou:  Did that tits-for-brains do a facelift on those pictures?

>PonyPrincess:  It’s a complete lie!

In class, Umeko turned around to look at me and I nodded.  I hadn’t expected it to turn out like that, and I’m sure after steeling herself for some humiliation play on the roof, this picture would have unnerved her further.

>ThiccWaifus:  Shi, you’re a goddess for sure.  Umeko, want to go next?

>Mahimahi:  Why does she get to go next!?  I totally gave you a beej once, Kouta!

>ThiccWaifus:  Did you sign your consent form already, Mahiro?  Umeko already has.  This goes for all of you.  Mafuyu is that good.  You want in, put that ink on the paper and let’s fucking gooooo!

>Mahimahi:  I’ll sign it, I’ll totally sign the hell out of it, so let me go after!!!  I’ll even let you suck on my boobies!

>BadAssBitch:  Calm down Mahi.  We’ve taken care of Kouta all this time, I’m sure he’ll take good care of us in due time.

>LovelyBanchou:  Am I the only person here who isn’t a slut?

>LionPrincess:  Probably.

>Mahimahi:  Totes.

>BadAssBitch:  Yep.

>PonyPrincess:  Sorry Ruru, I’m a slut now too!

<LovelyBanchou has left the group.>

Hmm, I wouldn’t worry too much, I’m sure she’ll rejoin a bit later.

As the comments kept coming in, there was one comment that began to get some serious up-votes, then a flood of nonsense right after.

FlowerWithAThorn:  I know both of those people.  They are both senpai of mine and go to my school.  The guy in the picture saved me when my ex-boyfriend was going to beat me up for cheating on him.  He’s way amazing!  Hey, If you’re reading this 2-C senpai, it’s me, 1-B.  Did you get a chance to read the letter I put in your locker? 

GyaruoLife:  I know the girl too, she’s the best pussy I’ve ever had.  I can’t go back to normal girls after that!  That sonofabitch is living the fucking dream.  I don’t know the school, but don’t spread it if you do.

ShibuyaLATENITE:  I also know the girl @GyaruoLife.  She’s a local to the Eastern Shibuya area, I’ve seen her with a couple of other gyarus hanging out at 109 before.  But I don’t remember her being that sexy.  FUCK!  I should have done a dogeza and promised to be her cuck for life if it meant I could be where that dude is right now.  SHIIIIIIIIT!!!!

M0nsterHunt3rG1rl:  He’s my fiancé!  

GalTRASH:  @M0nsterHunt3rG1rl, I could understand the lie if you were talking about the girl, but the guy’s not even an ikeman, so why Stan him?

GRILLEDgyaru:  I totally gave him a beej the other day, he also wore my panties on his head before I got fucked for the first time!  

LOLIBOSS:  Girls get near him and can’t help but become sluts for him.  He’s human trash.  I know his sister and she told me he didn’t even sniff the panties I gave him!  Fucking creep.  Give me them back if you won’t use them!! @GRILLEDgyaru which one of his sluts are you!?

GINZAwanderer:  @LOLIBOSS are you a loli in real life?  I will pay top dollar for your used panties if you are.

LICKYLICK: @LOLIBOSS @GRILLEDgyaru I will pay top dollar for you to get me HER used panties.

SLUTTYPONY:  I became his slut today, and I’ll be in the next post! @LOLIBOSS even watched it happen!  I also gave him my panties too!

BOXERSBITCH:  I’m not his slut, but I also gave him my panties yesterday after losing a bet.  @GRILLEDgyaru whose slut are you?  Are you changing men without telling me!?  Also, can confirm that @SLUTTYPONY and @LOLIBOSS were both spotted hanging out with both him and her.

