Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」

Chapter 4: Chapter Four 「The Dao of Her Panties????」

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May 29th, Friday

--~~* Shizu *~~--

It was laughable to hear about it.

When I got off of work last night, it was to reply to a number of messages Kouta had sent me.  It turns out Ruru-chi got embarrassed easily by his mother, and made him take her to where his sister worked.  Even though she’s the school’s banchou, she’s actually a sweet girl though she has a penchant for getting caught up in drama.  

His sister is some kind of fashionista, and was already friends with Ruru-chi.  She was made to change into some clothes, and set him up with the whole I left my panties on the floor of your brother’s room deal.  Kouta had to deal with the wrath of his sister for quite a while.

It’s actually quite funny reading his complaints.

Being the excellent girlfriend I am, I gave him fill permission to enjoy sniffing her panties.  I would have given him mine, but I refuse to part with the underwear I had yesterday.  They are my lucky pink set, and thanks to them, I got to give him a fun blowjob.


Thankfully that bit of fun was enough to stave off my itch again.

I’ve taken more than a few boys’ cherries no thanks to it, but seeing as he’s playing a bit hard to get with me, I’m having fun going along with his whole let’s go slow plan of action.  To be honest, I don’t really want to let him waste it on me, and even if he were to give it to someone else, like Blue or Ruru-chi, I’d much rather Shiori do the job and keep it quiet.

I think I might actually feel guilty when it happens.  I know it’s going to happen, I just don’t know when.  I’m going to end up cheating on him, and I’m going to feel guilty and miserable for doing so, because he’s a nice guy.

I mean, he’s a definitely a bit of a pervert deep down, and I’m glad he’s not the kind to shy away from my aggressive nature. I suppose I should have his friend Oda Kawazu, and my friends Rina and Mahiro to thank for that with all their rooftop hijinks.

But, I never expected him to somehow have a childhood friend with a serious romantic thing for him, and even to find Ruru-chi herself taking an interest in him.  While he’s not exactly an ikemen, he’s cute enough for me.  I mean, this whole let’s be in a relationship thing is a bit interesting.

I’ve had plenty of sex, but no one I can really call a dedicated lover who would care for me much after getting laid.  He’s my first real boyfriend, trying diligently to treat me good, and I’m going along with it for now… but I’m at a loss on what to do.

I know how to fuck.

But being romanced?  Falling in love?

It’s uncharted territory for me.  Except for the boy from my past.

I mean, it’s par for the course ever since I got this damn itch, but like… I really don’t want to hurt him.  I talked with Shiori last night, and we decided to swap on Saturday.  I plan on setting everything up today, so she can have a turn tomorrow.  If he’s going to seriously be my boyfriend, then he’s going to be a boyfriend to the both of us.

I’ve told Shiori, my younger twin, all the details I can remember over the last few days, so she knows who Blue is, she knows about Ruru-chi, she’s aware Kouta has an overbearing sister, and she knows his mother’s name is Reiko, and that she’s completely okay with a slut like me dating her son.

I suppose the most problematic thing would be how Shiori would handle his sister, but aside from that, those two should be fine, and hopefully they have a nice date on Saturday.

If Kouta wants to do anything to her, I’ve already let her know that she’s free to turn him down for sex if she’s uncomfortable with the idea.  Shiori’s inexperienced with men, so I told her it’s fine to tease him a little, but not to go overboard.  At the very least, she can handle him kissing and groping her.

I’ve woken up early, to get started on making another bento for us to share.  His sister’s was tasty, especially when mixed with mine.  Just the right amount of flavor and spice!

Now that it’s done, it’s time to get dressed and apply my makeup.  While I’m beautiful enough without it, I like keeping up appearances.  Shiori joins me around this time and I do her up as well.  She’s more than capable of doing her own makeup, but this is just how we do things.

We’ve always been close-knit sisters.

Shiori attends Yamamori High, which is closer to my house, and for a good reason.  I don’t want my negative reputation to affect her too much.  She’s an excellent student and has a bright future.  Both Mama and I do what we can to support her.  I’m not failing any classes at school or anything, but my itch doesn’t allow me to stay still and focus like I need to if I want to really push forward in my education.

Shiori can do that still, so she should.  She should be all she can be.  Worst case scenario, if things don’t work out with Kouta, she can find a good guy eventually, and I’ll just be a freebie that tags along.

Shiori is the sweet type, and I’m the wild type.  Between us, there’s no way any man we end up with won’t work himself to the bone to receive our love.  Just in case Shiori isn’t into having sex all the time, even if the poor bastard is tired from work, he won’t be able to decline my advances.  A guy without a healthy libido is a deal breaker from the start.

