Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」

Chapter 5: Chapter Five 「Penguin x Lioness」

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Saturday, May 30th

--~~* Kouta *~~--

I’m not exactly thrilled with the idea of it, but as today is Saturday and there is no school, Shizu is coming over to my house and will finally meet my Onee-chan before we go on our date.  I’ve already dressed up, something light and casual which I also told her to wear, and I’ve already booked the tickets for where we’re going.

Mom, Kanae, and I are all downstairs.  Breakfast just finished and Onee-chan  was washing the dishes when the doorbell rang.  I opened it and there she was, looking…


“Hello, boyfriend.  I did what you asked and wore something light for our date.  What do you think?”

My girlfriend was wearing a green dress, and she twirled around in front of me to show off her cuteness.


She immediately put a finger to my lips.

“What did I say to you yesterday about that!”

Oh, right.  We had texted a bit before going to sleep after she got home from her job.  There were two rules for going on this date, both things she requested since I wanted to keep it a surprise where we were going.

The first was that I cannot call her anything other than Shi-chan or Girlfriend.  The second was that I am not allowed to ask her for sex today.  I was more confused by the latter request than the former, but only because she has been openly interested in having sex since the moment I confessed to her.

But I mean, this is what I wanted, and it’s not like I’m some pervert who wants to do whenever we are together, things just happened because I somehow managed to get swept up into her pace.

“Right, sorry.  You look really cute in that dress.”

She smiled, but for some reason, it kind of felt forced.  Was she not comfortable dressing like that?  She could go full gyaru if she wanted… rather, I like it when she’s all decked out.

It was some kind of cognitive dissonance I was feeling that kept me staring at her.

“Are you going to invite me in, or do I have to blow you here?”

“Eh?  What…?  Ah, no. No…, Please come in!”

How strange… is that really Shi-chan?  I mean, it has to be her, but something feels off.  I just can’t quite place what it is.

After passing the entryway, the kitchen was in view, and so were Onee-chan and mom.

“Good morning, Reiko Mama.  Oh, is this Kouta’s Onee-chan by chance?”

Nakada-san is only a few centimeters taller than me, not counting her ponytail.  By comparison, Kanae was about a dozen taller than her.

“So you’re Nakada-san?”


Kanae was wiping her hands, having just finished cleaning the dishes, then she tossed the hand towel she was using down, and started up a cigarette immediately.

“So, you take my Kouta’s virginity yet?”

Even though Onee-chan already knew she hadn’t, that was how she was going to begin with her treatment of my girlfriend.  How mortifying.

“He said he was interested in taking it slow, but if it’s bothering you, five minutes won’t affect our date all that much to fix that.  Did you want to watch, Onee-chan?”

I could hear my mother holding back her laughter, while Kanae took a long drag, giving Shi-chan a deathly appraisal with her eyes.

“Why did you accept my Kouta’s confession?”

“His was the first one that was sincere.”

“How many boyfriends have you had before him?”



“I’m quite serious.  Kouta is my first boyfriend.”

“But not your first lover.”

“If you want to know how good I am in the sack, all you have to do is ask…  But I wouldn’t be a good girlfriend if I didn’t let Kouta watch us, now would I?”

“Pfffft~!!”  Mom lost it, and began to laugh.

Kanae took another drag.

“Did you remember to bring an extra pair of panties with you?  It seems since my Kouta met you, he’s acquired a strange hobby.”

“I wonder… isn’t a little bit of mystery welcome on a date?  Then again, since it will only be us on this date and you’re showing such concern for him, you are free to loan me your panties to wear so you can be there in spirit.”

I was not going near this back-and-forth between them.  Since I transcended the realms last night, I could now clearly see a beastly aura behind each of them.  Kanae was surrounded by a dark aura, with the ferocious visage of a mother bear about to strike any predator daring to attack her cub, while Shi-chan was surrounded by a crimson aura along with the appearance of a regal lioness who wanted nothing more than to devour that mama bear’s cub.

I’ll leave the method of devouring up to the interpretation of the sages.

 “It’s good manners to return loaned things in the condition they are lent.”

“Then you’re free to give me a pair instead.  I’m sure afterwards my cute Kouta will have something in a used condition he can add to his collection.”

“Don’t fall for it, Shi-chan.  Kanae would love nothing more than for Kouta to have a pair of her panties, especially if they were used by her.”  Mom spouted suddenly.

The panty exchange wasn’t about to happen, however.  Because what Mom and Shi-chan were completely unaware of was that last night… Onee-chan added her pair to the collection already.

The small mercy for me here, is that at least none of the pairs I now possess belong to my mother.  I mean, there’s no question that my mother is an attractive woman.  But I am afraid of the thought that if I were to somehow have a pair of her panties in my collection, I would immediately undergo a heavenly tribulation.

“I suppose that should cover the pleasantries then.  Kouta, when are we leaving?”

“Why be in such a hurry, dear?  Won’t you let me take a few pictures of you two before you go?”  Mom said, reaching for her phone.  “Why don’t the two of you get close to each other.”

We ended up doing exactly that.  Nakada-san stood next to me and linked her arms in mine.  Mom started asking for weird things, like for me to put my arm around her, and for her to kiss me on the cheek.  I mean, Shi-chan isn’t shy about doing any of that stuff, and she seemed to have a good rapport with my mother, but still, something felt off.

Kanae, meanwhile, was standing at the island counter being unusually quiet.

After mom took like fifty pictures it was finally enough for her to relent and let us go.  My girlfriend and I were off to have a fun date, hopefully, at the zoo.

--~~* Kanae *~~--

I immediately chained into a second cigarette as I sat down at the table with Reiko to talk about this girlfriend of his.

“So, what do you think about her, Kanae?”

“She’s feisty.”

“I happen to like her, as much as you might hate to hear it, I think she resembles me when I was her age."

