Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」

Chapter 3: Chapter Three 「One Door Closes」

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May 28th, Thursday.

--~~* Kouta *~~--

I had gotten up early today, since Oda Kawazu, who was pretty much my best friend had taken it upon himself to make me at least somewhat physically fit.  Since he was the vice-president of the Boxing Club, he often did something called Road Work which was basically just jogging.  Well, it’s a little more intense than just jogging, but it’s not full-out running either.

I get the luxury as his friend to join him a few times a week.  We do it early in the morning, just enough to give me time to get home and shower before getting ready for school.  I’d like to think it’s doing wonders for me, but I’m not all that keen on exercise.  Still, I can imagine if things get to a certain point with Nakada-san, the stamina training I’ve been working on could only end up benefitting me.

Yes, Nakada-san.

I know I’m in over my head with her, but I can’t do anything about it.  If the question is am I afraid of embracing her, knowing full well I’m inexperienced, then the answer is no.  Am I disgusted that she’s easy and has had plenty of partners, again, no.  It’s irrational, but that’s to be expected.  I’m in love with her after all.  Love twists the ability to make rational and logical thoughts.  If I were to look inside of me, of course I have all the same desires any normal boy my age would have.

I want to pin her down and breed with her like a wild animal.

I mean, thanks to Kawazu and Rina I know exactly how to do it, and thanks to Mahiro I even got to taste my first pure virginal pussy.  To me that’s a plus, even though I wanted Shi-chan to have those firsts of mine.  Even if it didn’t matter to her, it mattered a bit to me.

What’s got my brain all scrambled up right now was that I had done something incredibly messed up, right on the heels of her doing the same thing the day before.  Maybe it’s partly Onee-chan’s fault.  I was always treated to a show by her at home, usually when our parents were asleep, or out of the house at least.  Sometimes even at home when they were in their bedroom doing something much more intense, if mom’s stomach is to serve as proof.

I’ve seen plenty of female nakedness and sexual activity from a young age.  Mom and Dad weren’t as discreet as they should have been around the house with us kids, and Kanae… I don’t rightly know why she does what she does for me.  But she does it and I don’t exactly have a right to complain since up until recently it had been the best material I had for masturbation.

Just like now.

The door to her room is open, and she’s kneeling on her bed.  Her black panties are around her thighs just above her knees and touching her bedcovers.  Though I can’t see her face… I never saw her face when she did this, she seemed to always know when I’d be passing her room, and my sister’s wildly hairy pussy would be spread by her own hand and put on display for me.  Usually it would be accompanied by her sliding her fingers along her labia and making all kinds of panting sounds which made it infinitely easier for me to do my half of the act.

But today, most likely because of Nakada-san… I didn’t need it.

So, I closed the door on that chapter of my life.  If I needed to do something like that, then I could just ask my girlfriend to do it for me, right?

I know my sister’s love for me is a bit extreme, and it always has been, since I could first speak.  But Kanae doesn’t have to worry about me anymore.  I’m not a hopeless virgin anymore, since… I’ve got a sure thing now!  But, Kanae always made sure I understood that there is a proper way to treat a woman, and that I should never under any circumstances treat them like an object or a trophy.

Women weren’t conquests… they were companions.

Even now, I wouldn’t be half the man I was if I didn’t have my somewhat deviant Onee-chan there to help me grow as a person.  That’s why I don’t want to just rush into having sex with Shi-chan.  I want to get to know her and go a bit slower, so that when we finally do… it has meaning behind it.

I just hope Onee-chan understands the message I left her.

She doesn’t need to take care of me anymore.  She can finally go live her life without worrying about her little brother.  She can find a nice boyfriend… or girlfriend to be with.  To be honest I have no idea what her inclination actually is.  She’s never brought it up, and I’ve never asked.  She’d never brought home anyone identifiable as a lover, but the fact she gives me a show means she’s not unaware of her own sexuality.

Maybe she’s just waiting for me to give her a sign that I’ll be alright from now on…?

Since I passed on Onee-chan’s morning show, and Kawazu should be here momentarily anyway, I hurried downstairs since I was already in my track suit and waited outside for him.  It didn’t help any that I was pitching an obvious tent right now.  Even if it’s my older sister’s pussy I was just peeking at, and though it’s wrong on so many levels to be doing that, I’m still a guy…  I get turned on by that kind of thing.  I have a fetish, and it’s watching other people doing stuff.

That’s a big part of the reason I’m not put off by what happens on the rooftop at lunch.  I get a front row seat under the excuse of being a cameraman.  I get to see the beautiful Yamabuki Rina in all her glory taking dick.  Sometimes it’s while she’s still wearing all her clothes, or only some of them, and on the rare occasion, nothing at all.

I get to see prime pussy, and nice titties.  At first I was confused as to why they would be okay with it too, but as it turns out, I’m considered to be an herbivore… that is, harmless. Maybe it’s not entirely an act of pity.  Maybe it’s trust?  Kawazu trusts that I’m bro enough with him not to do anything to his girl, not that I have any reason to… Rina is friendly to me for the most part, but she’s also one scary gyaru when provoked.  On the other hand, Mahiro is like a breath of fresh air.  She’s cute and innocent and angelic… though now she’s also one of Kawazu’s women.

They joke about letting me get some action from time to time, but I don’t let those thoughts hold any weight.  I’m happy now that they no longer have to be troubled by thinking that I’m holding out an expectation for something.

I have Nakada-san now.

I’m happy!

I have a nice lap I can rest on… the dream of many a lonely otaku.  She’s such a beautiful girl, too… I really can’t believe how fortunate I am that the girl I had been crushing on for over a year would accept my confession so easily like that.

Even if it was a bit much, what happened after.

Sure enough, it didn’t take long for Kawazu to show up.  He begins his jog from his house, so his amount of road work is much higher than mine.  I only do about half as much running, which is to say, it’s still much more than I really want to do.  But I should be grateful he’s looking out for me.

That’s why he’s a bro.

Now that he’s arrived, he takes a minute to do some stretching in place with me, while I warm up my muscles.  Our usual route has me jogging a distance of about two kilometers.  But, this bit of working out and the little bit of exercise I do both manual and with weights thanks to a training series of almost-ecchi anime DVD’s I own means I’m at least not entirely a weakling.



We take off and run for a while in silence.  This activity takes almost thirty five minutes for me to do, since about halfway through it I reach that point where my leg muscles ache and burn and it goes from painful to feeling sort of good.

At least I’m not an unhealthy otaku.

We get back to my place after the run, and while I’m panting, Kawazu says something strange.