I leave earlier, since I have to go pick up boyfriend from his home.  Seijou high is a lot further than Yamamori, so by the time I should arrive, Kouta is pretty much ready to go.

When I get to his house, there’s always this strange feeling.

It’s like I’ve been here before.

I knock on the door and am invited inside by his mother.  It seems Kouta got a late start and only began changing into his school uniform after eating breakfast.  This left me time to have a chat with his mother.

She’s a former secretary, who speaks English really well.  She just put in for retirement, though whether it’s temporary or not she didn’t elaborate on.  Apparently Kouta’s father is a salaryman, and though they own two cars, sometimes he prefers to commute by train to work, only because he often has to drink socially with his co-workers.  No one with any conscience wants to risk driving while intoxicated.  I’m the same way.  I’m no stranger to alcohol either, but I won’t drink on days I have part-time work.

All it takes is one mistake.

Eventually Kouta comes downstairs.  So I trot over and crash into him with a hug.


I can tell he enjoys it when I do that.  Well, what guy wouldn’t like a beauty such as myself acting cute like that?  I could be a cold bitch, but that wouldn’t be any fun!

“Good morning, Shi-chan!”

I start off our day with a small kiss on the lips.

Ara, isn’t it nice to have an affectionate girlfriend, Kouta?”

Mama Reiko likes to tease Kouta a lot.

We end up leaving his house after he takes his bento and we begin our walk to school.  Along the way, I ask him what he wants to do on Saturday for a date, since technically, I have the morning off and only have to go into work in the late afternoon.

Not that I’ll have much to do that day, as Shiori will be the one accompanying him on that date.  Maybe he’ll let me spend the night with him so I can get my fill, too?  It’s risky, however, if I don’t talk to Shiori about what happened on the date though.

“Hmm.  There’s the arcade.” He suggested, “We could also go see a movie, or maybe go somewhere else.  There’s stuff like an amusement park, or an aquarium.”

“I’ll let you surprise me!” I said, since I think he’d have more fun making those choices.

Enjoying a smoke along the way, at the usual spot, Blue shows up as expected.

“Good morning, Kouta.  …Nakada-san.”

“Hey there, Blue.”

She ignores me, choosing to walk to the other side of Kouta and takes his arm, brazenly pressing her breasts against it.  I have to  say, she’s courageous for pulling such a stunt with me nearby.

Not that she can do anything since his eyes are on me.  I can see Kouta making a strained face.  Shall I join in the fun?  I also link arms with him and do the same.

“Blue, you’re falling behind, you know?”

“What are you talking about?”

“Kouta’s started a panty collection.  He’s already got a pair from two devastatingly cute girls already.  Are you sure you don’t want him to know what a lovely scent you have as well?”

“Shizu!” Kouta suddenly scolded.

“What?  It’s true, though.  Didn’t you tell me you were enjoying sniffing them last night?  I didn’t even get mad, did I?” 

“…is that true, Kouta?”

She took the bait.

Well, it wasn’t a lie.  Kouta just didn’t tell me if it was Ruru’s or Mahiro’s.  I have my guess though on whose panties it was.

Kouta just sighed.

“If I gave you mine, would you even sniff them?”

They say, game recognizes game.  Therefore, as a slut, I should be able to recognize another slut, right?  There is no doubt that Blue is a slut for my boyfriend.  What’s more hilarious is that he’s probably got more of a sure thing with her than with me.

Kouta wasn’t answering, so after a light elbow to his ribs, I made sure there wasn’t an escape route.  It’s in extremely bad taste to refuse or ignore a young maiden’s offer of her panties.  Especially if they are the kind which have done the job of accepting the warmth of her body throughout the day.

“Kouta, aren’t these the precious panties of your childhood friend?  You don’t think that I, your very own lover would deny you such a treasure, do you?”

“Shi-chan… why do I think you want her to give them to me more than I do?”

“Then, do you want mine instead?”

Kouta was caught in the middle of a fun shuraba.  I could only imagine Ruru-chi wanting to be here to watch him squirm.

“I want both of yours!”  Kouta says, after exploding in frustration.

“My boyfriend is so greedy, isn’t he, Blue?”

“You’re trash, Nakada-san.”

“Yup!  Say, Blue, want to swap panties, that way we can both give him them after school?  It’ll be filled with both of our scents so you won’t lose out to mine.”

“Oh, please.  Kouta would much rather smell mine than that disease infested cock-trap of yours.”