"I can’t believe I’m letting Kouta go on a date with a fucking slut like her.”

“That’s your own fault.  He had that Umeko girl who was pretty head over heels for him that you chased off, and there was also Saotome-chan…”

“Umeko isn’t strong enough to be his partner, and as for Ibuki…”

“What’s wrong with Ibuki-chan?  She comes from a good home, and would make a good wife for him.  She’d probably be okay with him having a few mistresses.”

“She’s got the presence of a ghost, Reiko.  Kouta needs someone strong to stand beside him, not behind like a shadow.”

“Did you have someone else in mind, then?”


“Yeah, actually.  My friend, Mafuyu.”

“Your co-worker?”

“Mafuyu’s the only woman besides me who is fit to be next to him.  She’s got a good head for business, she’s a professional photographer, her body is exactly to his preferences…  I don’t get why he’s screwing around with a trashy commoner like her.”

“That’s because he’s in love with her, Kanae.  Don’t you forget that the came could be said about Ryohei.”

“Fuck Ryohei!  I gave Kouta everything he needed up until now.  I thought he was past the rebellious stage.”

“No.  You did what you could, Kanae, but like I told you four years ago… once he falls in love, that would happen.”

“You mean that nonsense about Jiji’s bloodline?”

“That’s exactly what I mean.  He’s a male who inherited the Shimejima blood.  It’s not going to stop with just her, she’s only here to be the start of it all.”

“It’s strange though.  If that’s the case, from what you said, shouldn’t I be affected as well?”

“Yes, right now your panties should be soaked.”

“They might’ve been, if I was wearing any.”

“Is that why you didn’t throw yours at her?  I kind of expected you to.”

“No.  I ended up giving them to Kouta last night.”

“Oh?  I’d like to hear why.”

“He was just standing in his room sniffing a pair, while in the middle of masturbating.  He didn’t even care that I was there or yelling at him.  I got angry, took them off and then threw them at him.”

“Were you mad that he didn’t need your show anymore?”

“No.  It’s just that up until now, I had always been enough for him.”

“Kanae, if you want to be his woman, why don’t you tell him?”

“Who wants to be his woman?  I just want him to be happy and successful.  I don’t want him to end up knocking up some bitch who won’t love him properly.  Kouta isn’t a sex fiend like you or Ryohei, Reiko.”

“Not yet.  But he will be.  It’s only a matter of time.  The question is, where will your place be at?”

I crushed my cigarette out in the ashtray, wondering the same thing.  I never wanted to believe the story Reiko had told me, but I knew there was always some layer of truth to it. I had always known, from the very first moment I held Kouta in my arms.

No matter how I fought against it, it didn’t matter.  It’s like every cell in my body already understood it, even if there were parts I couldn’t rationally accept. 

I had long ago already been his.

--~~** Shiori **~~--

We commuted along the Yamanote line all the way to Ueno, with the goal being Ueno Zoo.  He had bought two tickets with a student discount, and thought it would be a fun trip.  However, I ended up being somewhat quiet along the way, lost in thought about why this ordinary yet slightly cute boy and Shizu-nee were together.  

“Shi-chan, are you sure you’re up to this?” He asks me.

“Un.  I am, unless there is something you’d rather do?”

“I only want to spend some time with you and get to know you better.  I’m just wondering if something is bothering you today?  I don’t want you to force yourself to do something you don’t want to.”

It seems my ability to act as Onee isn’t going as well as I thought.

“It’s not that I don’t want to be here, Kouta.  I’m still trying to figure out why of all people, it’s you who wants to date me.  I could understand if it was because you thought I was attractive and knew I was an easy girl, so you just wanted a go with me.  But that wouldn’t mean we had to date each other.  I don’t exactly have a solid plan for my future, you know I can’t give you my first time, and you know that in all probability I will end up hurting you by letting someone else in.  So why?”

“Aren’t I allowed to just like you as you are?”

“Kouta, the people out there who would like me as I am…”

“Also include people like me.  I might be a shitty virgin otaku, but even so, I’m thrilled that I get the chance to date a beautiful gyaru like you, Shi-chan.  Okay, you’re more experienced than me… so what?  You know how to have fun, you don’t shy away from me being a bit of a pervert, and I promised not to judge you for things out of your control.  Yes, It’s possible that this relationship will end up hurting us both, but I’d rather have that experience, then never knowing how much I could enjoy being with you.”

“Then why exactly do you want to take it slow?”

“There are two reasons, but chiefly, the first is that everyone has always rushed into having sex with you, right?”

I nodded.

“So, that will always make me stand out among everyone else.”

“Okay, and the second?” I prompted him.

“I want it to be meaningful.”


“Like I told you before… I want to romance you.  When we finally take that step, I want it to be because you can say you love me and mean it.  Have you ever told anyone you were with that you loved them?”

Had she?

I knew of three people that mattered to Shizu-nee.  Four, if counting mama, and five, if counting Kouta.

But of the people she could say she loved romantically, the only ones could be Mister, the boy, and Kouta.

Before I found a way to help Onee, only Mister had the ability to calm her itch.  But did she love him?  I don’t think so.  He was just a means to cope.

The boy, on the other hand, was like this ghost that only she could see.  He lived in her mind, keeping her sane when she should have completely gone off the deep end after Mama’s ex-boyfriend raped her.  I never got to meet him, and doubted his existence.  Shizu-nee had no reason to lie, but it just sounded to unbelievably convenient for someone like him to exist.  

Kouta, from what I can tell, is aiming for her heart.

But how does a somewhat plain but slightly cute guy, devoid of experience go up against a guy who physically groomed Shizu-nee in sex, and against a ghost… a memory… a promise of unlimited acceptance in the future?