“Bro… I was thinking about it…”

“About what?”


“Oh… you mean what happened with Shizu?”

He nods, then claps his hand on my shoulder.

“Rina or Mahiro?”


“Which one do you want to give you one?”

“EH?  It’s not like that dude.  I didn’t have any kind of intention like that…”

“I know, man.  But I also know that you’re into Rina, and you’re friendly with Mahiro.  So I’ll let you pick which one.”

“I’ve got Shizu for that if I want.  She said all I needed to do was ask… I’m just taking it slow with her.  Besides, do you really want Rina or Mahiro to do something like that with me?  It’s one thing that you let me film you guys… I get enough from that.”

“So you beat it to me fucking Rina?”

“I mean I have once or twice when editing… But can you blame me?”

He only laughed.

“The real thing is loads better, bro.  Well, you’ll find that out soon enough with her.  I was just passing along an offer from the girls anyway.”

“The girls, and not you?”

He scratched his head.

“Well, Rina’s brought it up a couple times before, but we all knew you liked Shizu, and thought you wouldn’t really go for it anyway.”

“Mind if I be a little rude here?”

“It’s cool.”

“Rina’s killer man, and I imagine it would be great, but I can’t see why she’d ever want to.  Conversely, if I wasn’t so into my girlfriend… I would probably love to have Mahiro do it.”

“So, outside of Shizu, your type is Mahiro?”

“I don’t know if she’s anything like my type, but… I think between the two of them, she’s the more realistic choice for someone like me… not that I think I’m even in the same league as her or anything.”

“Heh, be glad you said that to me.  Rina would definitely be offended to think she lost out to Mahiro!  Ha ha ha ha ha!”

I may have inadvertently dodged a huge bullet now that he said that.

“Want a drink before you head back?” I offer.

“Yeah, sure.  Say, is your sister around?”

“Uh… maybe?”

There is that, too.  Kawazu has a thing for my sister.  I’m pretty sure out of everyone he’s on the list of ineligible candidates fit to court my Onee-chan, but it’s not like that’s going to stop him from trying every chance he gets.

I invite him inside, and much to his luck, Kanae is in the kitchen, making breakfast today, instead of mom.

“Kanae, the sun which never sets even in the night sky, how are you this morning.”

“I don’t remember giving you permission to drop honorifics with me, Oda-san.”

 “As pleasant as always.  I, the reliable Kawazu have safely returned your brother home after a healthy jog.”

Kanae made some kind of grunt of annoyance.

“Then, I’ll thank you for your continued interest in my Kouta’s health.”

“Ha ha ha ha.  You don’t have to worry about that anymore.  Kouta’s going to get much better workouts than anything I can provide him from now on!”

Kawazu!  You retard!  I wasn’t ready to tell her about Shizu yet!

His frivolous statement caused Kanae to stop cooking for a moment and turn around.

“Oh, is something going on that I don’t know about?”


“He didn’t tell you yet?”  Kawazu threw an arm around my shoulder.  “This guy just landed the one of the hottest girls in the whole school!”

Double fuck!

Really now?  My Kouta confessed to a girl and she accepted?”

“Yup.  She’s guaranteed to make a man out of him.”

Onee-chan began to stare a hole deeper than the Marianna’s Trench right through my skull.

“Since that’s the case and you don’t have to worry about him anymore, why not let me take you out on a date finally?”

Yes.  Even though Kawazu has Rina already, and even picked up Mahiro as an extra, this dense ikemen protagonist has yet to figure out that such a thing will never happen in his lifetime.


It wasn’t even a polite declining, only a flat out refusal.

However, Kawazu took it in stride.  It’s not the first time, and I’m quite sure it won’t be the last, either.  I dared to pass close to Kanae and reach the refrigerator, taking out two Pocari Sweat and tossed one over to him.

Kawazu easily snatched it out of midair and took a few sips all at once.  I did as well, mainly as a defensive stance against my Onee-chan while I footed it away from where she was.

“I’ll see you at school later, Kawazu.”

“Alright, bro.  See you later, Kanae.”

Kanae didn’t even acknowledge Kawazu’s parting statement, and I hurried the fuck out of the kitchen and upstairs where I hopped right into the shower.

I should have been safe.

If I was a normal child in a normal family, I would have been safe.

But my parents are far too immature to have had children, and my older sister has an unhealthy amount of affection for me.  There’s no such thing as a safe place in my own house.

Like now, when the door to the bathroom opened up.

“Kouta, do you have something to tell your Onee-chan?”

Yeah.  I’m dating a slut, aren’t I lucky~

…as if I can say that!!

“It’s not important.”

“So you have a girlfriend now, but place no importance on her?”


“Is this that Nakada girl?”


“Don’t keep secrets from me, Kouta!”

“Why can’t I?  Why do I have to report everything to you?  You aren’t my lover, she is!”

Before I could even stop myself from snapping at her, she slid the curtain aside, intruding on my privacy.


“What else should I call her?”

“Have you two already…?”

“It’s none of your business!”

I wasn’t sure what the look on her face was.  Anger?  Hurt?  Betrayal?  It was anything but indifference or disgust, I knew that much.

I pulled the curtain closed, ended up feeling guilty, and confessed a little bit of what has happened.  Only the safe bits, though.

“We haven’t done it, okay?  We only started going out two days ago.  We hung out at the park for a little bit after school, she made me what was probably the spiciest bento that I’ve ever eaten and nearly choked to death on, and she came over and met mom.  That’s it.”

“You let her meet Reiko, but didn’t think it mattered to introduce her to me?”

“Because you always get like this!  You chased away Ume years ago, why would I risk something like that again now that I’m actually dating a girl I like?”

“So you didn’t like Umeko after all…”

“I never had a chance to find out because of you!”

“I was only looking out for you, Kouta.”

“Am I not allowed to make even a single mistake, Onee-chan?  I’m not perfect, and neither are you!  You aren’t my mother!”

“Neither is Reiko, and I’m more of a mother to you than she will ever be.”

For her to answer like that, I know I was in the wrong.  But she’s so oppressive sometimes, it’s crazy!  I love my Onee-chan, she’s the most capable person I know.  There’s like nothing she can’t do… but when it comes to me, she just… doesn’t let there be one centimeter of distance between us sometimes.

She just pulled the curtain on me, her own brother, not even caring I was naked in the shower.  I don’t do that kind of shit to her, though I’m putting the matter of her special shows to me to the side here for a moment.

“Invite her over.  I want to meet this lover of yours.”

“I can’t.  She works a part-time job for the next few days.”

“Then when she has a day off.”

“…I’ll think about it.”

