Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」

Chapter 11: Chapter Eleven 「Casting Couch」(2/2)

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--~~* Kanae *~~--

“You two did something to Kouta last night.”

I sat on a chair in the kitchen by the table facing the door to their room when those two troublemakers would eventually show themselves.

I was puffing angrily on my third cigarette in a row when they finally came out of their den of sin.  An immediate accusation was thrown towards them by me, even though I didn’t have any proof.

But then again, I didn’t need any.  Kouta suddenly coming to my room to act spoiled and then to put me through veritable hell as he teased me with that damn thing.

It’s a good thing I had finished the coffee in my cup, that it wasn’t a good cup, and that I had managed to somehow remember that murder is a crime.  Because the empty coffee cup flew from my hand, and shattered against the wall right next to the door where both of them stood.

“What. Did. You. Two. Do?”

Both of those two useless sacks of fuck and shit stood there stupefied before checking with each other to make sure they were in fact about to have to deal with me on my level, then sighed and decided to come clean before things got much worse.

“Our son asked about sex, so we… taught him some sexual education."  Reiko answered first.

I wish I hadn't thrown that coffee cup.  I wouldn’t have missed on purpose if they had only said this earlier.

“You taught him about sex?”

“Yeah, he wanted to look good when it came time for him to do it with his girlfriend.  You might not understand because you aren’t a guy, but Kouta is one, and he was insecure not knowing exactly what to do.  All I did was show him what he wanted to know.” The large manlet stupidly regurgitated.


“Show him?  What exactly did you show him?”

“How… to have sex?”

My hand slammed on the table next to me, rattling the ashtray.

“Answer the fucking question, Ryohei.”

“I showed him how to hold his woman, and how to take her from behind.  That’s it.  Besides, he came to us and not you, remember that.  There are some things that even you can’t teach him, Kanae.”

I sighed, then took another long drag.


Ryohei kissed Reiko on the cheek and speedily exited this house.  That left me and the birthing apparatus there alone.

“Ryohei was within his rights, Kanae.  There are some things a father is the most qualified for explaining to his son.  How to use a penis is one of those things.  Since it’s something neither you or I have, after all.”

Yeah, she wasn’t entirely wrong, but I’m in a bad mood because if I would have only pushed back once, or squatted down just a bit more, things with Kouta would have become far more complicated to deal with.  Because, until he understands our bond more completely, I can’t be his source of happiness.

It has to come from outside first.

A fact that has left me extremely irritable.

Mom left the cup in shards on the floor next to their bedroom door and walked over to the coffeemaker to pour herself a cup.

“Ryohei didn’t teach him anything weird, I hope?”

Reiko added a little sugar to her coffee, joining me at the table, taking a cigarette from my pack, and entertaining my foul mood  as she should.

"Surprisingly, no.  Not that you approve of your father and I anymore but even you might give his lesson a little credit.  I don’t think it’ll amount to anything changing his experience with that Shi-chan girl, but at least for the others…”

“The others, huh?”

“Yes sweetie, the others.”

I sighed again.

The others…

I disliked that I was actually entertaining that thought too.

--~~* Umeko *~~--

Cum is fucking gross.

This isn’t an opinion, no matter how much that whore Shi-chan disagrees, it’s a fact.  I’m sitting in class and I can just constantly taste it.  Even flicking my tongue against my teeth trying to swallow all the dried bits of it after that bitch pulled me off of his cock and essentially brushed my teeth and the entirety of my mouth full of his cum with her tongue after he dumped his load in my mouth before class began.

Those two are fucking degenerates!

I stared angrily at Kouta throughout class, and he did his best to look apologetic to me.  But still, it’s gross.  I wish I had at least drank something before class began.

It was a long few hours until lunch came, and I was free to make a break for the vending machine.   I bought a cola and swished it around my mouth hoping the fizzy carbonation would dislodge some of it and cancel the perpetually salty taste.

I decided to pass on finding Ruru today to come with me to the rooftop.  She seemed to disapprove of what I ended up doing yesterday, and at least with blondie, I know I can make progress with Kouta.

The slowly fading taste of dried cum in my mouth was proof of that.

Making my way to the rooftop after stopping back in the classroom to grab my own bento, I found Kouta, Shizu, the musclehead, the genki one, and tall tanned and bitchy all hanging out already, preparing to eat.  There were now two groups of three; Oda’s group, and Kouta’s group.

Kouta and Shizu each had their own bento in front of them and finding a place adjacent to him, I added my own into the mix.

“Sorry about earlier, Umeko.”  Kouta apologized at last.

“Save it.  I wouldn’t have done it if I didn’t want to.”

Nihehe~  Blue is acting a little tsundere after her first beej!”

I plucked a pickle from my bento and threw it at her because she annoyed me.

“I’m not acting tsundere!  I just didn’t expect having a mouthful of dried cum for that many hours would be so damn gross.”

“You get wise to it the second time.”  Shi-chan answered my complaint.

“Wise?” I asked.

“Yeah, I always carry a drink in my bag for that very reason.”

I threw another pickle at her.

“Skank!  You could have warned me.”

“I didn’t think you’d mind.  You love Kouta, don’t you?  I got to enjoy a mouthful of him the other day after lunch.”

Kouta didn’t say a word, only taking a bit of the rice from her bento and a bit of a hard boiled egg from his and stuffing his mouth quickly.

“Is my bento quarantined or something?”

Shizu just laughed.

“Not in any way.  Did you make your own?  I made mine and it’s a bit spicy so be prepared if you take some from it.  Kouta’s is made by his Onee-chan with love, so everything tastes good.  What about yours?”

“It should be okay.  I’m surprised Kouta’s perfect-at-everything sister isn’t also secretly a Michelin-starred chef as well.”

Kouta shook his head.

“She wouldn’t be interested in being a chef.  All the stuff she makes is mostly because I request it.  That’s how KanaCafe came to be, anyway.”

“Wait.  She’s KanaCafe too!?”  Nakada-san seemed surprised at that.  Does she not know how impossible that bitch is to deal with sometimes?

“Yeah.  Last summer we visited like twenty restaurants all over Tokyo and she replicated almost everything then posted them along with the recipes.  She had gotten quite a few heated letters asking her to take them down in the following weeks.”

“Is there anything else she’s also got a hand in?”  Shi-chan asked Kouta.

“No.  She did do a V-tuber stream once a week a few months ago, but that was when I was still big into that scene.  I’m not so much anymore, so I don’t know if she still does it…”

His sister isn’t a brocon for no reason!  All the things Kouta likes, she somehow has a hand in.  I thought it would be poetic justice if that also meant she’d dip into his slutty girlfriend over there, but then I realized that as his slutty girlfriend now too, that would put me in the same danger… again.

Kouta grabbed a bit of her rice and one of his wieners then put his chopsticks towards my mouth.

“Have a bite, Ume.”

I took that bite, and instantly regretted it.

Was it the wiener?

No.  It was the rice.

How the fuck do you make rice that spicy!?

After coughing a bit at the sudden intense strength of what had to be pepper, I was glad I thought ahead and had another cola on hand.  I popped the top and guzzled a sip, the carbonation only exacerbating the painful tingling on my tongue.

“Gah…” cough cough “Your tastebuds are defective, blondie.”

Nihehe~  Yeah, they probably are.”

Why do I think if she enjoys that much pepper on her rice, Kouta’s salty cum must taste like fucking ice cream to her?

Forget it.  I don’t even want to try and understand how her head works.  

Taking turns, we fed each other bites from each other’s lunch boxes until we had finished it all.  It was probably the most normal and somewhat romantic thing we had done thus far since… well, since those two became a thing!

“So, what are you planning on doing right now, Kouta?” I felt inclined to ask, since it was known to me that Kawazu did come up here with the purpose of having sex with Rina.