She likes him.  Onee likes Kouta, and also wants to date him, even willing to risk hurting him by a slow pace because he is able to calm her itch as well.  Something that took me a long time to figure out, he could do right from the start.

It’s frustrating to me.

Because he is sincere.

A guy like him is the kind of guy who Onee should be dating in the first place, even if he’s a little lacking in the looks department.

I leaned my head onto his shoulder and held his hand as the train we rode continued on our way north to the zoo.  He had his arm around my shoulder, and from time to time would stroke my head.  I was a little nervous doing this on my own, yet his touch was strangely calming.


“Yes, Shi-chan?”

“Having any ecchi thoughts about me?”

“Plenty of them.” He answered without hesitation.

“Tell me one of them.”

“The whole thing?”

“You can skip to the action.”

“Then let’s see… We’re kissing each other, you are letting me touch your chest and you are reaching down to take care of me.  Maybe it’s enough, or maybe you get that wild look on your face that says you want to kiss that part of me too.”

“…that’s it?”

“Is that not good enough?”

“Are you not even thinking about what sex with me would be like?”

“I’ve had a few nice dreams about it, but if you mean do I actively have thoughts of nailing you, then not really.”

“…why not?”

“I don’t want to have an expectation.  That way, whatever experience you will give me will be the best and without any disappointment from you whatsoever.  I just wish I could say I would be able to give you the same.  I’m sure I’ll be disappointing and unable to satisfy you at first, but I’ll do my best to learn what you like.”


I took the hand of his I was holding and placed it above my knee.

"Want to find out if I’m wearing panties after all?”

“I can play along, but I already know the answer.”

“You do?”

“Yup.  For our date, there’s no way you aren’t wearing cute panties.”

“You sound pretty sure of that.”

How could he possibly know that?  Did Onee tell him in advance?  I’m wearing a pair I used to back when I was younger.  It has a print of a little lion holding a sunflower.

“I am.”

“What’s your reasoning?”

“Because you are dressed cute today instead of like a gyaru.  I’m only allowed to call you Shi-chan or Girlfriend, and I’m not allowed to ask you to have sex with me.  So, I can only imagine that you really want me to do the latter part, and you can’t wait to see my face when my sexy slutty girlfriend is wearing something so maiden-like.”

Wow, that was actually an irritating answer.

He wasn’t entirely wrong, but what the hell?

“I suppose you want me to tell you if you’re right?”

“Nope.  Right now your panties are in a superimposed state.  I’ll call it Shi-chan’s Pussy.  Is it covered by cute panties or not?  If I get to see under your dress, then I’ll know for sure, but if I don’t, then I also won’t be wrong.”

“I think you meant Schrodinger’s Cat.”

“I did, but we’re talking about the state of Shi-chan’s pussy, aren’t we?”

“You just lost the points you earned.”

“That’s okay, plenty of time to earn some more.”

The train finally arrived at Ueno, and we disembarked.  The station we were at was fairly busy, and after a quick bus ride, we made it to the Zoo.

“I have to be back home by 16:30 at the latest, and it’s 11:15 now.”

This time was set to keep our cover, since Kouta already was aware of the days she worked.  Shizu-nee starts work at 17:00, and gets off between 22:00~23:00 at night, depending on the workload.  

However, before we moved to the gate, Kouta stopped me.

“Are you sure you want to head right in?”

“Don’t we?”

“It’s not that, but rather…”

He pointed to a sign.  No smoking allowed anywhere in the zoo.

Was he being considerate of Shizu-nee?  It’s not like I don’t do it, or couldn’t go for one right now.  I could…  But compared to Onee or Mama, my habit is nowhere near as bad.

There was a space to the side with trees that was shady which we moved to.  I had brought along a silver zippered clutch purse that I got at Uniqlo, which only had room enough for my pack, lighter, wallet, and house key.  I could fit a lipstick or lip balm in as well, but if I did, it wouldn’t close all the way.

I had indeed brought my pack along, since I had half of it remaning… but there was no lighter.  Come to think about it… I might have left it in the bathroom when Shizu-nee did my makeup.

“Ah shit.  I must have left my lighter at home.”

Kouta had reached into his pocket and procured one as if by magic.

“May I offer my cute delinquent girlfriend a light?”

I accepted.

“Why do you have a lighter?  Do you smoke as well?”

“Me?  No way.  My mom, dad, and Onee-chan do, though.  The reason I have a lighter is because of what my dad taught me.”

“What did he teach you?  A survival skill?”

“Dad?  He can’t survive without a morning cup of coffee.  No.  When I was just going into my second year of middle school, he was the one to drop me off…”

Kouta sat down and invited me to sit between his legs.  As soon as I did, his arms wrapped around my belly, but he didn’t try and touch anywhere else.

“Before we got there, he handed me a lighter and said Son, you never know when a beautiful woman will be in need of a light.  Being able to offer one to her can lead to an unexpected encounter you surely won’t regret.

“Is that what fathers teach their sons?”  I asked, curious, since Papa left mama long ago, and I’m obviously a daughter.

Kouta rested his head against my shoulder for a moment.

“I’m sure my dad would have wanted me to have an unexpected encounter with a beautiful woman.  I mean, that’s how he met mom.”

“By offering her a light?”


“Hmm.  Was I your first unexpected encounter?”

“Rina has that honor, actually.”


“Yeah, she was the only delinquent I knew back in middle school.  One day I was walking home, and she had no fire.”

“Boyfriend to the rescue, huh?”

“Maybe.  She had just broken up with Kawazu the first time.  I listened to her complain, and she thanked me.  That was it.  When did you start?”

“Middle school.  But, it was after um…”


“There was this guy I used to see, and I didn’t do it at first, but well, they say having one after sex is really good… and we had… a lot of sex.”

“Makes sense.”

“So plenty of practice just to offer Rina and myself a light?”