“I’ll just say this, then.  Either you invite her over, or I’ll go greet her on my own.”

“Damn it, Onee-chan!

“Also, stop by the studio later.”


“Good.  Enjoy the rest of your shower.”

And just like that, she was gone.  I finished my shower, went to my room to change, and then to downstairs where my bento as well as breakfast was waiting for me on the kitchen island counter.

Just to be sure I went upstairs to check her room, but she was gone.  I had gotten lucky with her leaving for work early, because Shizu was going to pick me up again today.  It’s not like I was never going to introduce her to Kanae, I just wasn’t ready to do it yet.

That kind of stuff needs preparation for me.

I also have to lay it out to Shi-chan what kind of obsessive nutcase my sister is as well before they meet, so she knows what to expect.  I suppose it’s not a bad idea to bring along her bento either, just in case my girlfriend didn’t cut down on the insane amount of pepper she used from last time.

I ate the breakfast Kanae cooked for me, delicious as always, and washed the plate.  Right as I was wiping my hands clean, there was a knock at the door.  On the other side was my girlfriend who took a step in and kissed me without warning.

She tasted like coffee.

“Good morning, Boyfriend~”

She was beautiful today, too.

“Good morning, Shizu.”

“Are you ready to go?”

“Yeah, let’s go!”

I went for the bento, stuffing it in my bag first then left the house with my bombshell of a girlfriend.  We began our walk towards school, and same as before, when we got to that point in our walk, Umeko came and joined us.

“Good morning, Kouta.  Nadaka-san.”

“Hey Blue.”

Umeko only seemed slightly annoyed at being called Blue, but that only made her more aggressive with me.  Without any warning whatsoever, she held my hand.  This only put a smirk on my girlfriend’s face.

“Making a declaration with that move, Blue?”

“What?  Kouta and I have been friend for a long time, it’s perfectly normal that I should be able to hold his hand if I want to!”

 She’s not wrong, though it’s not like we have really held hands in the last few years.

I expected Shi-chan to take my own hand as well, however she did no such thing, and it left me confused as to what I should do.  Should I stop holding Umeko’s hand before my girlfriend gets upset?  I kept an eye on Shizu, but no telling look came my way.

We made it close to the gate before Ume let go of my hand, then ran head, leaving us behind.


“What’s so funny?” I asked my caramel-skinned object of affection.

“She held your hand the entire way, and yet you kept stealing glances at me.  Did you think I’d be angry or jealous of her holding your hand, boyfriend?”

“Did it not bother you at all?  I was troubled from the moment she did it!”

“Feeling guilty?”

“Yeah.  You’re my girlfriend, right?  You have the right to tell me to not do that.  Now I feel pretty trashy for letting her do that.”

Nakada-san just stopped me right there and kissed me in full view of anyone paying attention to her.

“She’s just a girl with a crush on the boy she likes.  In the end, we’re dating each other and she has to settle for scraps like handholding.  What is there for me to worry about?  Does holding hands with her mean you don’t like me anymore?”

“Not a chance!  I’m happy that we’re dating.”

“So am I.”

She took my hand and held it.

“Because I can do this anytime, after all.  She can only do it for that short time in the morning.  I have nothing to be jealous of, right?”


“Then, shall we see each other later at lunch?”

She winked at me, and reached behind to give my butt a squeeze then coolly walked away.  Was she really that secure about things in our relationship already?

I suppose when I think about it, since she’s had multiple partners before me who she’s gone much further wish, getting riled up over two virgins holding hands is pretty trivial, isn’t it?

It just goes to show how different our mentalities are in  approaching our budding relationship, and how much I also need to grow as an inexperienced lover dating someone who’s not.

The classes leading up to lunch were boring.  Sakuraba-san was off in her own world this morning, Kawazu was actually listening and taking notes for a change, and the only person trying to get my attention was Kobayashi-san, who as usual was trying to coerce me into visiting her sketchy club, which I was finally refreshed on the name of.

The Anatomy Exploration Club.

I’m not all that interested in biology.  My preferred science is computer science.  Actually, there is some female biology I am definitely interested in, Nakada-san’s biology being at the top of my own list, but I could care less about things like digestive tracts and such.  I would however be interested in that doujin-style x-ray view of her womb being filled by me, since it means I could enjoy peeping at her hidden places while making her mine.  Of course that’s just fantasy.  X-rays are dangerous if proper safety procedures aren’t being followed.  Besides, they wouldn’t show the good stuff anyway.

When I had a free moment I checked my phone, which showed a couple of missed messages from her.  My fault for also paying attention in class.

>LionPrincess:  Will we have lunch again on the rooftop, or would you like to go somewhere else more private?

>LionPrincess:  Also, I tried to make your bento a little less spicy today.  Are there spicy things you do like to eat?

Spicy things I like to eat?  I mean, Onee-chan’s curry can be spicy sometimes and I really like that.  There are some Korean foods I like as well which also tend to be on the hot side.  No matter how you look at it, pepper should not be added to foods in the amount she had done so to last time’s bento.

>ThiccWaifus:  We can eat lunch wherever you want to.

>ThiccWaifus:  There are spicy things I like, what do you think about curry?

>LionPrincess:  I love curry.  I know a place that serves it really hot.  Like, one time I went there and even though it said it was spicy on the menu, I asked them to make it extra spicy, and this little old obaa-san steps out of the kitchen and shakes her head at me, then she went back in and tried to make me regret it.

>LionPrincess:  There wasn’t any problem eating it.  Sure, my mouth was on fire, but it was enjoyable.  But the regrets came out later after it was digested.

>LionPrincess:  It hurt to sit down for a whole day.

>LionPrincess:  By the way, surprise anal is no good.  I’d be willing to do it, but you have to tell me first, okay?

>ThiccWaifus:  Uh… okay?  I wasn’t really planning on doing anything like that, though.

Without any further replies, I cut my phone off.  Classes wrapped up quickly and right before lunch, she sent me one last text saying she’d come pick me up from my class.  Kawazu hadn’t said anything about what he was going to be doing on the roof, so with class dismissed for lunch, I waited.

And so did Umeko, who was there when Shi-chan arrived.

“Hey Boyfriend~  Oh, Blue’s in your class?”

Before I could even reply, those two got right into it.

“I have a name, Blondie.”

“What a coincidence, so do I!”

Umeko huffed.

“Yeah, the guys have a whole bunch of names for you.”

“And here I was, trying to be friendly to someone who was shamelessly clinging to someone else’s lover.”

“Says the girl who is everyone’s lover!”