“I don’t know.  Originally, I was going to be patient and see if I could get lucky and get a blowjob from Shizu during lunch, but since both of you took care of me before class started, I don’t have any particular plans now.”

“Then, want to watch me get fucked?”

The overly cheerful gyaru who was one of our five members, Suzuki Mahiro, had somehow come over without us knowing.

“That could be fun.” Kouta said with a look on his face that anything was better than being bored.

“Want to get another beej from me while he does me from behind?”

“No thanks.  These two already took care of me earlier.”

“Aww, oh well.  You don’t have to film today.  Rina’s got it covered since I thought you might go for it.”

“Why not go for it, Kouta?”  Shi-chan suggested to him easily.  Does she not care that he’s her boyfriend?

“I don’t know, Shi…”

“She wouldn’t have offered if she didn’t want to, you know?”

“Do it.”  I found myself saying aloud.

“EH?  Umeko?”

“Go on.  Let that slut have a mouthful of you as well.”

“Oh, I have a fun idea, Kouta!  But um… we need Blue’s help as a fellow slut.”

“No.  I don’t know why, but the answer I’m sure I need to give here is no.”

“Hmm, what if Kouta eats you out in trade?”

“I’m not a degenerate who can’t go without sex, Shizu.”

“What… um… exactly was your idea, Shi?”

Nihehe~ I’m glad you asked.”

I am not.  I am 100% definitely not glad he asked.

“If you let Mahiro blow you, tell her not to swallow.  Then I’ll suck Kawazu’s cum out of her pussy and we’ll make Blue pass it back and forth through kisses between Mahiro and I!”

Can I raise that percentage by an order of magnitude as to why I am not glad he asked?  Okay, a guy with two girls wants them to play around a little.  Fine, it’s par for the course when you’re one of his two sluts.  I get it.  That much is tolerable.  But to now invite a third girl who isn’t even his slut, and then to have to have another guy’s cum added into the mix…

“Kouta.  Please knock some sense into her.  For me.  Pretty please?”

“…that’s kind of wild, Shi.”

Kouta… why???

“But let’s not get Umeko involved.  She’s… my slut.”

Right.  Um… fuck it, I’m sure that’s a positive compliment here.

“Hey Kawazu, wanna be a part of some group fun?”  Shizu called out to him.

“I’m listening.”

“Let us borrow Rina.  Kouta won’t do anything, just us girls.  We’ll put on a fun show for you boys.  What do you say?”

“Hmm… Rina, you cool with it?”

“Nothing else to do.”

“Great.  We’ll let Umeko film the second half of it.” Shi-chan said with a smile.

“Kouta, you can’t be cool with letting Kawazu’s sperm mix with yours in your girlfriend’s mouth.”

“As long as it’s not inside of her, I’m alright.  It’s not the first time she’s had his stuff in her mouth.”

“You’re joking?”

“He’s not.  Kouta’s got a nice video of it he can fap to.” Shi-chan giggled.  “Have you used it much?”

Kouta shook his head.  “Only once.”

I… may have made a mistake.

Picking Kouta as the guy I like… I may have made a horrible mistake.  

Ruru, I… was wrong.  I’ll buy you a slice of cake and listen to you berate me.  I was really, really, wrong!!

And so it went as they planned.

Mahiro was taken from behind by Kawazu, who did not seem to understand what it meant to hold back, and Mahiro was through the transfer of force and energy propelled mouth-first onto Kouta’s cock.  She was holding on to his pants as his legs spread to keep them from falling down while she sucked him off.

Shizu was watching, while Rina filmed the whole thing.

I learned the terminology for such an act was called being Spitroasted.  Of course, Shi-chan would be the one to educate us all on it, as she has also participated in such a thing.

Kawazu came first, followed by Kouta moments later.

“Here, Ume… just point it at us.”  Rina handed me the miniature camcorder.

Mahiro laid down on the rooftop floor and spread her legs for Shizu.  I think it would have been more fitting if it was Rina doing the sucking out of Mahiro’s creampie instead of kissing her, but both of those guys with floppy cocks hanging down were transfixed on the scene unfolding before their eyes.

Shizu had quite audibly slurped up Kawazu’s cum from inside Mahiro’s pussy, going so far as to push down on her lower tummy to squeeze it out, all while Mahiro was holding on to a mouthful of Kouta’s cum.

Rina then began the absolutely disgusting relay.  Deep French kisses with lots of tongue began from Mahiro to Rina first, and then from Rina to Shizu.  Then Rina passed it back to Mahiro, and finally Shizu kissed Mahiro to complete some bizarre cum-kissing triangle.

I admit, I may have also gotten a bit turned on by it.  But I certainly didn’t want to be an active participant.

Then, all three of them brandished their tongues, showing they had swallowed the two boys’ mixed semen.

In my mind only one word fired on repeat over and over again.


But, it’s funny...  Kouta seemed quite happy with himself just watching it.  Does he not care what Shi-chan does with other people while being his girlfriend?

I mean, he made it a point to not put me into that position, but, was that a bad thing… or a good thing?  Is that him being concerned for me after all, or him not thinking I can live up to my promise of being his slut when I asked him to take responsibility for me?

I supposed I should find a time and place to ask him directly what I should expect.  Will there come a time where he might want me to do something like that?  Would being his slut mean he wants me to perhaps suck off Kawazu while he nuts in me?

Actually, I might have a bit of a problem.  I’m not exactly on birth control here.  Will Kouta be upset if I ask him to use protection with me?  I think that’s the least he can do…

 Kouta, before all the girls who were still kneeling, bowed lightly.

“Thank you for going along with it.”

“What are you being so stiff for, Kouta?  We’re all good, right Kawazu?” Mahiro said with a friendliness in her voice.

“Yeah, that was some hot shit I saw.  I’m about ready to go again.”  Kawazu admitted his beast-like lust openly.  “Rina, anything special you want?”

“Just you.”  She said and began fellating him clean.  Those two rabbits went right at it again almost immediately.

Kouta had stuffed his cock back in his pants where it belonged, and sat down.  Nakada-san sat between his legs and he held her tenderly.  I ended up passing the camcorder to Mahiro who sat on the other side of Shi-chan.

While they relaxed and watched those two doing it, Shizu started up a cigarette and melted back into Kouta’s chest.

Nihehe~  That was fun.”

“Shi-chan, you’ll let Kouta play with me after you two do it, won’t you?”

“What do you think, Kouta.  Do you want to give Mahiro a go sometime?”

Kouta had a wry smile on his face when asked that.

“You aren’t interested in me at all?”

“It’s not that, Mahiro.  I um… I definitely enjoyed you doing what you did, but wouldn’t that be cheating on Kawazu?”

“I like Kawazu, sure.  But it’s not like I’m in his heart like Rina is.  I’m sure if it’s only once in a while, he won’t mind it.”

“Wow, you sure are free for a slut.” I said, thinking how stupid that sounded to anyone who actually loved someone.

“Hey, I’m free to like and do whoever I want.  Don’t judge me!”

“Umeko.” Kouta called out my name.  He removed one of his arms from around Nakada-san and put it around me, pulling me into his side.

“This is just what goes on up here.  I didn’t dislike anything that happened, Ume.   Even the sight of my girlfriend sucking out my best friend from this cute Mahiro over here.  This is just how they choose to have fun, so even if you don’t like it, please don’t attack them over it.”


I decided to let it be, even though it was weird.

“So even though you’ve got Shi-chan and me now, you’re still going to do things with other people?”

“Hmm, Mahiro’s kind of like the only exception, I think.  I mean Rina’s definitely out, and I’m happy with what I have now.  I enjoy walking to school with Shi-chan and having you join us along the way.  It’s strange that everyone’s kind of okay with it, but if you both are, then I am too.”