“Hey, I’m clean.  I get tested regularly!”

This girl is really hitting below the belt today.  I’m being all quite amicable and generous letting her tag along, but maybe I should lay it out for her.   Actually, I should be upset at Kouta for not saying anything, but I guess my mind was moving faster than my ears.

Kouta did respond to her.

He pulled his arm away from her.

“Umeko.  Apologize.”

“Why should I?”

“Then don’t.  Until you do, don’t even talk to me, or come near me.”

Kouta kept walking, me along with him.  Blue was standing still a few steps back.

“You definitely earned some points right now, boyfriend.”

“No.  I earned your panties right now.”

“So, you want them right now?”

“Nope.  I want you to imagine getting fucked by me all day long in class, then I want you to give them to me at lunch.”

“I don’t think it would make much of a difference from now until lunch, Kouta.  I spent all of last night wearing these, imagining exactly that.  But to think my ecchi boyfriend wants me to go around with no panties for the after lunch portion of school.”

“Not exciting enough for you?”

“It’s exciting, but I’m already an easy access woman.  Are you sure you want to take that kind of risk?  What if I get itchy because of that?”

“Then I’ll make sure to scratch your itch at lunch, so you don’t.”

Nihehe~ Now that’s exciting!”

We parted at the lockers, Blue having never caught up to us.  In class, Rina and Mahiro wondered if we were going to be joining them on the rooftop today.  I figured with what Kouta said, the answer to that was an obvious yes.

During the boring parts of class, I browsed one of my favorite blogs.  I was thrilled to see who they had featured today!  It’s my friend from my trauma support circle, Miyajima Kimiko.  Kii-chan!

Rina and Mahi don’t know her all that well, but I do.  She had an abusive father who used to walk in on her when she was younger, and when she finally ran away from home after one too many encounters, she ended up staying with a shady guy who passed her around.  When she had enough of that, she ended up at a mixer and met a guy.  That guy was a fat otaku who loved cosplay and after a strange period of her using his place as a crash pad, some things happened and they got married.  She seems to like him well enough, or at least the lazy lifestyle he lets her live, and she keeps him milked well enough not to complain, so it’s sort of a win-win for the both of them.

I ended up sending a text to her, letting her know I saw her photos on KanAtelier.  Since I was wondering what to do with myself on Saturday, I decided to see if she would meet with me on Saturday while Shiori’s out with Kouta.

All my plans were coming together.

It was lunchtime at long last, and venturing over to Kouta’s classroom, bringing along the bento I made this morning, I found Blue there waiting.  

Though she looked far from apologetic, she did apologize.  I suppose I should have Kouta ease off her punishment now.

Since there wasn’t anyone in class now but us three at the moment, the next thing she did I found hilarious.  She put her hands under her skirt, and off came her panties.  Only she didn’t hand them to Kouta after removing them from around her ankles… she handed them to me.


It was a tough choice.  I was going to give Kouta my panties stained with my wetness for him as soon as we got to the rooftop.  I weighed the pros and cons.  I can give Kouta my panties anytime, but to give him the panties of his childhood friend slightly tainted by me?

How could I not?

So I followed suit and did the same thing, handing mine over to her.


I slipped on her panties, and she slipped on mine.  Kouta watched the whole thing go down, not bothering to close his mouth in surprise at what just happened.

“I’ll give them to you after school, so wait at the lockers, Kouta.” She said before hauling ass out of the classroom.

“I knew she had it in her.  Metaphorically, anyway.” I joked.

“So, you’re telling me you’ve had it in you?”

“That’s what I’m saying.”

“Interesting.  I had no idea.”

I shoved him playfully.

“Oh, shush.  I’m no maiden.”

“Then that makes me maidenless, Shizu.  As a gamer, that’s a bad thing to be.”

“Is that some otaku joke I don’t get?”

“Yes.  Yes it is.  But you know, having to do many quests to win the heart of a maiden is a crucial part of playing a fun game.”

“Then shall I give you a quest, my cute knight?”

“Please do, my lady.”

“Oh noble knight, I have this terrible itch that needs to be scratched, and I have not the hands capable enough to do it myself.  Whilst thou aid me?”

“I shall do so, with great pleasure!”

Kouta stood up, and after retrieving his sister’s homemade bento, we journeyed up the stairs and to the rooftop, where our friends were waiting.

“No camera today, Kouta?” Mahimahi asked him.

Kouta looked dumbfounded for a moment.  The only thing in his hand was the lunch box.