HISLIONESS:  It’s scary how way sexier I am in this photo than in real life.  By the way, that guy is my boyfriend, “K” and @BOXERSBITCH and @GRILLEDgyaru are my besties.  @SLUTTYPONY become his slut today at school.  “K” even shared her with me! @LOLIBOSS was the second here to give him his panties when we both were alone with him in his room. @BOXERSBITCH is his best friend’s girl and she even lost her panties to him in a bet yesterday.  @FlowerWithAThorn I don’t know you though, have we met before?  @M0nsterHunt3rG1rl you say you’re his fiancé?  Tell me more! 

biteMEallOVER:  @HISLIONESS:  Are you for real?  You’re fine with your boyfriend “K” being a gigolo?  Man JK sluts these day are too shameless!  I’m just jelly though.  WHERE IS MY SLUTTY GODDESS!?!?!?  

KONBINI-LEZ:  @HISLIONESS you said he shared @SLUTTYPONY with you, does that mean you like women too?  I’d love to become YOUR slut!  

VERIFIED-MODEL-KIICHAN:  @HISLIONESS whoa, you became a model there too?  WHY DIDN’T YOU CALL ME?  I hope we can do a shoot together sometime!  Maybe you can introduce me to your boyfriend, Gigolo-kun properly.

VERIFIED-STAFF-ECHIZEN:  Hi, I’m the photographer for KanAtelier.  I will say this, while I did do a little editing, @HISLIONESS and @ShibuyaLATENITE are wrong.  She is every bit as beautiful in real life compared to these photos.  I wish I could have been where she was when that happened!  My skills are still lacking and unable to really capture the passion and desire “K” showed for her when he thought no one was looking in the studio and did that.  This wasn’t staged by the way, just a candid moment caught on film yesterday.  I even stayed up all night just to get these out today because they were ????.

AKIBAS#1IDOL:  I’m totally a fan of Gigolo-kun “K”!    @KANATELIER-STAFF-ECHIZEN:  You’re “M” right?  If so, I’ve worked with you before.  I’d totally love to do a risky cosplay shoot with “K” if it’s possible.  If so, reach out to J-management.  I’m not a gyaru in real life, but they’ve become popular enough in anime recently that if I don’t tackle it now, I might never get another chance as great as this!

No… no way.  Akiba’s #1 Idol?  Could it possibly be Min-min!?

GIGOLO-K: @AKIBAS#1IDOL @VERIFIED-STAFF-ECHIZEN @VERIFIED-STAFF-QUEEN Can we make this happen?  It would be a dream to do a shoot with my favorite idol!  I have so much of your merch, and your debut poster has been right next to my bed for the last six years!  I used to kiss it every night before I went to sleep back in middle school.

AKIBAS#1IDOL:  @GIGOLO-K oh, you are also a fan of mine?  Thank you for supporting me all this time!  If it’s not signed yet, bring that poster and I’ll even kiss it for you so it’s that much more special.  Alright, @VERIFIED-STAFF-ECHIZEN @VERIFIED-STAFF-QUEEN the ball is in your court now!  Send the okay and I’ll promote it on my end too!  

HISLIONESS:  How should I feel knowing @GIGOLO-K is cheating on me with @AKIBAS#1IDOL even after I let him fool around on me with @SLUTTYPONY and @GRILLEDgyaru?  

GRILLEDgyaru:  @HISLIONESS this is too funny!  I also thought @GIGOLO-K was cute and harmless, but it looks like I was way off the mark!

VERIFIED-STAFF-QUEEN:  @AKIBAS#1IDOL I’ll be in touch with your management soon.  @GIGOLO-K I’ll verify you and all of the girls when you come into the studio later.  Everyone commenting, please stay tuned for an official announcement and more amazing content coming soon from KanAtelier.

It showed no signs of slowing down.  Class ended and while waiting for everyone to gather by the gate, a number of students, mainly those who recognized my girlfriend began to crowd around us.  The most problematic thing was of my own doing.  I had replied under the temporary name Gigolo-K.  Since I was practically unknown at school, everyone either began calling me Kei or Gigolo-kun in order to talk to me.

But it wasn’t like they were interested in me at all, everyone was really just admiring Shizu.  We managed to escape the crows thanks to help from the school’s banchou, Ruru.  I wasn’t aware of the afterschool activities of Mahiro and Rina, but it seems that since Kawazu does boxing, they would usually hang out with Shi-chan afterward.  Since we all at least had a destination, there was no problem.