I’m willing to let Umeko slide on a lot of shit, mostly because I felt guilty for the fact that my Onee-chan had caused her some trouble back when we were in middle school.  Even if what she said wasn’t far from the truth, there are still things you can and cannot say to my girlfriend.

“Ume!  Apologize!  Right now!”

“Why should I?  I should be your girlfriend, not her!  You took one look at her last year and you completely changed!  What’s so great about a slut like her anyway?  You aren’t important to her, you probably won’t even be a face she remembers after she dumps you!  I’m the one who loves you!”

“Ha~ah. Ume…”

“So?”  Nakada-san answered Ume’s impassioned anger with a single word at first.

“Kouta’s a big boy, and can decide for himself, can’t he?  He already knows the kind of person I am, and he still wanted to ask me out.  You’re right, Blue, there’s not all that much about me that makes me amazing, but you’re wrong about him not being important to me.  Kouta’s the first boy to reach for my hand before my breasts, even a slut like me has feelings and wants to be treated like a normal girl.  I might not be able to say I love him as easily and shamelessly as you can in, but I do like him at the very least, and want to get to know him better, to the point where I could say and mean every word!”

She really did want to get to know me better as well?

Hearing that made me feel excited, but at the same time nervous, because in the end, I’m just a mob-like otaku.  I’m definitely not an interesting person no matter how I try and present myself.

Umeko didn’t seem to have any more ammunition to fight, since Shizu was full capable of taking the most harmful of insults as if they were nothing.


A shaky voice came from the silvery-blue haired cutie, the same shakiness which was now visible through her entire body on the outside.

“I’ve chased after you for all this time… Why couldn’t you return my love even once, Kouta?”

I didn’t have an answer for her.

“All this time?”  Shi-chan quickly asked, “How long exactly?”

“Years.  I had thought… we were going to be a couple back in middle school, but… he always pushed me away.”

Shizu looked at me sternly.

“Not gonna lie to you, boyfriend.  She’s cute enough that you wouldn’t be unsatisfied, and she seems to like you well enough.  Is there a good reason for turning her down?”

“…”  There wasn’t really one.  But after what happened between Umeko and my Onee-chan, she didn’t talk to me for a while, so I decided long ago that there was no point in pursuing her.  If she was dating me she’d eventually have to deal with my sister again, and if she chose not to talk to me while we were dating, it kind of defeated the purpose of dating in the first place.  Also, I don’t know exactly what happened between them, neither Kanae or Umeko have directly told me.

“It’s his shitty sister’s fault.”  Umeko answered coldly, before she started to laugh.  “Yeah, it doesn’t matter.  If I couldn’t make it past her, there’s no fucking way in hell you will.  What am I even worrying about?”

Umeko turned away and dug in her bag, pulling out a bento for herself.  She then sat down and began eating, ignoring us.  

“Shitty sister?” Shi-chan inquired of me.

“I have an overbearing older sister.  In fact, she wanted to meet you as soon as she found out I was dating you…”

“Then, if I meet her and she doesn’t approve of me, does that mean we’re through?”

“No.  I don’t give a shit how she feels about you.  Like you said, I’m the one who asked you out.  The only thing that matters is how we both feel about each other.”

“Hmm…  Want to go get lost with me?”


Shi-chan had the bento she made, and I retrieved the one my sister made from my bag.

“Brought your own?”

“My sister makes me one every day.  I figure the more the better, right?”

Shi-chan shrugged.

We left Umeko behind and wandered around school until we were suddenly in a place that I knew better than to go, yet somehow still ended up.

There were a number of delinquents hanging around the side of the school building, but one in particular stood out.

“Yo, Ruru-chi!”

Shizu held a hand up towards a girl dressed up like a sukeban.  She was wearing all-black, with a skirt down to her shoes and had a red tie on her uniform.  She had long black hair and an eternal case of resting bitch face.  I already knew who this loli-like individual was, however.  She was the final boss.  The head of the delinquents, the banchou of Seijou High, Yorugata Ruru.

“The fuck you doing here?”

“Came for a smoke, and also wanted to flex a bit.  You might not know it, but I have a cute boyfriend now.”


At this point Shizu wrapped her arm around my waist and pulled me close to her.  I had lost any chance at being manly with her move.



The small yet pissed off female delinquent eyed me carefully.

“You know who I am, Banchou?” I asked, pointing a finger at myself.

She ignored my question, however, instead shifting her gaze back to my girlfriend.

“What the fuck are you thinking calling him your boyfriend of all people?”

“He asked me out, and I said yes.  Unless there’s a step I missed?”

I could see the pissed off shorty’s right eye begin to twitch.  She walked right over to me, reaching up for the collar of my uniform and pulling me down to her eye-level easily.

“Oi, is what she’s saying legit?”

“Yes, Banchou.  I properly asked her to be my girlfriend on Tuesday.”

“Are you are aware of who she is?”

“Everyone seems to want to remind me of that, even though I’m well aware.”

It was difficult, but I maintained eye contact with the banchou for as long as I could manage.  She eventually released me with a hmph, then reached in her skirt pocket and offered something to my girlfriend.

“Fuckin’ hell…  You always cause the stupidest problems, Shi.”

Nihehe~”  My girlfriend, working on one of her bad habits, gave off a cute laugh.  “Guess hell froze over, Ruru-chi.  I got a boyfriend first.”

Eh?  Did they have a bet or something?  The long haired Banchou only clicked her tongue.  She also joined in with my girlfriend in the same bad habit.

“Of all people it had to be this fuckin’ guy, too…”

“Um, excuse me banchou, but how do you know who I am?”

She just looked at me strangely.

“What, you don’t recognize me?”

I shook my head.  Try as I might, I don’t have any recollection of her…

“Whatever, it’s not important.  Last I heard, you were on the rooftop with Oda and Yamabuki.  They finally get tired of you being in the way?”

I was concerned with how she knew about us on the rooftop, since no one but Kawazu, Rina, Mahiro and myself were really ever up there during lunch.

“Shi-chan just wanted to hang out with me during lunch, so we’re hanging out.”

The banchou just shook her head.

Hanging out, huh?  You need a private space or something, Shi?”

My girlfriend declined.

“Nope.  It’s really just us hanging out, Ruru-chi.  That’s all.”

The boss of the school seemed surprised.

“I find that hard to believe.”

“So do I, but my boyfriend wants to take it slow.  Cool if we have lunch here?”


Shi-chan and I found a relatively clean spot to sit down at, then we opened our respective bentos.  The comparison was drastic.  Onee-chan’s bento was much more nutritionally complete as well as having a much better presentation than what my girlfriend made, and it even tasted better too.  But still, even though everything she made was still spicy enough to make me cough, it was a homemade lunch for me.  I was happy to receive it.