“Haha no.  By that time my Onee-chan went through her delinquent phase as well.  She would smoke and drink and my parents didn’t even try and stop her.  When I told her about what dad taught me, she agreed with him, and so I practiced with her.”

For the most part, the story is true.  Shizu-nee started at some point after one of her visits to see Mister.  He did, she didn’t.  One time after sex she took one of his and asked him for a light.  Then she did.

So, I ended up learning from her.  Then mama got mad at both of us when she found out.  Then she didn’t care anymore.  But Shizu-nee got one hell of a scolding for pushing it on to me, even though I chose on my own to do it because I wanted to keep in sync with her.

My bond with my sister is very important to me.

I… find it difficult to grow apart from her.  But one thing Shizu-nee wouldn’t allow me to do was become like that.  I also, didn’t want to become like that, but not being able to understand her anymore was my own source of pain.


“What is it?”

“I… like this.”

“What?  Me smoking?”

“This.  Like at the park after I asked you to go out with me, or on the rooftop at lunch, and even now.  Just this nice time where I can hold you and we can talk.  I like it very much, because I keep finding out how much more of you I like.”

“You’re a strange guy.”

“Do you dislike that about me?”

“No.  Maybe?  It could be part of your charm, I don’t know.”

“Can I kiss you?”

“Right now?”


“It won’t taste good.”

“Don’t worry, can I?”

“My body belongs to you, boyfriend.”

Kouta leaned me back and I was soon looking up at the tops of the trees we were under.  Then his face was in view, and slowly approaching my own.  My heart was beating a bit fast right now.  His lips were a little dry, but they touched mine for a moment, and it… wasn’t a bad feeling… with him.

He didn’t try and shove his tongue into my mouth.  It was just a kiss on the lips that lasted the right amount of time.  Then he raised me back up.

“Feel better?”  I asked him.  

To be honest, I… kind of wanted to do that again.  Would it be weird if I asked him to?

“Yup.  Usually you crash into me and give me tons of kisses, and today you’re kind of being reserved with the whole cute thing you have going on.”

I felt his fingers lightly glide from below my ear and down my neck a little.

“…but I like this side of Shi-chan too.”

Fuck, is this how Onee fell for him?

I didn’t take too long to finish the remained of it, and we were soon back up on our feet and headed towards the gate properly now.  Kouta showed his phone with the ticket receipt to the person at the entrance and we both quickly entered.

--~~** Shizu **~~--

“Well, well, well, if it isn’t her royal whoreness.  You’re late.”

“I got my period just fine this month already, thank you very much.”

“You didn’t go on Wednesday, something come up?”

“Yeah.  I found a keeper.”

“Oh, he’s as good as your Mister was?”

“Not like that, Kii-chan.  I mean, I got a boyfriend now.”

“What?  Dish bitch, tell me everything.”

Miyajima Kimiko is one of my three most important friends in this world, along with Kobayashi Natsume and Yamabuki Rina.  Like me, she was a victim of sexual assault, but her situation was worse as she was also someone who was physically abused as well by the same person.  I only had to endure being molested like that once, she had to endure it for years.

While mama and Shiori were looking for ways to help me recover, one of the solutions was a place called The Circle.  It was a crisis support group for women who had been sexually assaulted under the age of sixteen.  Kii-chan is older than me by a few years, and after a couple of meetings with me not wanting to share, she took it upon herself to become my friend, and later something like a sponsor.  

When I needed to talk, she was there for me.  And of all my friends, Kii-chan is the one who knows the most about me.

She’s also happily married to an overweight cosplay otaku named Miyajima Michio, who, since I’m now dating Kouta, I can safely say is an inferior adult version of my boyfriend.  But, the thing Kii-chan can say to him without it being a complete lie, is that she truly loves him, because he accepts all of her.

It’s still too soon for me to be able to say that about Kouta.

I’m invited into her apartment, and I can already tell she’s living the life she always wanted.  She doesn’t have to do a fucking thing, except fuck her husband when she wants to, and spend his money.  Am I jelly about it?  Who wouldn’t be!  I mean, it’s pretty much a happy ending for her.  In fact, the only reason she continues to go to the circle is to look out for people like me.

The ones who cannot easily open up.

I don’t know if it’s right to call her husband a simp, or even to say he’s pussy-whipped… but he’s a devoted man who almost never says no to her, and does his best to give her the world.

Maybe that’s just normal for a man to do for the woman he loves?

Unlike me, Kii-chan doesn’t have anything like an itch.  She’s been through her own hell though.  After escaping her home, she had hooked up with a guy who treated her like shit, and only thanks to a miracle encounter with Michio-san at a random mixer, did she finally find the right guy she could settle down with.

Which is one of the reasons I wanted to talk to her today about Kouta.  Since she’s married, she would know more about love, dating, and relationships than me… who is almost virginal in this respect by comparison.

In her living room is a well-worn couch and a huge television.  There’s a table littered with snacks and empty beer cans, and Kii-chan is wearing only a black tank top and panties.

She’s a sexy woman, and an eternal gyaru.

“Before I tell you about Kouta, I saw you on KanAtelier!”

“Oh, they published it already?  I thought it would take longer.”

“Why didn’t you tell me you signed with them as a model?”

“I didn’t sign with them yet.  I just happened to get a call one day from this tall bitch, and she said she could do better than 109.  I haven’t done shit for work in a while, and I was like fuck it, why not have some fun?

“So you met the legendary Kana?”

“She’s the tall bitch I was talking about.  Yeah, damn she’s a goddess in person, at least 180cm tall! Let me tell you Shi, if she asked me to be her bitch right there, I would have been On. My. Knees!,  But she was just acting as the coordinator, there was this geeky glasses chick with red hair who handled the shooting.  I gotta say though, they treated me well there.  Even though I don’t have to do a thing now that I’m married, if they do offer me a contract, I’d sign it even if the terms were shit.  But enough about me, you said you got a boyfriend now?  Spill the tea, slut!”