“Shit, I completely forgot to bring it!” he groaned.

“It’s no biggie, dude.” His friend, Oda Kawazu, seemed to not mind it. “So, you two still taking it slow?”  

“For now,”  I answered him,  “I’m just waiting for him to be ready.” 

Kouta and I sat down, with me sitting between his legs.  Both of our lunch boxes were opened, and I took turns feeding him and me.  Kouta’s hands were quick to find their way under my skirt, and I enjoyed him touching me sweetly while my mouth sent the enjoyable pain of spiciness to my brain.

“I wonder how you feel knowing that my lower lips have touched your cute childhood friend’s before you have?”

“You sure know how to say some interesting things.”

“Yes, I’m very good with my mouth, as you just so happen to know.”

Kouta brushed my ponytail aside and began to kiss my neck, sending happy goosebumps down my arms and legs as his finger gently massaged me under my skirt.

“Look at these two flirts!”  Mahiro had walked over to us and sat down.  “Looks like fun, can I join?”

“Sure, have a seat.”

Mahiro did just that.  I scooted over, sitting on the right side of Kouta’s lap, and Mahimahi took a seat on the left side.

“I’ll be in your care today, Kouta.”

“You sure?  I don’t exactly know what I’m doing…”

“I’m sure.  I got fucked plenty by Kawazu yesterday, so I was going to let Rina enjoy herself fully today.”

“Hmm, but don’t you like Kawazu?  Are you sure it’s cool to be letting me do this?”

“This much is fine.  Shi-chan, you don’t mind, do you?”

“Not at all.  I think it’ll be good practice for my boyfriend.”

So there we were.  Two lunch boxed before us, two girls sitting on his lap, and each of us with Kouta’s hand up our skirts.  What better way to spend lunch than with friends?

Mahiro shared lunch with us, which neither of us minded, and Kouta learned how to touch each of us.  The real coaching began when we both pulled our panties down to allow him direct access.  How I like to be touched, and how Mahi like to be touched were different, so as we instructed him, it was fun to see how well he was able to adapt to us.

“Kouta, you can slide a finger in me if you want, to help keep my clit wet.”

Yes, Kouta was a complete novice at fingering girls.  Well, he’s a virgin, so it’s to be expected.  I also wanted him to do the same, and so when he did, I also taught him the best way to rub while he was inside.

Mahiro was definitely enjoying herself.

“Boyfriend, would you enjoy watching us kiss?”

“You and Mahiro?”


“I’m down with it, if you two are.”

“See, Mahimahi, he’s a total perv.”

“It’s a pity you didn’t confess to me earlier, Kouta.  You might have gotten my first time instead of Kawazu.”

“Yeah, but you would still have ended up with Kawazu.”

“That’s not necessarily true…”

“Aiming for my Kouta now, Mahi?”

“I’m just a girl looking for a good time.  I know that Kouta is the serious kind, and while that’s nice for now, I don’t know how serious I want to get.  That’s sort of why Kawazu was a good pick for me.  When we graduate we might all go different ways, and it’ll be easier to part with him if that happens.”

Unlike the rest of us, Suzuki Mahiro is from a wealthy family.  When I say wealthy, I mean she has servants and shit at her house kind of wealthy.  That being said, her family, when she’s at home is strict, but they let her attend Seijou High for a good reason.  She’s basically the daughter of alumni who donate.  She can get away with pretty much anything.  That’s how we have the rooftop access to begin with.

Mahiro began to pant a little.

“You’re getting the hang of it, Kouta.  Keep doing what you’re doing, ‘kay?”

Mahiro leaned in together with me and we kissed.  Both of us also had eye contact and because of that we sent a wordless message through our eyes.  With a free hand, we worked to release Kouta’s beast, and as he fingered us, we played with him, too.

Mahiro managed to cum, while I needed a bit more time to get there.  Kouta was doing a great job for what it was worth.  Mahiro stopped kissing me, then she turned her head and began to kiss my boyfriend.

Such a sneaky bitch.

I decided to pay her back by moving Kouta’s now free hand up to her breasts and let him grope her.  If she’s going to borrow his body, she better be ready to repay with hers.

Finally, Kouta managed to make me tighten up and climax.

And now I was hungry.

Oh look, Kouta came prepared with a delicious jumbo sausage, just for me.


While boyfriend was enjoying her lips up top, I was going to let him enjoy my lips down below.  I decided to let him last a little longer than when we were in the boys’ bathroom.  I was very much enjoying being a bit of a slut with him, especially since he was fine with this much.