We both dug into both without reservation, and even though mine was more suited to my palette, Shi-chan also seemed to enjoy it quite a bit, especially when she took one of my tamagoyaki or weiners and added the rice from her own to the bite.

Yorugata-san was still nearby, and keeping an eye on us.

“So what, you both made each other a bento?”

“Ah, Shi-chan made one, and this one was made for my by my sister.”

“Your sister?”

The bancho did an unko suwatte in front of me, and stared at the lunch box made by Kanae, and then at me.  Did it interest her?

“Is there a problem, banchou?”  I asked.

“Gimme a bite.”

I offered her my chopsticks.

“Did I say give me the chopsticks?  I said gimme a bite!”

“Uh…, okay?”

I gathered up a bit of rice, half of a piece of tamagoyaki, and some bean sprouts, offering it to her politely.


She ate it without reservation.  I swear I could see her face light up and her eyes twinkling.  She then stood up, walked three steps, then sat directly into my lap.

“Ruru-chi, why are you sitting on my boyfriend’s lap?”

“I’m not doing any such thing.  I’m sitting down on my human chair.”

So, I’m the banchou’s chair now?

“Want some of mine?” Shi-chan asked, not trying to extricate the loli from my lap.

“With your sense of taste?  I think the fuck not.  Unlike you, I care about what goes into my mouth.”

Lunch somehow became strange, with Shi-chan feeding me and herself, and me feeding the banchou, but only from my lunch box.  When it was all done, she still didn’t get up.

“Care to let me have my boyfriend back?”

“Not really, this chair is comfortable.”

“You’re a piece of work.  Go find your own man.”

“Hmm.  Maybe I should just take this one instead.  You haven’t done all that much with him yet, right?”

“Kouta, are you secretly a player or something?” Shizu asked me.

“No way, I’m only a mob character.” I replied, sure of that.

“First it’s Blue, now it’s this dumb bitch.”  Shi-chan said while giving the banchou a push.

“You don’t really want to date this slut, do you, Kawamura?  I’ll let you have the honor of dating me instead, and feeding me lunch every day.  I’ll even beat up anyone messing with you, what do you say?”

“I appreciate the offer, but.. I like Shi-chan.”

“What’s so good about her besides her tits?”

“I just enjoy being next to her.  Do I need a reason other than that?  We’ve only started going out.”

“She got you pussy-whipped already?”

“Nope.”  Shi-chan answered instead, “We haven’t done it yet.”

This caused the banchou to actually stand up and turn around quickly.


“It’s true.  He’s uninterested in my body.”

“That’s not true.” I replied, “I just don’t feel the need to rush, that’s all.”

“Wait, seriously, you two haven’t done it yet?”

Both Shizu and I nodded.

“Does everything have to be about sex?” I complained. “I just like her.  It’s not like she hasn’t told me she wants to, but does that mean I have to be like everyone else and rush to the end right from the beginning?”

The short-stack delinquent boss seemed unsure of what to say at first, before coming to some conclusion on her own.  It was clearly not directed at me.

“So you want me to run interference, is that it?”

“Not particularly, but that might help.” Shizu replied.

“Help?” I asked, confused.

“I’ll do what I can, but you’re going to have to make an effort too, Shi.”

Nihehe~  I think as long as I have him, that won’t be too hard.”

“Oh please, the only thing you think about all day is hard things.”

“That’s true, but now I only have to think about one of them!”

The banchou only shook her head at my girlfriend’s statement.

“It’ll take a few days to filter through the school, until then…”

“Un.  Appreciate it, Ruru-chi!”

“Looks like that place is going to get busier if you’re off the market.  Best of luck with Kawamura, though if I were you, I’d avoid his sister.”

I was surprised the banchou mentioned my Onee-chan.

“You know my sister, too?”

“I should.  Aneki is the one who passed the mantle of Banchou to me after she graduated.”

“…my sister did?”

“Are you saying you didn’t know?”

I shook my head. “Know what?”

“Kawamura Kanae was the former Banchou of Seijou High.”


You are reading story Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」 at

Onee-chan was the banchou!?  I mean, I knew she was a bit of a delinquent when she attended here, but I didn’t know that!

“Shit.  You didn’t hear it from me, okay?”

I nodded quickly.

“Good.  That being said, feel free and stop by, especially if you have a lunch box made by her.  I’ll treat you good, okay?”


Lunchtime was close to being over, so we began walking back towards class with Shi-chan.

“So, your sister’s name is Kanae.”


“And she was the former head.”

“It’s news to me.”

“Now it seems like meeting her will be much more fun!”


“Stealing the former banchou’s innocent little brother?  I wonder what kind of face she’d make?  Should we make it so she walks in on us having a good time?”

“Are you nuts!?”


As it turns out, my girlfriend isn’t exactly in her right mind after all.  But then again, I already knew that from day one…

“It just sucks that we didn’t get to do anything fun.”

“What do you mean?  I enjoyed lunch.”

“But we didn’t do anything.  Ruru-chi got in the way!”

“What exactly did you want to do?”

She smiled, then leaned in and whispered something that definitely made what those three on the rooftop were doing seem tame by comparison.

I was hijacked as Nakada-san pulled me into the boy’s bathroom as soon as we passed by.  Moving me quickly into a stall, she had taken my hands and placed them on her chest.

It’s not like I didn’t want to touch my girlfriend, I’m not a saint or anything, but she said something important, which is why I’m currently fondling her.

If I do something like this, it makes her itch a bit less intense.

Considering this whole itch thing is what causes her to act on her promiscuity, it would then be an important thing to do for her, so that she doesn’t have to do anything that would cause me to be upset.

It’s totally not me wanting to grope her.

And her excellent breasts.

Yep, this is merely a mental health exercise.

That’s why there’s no problem that she has now removed her shirt, and I can see her cute pink bra.

I’m also benefitting from good mental health as well.

It’s scientifically proven that enjoying a nice pair of breasts can relieve tons of stress, as a man.

It’s not fake science!

I’m pretty sure.

While I have a little bit of contained fun, since she’s at least keeping her bra on, she has also taken it upon herself to kiss me, as well as to reach down and stroke my package.

I am a good boyfriend.

I take care of my needy girlfriend.

…in the boy’s bathroom on the second year’s floor…

…in a stall…

“Can I use my mouth, Kouta?”

She already was using it to kiss me, but she had something else in mind that she wanted to kiss just as much.  It took no effort for her to undo my belt, button, and fly.  My son which she had riled up with her kiss, and partially exposed chest was quickly being devoured by her warm lips and expert tongue.