“Okay, so, his name is Kawamura Kouta, and he’s not a hottie at all, but he’s like low-key cute.  He’s never had a girlfriend before, and he’s fun to be around.”

“The fuck kind of description of him is that?  You got a picture?”

I pulled out my phone and showed her the photos of him I had.

“He’s… kinda…”

“I know, but none of that shit matters, Kii!   I. Totally. Like. Him.  Besides, if you’re gonna call me out on how he looks, all I have to do is point at your husband, right?”

“True.  That’s why I’m not calling you out.  So, how’s the sex?  He compatible enough with you?”

“Don’t know.  We haven’t gone all the way, yet.”

Kii-chan almost dropped the beer she was holding onto at that moment.

“You got a boyfriend, but you haven’t fucked him yet?  Are you even the Shizu I know?  Wait… you’re Shiori, aren’t you?”

“Actually, Shiori’s on a date with him right now.”

“You sent your sister on a date with your boyfriend?”

“Yeah.  I wanted her to meet him, to find out if she might like him as well.  I have a good feeling about him, Kii.”

“Aren’t you worried he might try something?  He doesn’t look that old.  Does he go to your school or hers?”

“Mine.  We’re in the same year and according to Rina, he’s had a crush on me since we were first year students.  In case you’re wondering, yes, he knows I’m a slut.  He said my past didn’t matter to him, and even if I fuck up he’d be willing to work past it.”

“Micchi said the same thing, but I’ve never had to put that to the test, Shi.”

“So far, neither have I.  While we haven’t gone all the way, it’s not like we haven’t done anything either.  He wants to take it slow with me, and romance me.”

“Romance you?  He said that?”

“Yeah.  He actually said he wants to romance me slowly.  Maybe he’s even begun to do it, I just don’t know shit about dating.  So I came for advice.”

“What advice do you think I can give you?”

“I don’t know, anything that might help?”

“Then my first advice would be for you to have gone on this date with him instead of your sister.”

“Maybe I should have.  But Kii-chan, let me tell you the thing that makes being with Kouta so amazing…  Even without sex, being with him makes the itch go away.”

As I talked and hung out with Kimiko, I had received the first of many hourly updates from Shiori on how their date was going, along with some couple selfies, and eagerly shared each one.

“So, how long are you planning on staying here, Shi?”

“Until about 16:00.  I have to work tonight.”

“Good, we have plenty of time to catch up, then.  You see, something interesting happened the other day you should know about…”

--~~** Kouta **~~--

I might be a clingy boyfriend.

I know it’s the kind of thing that can turn off a woman real quick, but there’s something about Shi-chan today that is making it difficult for me to keep my hands off of her.

I’ve apologized several times already, but she only scolded me with the usual.

“You don’t have to apologize so much, Kouta.  I’ve already told you this body belongs to you.”

“I know… but even I’d be annoyed at me by now.”

You are reading story Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」 at

“It sounds like you are the one with the itch today.”

“That might be the case.  So, where to next?  Want to see the penguins?”

“No, I know exactly what I want to see next.”

Shi-chan put up with my awful need to hold on to her, and let me escort her to our next destination.  It was the enclosure which held the lions.”

We had gotten there at quite the opportune moment.

There was one male lion, and two female lioness and something quite frightening was happening.

"Is... that lion having his balls bit?”

“You don’t know how it works with lions, Kouta?”

“Not really.  I mean, I know lions can have harems and stuff.”

“Oh, lioness are every bit the apex predator in both hunting and fucking.  Right now that one is mad.  We must have missed them going at it before, because she’s biting his balls right now so he’ll get stimulated for the next round.”

“Sounds painful.”

“Did you know, the shi in my name is from the kanji for Lion.  That lioness there and this lioness here, there’s not much difference between us.”

“Does that mean you’ll be biting my balls?”

“Only if you can’t satisfy me after four or five times.”

I suddenly felt a large amount of perspiration form on my face.

“Hmm, what if I’m not a lion?”

“Kouta, when’s your birthday?”


“When exactly in August?”

“The 11th.”

“Then I have good news for you.”

“What’s that?”

“According to the western zodiac, you are.”

At that point she reached up and turned my face to look at hers.  Then her mouth mimicked chomping a couple of times.  I had to say, at that moment, I wondered why today, of all times so far she added the condition that I wasn’t allowed to ask her for sex.

The female lioness won.  The male lion’s vitality had been coaxed, and he mounted the female again.  We watched on, and I had to move behind Shi-chan for a moment, because I had a problem right now.

“Is this too stimulating for you, Kouta?”

“Them, no.  You… yes.”

“Oh, is there something you want to ask me to do for you?”

“The irresponsible part of me does, but I don’t want to let it.  So can you give me a moment to calm down?”

Without thinking I found my mouth at her neck and after pressing my lips against it, I opened wide and lightly bit her.

“So the beastly side of my boyfriend finally comes out.”

My rock hard instinct to mate was pressing into her backside.

“Let me know when you can move, we’ll take the chance now to get something cool to drink.  It should help you with your problem.”

I laughed.

“What’s so funny?”

“I want you, Shi.  I want you so badly right now my reason is flying away.”

“But I am yours, Kouta.  I even let you mark me just now, didn’t I?”

“It’s not enough.  I want to mark you all over, so no one can steal you from me.”

I wanted her.

I wanted my cutely dressed and strangely different girlfriend so badly right now.  Why did I have to be a fool and shut the door to Onee-chan’s room?  I could have been smart and rubbed one out before this date.  She would have given me a show!  It’s not like I managed to masturbate last night after Kanae interrupted me anyway.