“But you’d rather be with Shi-chan than me.”


“Blue.  You’re his slut now.  I told you if you wanted to aim for it, I wouldn’t stop you.  Have I given you any sign that what I said was bullshit?”

She hadn’t.


“Kouta’s doing really well so far being my boyfriend.  I’m a pretty fucked up person and Kouta still liking me because of it… means a lot to me.  So, if a little bit of what you just saw that makes him hot and bothered is something I can give him from time to time since I’m going to hurt him anyway, I want to do it in a way that he can at least enjoy it.”

“Alright, alright… then, what are we now?  Just two of his sluts or are we supposed to be friends too?”

“You’re saying after enjoying sucking him off earlier today we’re not friends yet?”

“Kouta, she’s menhera, right?”

“I think we all are, otherwise we wouldn’t be having such a good time right now.”  Kouta said jovially.

“We’re all working together, so aren’t we friends already?”  Mahiro said with a smile directed at me.


“Un.  Friends.  Friends who’ve all given Kouta blowjob.” Shizu said with a laugh.

“That’s right, we’re sisters-in-suck!” Mahiro added.

“You’re all retarded.”  I said, but didn’t hate them at the moment.  They’re just idiots with sex on the brain.  I think as long as I keep that in mind when dealing with them, I can probably tolerate them from now on.

I rested my head against his shoulder, and just watched the scene as Rina’s face was pressed against the wall with Kawazu who was periodically slapping her ass as he drilled her dirty cunt good, together with everyone.

“You’re watching them pretty intensely today, Kouta.  You want a go with Rina or something?”  Mahiro asked him.

“No, I was just noticing that Kawazu always seems to be pretty rough when fucking Rina.  Is it really that enjoyable to be taken like that?” he almost innocently asked.

Shi-chan and Mahiro had two differing opinions to give him.  Shizu was in the for camp, saying a nice hard pounding was pretty enjoyable, and Mahiro in the not-exactly-for camp, stating that it hurt quite a bit for her first time with him, and she’d also like to try something a little less rough, but Kawazu was the kind of guy when he got going to just… let loose completely.

I don’t exactly have an opinion on the matter, but I think I’d like to go slow for the first time with Kouta.  After I get used to it, I’m sure I might enjoy it.  I know Rina certainly is.  Call it female intuition, but there’s no way she’s not enjoying being ravaged like that.

“If I wasn’t already wet, I’d be wet.” 

A statement from the head slut.

“Since we’re doing all kind of stuff at the studio, can we fool around a bit there too?”  Mahiro asked something that was far from innocuous.

“I wouldn’t see why we couldn’t, but it might make some people uncomfortable.”

Kouta was clearly referring to Ruru.  However he might also be thinking of me as well.

“Just what kind of fooling around do you have in mind?” I felt the need to ask.

“Nothing crazy, just… fooling around?”

Mahiro, again, is an idiot.

“I’m sure it’ll be fine,” Kouta sounded sure of it, “I’ve got some pull with the boss, you know?”

I had no idea exactly at this moment how wrong that irresponsible line of thinking would shape things later on…

--~~* Kouta *~~--

It was something I had forgotten about entirely.  I was putting away my notes into my school bag, and the pink envelope I had received but neglected to find the time to read had caught my attention again.

I opened it up carefully, the envelope’s opening still containing a fragrant scent.  Inside of it was a hand-written letter addressed to me.

To Kawamura-senpai of Class 2-C,

I once more wished to say thank you for coming to my rescue, even though I wasn’t in the right, and deserved everything that would have happened to me.  I was able to find another place to stay already so I’m safe and sound, in case you worried about me.

Also, if you have time, would you like to go grab a bite to eat sometime soon?  I have a club, so I wouldn’t be able to go until after it ends, though my weekends are completely free.  I’ll even pay for the meal!  I just thought that leaving my hero with only a peck on the cheek might not be enough to show how grateful I really am.

If you’re interested, you can reply to me by letter.  My locker is on the east wall second from the top and fifth from the right, with the heart sticker on it.  Or, if you’re the same daring hero I believe you to be, you can just send me a message on Line.  My ID is:  «FlowerWithAThorn»

I look forward to hearing from you.

Your kouhai, KonjouAi, Class 1-B

So that cute girl wants to show me how grateful she is?

Of course all the red flags are there for it being an absolutely terrible idea to pursue that.  My heroism was not deserved at all.  Though I could save a damsel in distress who meant nothing to me, I couldn’t even save my own damsel in distress who needed me to desperately fuck the shit out of her because I instead put more worth into trying to have a relationship founded on more than sex with her.

Still, she did admit to everything the guy accused her of and even said she was that kind of girl.  I really have to wonder why I seem to be attracting girls lately with all kinds of personality problems.  Mahiro aside, of course.

I’ve got my hands full with Shizu, there’s my constant stalker Umeko, the final boss Ruru, and potentially my sister’s coworker and friend from college, Mafuyu.  I won’t count Rina at all, because she’s Kawazu’s.  

And Kanae…  Yeah.  Kanae will always be Kanae to me.

Actually, when I break it down, I’m still only dating Shizu, and… possibly Umeko now?

I should actually talk with Shizu about that.  It was wholly unexpected that Shizu would somehow rope Umeko into giving me a blowjob at the same time as her this morning.  

Furthermore, that Umeko would be somewhat willing to do it, then Shizu having some kind of foresight when I was about to cum and ask them to swap before I did to spare Ume, only to have Shizu hold her head in place with one hand as she squeezed my balls causing me to instantly nut in Umeko’s mouth…

Then again, this is the behavior that Shizu constantly shows she is inclined to do.  And after what went on at lunch today, with her suggestion to me about having a little fun with Mahiro, I know whatever this is, it’s still only at the beginning stage of our relationship. 

I tucked the letter away in the envelope and put it back in my bag.  Heading out of class, I opened up line and sent a message to that cute kouhai.

«New Conversation with:  FlowerWithAThorn»

>ThiccWaifus:  Hello Konjou-san.  This is Kawamura Kouta.  I’m sorry for the late reply, as I only got a chance to read your letter a few moments ago.  

>ThiccWaifus:  While I don’t think I’m any kind of hero to deserve a reward for what I did, your kiss was memorable enough of one.  

>ThiccWaifus:  I also have something that keeps me busy in the afternoon hours after school, and I don’t know when I can find some free time, unfortunately.  

>ThiccWaifus:  I do appreciate the offer however, and I’m glad to hear you are in a safe place.


That should be a safe reply.

>FlowerWithAThorn:  Senpai, you can call me Ai-chan~

>FlowerWithAThorn:  It sucks that we’re both busy.  Also, I saw you on a fashion blog yesterday, you looked so hot!! ????????????

>FlowerWithAThorn:  My invitation won’t expire, so if you have some free time and don’t want to spend it alone, feel free and text me anytime.  

>FlowerWithAThorn:  Also, I heard you are also acquainted with my senpai who sits near you in your class, Kobayashi Natsume? We’re in the same club, and I’m also extending an invitation to come and check it out, you definitely won’t regret it.


So Ai-chan is a member of the Anatomy Exploration club along with Kobayashi-san?  Maybe if there’s a day where I’m not busy with Shi-chan, I’ll take her up on that offer to check it out.  But I’m more a computer sciences guy than a life sciences guy.  Anatomy and Biology are cool, but nothing beats a pair of nice thighs.

Meeting up at the gate, everyone was already gathered together; even Ruru.

We walked to the Studio together, the girls seemingly less divided than before.  Though I still thought the banchou was wholly uninterested in dealing with me.

When we arrived, Onee-chan and Mafuyu were there already, and it looked like there were a few new things added to the studio.