--~~* Umeko *~~--

I had thought we would be doing another gravure photo shoot today, but that wasn’t the case at all.  When all of us arrived at the studio, it was mainly to fill out paperwork.  Each of us received the same exact contract.  The duration was until august 31st, and the pay would be weekly regardless of the number of photo shoots we did.  The amount we would be paid was stupidly high, and if I was going to have to sell my time and body to something, at least it was going to somewhere I wanted it to go.  

To Kouta.

I had to lower myself today, but something that had been out of my grasp for years now finally became tangible.  Since Kouta wouldn’t become mine, I had chosen to become his.  Am I disgusted with myself?  Yes, a little.  But I got something from the events today at lunch.

Kouta finally looked at me.

I don’t mean that as plainly as it sounds.  I just mean that Kouta’s looked at me again as someone who could become his lover.  Am I still using him?  Yes.  I know I’m despicable, but Kouta’s the best option, and on top of that, the option I want the most, so why shouldn’t I be happy with my choice?  

I would say it’s because he was also eager to show me that I am second.

I’m second to her.

This became obvious when after what I thought was a deeply meaningful kiss, he invited her to taste me next.

This is what it means to be my slut, Umeko.

I understood his intention without it needing to be said.  Again, I’m okay with sacrificing myself, because it means I can protect my precious little sister, Chikako from our mother.  This outcome is definitely tenable for me.

While discussing the matters of being able to hold another job, both Nakada Shizu and Yamabuki Rina had revealed that they were already employed.

“Un.  I work with my Mama Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays.”

“I work at a nearby café on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 17:00 until around 22:00.”

“You aren’t asking us to quit, are you?”  Kouta’s girlfriend asked his sister.

“Not necessarily,” Was the reply, “right now these are short term contracts.  We can work around your schedules.  After all modeling is based on your ability to generate interest and likes.  There’s no point in having you sign something more permanent if you can’t pull your weight.”

Everyone nodded.

“You’ll be receiving your pay packets weekly on Mondays.  You can come to the studio anytime to collect them.  As you are our first in-house models, any suggestions you ladies have towards the work environment will be taken into consideration.  If the 「Black Label」 project takes off as well as the test sample Mafuyu posted earlier today, then this studio will become an off-site shooting location.”


“Have you girls ever heard of a Model Apartment?”

No one did.  I hadn’t either.

“Provided no one has remedial studies over the summer, a clause that was written in your contracts which require you to keep your grades high enough avoid that, much of the content that will be shot will be at a location I’m acquiring.  It’s a multi-room building where you can come and go as you please.  There’s a shared living space as well as a work space.  Each of you will be able to have a private room to rest and relax in if you so desire, there will be a fully stocked kitchen, and even a high quality shared bathing area.”

“So… it’s a live-in apartment for the job?” I asked.

“Correct.  Right now we’re doing one-offs, but fashion is always changing.  Each of you ladies will be focusing on a certain demographic of gyaru, so there needs to be adequate space for clothing, separate areas for shooting… it’s going to be a busy time for everyone.”

“Um,” I interrupted again, “I have a question about that.”

“Go ahead Umeko.”

“My mother works quite a bit and I’m pretty much my little sister’s caretaker.  Would I be able to bring her along for the times I’d be away from home for extended periods?”

“Good question.  As long as you all are under contract, each of you will be assigned a living space.  Whether you have family or friends visiting, I don’t mind, however content is king, so whoever you may invite must be prepared to sign a non-disclosure agreement to what goes on there."

"Oh, like to protect business secrets?” Mahiro spoke up.

“Exactly.  Because this first and foremost, is a business.”

This was incredible news to me.  If I had a place I could just stay at… I could even bring Chikako with me!  Mom wouldn’t be able to interfere anymore!

“You said first and foremost, Aneki. Does it have a secondary purpose?”

“I’ll let you all figure that out on your own.”

She smiled menacingly.

I remember that horrible smile.

It still gives me the shivers.

“Now then, since all the contracts are in order, let’s begin the first team building exercise.”

“What are we going to do?”  Rina asked.

“We’re all going to get completely naked.”