As I held on to the last bit of sanity I had while my hormones raged in front of the lion’s den…  There was a loud roar.  Who was the winner?  Was it the lion who was allowed to mate, or the female who succeeded in getting her satisfaction? 

I bit her again, on the other side of her neck, and again, and again.  She accepted it all and after a few minutes I regained control.  Whatever crazy urge it was passed.



“Want to skip out and go to a hotel?”

I wanted nothing more than to do exactly that.  Or I would have if it was even five minutes ago.

“No.  I’m okay now.  Sorry… for biting you so much.”

“Are you sure?”

“No.  I’m not sure.  I want you Shi-chan.  I want you like crazy, but I want it to be… right.”

“And what needs to happen for it to be right, Kouta?  If you ask me, I might not refuse.”

“I don’t know exactly.  But I know if the reason is only because I’m suddenly aroused, or just because I’m desiring your body at that moment, then it’s wrong.  That’s why I wanted to go slow.  I wanted us to build our relationship around something other than sex.  When it does happen, I want to be the one to take off your clothes at night, and be the one there to put them back on you in the morning.  And I want you to want me to be the only one to do that.”

She turned around in my arms and gave me a kiss.

“Let’s go get a cold drink to help you cool off, and me too for that matter.”

She took my hand and we went to the concession stand, where we ended up with a large cola with extra ice, and an ice cream cone that we shared.

My bite marks were still visible on her neck.  I felt guilty, but at the same time proud.  

Shi-chan leaned her head against me again, and I raised the large cup with the straw towards her lips.  I knew what those lips had done, and I was glad the drink was cold enough to settle my nerves right now.

“I won’t make you wait too long.” I promised.

“Are you telling me that, or yourself?”

“Yes.”  I replied, since that was the only answer I could give her.

--~~** Shiori **~~--

He bit me.

It wasn’t before we entered the zoon that I wanted to have a cigarette, rather it was at some point between seeing the lions and having to settle for a cola and an ice cream instead.

There was some strange energy there with boyfriend.  I wasn’t sure what to make of him at all.  Kouta seemed like a bit of an herbivore to me at first, however after he bit me while his thing pressed into my butt, I hadn’t expected to find myself aroused by it.

He wanted me.  He desired me.  I was the one making him lose his reasoning here and now, and not Shizu-nee who he was supposed to like.   He wasn’t an ikemen at all, nor someone I would have thought of as my type.  Still, he wasn’t a girl, either.  He also wasn’t one of those sleazy pieces of shit who preyed on my sister.  He was just… a kid who believed in fairytales.

Everything he said sounded like he wanted to be the prince in a fairytale romance.  He just didn’t understand fairytales aren’t real.  I learned that the day Onee ended up in the hospital after she was raped.

While I lost the ability to believe in them, somehow she didn’t.

But, I’m willing to give my body to him, if it means a happy ending for my sister.  That’s a small price to pay for her happiness, and the pain that she desperately didn’t want me to have to know about.

I don’t dislike him.

My only concern is whether or not he has the ability to protect her.  To me, that’s what his qualification needs to be.  I wonder how he will react when he learns the truth about what Onee has in store for him?

Can he grow to love the both of us?

There are hardly any physical differences between my body and hers, and nothing to my knowledge that can be identified while we stand next to each other fully clothed.  Will he be hurt knowing he is confessing his feelings to a twin he can’t identify and doesn’t know about?

Rina and Mahiro have already been sworn to secrecy on the matter.  She made sure of that on the first day.

Also, how okay am I with him knowing he’s gone along with my sister’s openness?  From what she told me, he’s already done a few things with her friend Mahimahi as well.  She swears it was her who roped him into it, and that it wasn’t his fault.

Is it something I’m willing to accept?

It’s one thing if he’s Onee’s lover alone, but he’d also be mine as well.  She might not consider it cheating, but will I?

I mulled over these thoughts as we made our way to a few different exhibits, eventually ending up in a place he seemed to fit into.

“Penguins!  Oh!  I heard about this.  That penguin right there had his woman stolen, and he was so depressed they didn’t know what to do at first.  But then that anime Kemono Musume came out and they put a cardboard cutout of one of the main characters in there, and he fell in love with her!  What a guy!”

Is… he serious?

Kouta was just staring right at this forever alone penguin who was just standing or sitting, I couldn’t really tell, at an angle that let him just see the anime girl.

“Why is he in love with a cardboard cutout?”

“Because he doesn’t have to be hurt anymore.  His girl may have been stolen by another penguin, or maybe she just abandoned him because she thought he wasn’t good enough, but his waifu won’t ever betray him.”

I should be creeped out by this, right?

“And what happens when I betray you?  Will you go hide in the 2-D world?”

“You already told me to expect it, right?  I’ve already hidden in that world up until you said you’d be my girlfriend.  You might not know this, since you’re a riajuu, but for someone like me, confessing to someone you don’t think you have a chance in hell with is terrifying.  It took all the courage I had to confess to you, Shi-chan.”

“Wouldn’t it have been easier to ask me to fuck you first, and then go from there?”

“I didn’t want to go that route for two reasons.  The first is that I thought that would be a shitty way to ask someone out.  The second was that our relationship would have been based on that.  There had to have been guys who tried that before, and seeing as how you told me I’m your first boyfriend, clearly that wouldn’t have worked.  I wouldn’t have wanted to be a nameless faceless number to you so easily forgotten, so I wouldn’t have done it with you anyway if that was going to be the case.  If you turned me down, I was just going to try and move on with my life.  I’d be like that penguin for a while longer.”

I held his hands and had him help me sit down.  The floor was cold, but that was alright.  I decided I was going to spoil him a little, since there wasn’t really anyone around right now.  I had him take a seat and let him rest his head on my lap as we watched the Pengiuns waddle around and occasionally go for a swim.