“Welcome, Ladies!”  My sister said with gusto, “I thought I’d try to make your stay here a bit more comfortable until the modeling apartment is ready.  There are plenty of snacks, drinks, an extra couch, some interesting beanbags, there’s even a smart-tv with all the streaming services, and a ninty swap to keep you entertained.  If you need anything else, you are free to ask, and I’ll take care of it.”

“How cool!”  Mahiro said while being chipper.

All the girls wandered around the studio for a moment before all five of them stood around a beanbag chair that made them seem like cultists for a moment.

“Holy shit.”

“No way.”

“For real?”

“Is that really…?”

“It’s so cute!”

I wandered over to where they were and looked at what they were marveling over.  It was a blue beanbag that looked like an octopus sitting on a chair.  Only it wasn’t an octopus because it only had four tentacles that came out of it.  It did have a cute design, but I feel like the appeal was definitely aimed at women over men.

“What is it, exactly?” I asked.

“Are you seriously asking that question, Kouta?”  Mahiro said to me almost angrily.  “This is like the most popular trend right now!”

“The octopus?”

“It’s not an octopus!”

“Then… squid?”

“Kouta!  This is INKI-CHAN!  Do you live under a rock?  Even Umeko and Ruru here know who Inki-chan is!  Do you have any idea how impossible it is to get your hands on this kind of merchandise!?”

I didn’t get it.

Was it like a limited edition figurine that came with some midnight releases for games I’d have to line up for out in Akihabara?

The girls argued for a solid five minutes trying to decide who would be the first one allowed to sit on it.  Ruru somehow was decided on, and watching her tiny form melt into the beanbag, I saw for the first time what a happy banchou looked like.

She had taken two of the tentacles that were on either side of her and wrapped them around her midsection so it looked like she was being hugged by it.

The remaining four all had their phones out and were snapping pictures like crazy.  Then after that was done, they each took turns and kept on doing that for a while.

That led me to find my sister and ask about what that was.

“I had no idea.  I just made a call to the company that initially furnished the studio asking if they had a few extra pieces of fun furniture laying around, and they delivered it all around noon today.”

She didn’t know who Inki-chan was either, it seems. I guess you can be a little out of the current trendy loop if you aren’t still in high school or college.

Once everyone got settled, Kanae went into the room and began to discuss today’s plan.

“Let’s see, it’s going to be Kouta and Umeko today for the gravure shot, Rina I do believe mentioned that she had her part-time job today, so she’s exempt.  Shizu and Mahiro, I’ve got a few outfits selected on the rack with the red reflector sticker on it, feel free and try them on when we’re done with our teambuilding exercise for today.  The goal is thirty minutes.”

Aneki, thirty minutes of what?” Ruru asked.

“What else?  Acclimatizing to the naked form.”

“I have to get naked again!?”

“Everyone except Rina does.”

“So if we have a part time job we don’t have to?”

“It’s just a courtesy.  Punctuality is important for continued employment.  Would you like to explain to your boss that you were late because you couldn’t get dressed fast enough in the middle of the day after school?”

She did made a valid point.  One could infer quite strange things about someone arriving late to their job with that kind of excuse on their lips.

Ruru aside, none of the other girls had an issue, not even Rina who said she was fine participating since she’d have time to get dressed before she left for her job which was really close by.

Kanae and Mafuyu also continued to join in for the exercise, which left Ruru grumpy that she had to do it again.  That of course meant I also had to participate, and so for the next half our, there was plenty of naked flesh to enjoy getting accustomed to… for me at least.

This led me to open the floor to the question Mahiro asked on the rooftop.

Onee-chan, is there a company policy on fooling around?”

“Finding it hard to hold back from laying your hands on all these girls, Kouta?”

“Not really, but just in case something should happen, will there be like… a penalty, or will someone get fired?”

“As long as it’s consensual, I don’t really care.  Workplace romances and flings happen, so it’s normal when you think about it.  I’d rather not have to say we’re a JAV company over a gyaru lifestyle and newly minted gravure content company, so I’d at least ask for you all to keep it in moderation.  I can pick up a box of condoms for you to use here if you would like, and if so, please use them.  The day after pills are a lot more costly to purchase in bulk, and unexpected pregnancies will not go unnoticed with the high resolution cameras Mafuyu uses.”

Kanae in short said it was fine in moderation, but that last part was a bit sobering.  Not that’d I’ve ever been drunk before, to know what that feels like exactly…

“That shouldn’t be an issue for Rina and me, since we’re both on the pill.” My girlfriend responded with information I already knew.

“Well, it would for me.  I can’t exactly ask my parents to let me go on birth control.”  Mahiro sighed.  “It would cause just as many problems as coming home pregnant would.  Having condoms would be nice.”

“Wait, are we all actually discussing having sex with Kouta?”  Ruru huffed.  “Aneki?”

“It’s just a safety measure, Ruru.  There are two potential parties here who it does at least concern.  That being Shizu and Kouta.” Kanae pointed out.

“Three.”  Umeko added, no doubt including herself.

Kanae only shrugged.  “Three then.  Unless anyone else is including themselves?”

Was it me or did Mahiro seem to want to raise her hand?

“I already have a boyfriend.” Rina answered non-committally.

“Anyone have anything else they wish to bring up?” Kanae scanned the room.  “No?  Good.  There aren’t any needs for nude shots today, so this is just time to be social around each other.”

“I have a question, if you don’t mind answering.”  Umeko asked my sister.

“Go ahead, Ume.”

“Don’t you find it weird to be naked in front of your brother?”

Kanae laughed.

“I’ve changed his diapers when he was a baby and we’ve taken baths together until near the end of Kouta’s time in elementary school.  He doesn’t have anything I haven’t seen before, and neither do I.”

Normally I would have complained if this was at home, but I didn’t want to show how easily embarrassed Onee-chan just made me feel.

“Besides, Kouta would be looking at you girls before me anyway.  Shizu especially, if you all remember that photo.”

An excellent point, but that was because I was looking at Rina, not Shizu… which is not something I’m exactly proud of.

“Um… setting Ruru aside here, and of course only if Shi-chan is also okay with it, does anyone here have a problem with me touching you in any way, especially while naked?”

The consensus came back that not a single person had a problem.  Ruru didn’t answer, but I singled her out beforehand.  I assume Kanae didn’t say anything because that would come off as incestuous and not exactly something someone would think was a point that needed to be addressed between siblings.  Mafuyu not answering was perhaps taken from the standpoint of her being studio staff and unrelated to the conversation since she wasn’t one of the five girls around my age?

“No issues with Kouta touching you, Rina?”  Kanae asked her.

“Not really.  Kouta’s not the type to lay his hand on his best friend’s girl, right?  Even if he did, if it’s just a grope or something, it’s not like it’s a big deal for me at this point, considering he has my panties he can sniff anytime he wants.”

Yes, pair number six of my holy treasures.

That’s holy, not holey.  Even though Rina’s far from a saintly person down below, her panties were in great condition, not even a skid mark could be found!  Her panty scent even ranked higher than both Shi-chan and Umeko’s pairs, making me want to have those two re-do their wearing so I could remove any bias from them being shared and have a more pure criteria to judge them by.

I decided to take a seat on the couch while Ruru and Shizu went for the provided game console and browsed the content on the e-shop.  It seems there was quite a bit of funds added to it already so they were deciding on a game to download and play.

Umeko was talking with Mafuyu and wound up following her over to her workstation.  Kanae had also gone to the other side of the studio, so it left me with both of Kawazu’s gyarus joining me on the couch.  

“Did you enjoy what you got to see earlier, Kouta?” Rina asked, reaching towards my thing and poking it with a finger.

“You know there’s no way I didn’t.  But… why did you decide to get involved?”