It was so enjoyable I nearly lost my balance, and had to quickly hold on to something.  That something happened to be her head.  She didn’t seem to care, as her neck bobbed back and forth, making it difficult for an inexperienced virgin like me to hold on.

I didn’t last as long as I had with Mahiro on the rooftop sliding along my thing.  Shi-chan was some kind of unholy vaccuuming succubus, and it was like she had a second sense as to when I was about to blow.  She pulled off a little right before I exploded in her mouth, and one hand milked a bit of my shaft as I felt a wave of release dump all I had stored up right on her tongue.

And just like that, it was over.

Had it even taken a few minutes?  I don’t even know.  I felt like I had to apologize for being so quick.

Shi-chan stood up and gave me a suspiciously wet kiss on the cheek.

“Did you enjoy it?”

How could I not have?

“Sorry.”  I ended up apologizing.

“For what?” She asked.

“For… being too quick?”

She giggled.

“That was my intention.  There wasn’t much time left, right?”


“If I wanted you to last, I would have made you last.  Besides, at least my jaw won’t be sore because of it, so don’t worry that you came quick.  I enjoyed it.”


She redressed her top then pulled me into a quick hug which involved my face buried between her pillows, which had a nice cucumber-like smell, and then told me to examine my zipper before she bolted out of the stall, and the boys’ bathroom.

I was left limp and quickly fixing my pants, before also leaving.

I returned to class just before the bell rang.  I didn’t see Shi-chan anywhere in the hallway, so with the only person missing being Kawazu, who would probably be here in a few moments, I found myself very… loose.

My phone buzzed.

A message from my girlfriend consisting of three emojis.

An eggplant, an O-face, and a kissy-face with a heart.

She’s absolutely wild, but I don’t hate that.

I ended up sending an animated sticker of one bear hugging another, just so she knew I appreciated her.

Class went by fairly slowly after that, and after changing into my shoes, it wasn’t only Nakada-san, but Sakuraba-san who was waiting for me.

“Walking home with us today, Blue?”

“I’m walking with Kouta until we reach my stop.”

“Ume.” I voiced her name as I was about to tell her no.

“It’s fine, Kouta.  I really don’t mind.” Shi-chan interrupted.

“Why, though?”

“Why not?  I can let my cute boyfriend walk around with two girls on him simply by not being jealous.  I don’t mind if you want to be clingy, but seeing you not shy away from this situation is also attractive.”

“That’s right.  If you’re going to make it difficult for me, you should at least play the role right, Kouta.”

Umeko also seemed to share the same opinion for some reason now.  What can I do now but go with the flow?  With two women by my side, Umeko holding my hand, and Shizu holding my arm, I exited the school with no small amount of gazes.

Yet, before I made it past the gate, I saw a certain person watching from the side.


The Banchou.

“You too, Umeko?”


They knew each other as well?

“Cheating on your girlfriend already, Kawamura?”

“He’s not cheating, I’m stealing him away.” Umeko explained improperly.  She wasn’t close to stealing me away at all.

The final boss only shook her head with a wry smile.

“Maybe I should join, too?”

“Don’t you have someone to beat up or something, Ruru-chi?”

“Not really, it’s been pretty quiet lately.”

“You don’t even like him.”

“So?  This looks like drama, and I like drama.  I’ll just walk with you…”

So there I was, a flower on each arm, and a chibi boss at head patting distance in front of me…  Both of my hands were tied up, and I wondered what the ever living fuck was going on with my low-key mob life.

If the banchou was looking for some drama, it didn’t happen at first.

I made it to the point where Umeko would normally join us, and the point where she would depart.  She seemed reluctant to let go of my hand.

“What are you waiting for, Blue?  Do you want a kiss from my boyfriend.”

Shi-chan said it as a provocation at first, but from the level of red infecting Umeko’s cheeks, I think that’s exactly what she wanted.

And that’s what happened.

Umeko stared at me for a moment, then kissed me on the cheek.  In the exact spot my girlfriend did in the bathroom after sucking me off.

It was almost a cruel irony.

Umeko let go of my hand afterward and fled down the road to her house.

Nihehe~ She’s a cheeky one.” Shi-chan mirthfully commented.

The unoccupied space left by Ume was immediately snatched up by the Banchou.  We continued like that as we passed through the business district and eventually reached my house.

This is where we should have parted.

“You work today, right, Shizu?”

“Yeah, but I can spare a few minutes.  I want to meet this sister of yours.”

“About that, Onee-chan isn’t home right now, she’s at her studio, working.”

“Aww, you should have said something then!”

“I didn’t think you were actually serious about meeting her.”

“Aneki lives here?”  The banchou asked.

“Yeah, we both have rooms upstairs.  Mom and dad live downstairs.”

“Gonna invite us in since you brought us this far?  It’s hot and I wouldn’t mind a drink.”

“Good idea, let’s stop in.”

Did they think my home was empty?  The sedan was parked in our driveway.  My mother was clearly home.

I didn’t bother to protest.  Mom was probably going to embarrass me again, but that might not be a bad thing.  Maybe it would cause the banchou to see how lame I am, and that would at least dissuade her from associating with me in the future.

I opened the door, and as expected, my mother was sitting in the living room watching her daytime television shows.

“I’m home~” I called out into the house.

“Welcome home, Kouta~”  Mom called back, turning her head at the last moment to notice that there were visitors with me.

Mom stood up, walking over to greet everyone.

“Picked up another girlfriend?” Mom said, without missing a beat.


Yorugata-san took a step forward and bowed.

“Hello Kawamura-san, you may remember me.  I’m Yorugata Ruru.”


Mom repeated her name, before snapping her fingers.

“Ah!  Are you little Rucchin by chance?”

“Yes Ma’am.  We met at Aneki’s graduation two years ago.”

“What a pleasant surprise.  Are you friends with Kouta as well?”

“We’re acquainted.  I was hoping I’d run into Aneki, but he said she was out.”

“Yes.  She started a business after graduating from college.  If you want, I’m sure Kouta can take you to see her in a bit.”

“Maybe later.  I at least wanted to pay my respects to Aneki’s mother.”

“Hi, Kouta’s mom!”

Nakada-san waved at my mother.

“How are you doing today?”

“I’m alright.  I can’t stay too long, since I have to get home and get ready for my part-time job soon.”

“Un, well, don’t let this old lady keep you from having some fun with my son.”

Mom retreated back to the couch.

“So, care to show me your room, Kouta?”

A dangerous suggestion from my girlfriend.