“WHAT!?”  Ruru yelled.  “Why?  It was bad enough we were in our underwear yesterday.”

“Ruru, in the world of gravure, there’s going to be plenty of times you’ll be in a situation without underwear.  It’s important to get used to it sooner rather than later.”  Kanae rationalized.

“But…  What about Kouta?”

“Kouta will be doing the same.  Also, Mafuyu and I will be participating in this training as well.  Some of you ladies may be plenty experienced with letting a man see your naked body, and some of you may not.  This is to acclimatize both genders to each other, and to get rid of any feelings of shame.  In the world of gravure and fashion, there is no room for those useless feelings.”

Kanae held up Ruru’s contract.

“If anyone has an issue with it, tell me now.  I’ll tear up your contract and you can go.”

Even though she was holding Ruru’s contract, her eyes were firmly settled on Shizu.  I thought Ruru might actually leave, but she ended up staying.  No one seemed bothered at all by any of this.  Was this really normal?

“Who’s undressing first?”  A simple question I decided to ask.

We were in a room with seven women and one man.

Kouta was so outnumbered, he never stood a chance.

--~~* Kouta  *~~--

I wasn’t aware my penis could stay that hard for that long.

After sorting out the contracts with everyone, my sister had ordered in some pizzas, which were left in front of the door to the studio.  There were no exceptions to the rule of being naked today.  I was the first one forced into undressing, then one by one each of the girls eventually did so as well.

And as Kanae promised, Mafuyu and her also joined in.

There was a also a reason for doing this.  Mafuyu is a digital artist, so she wanted a number of baseline shots.  She had the girls stand and turn hold their arms up or down by their side, even in a T-pose and touching their toes.  This was done so she could plug in the data to some program that would be able to virtualize what each of the girls would look like wearing certain clothing using some kind of physics engine.

It reminded me of a dating sim game that was basically used to create anime porn.

Even I had to participate.

The person having the hardest time here I’m pretty sure was Ruru.  The source of her discomfort was twofold.  I really think she was uncomfortable either seeing my body or letting me see hers, and the fact that out of all the girls present, she had no breasts to speak of.

But then again, every girl present, my sister included, lost to Mafuyu.

“Are they actually real?”  

“Did you get an enhancement surgery?”

“Do you lactate?”

There was no end to the questions thrown at Mafuyu by the girls, and she patiently answered all of them.  The information gathered painted a clean picture of Mafuyu.

From a young age, they grew.  And they kept on growing until she was twenty-two.  They finally settled at being a J-cup.  By comparison, Kanae and Mom are pushing the limits of an E-cup.  Mahiro is an all natural girl, and no, she doesn’t lactate.

I bet her milk would be full of vitamins and nutrients.

Shizu had asked me what I thought of Mafuyu’s naked body.  It was curvy in all the right places.  She wasn’t excessively fat, but there was just a little extra cushioning around her stomach.  She wasn’t toned at all, except for her legs and ass, which was quite nice.

“It’s beautiful.  But so is yours and everyone else’s.  I am left feeling a bit disappointed though.”

“Why’s that, Kouta?”

“Well, I’m supposed to go on a date with her on Thursday, but having seen everything now, and long enough to get used to it, I feel like a large amount of tension has been removed.”

“So, you would have rather enjoyed seeing her naked for the first time at the end of the date?”

“I think you’re getting ahead of yourself with the assumption something like that might happen.  But maybe this exercise is related to that feeling.  I’ve seen her naked, and she’s seen me naked.  So it’s like, we don’t even have the mystery of that to ponder anymore.”

“Then how about the opposite, what do you think about Ruru-chi’s body?”

“Also beautiful.  Her beauty though comes entirely from the absence of curves.  Her body looks immature but she’s also older than us.  We clearly know she’s an adult, and so there’s like this erotic disconnect.  Is it safe to touch her?  That kind of feeling, but at the same time, she’s a woman who would respond to being touched and even though she isn’t large in the chest, that only makes her able to do certain things that having large breasts would only get in the way of.”

“Alright, what about the rest of her?”

“I can’t say I exactly know how it works, but her having that very small and round ass would mean that if I were to take her from behind, compared to you, I would probably be able to fit more of myself inside of her.”