“Maybe I thought Kawazu might also enjoy it?  Then again, there was all that time you spent with us on the rooftop filming and you never once accepted any of my offers to take care of you.  You’ve finally got the crush of your dreams and you’re letting Mahiro play around with you two, and now you’ve picked up Umeko as well…  Seems like almost everyone has gotten a taste of you, but me.”

“Uh, but you don’t actually care about doing any of that stuff with me… right?”

“Mm, I can’t say I gave it a lot of thought, but I wasn’t disappointed when I finally saw what you had to offer that afternoon you confessed to Shizu.  Besides, you know how girls talk.  What if I don’t want to be left out of the loop?”

Rina’s finger traced from the tip to the base and then around onto my thigh where her fingers spread out.

“Hehe~ Kouta’s being teased.”  Mahiro quickly did the same, putting her hand on my thighs too.  “It looks like when Kawazu’s away, his girls will play~”

Alarm sirens went off in my brain.  These two were no good at all for my health.  

“What do you say, Kouta?  Want to play with this Rina-oneechan who you love to watch so much?”

In a quick moment, a very naked Rina had climbed onto my lap.

I could feel the meat of her under-thighs pressing down on top of mine.  Rina is both taller and heavier than I am, and I was already forging steel because of all the naked skin around me.  The heat coming from between her legs was radiating directly onto my cock!  Rina then leaned in and whispered into my ear.

Zuzu had your girlfriend once, wouldn’t you like to have his? How about bonding further with him by knowing you both gave your first times to the same woman?  You can even send your swimmers right into me and just like you boys do in the morning sometimes, we can have a secret race right now to see who can find my eggs first~”

Rina bucked her hips and her exceedingly warm pussy pressed and itself against my cock.  I found myself hurriedly reaching between her legs, not to fondle her, but to use my hands to prevent her from going any further.

I opened my mouth to reply, but Rina just put her finger to my lips and grinned.  Then she pinched my nipple and quickly dismounted me back into the space she previously occupied.

What the hell was that!?

Rina giggled and got up, leaving me alone with Mahiro, who was also quick to imitate her best friend by also sitting on my lap.  Was she going to say something provocative to me as well?

“Hey, Kouta.  Would you like to make out for a little bit?”


“You don’t have to worry about before, I made sure to clean my mouth out so you won’t taste anything weird.”

I appreciate the courtesy?

Mahiro gazed into my eyes and tilted her head.  She has a certain I want to protect that smile kind of cute to her that neither Shi-chan or Rina possess.  If Shizu had turned me down, and if Mahiro could have waited just a bit longer for me to collect myself afterwards, I might have just gone for her.

“You aren’t going to try and steal my first time if we do, are you?”

“Nope.  I know how much you are in love with Shi-chan.  I like kissing you though, since you know, Kawazu’s more focused on Rina, he doesn’t think about kissing me as much as he should.”

“Then… is it okay to touch you a little if we do?”

“You can touch me all you want.  We’re friends, aren’t we?”

While my upper brain wass struggling to rationalize what level of friendship was needed to touch the naked body of my best friend’s newest side piece, my lower brain had no such difficulties.  If my experience sniffing her panties means anything, it’s not like I don’t acknowledge Mahiro as someone I’m not interested in.

But, I just don’t quite have a handle on everything yet.

My feelings are for Nakada Shizu.  But unlike me, who would be perfectly content with only her, she is open to different things, even if those things are also other people… Like Umeko.

Instead of asserting herself in the role of my exclusive lover, she has not only made no effort in chasing away my clingy childhood friend, it’s actually the opposite.  She’s encouraged Umeko to intrude into my life more.  Even Mahiro here, who was always friendly with me, is now trying to be friendly with me on an entirely different level and Shizu is apparently all for it.

You are reading story Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」 at

And the worst part is, I don’t know what to make of it.

Is this her test to me of my loyalty to only her?  If it were, then why would she let things go this far?  She’s let me get away with so much, though most of it I was goaded into… would it change if it was something I myself wanted to do, even though if there is anything I do want to do, Shizu would be the first one willing to do it to make me happy?

We haven’t fought about a single thing yet, so I don’t know how volatile this relationship is.  While I don’t want to see it explode, I am also curious.  What’s her limit to the allowance of things I can do?  Am I forbidden anything?  Or is it that she is fine with almost anything, as long as she’s included and we do it as a couple?

I can say for certain… I had no idea my first relationship would go anything like it has so far.

I nodded at Mahiro.

She smiled at me.

Leaning forward, our lips touched and I could peer into her blue eyes.  Mahiro is a cutie.  Both brains agree on this.  As she kisses me with the mouth that sucked me off earlier and swapped cum with her two besties, even though she says she cleaned it out, I’m not grossed out.  I’m hard as can be, the sweet scent she has fills me up.  I reach with one hand for her medium sized breasts and softly grope them, even rubbing my thumb around her nipple.  My other hand reaches behind her head, burying my fingers into her wavy hair.

Mahiro slides forward on my lap trapping my penis so that it’s pointing upwards.  With one hand she is touching my face, with the other she’s grasping the top side of my controller.  She’s pressing it against her folds and bucking her hips a bit upwards so she can grind against it.

It’s… enjoyable.  While it’s still something semi-sexual, it feels safe.

Mahiro is a great kisser, much better than myself, and aggressive in a different way than Shizu is.  It’s playful.  Mahiro likes to tease.  The way she kisses intrudes and dares me to chase after her tongue.  We play tag, back and forth between mouths, with her occasionally pulling away to trap my lower lip, giving it a small harmless bite before resuming the game.

My cock isn’t being milked by her, instead it too is enjoying the moment.  Our two bodies exploring each other, comfortable, pleasurable, but within boundaries.  Mahiro knows I have feelings, strong feelings for Shizu.  She won’t capitalize on that and try to steal me away.  She just wants to have a little fun.  Because that’s just the kind of girl she is, it seems.

And I’m okay with that.

Because if it was Shi-chan, or Ume, or possibly even Rina!  They would go for more.  I believe that.  I don’t know for how long we were kissing.  But things went a bit further than that.  Because our mouths separated.  I went for her neck, kissing and biting it lightly.  She in turn was able to nibble on my ear, a pleasant sensation spreading through me.

Then down my lips traveled, the hand which touched my face, now hooked around my neck.  She thrust her chest out towards me, and I tasted the other of her supple B-cups while my hand continued to tease the first.

Her hips didn’t pick up speed, but instead increase the pressure it was using against my manhood.  Long, hard, and slow sliding strides with her pussy against the underside of it and delicate strokes only with her palm against the topside.  It was enjoyable as it was.  It didn’t feel forced nor did it come with expectations.


While I sucked on one nipple fiercely and squeezed the other, She made a soft moan, and my crotch felt a little warm.  Then she pushed against me, dislodging my lips from her breast, and leaning forward onto me, both of her arms wrapped around my neck, and her forehead pressed against my own.

She was taking small rapid breaths.

I was about to ask if she was alright, but she reprised her lips against mine and we again excitingly kissed.

At no point did I notice the eyes on either of us.

Or the camera, which was recording it all.

When she calmed down, when her head moved to the side to rest on my shoulder for a moment, it was only then that I saw six other faces staring right at me.

The only one amongst them with a deliberate smile, belonged to my girlfriend.

Umeko seemed depressed and Ruru was just the embodiment of being disgusted.  Kanae had her hand on Ruru’s head, and the look Mafuyu had… made me wonder if that was the face I wore when I recorded Shi-chan from that time.

When I captured the look she had on film when I let her suck off Kawazu.

Mahiro recovered, finally turning her head to see what I have been looking at for a few moments now.  If I had ever questioned her ability to be shameless, it was a foregone conclusion now.

Mahiro let go of my neck and spun around in my lap.  She pulled my hands and wrapped them around her waist.  She was using me as her throne to make a royal declaration.