But, Mahiro probably did like him.  Maybe his crush on me left him unable to see the signs she had obviously given him?

I took a moment to peek over at Rina and Kawazu.  Rina was on top, riding him while they were making out, so neither of them were paying attention over here.  It was a golden opportunity for both Mahimahi and Kouta.

Right when I felt Kouta swell up, I pulled my mouth off of him and tapped Mahiro.  We immediately swapped places.  My mouth replaced hers, and she went down on him in my place.

Kouta didn’t expect it, and tried to complain, but I held his shoulders and shoved my tongue deep into his mouth.  At the same time, I could feel him suck air through his nose, and I knew he blew his load right in her mouth.

I’m such a great girlfriend.

When he began to settle his breathing, I pulled away, and saw Mahi waiting for me.  Her mouth wide open, with a pool of Kouta’s cum waiting to be shared.

And share it we did!

Kouta got to watch us share the cummiest of kisses, it was sweet tasting, like cola, and I could feel some of it spill out of the corner of my mouth.  It was now much more exciting to kiss Mahiro because of this.

When we were done, both of us properly swallowed, and then Mahi licked the side of my chin up to my lip and I did the same.

Then we giggled.

Even though he clearly popped in Mahiro’s mouth, he was standing at second attention already.

“This is what I like about him, Mahi.  There’s two of us, and he’s responsible enough to make sure we both get taken care of.”

“Are you sure he isn’t just being greedy now, Shi-chan?”

“Is there something wrong with that?”

“Not a thing!”

We still hadn’t finished eating, but I was pleasantly full for some reason.  So I fetched out a smoke from my skirt pocket and relaxed.  Yep, I could barely feel that itch right now.

Kouta reached around, having taken the time a moment before to tuck his kouhai back into his boxers, and wrapped an arm around me.  I was going to tell him not to forget Mahiro, but she found a place next to him as well, so it was all good.

 After a deep drag, I offered my cigarette to Mahiro, who didn’t smoke at all, as a joke.

She reached for it and took a puff of it anyway.

That surprised Kouta.

She coughed a little and handed it back quickly.

“What?” She said coyly, “It was that good, Kouta.”

My boyfriend had two slutty (mainly me) gyarus on each arm, and I thought for a moment that maybe I had found the right guy for me after all.

Because he could be satisfied with this much.

He didn’t have anywhere else to be.  He was happy to be here with both of us.  He wasn’t angry at me for letting her do that to him.  What I did was entirely non-consensual to him, but he kept his arms wrapped around both of us, and we both leaned on him.


I can entrust Shiori to him after all.

Mahiro asked Kouta for his phone, which he reached in his pocket to loan her.  His background photo was the image of my bare legs which I sent him the night after he confessed to me.

Mahiro had put in her number.

“Kouta, you can call me anytime.  I might be Kawazu’s, but I’ll definitely make time for you.” Mahiro gave him a kiss on the cheek. 

Then she got up and left, heading over to Kawazu and Rina.

You are reading story Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」 at

We both watched as she suddenly kissed Rina, who was completely unaware of the condition of Mahiro’s mouth.

“Kouta.  I definitely like you.”

“That’s good.  I like me too.”

“…you aren’t mad?”

“Nah.  I won’t complain, but I wish you had done it completely.  Because I want to make you mine as much as possible, slowly.”

“You can do that.  Make me yours, Kouta.  Even if I screw up a few times… please… do your best to make me yours.”

Kouta held me, and for the first time in while, I felt like crying.

I didn’t, but I really felt like it.

Because for the first time in a long, long time… I was actually happy.

Deep down happy.


We met at the lockers after class ended.  Kouta arrived first, followed by me, and a short while later, Blue.  She looked around nervously at first, then quickly stuck her balled up fist into his pants pocket, then pulled it out quickly.

She looked uncomfortable.

Well, I already figured out what just happened.  I’m sure Kouta will be aware of it shortly, if not already.

I’ll give him the ones I’m wearing once we get to his house.

Since she apologized, there was no problem with her clinging to him like usual.  She didn’t even act hateful at me either the entire way to where she parted from us.

She only whispered something into his ear, and then gave him a hug before running off again.  She’s really good at running away.  No wonder she can’t manage to hold on to Kouta as a boyfriend.

We continued walking, and passed through the business district.  When we passed by a certain store, Kouta stopped to stare in the window.

“What’s up, Kouta?”

“Ah, you know, I pass by here all the time, and I completely forgot how often I used to come here.”

“To the dagashiya?”