“Show us your room, you mean.”

Leaving our shoes at the entrance, I first stopped by the fridge so I could offer Yorugata-san a drink.  She took a bottle of cold tea, while Shizu was fine with water.  I guided the girls up to my room, and invited them in.

“Uwah, look at all this otaku shit!”

An immediate judgment from the banchou.

I could only sigh in response, but it wasn’t a bad sigh.  Seeing this kind of room, there’s no way she’d bother associating with me anymore after this.

So far, so good.

Without even asking permission, the smallest among us immediately plopped onto my bed unceremoniously.  Nakada-san immediately ribbed her.

“You want to be first that badly, Ruru-chi?”

“Shut up, bitch.”


I put my bag down, and offered to take Nakada-san’s as well, placing them near the door where Yorugata-san already deposited hers.

“We missed out at lunch, so it’s time to deliver, Kouta.”


“I want my lap pillow from you.”

“Ah, that.”

I quickly cleared a space by the bed, and knelt down.  Shi-chan sat down a bit in front of me and laid back, so she could stare up at me.

“Hi.”  She smiled, her view of me upside down.

“Hello.”  I replied, happy I have an unreserved girlfriend for some reason.

My hands moved right to her hair and began playing with it.  I didn’t know what to talk about, but I was just enjoying the nice atmosphere, even though it was a couple plus one.

“You really aren’t interested in doing it with her?”  Yorugata-san asked suddenly.

“I am, I just want to take it slow and enjoy moments like this before things get complicated with sex.”

“Ah, so you take the American’s view of sex then.” Shi-chan giggled.

“What’s that?” I asked.

“Blowjobs don’t count.”

I chopped Shizu on the forehead lightly.


“I thought you said you hadn’t done it!”  The banchou complained.

“We just haven’t gone all the way, Ruru-chi!  I’m respecting his wishes.”

“What the hell, a blowjob totally fucking counts as sex.”


“By that logic, eating pussy doesn’t count then!”

“Hmm.  I agree!”

“You retard!”

Something delicate but wadded up hit my girlfriend’s face, bouncing off and landing between her twin peaks.  She reached up and unfolded them.

They were uh… unmentionables.

“Who’s the slut now, Ruru-chi!”

“Fuck you.”

“He won’t tho…!”  Shizu whined.

I don’t have panties in my room, and to my knowledge Shizu’s are still on her body…


“What?  Never seen a girl’s panties before?”

“…I’ve seen my mom’s and my sister’s in the laundry.”

“Yeah, but I’m talking a girl’s freshly stripped panties.”

“In that case, just my sister’s.”

“Hoh, Aneki let you have them?”

“What?  No!  Years ago when I was still a kid she’d take a bath with me.  I saw them then, that’s all.”

“How many years ago exactly?”

“I don’t know, it was when Onee-chan was still in middle school.”

“I see.  I remember her from back then.  Aneki was like a beautiful sunflower, and you were just a midget.  What was it you used to be called… Shota Kouta!”

When she said that, I cringed hard.  I hated that name… it chased me from elementary and through most of middle before I finally had enough growth spurts, even though I’m not that tall right now either.

Onee-chan was always taller than me, even now she’s 180cm.

“So, you knew Kouta back then, Ruru-chi?”

“Yeah.  But he doesn’t seem to remember me.”

“Well, I don’t remember a lot from back then…”

“But you remember Umeko.”

“Umeko’s always been in my class, even since I was little.”

“I’m really surprised you didn’t end up with her.  She loves you, Kouta.”

“I know, but… I have Shi-chan now.”

“Yay~  I beat out the childhood friend!”

I chopped her again for good measure.

“I like this~”

“Resting your head on my lap?”

“That too, but sitting in your room here and talking about things.  It’s fun.”

“You mean because your face isn’t buried in a pillow.”

“Yup.  I mean, I don’t dislike that, but this is an interesting change of pace, and so I like it!”

I caressed Shi-chan’s face, softly.

“I’m glad.  I’m enjoying this too, even though I can’t feel my legs anymore.”

“Hmm, want to feel my legs then?”

She pulled her legs up so I could reach them.  I reached for them, enjoying that my girlfriend was a caramel goddess.  Her thighs were toned, and they felt smooth to the touch.

There was a knock at my bedroom door, which followed by it opening a moment later.

“Hope I’m not interrupting.  I just wanted to see if you all wanted a snack or anything.  You’re the first guests Kouta’s brought home that I can remember in a long time.”

“Oh, who was the last one?” Shi-chan asked.

“Ume, I think.  Do you know her?”

“Hoh, Kouta had Umeko in his room?”  Yorugata-san questioned her.

“I don’t know if she made it this far.  Usually she and Kouta would be downstairs at the kitchen table studying.”

“Figures.” The loli on my bed said with a slight laugh.

“I should probably get going soon…”  Shi-chan said suddenly.  “Mama Kawamura, can I bum a smoke from you?”

“Sure dear, you’ll have to come downstairs, though.”

“That’s fine, Kouta and I won’t be doing anything you’d approve of in here anyway.”

“I’m sure there will be plenty of opportunities in the future.”

“I hope so!”

“Are those your panties?”

She was staring a the panties Nakada-san was still holding onto.


My mother looked past me and at the short stack sprawled out on my bed.  

“So it begins…” my mother said cryptically before turning around and leaving us three alone.

I felt a foot kick the back of my head.

“Gottem!” Shi-chan said, followed by a loud laugh. “We’ve got a loose loli on the loose!”

I felt my head get kicked a couple more times as Yorugata-san squealed in embarrassment after having got caught by my mother for being a pervert.

Shi-chan got up, which allowed me to do the same, feeling a rush of pins and needles below my knees.

I left my bag, but the other two brought theirs as we all headed downstairs.  Mom had actually put out some snacks already.  Four sandwiches were made and sliced along with some potato chips on a small platter.

We all sat down at the table and ate.  Afterwards, my mother, my girlfriend, and the banchou all lit up.  I was used to it, since everyone in my house did it but me.

“Oh, Mama Kawamura… My Mama wants to meet Kouta on Sunday.”

“You can call me Reiko, Shi-chan.  You too, Rucchin.”

“Un, alright Mama Reiko!”

“Thanks, Reiko-san.  You can just call me Ruru… Calling me Rucchin is a bit…”

“Alright, Ruru.  Sorry If calling you that made you uncomfortable.”

“It’s just an old nickname…”

Mom redirected the conversation my way.

“Kouta, I’m sure I don’t have to say it, but I will anyway.  Make sure you behave yourself when greeting Shi-chan’s mother.”