“So, anyone want to go next?”

…afterwards, only chaos ensued.

--~~* Mafuyu *~~--

I was listening to the new hire called Sakuraba Umeko bring up various ideas about what kind of image she’d like to try for her turn with the gravure shoot today.  I had shown her a few pictures from a few various gravure magazines I had downloaded to help with the brainstorming when Kanae was beside me and handing me my camera, and pointing at the studio room.

I quickly got up and walked in on an interesting scene.  The camera was already recording and the snapping sound this camera makes might disturb potentially good content.

And it was good.

There was ambient noise coming from the new television and console that was brought it today and put into the shooting room, but no one was looking at that screen.

No.  All eyes were on the couple of high school students on the couch who were naked and getting quite passionate with each other.  I think it went without saying that what they were doing was erotically candid.

Seeing Kou-chan fooling around with another cute girl left me with some butterflies in my stomach, but nothing can trample my will to grab hold of something artistic, especially if it’s before my eyes and I have a camera in my hands.

So I filmed it all, until Kou-chan was finally able to come up for air and look his audience in the eyes.  The tension which had been slowly building up came to a complete head when the girl, Suzuki Mahiro, turned around to also acknowledge the gallery full of various emotive faces.

“So, anyone want to go next?”

She sat there like a queen on the lap of her king.

A Shuraba was coming.

What she said was like a declaration of war to every woman in this room who had an eye for taking Kou-chan as a lover.

The lolita had a look of contempt on her face.

Umeko, wore a disheartening one.

The tall dark-skinned girl, one of surprise.

Then there was his girlfriend…  And oh, how I wanted to capture the face she put forth!

It wasn’t anger, disgust, jealous, or any negative emotion I expected her to have seeing her boyfriend with another woman freshly pleasured in his arms, looking confident, regal, assured of her own place at that moment.

She was absolutely fucking thrilled he had done that.

Even though this was his girlfriend.  The one he crushed on so hard it was impossible to find a crack to drive a wedge in and insert myself over the last year I had properly known him…


“I do.”

Someone spoke.


It was me.

Why did I say that?

All eyes fell on me.

“No fair!  It’s supposed to be my turn today!”  Umeko’s whining complaint followed up.

“Damn, I never should have gotten off his lap!”  The tall beauty said, scratching her long arm.

“Kouta, you pig.”  Abusive words hurled by the diminutive senpai amongst them.

But still, a wide smile displaying broad white teeth.  Her visage was predatory.  I felt a chill go down my spine, and it wasn’t just because I was naked and the air conditioner worked great in the studio.

But, I had issued a challenge, apparently.

The woman who sat on the throne called Kouta stood up.  Her crotch was moist, glistening, a small trail of clear fluid streaked halfway down her left thigh.

“Have fun then~  but, I may have left a little mess behind. Tee hee~

Kou-chan looked like a penguin lost in a rainforest.

Though Umeko had complained, she didn’t move an inch.  I, however, did.

I walked over to him, his appendage, something I was unfamiliar with in the real world over the twenty-five years I’ve been alive, was jutting up, looking swollen with a single vein trying to bulge out of it.  And while it was not all that attractive compared to the beautiful petals of a woman, I could feel a strong desire to do something with it.  

To it.


“Would you like to have a seat?”

He said it smoothly and confidently.  He offered his hands to me that I might taken them and help to be seated on his lap.

I… was nervous.  So, so nervous.

I still had the camera in my hand.

Kouta reached for it and removed it from my grasp.  He set it down on the empty space next to him and with a small pull, invited me to take a seat.

I did it.

This teenage boy I happened to think fondly of.  One I had masturbated to thoughts of being made love by…  I was naked and sitting on his lap.  My loins begged me to take him inside, they whispered to me of yet unknown pleasures of womanhood I had been deprived of all this time.

Kouta’s face was gentle-looking.

I thought he was looking past me, at her, that incarnation of sex who was an impossible wall for me to surmount.  He wasn’t.  His eyes were firmly locked on to mine.

His hands held my own, our fingers interlocked.

“I’m not hurting you, am I?  I’m not too heavy?”

My insecurities leaked out.

Kouta shook his head.

“Not in the least.”

He was kind, as I thought.

“I um… don’t know why… I said that.”

I admitted my determination was lacking.

Kouta reached around me and his head buried itself between my breasts.

A man’s face was between these horrible things, yet his demeanor wasn’t tense.  Wasn’t fueled by lust or depravity.

“Soft.” He spoke quietly.

A single word to describe this feeling.

Yes, he felt soft to me as well.  His ear was against my flesh so there was no way he couldn’t hear the arrhythmic beating of my heart.

While he held my hands, I saw him lean back onto the couch, a slightly pained expression present on his face.  I felt something firm and warm pressing into my back, and two hands, hands which couldn’t have been his since I was holding on to both of them in a lovey-dovey way reached around from behind me and began groping my oversized bust.

“Damn, these are some soft tits you got!”

Kou-chan leaned back, his pained face receding into a faint smile.  The voice was unmistakably that of his girlfriend.  Why… was this crazy situation turning me on even more right now!?

“Do you like them this big, Kouta?”

“I’m sure I’ve told you that I’m a leg man, Shizu.”

Nihehe~ I haven’t forgotten one bit.  So even with these crazy things in front of you, they don’t do a thing to your reasoning?”

“I like what I like.”

“Yes, I saw that earlier.  But I want to have some fun too~”

Kou-chan gazed into my eyes.

“Can she have a little fun with you, Mafuyu?”

I let out a stunted breath.  My head dipped into a nod.

Her hands came low and traveled down the side of my body.  When they reached my thighs, they squeezed firmly as she passed them along from the outside towards my knees and then back along the inside.

Kou-chan pulled my hands up and towards the back of his neck.

I took the clue and released his hands, wrapping my arms around his neck.  Kou-chan’s hands felt my legs up while hers sought another place.  One hand exploring my valley, and another slowly spelunking my cavern.

I bit my lip.

Kouta squeezed my thigh.

I exhaled heavily.

His body moved forward and began to kiss my breasts.  I was being assaulted on both fronts by these two but my own body would not let me resist.  It simply didn’t want to be denied this crazy feeling.

But I couldn’t summon any words.

“Mafuyu, can we mark you?”

My head again involuntarily nodded.  My chest heaved with anticipation.

I felt her lips against my neck, kissing slowly, sensually down it to where it joined my shoulder.  Kouta licked from below my nipple until his mouth was over my entire areola.  Then I felt two shocking bits of pain along with a rush of euphoric pleasure from down below.

My shoulder was bitten by her.  My breast was bitten by him.  Her fingers stirred me up from inside, and from the outside they glided along my clitoris.


A moan escaped from my lips.

Kou-chan’s hand came up and grabbed my other breast, kneading it with force.  I could feel my guts churn as his grope became powerful enough to tighten my vagina.


His mouth moved to my other breast, a space on the inward underside was the next target.  His girlfriend passed my shoulder with her kisses until she reached my upper arm when she inflicted her next bite.

I was being devoured.

I… wanted to be devoured by these two.

Was I wrong to want this?

In my mind I had wanted to be her.  To be devoured by Kou-chan as if I were her.  But somehow now it was different.  I felt my lower half tingling, drooling for more.  I didn’t care that I wasn’t her.  I was fine now with the idea that not only he, but at the same time her, wanted me.

In this moment they desired me.

No prejudice that I wasn’t a bishoujo, nor against my breasts which bring out subliminal jealousy from women and beastly intent from men.

Me, a twenty-five year old slice of tasteless Christmas cake was happily being snacked on.

Kouta reached up and behind my head, abandoning my breasts only to pull my face closer to his.  I closed my eyes and puckered my lips.