“Yeah.  When I was a kid, my sister used to take me here.  There’s this nice baa-chan who always kept cola candies for me.  I wonder if she’s still running the place?”

“Want to go inside and buy some if they have any?”

“Is it alright?”

“Sure, I have plenty of time to get home.  I just won’t be able to stay at your house for long.”

We entered the candy shop, a small electronic pin-pon noise alerting whoever was here that there were customers.

All of a sudden a really small girl appeared behind the counter.

“Welcome to Uesugi Dashiya!  Can I help you?”

Kouta was quick to approach her.

“Hello.  Are you the owner of the store?”

She shook her head.

“Nope, kaa-san and baa-chan run it!  But Satoko is the bestest helper!”

“I bet you are.  Do you know all the candies you carry?”

“Un!  We have everything!”

“When I was little, baa-chan used to keep cola candies for me.  They are little brown balls that came in plastic wrappers.  Do you happen to still carry them?”

“Un!  It’s these right here!”

She pointed to her right side, and in a wide glass jar with a lid were hard brown candy balls.

“That’s just what I wanted to buy.  How much are they?”

“They are ten yen each.”

“Hmm… then can I have 200 yen worth of them, please?”


She quickly plucked a small paper bag from under the counter and counted very carefully twenty of them out before putting them in the bag.

“Nee~ Kouta.  Will you buy me something too?” I asked, wanting to be a part of the fun.

“Sure, what would you like, Shi-chan?”

I asked the girl if she had any spicy umaibou.


She climbed down and came out from around the back.  

“Follow me, Onee-chan.

She walked over to a shelf and pointed.

“I think the red one is the spicy one, but I know we have three kinds.  Umm… the green one… and I think the black one.”

She pointed at three different ones.  Indeed they were all spicy umaibou.  I grabbed a few, and brought them over to the counter where she already had returned.

Kouta moved a step to his left, where there was a cooler.  He pulled out two cold ramune in glass bottles.

“And these as well.  That should do it, I think.”

She pointed at everything and calculated it.

“640 yen, please.”

Kouta seemed lost in thought for a moment as he looked at the change in his hand.  Then he asked the little girl another question.

“Is there anything for sixty yen that you happen to like?”

“That Satoko likes?  eto… maybe kibidango?”

“Are you sure?”

“Un.  Satoko likes it because it’s super sour!”

She pointed a the counter to a white package with red hiragana on it.  Kouta reached for one and put it on the counter in front of her, then he surrendered his sixty yen worth of change.

“Alright, this is from us to you, as thanks for helping us find something tasty.”


“Yup.  But don’t get in trouble over it, make sure your kaa-san or baa-chan know.  They might get mad at us if we accidentally spoil your appetite later.”

“Un!  I’ll tell baa-chan right now!”

“Alright, we’ll be back another time.”

“Okay, take care cola Onii-chan! umaibo Onee-chan!

She waved at us as we left.

Kouta took a few steps and staggered right into me, almost knocking me over.


“Aha!  So you are a lolicon!”

“No way!  It’s just that the little dagashiya girl was really fucking cute!”

“So you like cute little girls?”

“Only to give head pats and candy to.”

“What about cute big girls?”

“I expect panties from them.”

Yep.  Boyfriend’s a total pervert.  I wonder if I’m responsible for awakening his panty fetish, or if he already had it?

“Sure, sure.  I’ll give mine to you once we get to your house.”

For that, he offered me one of his cola candy balls, and a head pat.  I didn’t care for the candy, but I welcomed the head pat.

“Did seeing that girl remind you that you are going to be an Onii-chan soon?”

“Not really.  I just have a soft spot for little girls.  Maybe it’s because I grew up with a psycho Onee-chan?  Then again, if I ever became a dad and had a daughter that cute, I wouldn’t want to let anyone steal her away.”

“So you want kids?”

“Eventually.  Maybe after I graduate and have a stable job and enough income to support a family.”

“Do you want a stay at home wife, or a working wife?”

“I’m good with either.  My mother and father worked all the time, and my sister took care of me my whole life.  I can’t say what would be the best way to raise a kid, but I at least want to be there enough to be relevant to their life.”

“I’m scared of the thought of kids right now.”

“Is this because of your itch?”

“Yeah.  I… don’t want a child if the only mother she’ll know is like me.  I know how much I hurt mama being like this.  I don’t know how I’d feel if my child hated me because of it, or worse… if they were like me, too…”

Kouta stopped me and gave me a hug.  He held me firmly and stroked my head.