“You know, for a virgin, you don’t disappoint with your imagination.”

“Well, as a virgin all I’ve been able to do thus far is imagine.”

“We can take care of that any time, you know?”

Shi-chan was not being subtle about wanting to do it with me.  But this was neither the time or the place.  After all the necessary work was done by Mafuyu, and having been naked for about two and half hours with all the girls, Kanae declared the first teambuilding exercise complete, letting everyone get dressed again.

As tomorrow was Wednesday, Rina wouldn’t be required to attend due to her part time job.  Umeko had priority, so she would have some preliminary takes done with me tomorrow.  After that would be Mahiro.  The order between Rina and Ruru was left up in the air for now, since Rina wanted time to explain what would be going on to Kawazu first, and Ruru probably needed more time to even come around.

It wasn’t late, but the sun would be going down soon, so all the girls split, and like usual, Ruru and Umeko went in one direction, Mahiro and Rina in the other, and Shi-chan deposited me back at my house before heading home.

I would have liked her to stay with me, but she said she had to catch up on her homework.  Contractual obligations and all that.  Well, I’d see her tomorrow, so it’s not bad.

That just left me at home with Mom.

Kanae had stayed behind at the studio with Mafuyu to take care of some things.  Maybe I should have stayed behind too if I knew Shizu wouldn’t be coming upstairs with me?  Then again, it’s not like I’d be having sex with her tonight.

Soon, but not tonight.

Mom was sitting down on the couch in the living room, wearing one of her just-a-bit-too-erotic nightgowns.  It was red, and a bit translucent.  Either she had a bra on and it was the same color and translucency or none on at all, because I could see bits of her breasts through it.

If I wasn’t so used to it over the years I might have said something, but mom and dad love each other and they haven’t ever slowed down their physical intimacy with each other.

Maybe that’s why Kanae doesn’t feel shame doing what she did and why I enjoy watching so much?  I never really thought about the why thus far, only that to me this was something normal.  

I went over to join her, sitting down and mom asking me how my day went.  I however had a certain question on my mind that I would rather not have to consult Kanae about.

“Mom, how old were you when you and dad first did it?”

“We were both a little younger than you are.”

“Were you um… each other’s first?”

“Oh, are you curious about how we became lovers?”

“What I’m curious about is a bit different.  Were you, though?”

“No, Kouta.  Neither of us were each other’s first time.”

“I see.”

“That doesn’t mean we didn’t love each other, though.”

“Mom… I um… I’m not her first time.”

Mom smiled at me.

“Are you nervous because of that?”

I nodded.

“It’s not only because of that, but I also um… what if I’m not good at it the first time?”

“Do you think anyone is good at it the first time?  I’m sure even she wasn’t.  I know I certainly wasn’t.  Then again, maybe Ryohei was…  I don’t think you need to worry, you seemed to be progressing well enough from what I saw.”


“Ara, can’t you let your mother have a little fun embarrassing her son?”

I leaned my head back and croaked out a defeated noise.

“There’s nothing to be nervous about.  Are you curious as to how it’s done?  I’m sure you’ve seen it before, there’s no way you haven’t watched a naughty video or two.”

“Well, I mean, I kind of know how it’s supposed to work.  There’s a hole and I put it in, but there’s way more to it than that, right?”

“Not as much as you think.  I can’t speak for a man though, since I’m a woman.  Perhaps this is a conversation you should have with your father?  What exactly do you want to know?”

“Just… you know… how to not be bad at it from the start?  I mean, we talked about it, Shi-chan and I, and um… we’re going to do it with each other before the end of the week.  I just don’t want to be a total disappointment the first time by not knowing exactly what I should do.  Does that sound strange?”

“Not at all.  I’ll talk to your father when he gets home.”

The results of that conversation with my mother bore strange fruit at around 01:00 in the morning.  I hadn’t locked my door, and Kanae wasn’t in my bedroom either.  Mom shook me awake and told me to come downstairs.

I did and found myself being invited into their room with the door closing and locking behind her.  Dad was there and had a proud look on his face directed at me.