I felt another pair of warm lips press roughly against mine.

A kiss gave way to more kisses until my cheeks relaxed and my mouth opened.  Kou-chan hungrily invaded my mouth once it had, capturing my tongue in an instant.  My body was going crazy as the JK behind me was attacking all of my weak spots as if she had known where they existed better than I.  I was violated by her from below and by Kou-chan from above.

I felt free for the first time in my life.

I wouldn’t have cared anything what happened to my body right now.  They could both take me and I wouldn’t have any regret.

I pulled away from Kou-chan’s kiss with a heavy gasp.

All this excitement was too much.  It wasn’t anything like pleasuring myself.

“Mark me… one… more… time…”

They both obliged.  Her fingering sped up and I did my best to hold on to Kou-chan’s neck as he turned my head to reveal the nape of my neck on the side opposite her.  As his warm breath declared the place he intended to bite, I was left staring into two golden orbs which threatened to cast me into a nightmarish abyss of pleasure.

She bared her fangs as well.

The tempo increased to it’s crescendo.

The final blow had landed.

Kou-chan pierced my neck, and the incarnation of sexuality thrust her tongue deep into my mouth as my body gave in to the final pleasure.

Ragged breaths through my nose as my body panicked.

Wave after convulsing wave of pleasure shot up from between my legs and into my brain.  I felt a surge of intense blinding white heat, and then… two bodies pressing against me.

And a mischievous laugh that made me forget twenty-five years worth of anxiety.



And to think, I get to go on a date with him tomorrow.

--~~* Umeko *~~--

It’s never going to be my turn, is it?

Walking home with Ruru, I was in a depressed state.  She was holding my hand, but she didn’t understand my feelings.  Even though I caved in and became his slut, it didn’t mean anything to him, did it?

“Is there nothing good about me, Ruru?”

We couldn’t even make it all the way to my house.  Halfway there we reached a bust stop and I sat on the bench, crying into my hands.

“You really love him, don’t you?”

I did.  I know it’s not one-hundred percent altruistic love.  I want safety and security reciprocated from him more than anything, but yes, I do love him.  Ever since we were kids… even though he wasn’t anything amazing… I’ve loved him.

He was kind to me, and protective.

It wasn’t until his sister chased me away, telling me I wasn’t good enough for him, that I was wholly insufficient to be his woman.  That I was nothing more than a thief trying to steal a love I didn’t deserve!

That was when I had a moment of weakness and believed it.

That was when he turned away from me and in my foolishness didn’t immediately explain it all to him.  That was when he discovered her… and was my knight no longer.

I’m sure I answered Ruru that I did, though it probably came out as nothing but gibberish between my sobs.

Her hand rubbed my back in consolation, but more than anything I was just upset that it wasn’t me.  Kouta could look at any woman now, and with her he wasn’t afraid and timid anymore.  He could reach out and do those ecchi things I had to steel myself to do just once to the worst possible outcome!

“Can I have a cigarette, Ruru?”

“Sure, Ume.”

She started one for me, and I slowly nursed it puff by puff with a shaking hand and a tear stricken face.

“Ume, I’m the last person that should say this, but you asked him to take responsibility, and he didn’t say no.  If you look at it like in the past, the only thing that’s changed is Saya is now Shizu.  You and I have been replaced by Yamabuki and Suzuki.”

I sniffled.

“I know.  I’m not even good enough to be me from before.”

Sobs came again, but not as roughly.

“It’ll be alright.  Shi-chan and Rina won’t be there.  Their friend went first, so now she has to wait, and while that thing with the three of them and the photographer was something else as well, tomorrow is just you and I, and I am here to support you, even if I think Kouta’s nothing but a fucking asshat.”

I looked over to Ruru, who had been my friend forever.

“Do you really not have any interest in him?” I asked her.

“He’s… a different person from my memories, Ume.  I’ve been watching him from time to time, but that’s all.  We were caught up in a dream as kids.  Mine was just different from the one you had.”

“How so?  You also agreed to be his wife.”

“That’s because of Aneki, though.  If I married him, then she’d always be my Aneki.”

“Yeah, you were always hanging around his sister.”

“That’s because I wanted to be like her.  To me she was the ideal woman I could never become.”

“Heh.  So if it was you sitting on his lap and Kanae doing to you what Shi-chan did to Mafuyu-san… what then?”

Ruru reached for the cigarette I had nearly finished and took the last drag, exhaling her answer in a cloud of smoke.

“I’d let it happen.”

I laughed.

I laughed and cackled and coughed and laughed some more.

“But don’t get me wrong.  I didn’t come to the studio because of his invitation.  I came to make sure you’d be okay.”

I stood up and patted my uniform skirt, then took a deep breath.

“Thanks, Ruru.  Tomorrow is my day, right?”


Ruru walked me the rest of the way home, where we parted as I entered my house and saw my little sister at the kitchen table doing her homework.

“I’m home~”

“Welcome home Ume.  Did you have fun at your new job?  When’s your picture coming out?”

“It was delayed, there was an issue with the photographer today that made it so it had to be pushed back to tomorrow.”

“Oh, okay.  So tomorrow for sure you’ll have your photo shoot?”

“Yep, nothing is going to stop it from happening tomorrow.”


I felt a little better being in the company of my little sister.

“After that, just a few more days until everything gets way better.”

I put my bag away in the bedroom, and then came back out to the kitchen and put on an apron.


“Yeah, but… there’s no meat.”

I opened the refrigerator, spying some vegetables and some eggs.

“Fried rice okay with you?”


After cooking for and feeding my sister, I chased her into the room and did the dishes.  Mom would be awake soon, and I’d rather Chikako be out of the line of fire in case she was in a bad mood, as usual.

I opened my phone and sent a message to the source of my troubles.

>PonyPrincess:  Help me.

>LionPrincess:  Blue?  What’s wrong?

>PonyPrincess:  With Kouta.  What everyone did today… help me just once be with him like that.  I’ll do… whatever you want.

>LionPrincess:  Nihehe~

>LionPrincess:  I get that you love him, but is all you want from him his touch, or is there something else?

>PonyPrincess:  I just want to be someone he will protect again.

>LionPrincess:  I see.  Then, if I can help you with that, what’s it worth to you?

>PonyPrincess:  I can’t put a price tag to it.  Just tell me what you want.  If I can give it, I will.

>LionPrincess:  Let me ask you this:  Are you really okay with sharing him?

>PonyPrincess:  Can I be honest?

>LionPrincess:  Un.

>PonyPrincess:  I don’t care if he has you or anyone else as a lover as long as he’s chained to me in some way.  That’s my aim.

>LionPrincess:  Then, are you willing to play ball with me, if I can help you make it happen?

>PonyPrincess:  Yes.

>LionPrincess:  Good.  Then, I’ll see you tomorrow, Blue.

I turned off my phone and pocketed it, a wisp of a smile upturning the corners of my mouth.  Tomorrow couldn’t come quick enough.

As long as there’s a chance, I will never give you up, Kouta.


--~~* Shizu *~~--

Kanae offered to escort Mahiro home, saying she wanted to have a talk with her privately about something.  Blue and Ruru left just a couple of minutes ago, Rina was already at her job nearby and wouldn’t be off for a few hours still, and Kouta was lying down on the couch in the shooting room since he told me he needed a few minutes to himself right now.

Blue had thrown a bit of a fit at him before she left, and he did his best to quell her anger at him for letting Mahiro play around and steal the energy of the shoot early on instead of later when it should have happened.  I then also contributed to the problem by getting really fucking turned on when Mafuyu jumped in where Blue should have and possibly harmed our large-breasted strawberry-haired photographer with my desire to show off my whorish nature to my accepting boyfriend.