“I don’t know what to say, since I don’t know the answer.  But, I hope you can overcome it one day, or at least find a man who can accept you for that.  If it’s the latter at least, there’s definitely a chance, as long as your lover understands you, they can communicate to your child that it doesn’t disqualify you as a good parent.  Being a good parent is about being there for your kid, rich or poor.  That’s the most important part, I feel.”

“Are you the latter type, Kouta?”

“What if I am?”

“Then you’re dangerous.  Because, even if I’m on the pill, if you let me misunderstand something like that, I might want you so badly, my body will forcibly ovulate.  Only abstinence is 100% effective.”

“I’ll do my best to forgive you if it happens, but don’t let anyone but me claim any of your stray eggs for as long as we’re together.”

“What Blue said earlier…  I do take care of my body.  There was a point in the beginning where I was a little reckless with it, but… I don’t have any diseases.  Most of that time was mainly me… and an older guy.  It went on for most of a year, it was right before I went gyaru.”

I was a bit scared to open up to Kouta at that moment, but I had, if only a little.  My history… is bad.  Very bad.

“It’s okay.  Right now I’m your only lover, and I’ll do my best to help you keep it that way.”

“It’s really a pity I have to work today.”

“Feeling down?”

“No.  I was just suddenly feeling affectionate enough to take you upstairs to your room and rape the shit out of you.”

“Ah.  Lucky me.”

“I like you, my stupid boyfriend.”

“I look forward to knowing you better each day, Shizu.”

“I… want a kiss.”

Kouta obliged me.  I have a deep rooted fear of pregnancy.  It’s because back when I was younger, I think I was pregnant once.  The older man I talked about… was a guy I only knew as Mister.

He was a salaryman, and he used to molest me on the train.  But it was a molestation that I went out looking for.  I learned exactly how dirty a bitch I could be thanks to him, and even to this day it was the most powerful and incredible sex I ever had.

We ended up drifting apart when Shiori took action to help me control my itch.  After that, I didn’t have any reason to ride the train, since I didn’t need to take one to my school at the time.  So I lost contact with Mister.  

I never had his number and we never knew each other’s real name.  I wasn’t sure if what I had was anything like love for him.  But at the time, he was necessary for me.

Mister, the boy, and Shiori.

Without them, there’s no telling how bad I slut really might have become.

The rest of the walk to his house was done quietly, but I was happy to have a shoulder to lean my head on.

When we arrived, I still had a few minutes I could stick around for.  Mama Reiko was there as usual, and happy to welcome us back from school.

“Oh, is Ruru not with you today?”


“I can’t stay for long, since I have to work later.”

“That’s okay, Shi-chan.  I know how the grind is.”

“Right… I want to spend all day being lovey-dovey with Kouta right now.”

“That reminds me, do you need protection?”

I pulled out my phone and opened the back of the case up, where I always kept three condoms.

“I’m always prepared.”

“Kouta, don’t do anything stupid now.  She’s a keeper.”


“There’s nothing wrong with a girl who knows how to take care of herself.”

“Right!  Oh, Mama Reiko, there’s good news to report!”

“Which is?”

“Kouta is now up to four pairs of panties.”

“Shizu, please!”



“Un.  Yesterday was Ruru-chi’s, today he got mine from Blue, and I’m wearing Blue’s and will be giving him those in just a bit.  He also had Mahi’s from before that.”

“Oh my.  Is my Kouta finally in his popularity period?”

“He might be.  Don’t worry, I’ll make sure no one takes the spot of his girlfriend other than me.”

“Kouta, it may be a good idea to go to the pharmacy later and buy some protection for yourself.  If you don’t know how to use it, have Shi-chan help you out.”

“Are you both seriously doing this to me right now?”

“It’s good practice to use protection, Kouta.”  I inform him, though I’m perfectly fine with letting him not use it.  He’s my boyfriend after all!  My eggs belong to him for now.

“Can I borrow your bathroom real quick?”

“Sure dear, it’s right over there.”


I strolled over to it, and quickly removed them.  Blue was true to her name, even her panties were blue.  The ones I let her wear were lavender, by the way.  They already had a deep purple color in the middle from thinking about him from last night until I traded them to Blue.

Now, with nothing between my pussy and the ground below my feet, I exited the bathroom and presented them to Kouta.

“Mama Reiko, did you ever give your husband your panties?”

“I certainly have.  Sometimes I’d tease him by putting a dirty pair in his briefcase without him knowing.  He works hard, so it’s good to know some part of me was there to inspire him to come home and finish, if you know what I mean.”


“Want a snack before you go?”