“Kouta, your mother says you’re planning on becoming a man with your new girlfriend.”


“And that you wanted to know what it is you need to do.”

I nodded.

“I just don’t want to be terrible for my first time with her.”

“Nonsense.  You’re my son, you’ll do just fine.”

“But dad, she has some experience already…”

“Ah, so that’s why…”

I remained quiet.

“Alright.  There haven’t been many times your mom and I can do something in the capacity of being your parents since your sister is a bit too overprotective of you.  So, if you’re fine with it… shall I show you?”

“Show me?”

“Kouta, we both know what your sister has been doing for you, so we can skip the difficult stuff.  I’ll show you how it’s done with your mother, and you just observe.”


Mom was smiling at me.

“Come now Kouta, it’s not like you haven’t accidentally discovered your father and I in the kitchen once or twice.”

They knew!?

“Haha, what can I say?  Your mother is hard to resist sometimes.”

Yeah… no, dad.  It was more than just sometimes.

“Alright then, since we’re being candid here, what do you know about sex, son?”

“Uh… I’ve um… used my mouth… and touched her with my hands… and um… she’s used her mouth…”

“So, it’s pretty much just the act itself you’re curious about?”

“Yeah.  I always imagined it kind of being slow and romantic and lovey-dovey, but there’s also like… the rough kind, too, right?  The kind where she’ll make a certain wild looking face and start moaning a little…”

“Hahaha!!!  Yes indeed, but to get a woman to do that isn’t something any man can get right during his first time.  Not even your old man was that good.  No, if it’s bothering you that much, you should consider the better alternative.”

“Which is?”

“Lasting long enough for her to get some enjoyment out of it.”  Dad said proudly.

“It’s true, Kouta.  Women won’t always orgasm from penetrating sex every time.  Some women are sensitive and it’s easier for them, while others have a much more difficult time.  But the one thing that doesn’t change much is that we want to feel good for as long as we can.  And it’s much easier for men to climax during sex than women.”  Mom explained.  “That’s why foreplay is important.  Make sure you touch her enough in a way she likes, and don’t even be afraid to spend a bit of time down there.  If you can get her aroused well enough, it’ll go a long way towards her being satisfied, even if she doesn’t orgasm.”

“So, plenty of kissing, playing with her body, fingering and licking?” I conjectured.

“Seems like you know your stuff already, hahaha!!  Just remember son, this is my woman.  So don’t get any funny ideas… you have your own to do this stuff with!”

“Dad, gross!!”

Of course, he was right.  I’m the kind of son who jerks it to my sister after all…

It began with my parents both getting on their bed.  Dad got behind mom and began to kiss her while openly groping her chest over her nightgown.  I’m ashamed to admit it, but my mother’s body being handled by him was sexy and stimulating to me.  I’d seen them go at it a bunch of times before, but it’s different when I was invited here to watch them in the capacity of a hands-off tutorial on how to have sex.

Mom reached her hands up and around to hold on to dad’s head while he kept one hand moving from breast to breast, groping them methodically, while his other hand caressed her body lower and lower until he reached down and under her gown, raising it up enough that I could see mom’s panties and his hand slipping inside of them, the bulge of his hand showing that he was fondling her outside area.

I don’t know if it was mom being proactive or not, but she took a moment to shrink her shoulders and escape the straps which held up her gown.  Her oversized breasts spilled out and her gown dropped down only to be caught at her midsection by dad’s hand which was caught up in her panties as he fingered her.

Dad’s groping was quality, I think.  Mom was passionately kissing him, though sometimes her eyes went from him to me.  She would touch dad in a certain way sometimes, and what he was doing would change.

He’d pinch her nipples in a certain way, or he’d go right to grabbing her ass while she groped herself.  It was all over the place at first.  There would even be moments where he pulled his hand out of her panties to use both hands to grope her breasts, and she took the opportunity to let not only the gown drop, but also slid down her own panties to rub herself in front of her only son.

My parents were absolutely shameless.

Now I know for sure where Kanae got it from.  I must not have been the only one to witness them.  In fact, that makes a ridiculous amount of sense now that I think about it.  How could Kanae not have been witness to this act more than a few times?