Mafuyu was by the refrigerator having just opened up a second beer, and nursing it hard.  I decided to join her, fetching a beer of my own, the cold brew calling to me now because I couldn’t have any for the next few days even if I wanted to.  I take my job, and my license seriously, so I won’t even risk it on days I work.

Sparking up a cigarette as well to go along with the beer, I tapped my can to hers with a kanpai and started up a conversation to keep me occupied.

“How are you feeling?”

She wasn’t making eye contact with me, but that didn’t stop her from talking with me at all.

“Just… sorting through some things.”

“Would you like to talk about any of it?  Even if I’m the cause?”

She shook her head.

“No, you aren’t the cause.  Rather, you are maybe the catalyst instead?  I don’t know how to explain it exactly, but I’m not upset or anything like that, so you don’t have to worry.”

“That’s good to know.  If um, I made you uncomfortable doing that, I can apologize, but I mean, I enjoyed the hell out of it.”

“I… did too…”

Nihehe~  I’m glad to hear it.  You came pretty good there at the end.”

“Do I say thank you for that?”

“You don’t have to.  I just wanted you to know that there is no question both Kouta and I had a good time.  You are kind of sleeper cute, you know?”

“Sleeper cute?”

“Yeah.  You look like a bit of a geek, but you’re probably the type to have a switch flipped when the mood is good.”


I placed a hand on her shoulder and lightly pat her.

“Um, can I ask you something that might be personal?”

“Go right ahead and ask!”

“Do… you do that kind of stuff a lot?”

“You mean playing with other women interested in Kouta?”


“It’s a work in progress.  I don’t think Kouta quite gets how much of a slut I really am.  Watching Mahiro and him was exciting to me.  You might think of me as a bad girlfriend, but it’s not like Kouta will be my first by a longshot.  I’m sexually active, and sexually proactive.  I like to have sex, and do all kinds of ecchi things.  It’s just who I am at this point in my life.”

“So… is Kouta just around until he becomes a conquest of yours?”

“I sure hope not.  I actually like him a lot.  But, I’m not a good girl, Mafuyu.  I’m going to end up hurting him because of my behavior, so I thought since he’s going to waste his first experience with me, I should let him have as much fun as he wants.  To be honest, I’m actually a bit unsure if I should be the one taking his first time.”

“You don’t want it?”

“Like I said, I just think it’s a waste if it’s given to me.  It’s better suited to someone like you or Blue, probably.”


“Well, you have the same kind of crush on him that he had on me, right?  That is why I agreed to let you go on a date knowing full well you could steal a march on me.”

“Do you think I’m that kind of woman?”

“I don’t know.  Do you want his first time?”

“I’m in the same boat as you.  I’m twenty-five and I’m still a virgin too.”


She nodded.  I could see she was a bit shy, but I figured for sure with those huge melons she has, that she’d done it at least once or twice with some lucky guy in her life so far.

“I’m… much older than him.  I mean, a boy his age wouldn’t really be interested in someone like me, right?”

I laughed.

“If he wasn’t interested, do you think he would have offered you his hand and his lap?”

She stopped talking and took a large gulp from her can.

“I want it.”

“That’s the spirit.”





“Would… you be there with him?”

“You want me to watch you take my boyfriend’s first time?”

“Fueh?  Uh… N-NO!  That’s not what I meant.  W-what I meant was that… would you also… participate with us?”

“You want me to help you two lose your virginities to each other?”

“…it sounds crazy… doesn’t it?”

“Crazy fun, yeah!”

She finally looked up at me.

“Mafuyu, I’m super-okay with that happening.”

“It’s that easy for you to decide something like that?”

“Yep.  But the question is what happens afterwards.”

“Ah… yeah, he is your boyfriend after all.”

I took a long drag and felt my pussy itching. 

“I’m not averse to sharing him.  I already do with Blue, and Mahiro to some extent, the question is are you okay with only getting him some of the time?”

“You mean like being a sex friend to him?”

“There’s that too, but you two work together, right?”

“Sometimes, yeah.”

“Why not build a relationship with him?”

She looked at me completely confused.  Well, that’s to be expected since what I’m saying is completely fucked up anyway.

"H-how?  Sex friends are just sex friends, aren’t they?”

“Why not be one of his girlfriends?  He’s got me for one, and Blue isn’t going to give up on him anytime soon, even knowing I’m his girlfriend.  So with her as two, adding you would make it an official harem, just like in manga and animes.”

“Me?  In a high school boy’s harem?”

“Doesn’t it sound fun?  I mean your other option is to either be only a sex friend to him, or to give up entirely.”

“That’s true…  Then b-being in this harem… does that mean we… can do things together?”

“You, Kouta, and I?”


“I’m certainly up for it, but is there a reason why you’re interested in me?”

“Because you’re everything that I’m not.  You’re like a caramel goddess, and the way it looked like Kou-chan was a slave to you… I wanted to be you more than anything in that moment.”

“I’m flattered… I think.  But, that’s a wrong way of thinking.  You don’t want to be me, Mafuyu.  However, if you become a woman of his harem you can have me along with Kouta anytime.”

“What about when you aren’t around?”

“Are you only interested in him if I am?”

“No.  I… might also like a time with him alone.”

“Then there’s no problem.  I mean, you might have to work something out with Blue, because she’s definitely the type to want him all to herself as much as possible.”

“Can I ask you something about earlier?”

I nodded, taking another drag followed by another ice cold sip of beer.

“How did you learn how to touch a woman so well?  I’ve… masturbated before, but the way I came today… I’ve never had an orgasm that intense before.”

“Ah, so that’s why you’re hiding out over here!”

She lowered her head shyly.

“I have important people to me who’ve taught me everything about my body.  So, I’m sensitive to things like when sexual organs change.  For men I can feel when they swell up and are about to blow their load, and for women I can easily feel when they will tighten up and how wet they are getting at any specific moment.  I’m also a girl too, so who would know better how to fondle a girl… than another girl, right?”

“That… makes sense.”

Well, it makes sense to her.  I’m useless at fondling myself… It was Mister who taught my body how to handle a man, and Shiori about how to handle and be handled by a woman.

“So, when… um… do we do this?”

“Tomorrow.” I told her. “Go on your date with him and have a great time if you can.  If you feel adventurous, do things to turn both you and him on as well while you are together.  I’ll try and get off work as soon as I can to join you, but it probably won’t be until late.  The question is where to go… maybe you can rent us all a love hotel?”

“How about coming back here instead?”

“Is it okay to do that?”

“This studio is basically my second home.  Why wouldn’t it be okay?  Also, I’m not just an employee, I’m a co-owner.  And Kanae kind of… wants me to see Kou-chan anyway, so she won’t mind at all.”

“Then,”  I lifted her chin up with a finger to gaze into my eyes.  “I will assisting you both in losing your virginities tomorrow.”

Mafuyu’s face coyly brightened.  Her hand reached out and grabbed my arm softly.

“Could I trouble you for one more thing?”

“Sure, what is it?”

“Could you perhaps… kiss me again?”

I stubbed out my cigarette in the nearby ashtray and downed the last half of my beer.  Then I threw my arms around her curvaceous body and made out with a sleeper hot sexy older woman with huge tits that made me mad jelly.”

Why should Kouta be the only one allowed to have fun with women?  Since he’s my boyfriend, naturally he should share! 

After a pleasant amount of kissing, and some groping, and maybe a little downstairs teasing to Mafuyu, I left her in much better spirits, and she went to her workstation to work on the camera footage.

That’s when I got a message on my phone suddenly from Blue.

She’s quite determined to hold on to Kouta…

Nihehe~ things are going to get interesting soon, aren’t they?

You can find story with these keywords: Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」, Read Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」, Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」 novel, Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」 book, Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」 story, Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」 full, Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」 Latest Chapter

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