“Kouta bought me some, actually.”  I replied, pointing to the bag he was holding.  “A whole lot of umaibou!”

When I mentioned that, Kouta put the bag on the table and took out his cola flavored candy balls, and handing me the bag.

“Anything good?”

“They’re all spicy.  Would you like one?”

“Sure, let’s have one together.”

We sat down and traded.  She offered me a cigarette, and I offered her a spicy teriyaki flavored umaibou.

“So, what is it you do for part-time work?”

“I drive big trucks.  I work with Mama, and I’m responsible for driving our trucks into the loading bays and helping them get ready before the assigned workers go off on deliveries.”

“Oh, that sounds interesting.  But you’re pretty young to have a license, aren’t you?”

“I passed it on my first try.  Mama had taught me how to drive when I was younger, and thanks to the company’s backing there wasn’t any problem with the testing.  I hope to get a truck of my own one day, but I may just settle for a motorcycle before then.  Commuting by train is a pain sometimes.”

I’m eating some kind of curry flavored umaibou and it’s really good.  It was the one in the green package the little girl from the dagashiya selected for me.  I offered Kouta a bite, and I was happy that he took one.

Mama Reiko didn’t miss our exchange, and had a smile on her face too.  I guess she’s really happy her son has a girlfriend he can finally show off?

Parents worry about such things.

Don’t worry Mama Reiko, I won’t let your son be one of those types who holes up in his room and doesn’t amount to anything, only looking at pictures of anime girls and giving his family who loves him nothing but despair.  I will get him laid, one way or another.  Once a guy gets a taste, that’s all the inspiration they need to keep working hard in order to be a contributing member of society.

After the last bit of free time I had to spare finally passed, Kouta saw me off.  I made sure to get another long hug, and kiss, and made sure his fingers had a bit of special warmth left on them for him to enjoy.

Then I headed back home, to get ready for work.

--~~* Kouta *~~--

It is late at night.

On my bed were four pairs of panties.

One was a cute pair, which belonged to Suzuki Mahiro.

The next belonged to the Banchou and Onee-chan’s friend, Yorugata Ruru.

Then the two new additions, a purple pair which belonged to my girlfriend, Nakada Shizu, that was worn by my childhood friend and a girl who has heavy feelings for me that I am unable to return, Sakuraba Umeko.

And a blue pair, which was the exact opposite of the above.

So, as the responsible party, entrusted with such bountiful artifacts…

I took my time sniffing each one.

Now, as a man not mired down by boomer thoughts which originated in the patriarchy of old, and a progressive one of the Reiwa era instead… I believe that there are many things woman are equal to with men.

However, those semantics do not extend to panties.

With women’s panties, there is a strict ranking system which I have devised just now on the spot to help me with my conundrum.

Which scent makes my dick the hardest?

From the bottom, it’s my girlfriend.

Shit.  That’s not a good sign, is it?

Then it’s Umeko, but maybe that’s because the scents from both pairs are nearly identical to me.

The runner up is the banchou’s pair, which has this faint angel-like aroma that is slow acting at first, but when I think about how that fucking rascal loli set me up to deal with Kanae after dropping such a misleading line, I realized it had the power to make my boner rage.

The winner was the cute pair of kitty panties belonging to the only-moments-later recently deflowered Suzuki Mahiro.

I don’t know why, but even though it’s been a couple of days already since I got them, every time I take a sniff, for the next three minutes, I’m absolutely certain that my cock is hard enough to fuck a hole into a block of concrete.

I don’t know if there’s anything underlying there.

Yet, those problems are nothing right now.  Why?

Because as I’m taking a long inhale from Mahiro’s panties as I stand in place with my metal pipe out and my hand about to wrought pure steel in a moment.

The locked door to my room opens in an instant.

Standing before me is Onee-chan.

She sighs, I am clearly a disappointment in her eyes.

Her mouth opens, hellfire about to spew forth and destroy me.  

“Please let the next few words out of your mouth be ones that say those are Ruru’s panties you are sniffing.”

My cock cannot tell this lie.  It has transcended the periodic table of the elements now.  It has attained a new form, that of indestructible galactic mythril.  Seven deep inhales of Mahiro’s once virgin pussy has done this to me.

I have become an immortal cultivator now, eldest brother of the panty sect.

“They aren’t.”

I can never again return to the mortal realm.

“God fucking damn it, Kouta!”

My yang is eternal.

You can find story with these keywords: Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」, Read Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」, Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」 novel, Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」 book, Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」 story, Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」 full, Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」 Latest Chapter

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