“If you like me this much, Kouta, It’s going to hurt when it happens.  It’s going to hurt us both.”

“Just don’t get stolen away from me.”

“I can’t promise you that.  What I can promise you is this:  As long as you can muster the courage to steal me back, you’ll be able to.”

I looked around quickly, glad no one was around.

“Kouta…  do you know what question that penguin will never get the answer to, that you will?”


I had him turn his head to face my direction, then I peeled my skirt out from under it and draped it over his head.  The answer the penguin would never know, was if I was wearing panties under my skirt.  Only me, Onee, and now Kouta could ever answer that question.



“You’re a wonderful girlfriend.”

“I know.”

Maybe, just maybe, you might be the person she really needed to meet after all this time.  

--~~* Kouta *~~--

“Is there anything you want as a souvenir?”

Shi-chan and I are currently in the gift shop.  It’s still early, but there’s a reason for leaving early.  She wanted to spend a little time privately with me in my room before she had to go home to change and then to work.

“Kouta, try this one on!”

Shi-chan had found a knitted cap in the style of a penguin, and asked me to wear it.  Once I did she nodded approvingly.

“I can almost see the family resemblance to your brother penguin.”

Taking out my phone which was powered off, I could see my reflection in the screen.  I looked silly, but strangely it somehow didn’t look terrible on me.

There were a number of hats and of course they had one in the style of a lion, so I had her try that one on in return.  She hardly looked ferocious.  It was a gap moe moment, because she was as far from her gyaru image as I’d ever seen.  

“How do I look?”

“If you had balls, I’d bite ‘em.”  I complemented her.

“I don’t know if I want a penguin biting my balls.  But, I’m not unwilling to try something kinky like that.”

After some laughter between us, we kept the hats, picked up some trinkets, and two stuffed animals; I was given the lion, while she wanted the penguin.

“So, even though you said my western zodiac was a lion, I’ve ended up as a penguin?”

“Yes, also that lion is a male, so make sure you practice biting its balls well.”

She said it as we looked at each other while we stood in line to pay, except as if she were behaving in a maidenly way, her hand moved up to cover the first bite I gave her earlier.

Then she shoved me lightly.

“Stop staring.”

Even though she had some money, I wasn’t going to let her pay.  I wanted to be unreasonable here, not to make her feel indebted, but because her time was worth every yen to me.  

We left a little after 14:00, managed to catch a bus, and then the train back home.  Less than an hour later, we had arrived back at my home.

“I’m home~”

“Pardon the intrusion~”

I didn’t see the sedan out front, so mom probably went out.  I don’t think Onee-chan was home, either.  I went to the fridge and grabbed a couple of colas, and then escorted my girlfriend upstairs to my room.  Out of respect, I made sure to keep the panties from the other girls safely tucked away in a small covered plastic bin under my bed.  There was no need for her to ask who the fifth pair belonged to.

We put everything we carried from the Zoo down, and I brought her over to my bed.  I sat down first, and then pulled her onto my lap.

“Have something in mind, boyfriend?”

His pressed my face right between her breasts, and held her loosely around the waist.

“You smell good.” I told her.

“But I’m all sweaty and sticky?”

“Yes, but you still smell good.”


Her arms wrapped around my neck and it was like I was being cradled by them as she softly pulled me into her voluptuousness for a while.  My eyes were closed and my senses were filled only with Shizu until I pulled away.

“Shizu, can I be a little greedy?”

“How greedy?”

“I… want to play with these.”

“Go ahead.”

“No… I mean, I want… to play with them directly, if you’ll let me.”

She seemed nervous.

“Just these?”

I nodded.


She reached down and lifted the hem of her dress, crossing her arms as it lifted up and over her head.  Before me was the toned caramel body of a priceless work of art.  My prize was guarded by a lacy red bra.  She reached her arms behind her back, and that last barrier fell away.


My girlfriend’s breasts immediately put me at ease.  My hands came up slowly, and touched them.  They were firm, much firmer than those oversized marshmallows Onee-chan would press into my the back of my head from behind sometimes.

While my hands groped and caressed, my greed also sought out her lips.  I had expected her to show her aggression now, since the dress was off and we were alone, but she was anything but.

Strange.  Not bad, just unexpectedly strange.

This continued for a while, until I felt her hands fall into my lap.

“Kouta… take it out.”

I had thought she would do it, but she asked me to instead.  I unzipped my pants and pulled my erect partner out for her.  

It felt clumsy.

It felt amateurish.

Was she intentionally trying to make it last longer by doing that?

I didn’t even fucking care.  My mouth fell upon her nipple and I licked, sucked, and even bit, until I was satisfied I had marked her again.  Then I returned to her lips and enjoyed that some more as well.

I reached down where she was working that part of me and pulled her hands away, then I held her tightly.

“It’s okay, Shi.  I’m happy enough with this.”


She broke free of my hold and began to peel my clothes off.  First my jacket, then my shirt.  I was then easily pushed down by her.

“It’s my turn to mark you, little penguin.”

The demure attitude she had changed suddenly.  Now the aggressive Shi-chan showed itself.  Except, even that wasn’t what I expected.

She kissed and bit all over my chest and torso, but none of it hurt.  She slowly went lower and lower until I could feel her breath on my partner.  I stared at her intensely, but it wasn’t there.  That wild and animalistic face she wore at times like this.

Her mouth opened, and of all times right now I wanted to stop her.  Somehow this Shizu in this moment, I didn’t want to dirty.

“Oh my!”

Looking to the side, we had gotten caught… again.

“Don’t… don’t mind me.  I’ll just leave these here.”

She bent down and deposited a rectangular box on the floor, and then neatly closed the door without making eye contact with either of us again.

Somehow, that just took the wind out of both of our sails.

Nakada-san just fell backwards onto her rear, and reached for her little purse, withdrawing a cigarette from her pack.