It changed over to mom pulling down dad’s briefs after that.

Dad was about the same length as me, only he was a bit thicker all around.  I watched as mom easily accepted him into her mouth and I wondered how she didn’t choke.  I could quite literally see a bulge at the top of her throat as she worked on dad.  He did not go easy on her either, holding the back of her head and cramming his thing as far into her mouth as it would go.  Mom made some sickly gag-squelching noises and pulled off for a minutes as long strands of sticky saliva drooled from her mouth to his cock.

Mom didn’t quite have the same expression as Shi-chan, but it was close.

Next up was the main event.

“Alright son, time to show you how to fuck your woman.  Observe.”

Mom was on her hands and knees on the bed, dad was mounting her from behind.  He slid his thing up and down both sides of her crack and then after a few courteous slaps with a heavy meaty smack, he put it at her entrance and I watched as he pushed it all inside of her in one go.

Mom made a sound at first, voicing her pleasure, while dad began to pump in and out of her slowly at first.

“Kouta, if you’re woman’s experienced, you don’t have to worry about it hurting her.  But if you ever do this with someone who hasn’t experienced penetration before, you should go in slowly and make sure she’s got time to adjust.”

“Uh, okay?”

“Do you know what a G-spot it?”

“It’s the place you rub against inside that has the most effect for stimulating a woman.”

“Correct.  Do you know where it is on a woman?”

Thinking back to this morning, where Kanae guided my fingers inside of her, it would have been the hard place that was opposite the clitoris where I was supposed to lick on the outside.

“It’s on the underside of the clitoris?”

“Oh, so you do know.  That makes it easier.  Yes, do your best to stimulate that area.  Some guys have a bit of a bend or a curve to their tool, other guys don’t.  I don’t, so for me I have to mount your mother differently when we go at it like this.

Dad rose up a bit higher and it looked like he was entering mom from a different angle.  Instead of fucking her straight, he was fucking her at a downwards angle.


Mom reacted nicely to it.

“You need to be careful of this though, because you’ll be receiving just as much stimulation.  It’s good to get in the habit of controlling your rhythm and breathing so you can last.  Until you can get used to it, just do your best.”

Mom and dad gave me plenty of advice, and a boner that I was ashamed of.  I left their room about a half hour later, mom giving me the last important bit of knowledge I would need when bedding Shi-chan.

“Just be confident dear.  That’s probably the most important thing.  There’s nothing more demoralizing than being with someone who isn’t sure of themselves and their partner.  Sex can be a very personal act for some.  So it’s important to be confident in yourself, and to give them confidence as well.  Don’t ever hurt a woman with words in the bedroom, even if she’s not good at it.  Be delicate if she isn’t, and never, ever, compare your women.  Understand.”

“Yeah, but… I only have Shi-chan?”

“Of course, dear.  Just remember my words, okay?”

“Alright, mom.”

“Good, now do me another favor.”

“What’s that?”

“Forget about what you just saw and rub one out to thoughts of your girlfriend.”  Mom patted me on the shoulder.

Yes, I also wanted to forget what I saw today too.

But it was nice to see mom and dad even after all these years have such a healthy relationship.  I suppose that is why I will be an Onii-chan too in a few months.

I went upstairs, and opened my bedroom door.

Again, my bed was empty.  No sign that Kanae had even visited.

I moved to her bedroom and without knocking quietly opened her door.

She was in her bed, asleep.

I closed the door behind me, and walked over to her bed.


I lightly tapped her.

Her tired eyes opened.

“Nnh… Kouta?”

Onee-chan… can I sleep with you tonight?”

She shifted over and made a space for me with little effort.  I climbed in only to find she was wearing clothes, though just an outer layer.  I snuggled up with her and buried my head in her chest.  Her arms wrapped around me and I felt much more relaxed.

Kanae locked her legs with mine and with two of the softest and warmest pillows I could ever have, I fell asleep blissfully.

You can find story with these keywords: Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」, Read Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」, Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」 novel, Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」 book, Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」 story, Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」 full, Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」 Latest Chapter

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