“I will…”

“Don’t worry Mama Reiko, I’m sure my Mama will like Kouta as soon as she meet him.”

“I don’t know, most mothers would worry about their daughter’s boyfriends… especially if that boyfriend is in the possession of another young lady’s panties.”


“Just teasing a little, Ruru.”

Mom finished hers, then began to clean up the table.  We all offered to help but she refused to let us.

“Don’t let me keep you any longer from your job.  It was a pleasure to see you again, Shi-chan.  You as well, Ruru.”

“Alright, then, I’m off.  See you at school tomorrow, Kouta!”

My girlfriend gave me a deep kiss and then left.  

“It’s okay to be a naughty girl with Kouta, Ruru.  I won’t say a word to anyone.”  

Mom winked at Ruru who turned red.

“I’m not as naughty as Shi-chan.”

“It’s never too late to start, dear.”

“Nice to meet you again Reiko-san, Kouta… let’s go!”

With that quick farewell, Ruru clamped down on my arm and practically dragged me out of my house.  

“Let’s go see Aneki!”

So I ended up escorting Yorugata-san back the way we came, and past the Seven konbini to a nearby office building that was close to the park.  On the ground floor, Onee-chan had a large studio where she did her thing with her friend from college, Echizen Mafuyu.

Since I was familiar with the place, I let myself in.

“Hello?” I called out as I entered.

A cute girl about the same age as my older sister appeared quickly.

“Oh, it’s Kou-chan!”

“Hello Mafuyu.”

“Who’s your friend?”

“More of Onee-chan’s friend, really.  Ruru, this is my sister’s partner in the business, Echizen Mafuyu.  Mafuyu, this is my senpai, Yorugata Ruru.”

Mafuyu took a step forward and offered her hand to shake, which my Senpai did.

“Pleased to meet a friend of Aneki.”

“Aneki?  Oh, are you by chance Rucchin?”

“Ruru, please.”

“My apologies.  If you’re here for Kanae, she’ll be back in a moment.  She went to get us something from Giuseppie’s.”

“Coffee?” I inquired.

“And a few slices of cake.  We just wrapped up a shoot with a model a little while ago, and both of our brains are fried right now.”

“Anyone famous?”

“Actually, yes.  Relatively, anyway.  Her name is Miyajima Kimiko.”

“Never heard of her.”

“Not surprising.  She’s a former model, and even did a shoot for 109 a few years back.”

109 was the most popular clothing store in nearby Shibuya.  It was basically mecca to gyaru culture, and since KanAtelier is mainly a gyaru fashion blog, it comes as no surprise some models bounce around.

While Onee-chan is also a gyaru, surprisingly, Mafuyu isn’t.  She just likes gyaru fashion.  Her real skill is in the field of photography.  Both of them attended the same college, and with my sister’s keen business and fashion sense, she and Mafuyu started a small company.  It’s only those two right now, though.  I also help with some web stuff from time to time, since I know how to do it, and it saves them from having to outsource everything.

Echizen Mafuyu is just a little taller than I am.  However, she has the largest tits in the world, I swear to god.  Even my mother and Onee-chan are beneath her.  But outside of that, she’s a bit of an otaku, like I am.  She’s got light strawberry hair which falls down to her oversized mountains, and wears thin rectangular wire-framed glasses.  There is also the matter of needing a special license to drive the dump truck of an ass she has too.

I think she’s attractive, but she’d never get a modeling gig in anything other than a bakyunyuu magazine.

No lie, I’d fap one out to her tits without a shred of guilt, and I’m a leg man.

While waiting, both my senpai and I watched as Mafuyu uploaded all the pictures from her professional camera onto one of their work computers.  

Indeed, the model they had was sexy.  She was a super skinny gyaru, but I think my girlfriend was more attractive.  There were a number of shots that gave off a come hither kind of vibe.  However something caught my eye.

“Is that a wedding ring?”

“Good catch.  Yes, she’s happily married.”

“Are you going to edit that out in post production?”

“Usually we would, but your sister wants to leave it for this time.  She wants to call the next release Married to Fashion, and feature her as a woman who is married, but still lives for gyaru culture.”

Honestly, this is about the point where I check out mentally.  I love the sexy pictures, but I could care less about the fashion industry.  I’m more in tune with KanaCafe, Onee-chan’s foodie blog.  

In fact, the place Onee-chan is at was featured, and after it was, it really picked up on business in the area.  Now it’s a popular coffeehouse for the high school and early twenties crowd, since it’s also open late.

The door to the studio opened and my sister finally arrived.  She was carrying a large bag in one hand, and a carrier with two drinks in the other.  She caught sight of me instantly.

“You’re here already?”

“I brought someone to see you.” I replied.



My delinquent loli senpai immediately rushed to hug my sister.

“What brings you here?”

“I happened to meet up with your brother today.  He said you worked in a studio nearby.”

“Well, what do you think?”

“Feels cozy.”

“Good.  That’s exactly the kind of mood I hope other people feel when they arrive.”

“So you run a fashion blog?”

“I do most of the PR, and Mafuyu over there does the photography.”


“Are you interested in fashion, Ruru?”

“Maybe a little, now.  But I don’t exactly have the body for it.”

“Are you kidding me?  You’d rock the outfits I have!”

Those two chatted while Onee-chan set down the two drinks then looked for paper plates and utensils for the large cake she had bought.

I thought about slipping out, but I figured I’d stay and get it over with now, rather than tonight and have her come at me while pissed off.

Senpai, Onee-chan, and I ended up in the shooting room.  It was a huge room that had tons of clothes on racks and a large green screen with hot lamps where the models posed.  Mafuyu could edit backgrounds much easier using that kind of setup.

While my diminutive Senpai and I sat on the couch, Kanae began to gather a number of outfits, then brought them over to the legal loli.

“Here you go, change into these.”

“Sure, where’s the changing room?”

“Don’t really have one, we’re all women here, and we only use female models.  You can just change into these here.”

“What about Kouta?”

“Why not give my little brother a show?”


“Don’t worry, he’s not a lolicon.”

“That’s… not the problem.”

“Then what is?  You’ve got underwear on, right?”

“About that.  I’m not wearing panties at the moment.”

“Did you forget to put some on this morning?”

“No way!  I took them off earlier.”

“Well, where are they then?”

“On the floor of your brother’s room… probably.”

Onee-chan tilted her head about fifteen degrees and I swear I saw the gates of hell open up for a moment.

“Kouta!” my sister barked at me.

I swear I saw a small smile crease the banchou’s face.

She fucking did it on purpose!!!

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