“Got a light?”

I reached in my pocket and withdrew it, offering a flame for the only thing that was going to be sucked on today, it seems.  I got up and went to collect the item mom left.

It was a box of condoms.

“Wishful thinking?” My girlfriend asked as she exhaled a large plume of smoke.

“For what it’s worth, I don’t think she thought we were home.  She would have at least knocked first if she thought the room was occupied.”

“So your mom was just being the condom fairy, then?”

“As unbelievable as it sounds, I think that was the exactly the case just now.”

She took another puff.

“Um, just stay here for a moment, okay?”

She nodded and I left the room, quickly moving over to Onee-chan’s and swiping an ashtray for Shi-chan.  Even though I was fast about it, when I got back, she had already opened the box and was holding one of the condoms in her hand.

I placed the ashtray on the table next to her.

She leaned back to the point of laying down, and pulled her panties down.  Yes, she had been wearing a pair since the beginning.  She placed the condom wrapper right on top of her sexual organ and tempted me.

“My body belongs to you Kouta.”

How cruel.

I could feel my cock throbbing as she said those words to me looking as fucking erotic right now as she did.


I fell to my knees, removing them the rest of the way.

“Do whatever you want to me.”



I placed the moist and sweaty panties of hers under my nose and took a deep breath.

“Can… I mark one last place?”

She nodded.

My hands reached for her thighs.  She had small trail of hair just above her lips, but the lips themselves were free of any.  I slid my hands along the inside of those toned legs and parted them.  I reached for the obstructing condom and tossed it aside to some forgotten corner of my room.

My face drew close to her sex and my mouth opened.  My tongue extended and with an intense heat radiating from that place, I tasted the woman who I desired most in this world.  

I wasn’t the first, nor would I probably be the last.  

But at that moment I give a single fuck.

I devoured her pussy without knowing the first thing about what I was even doing.  She didn’t utter a word of complaint the entire time.  The scent of burnt tobacco sat heavy in the air, but I only breathed in her womanly scent.

Then I marked her.

As I wrapped my lips around one of her outer folds, I bit, gently I had hoped, and she moaned.  Her legs came up and around me, resting on my back and locking together.

“Don’t you dare stop now, boyfriend.”

I couldn’t have even if I wanted to right now.

One hand of hers came down and spread herself apart for me with her index and ring finger.  Her middle finger alone tapped on a certain place.

“This place, Kouta.  Treat it as if it’s your favorite flavor of soft ice cream.”

Shizu was a woman who surely knew her own body the best.  I followed her instructions carefully licking around something that felt like a swollen bump.  She retracted her hand, which were replaced by my own which kept her lips spread as I licked my newest favorite flavor.

Her retracted hand rested on my head and she would periodically grab a handful of my hair and move me ever so slightly in any direction she wished.  All I knew how to do was to lick and occasionally kiss and suck on that soft and moist lump she valued.

Her legs which were wrapped around me squeezed me tighter, forcing more of my face to become buried in her prime pink.

She was breathing unsteadily.

Was I messing something up?

She hadn’t moved my head for a while now.

“Kouta… it’s fine to do it a little harder now… just don’t stop until I tell you.”

With that she grabbed my hair again and pushed my face hard into her pussy.  I could feel my face pushing against the bone structure underneath.  I did as she commanded and licked much more roughly than I had been up until now.

All I could hear was my own heartbeat in my ears.

My face hurt, my jaw was aching, and my tongue felt sore.  But I continued on without complaint.

Suddenly I was squeezed so tightly.  My nose was flattened by her flesh and she gripped my hair so roughly I thought it was about to be ripped out.  Her hips buckled.  From my nose to my chin, to just past the corners of my mouth, my face was covered in the honey from her pot.

But still I licked.

Like a man possessed.

And still her hips shook.

And then she yanked my head away from her lion’s den, uttering a single word that made no sense.


My girlfriend, naked on the floor of my room.  Her leg lock came undone and her feet fell to the floor like a marionette who had its strings cut.

She panted and her bountiful chest heaved.

She reached for my face with both hands, the cigarette she had been smoking burnt away to the filter in the ashtray.

My head was pulled down, my face turned to the side and I rested my cheek on the small patch of hair just above the place I had devoured.  Her fingers combed through my hair.  I reached up and fondled her breasts blindly.

We rested there quietly, softly touching each other without speaking.  

I felt very much at peace.

A musical tune began to echo from her phone.  It was an alarm she set, letting her know our time had run out.  To me it was the tolling of the midnight bell from Cinderella.  She had to leave now, for the magic would soon be over.

I rose to my feet, and I offered her a hand up.

I held her panties open as she slid each foot into the holes, gently pulling them up her legs which I kissed once or twice as the cotton armor safely protected my treasure once again.  I handed her the bra, since I was useless there, and while she restrained her peacekeepers once more with lacy cloth, I adjusted her dress and helped feed it over her head and arms, until once more, she was the same cute girlfriend who appeared this morning for our date.

She gathered the hat, the penguin doll, her phone and purse while I put on my shirt.  

I escorted her downstairs.

Mom was sitting in the living room, but neither of us could escape her gaze as her head turned towards us as we descended the staircase.

“Did you two have a good time?”

There was a small pause.

“Yes, Kouta showed me a very good time today.”

A knowing smile from my mother.

“I’m glad to hear he didn’t disappoint.  You’re welcome to visit our home anytime you wish, Shi-chan.”

“Thank you, Reiko Mama.  I work in a little while, so I have to head home now.”

“Kouta, see her off properly.”

“I will.”

We left my house, and I walked her out to the roadside.

“I’ll be fine walking home, Kouta.  I enjoyed our date today.”



“Thank you for being patient with me.”

She reached up and ruffled my hair.  I didn’t want her to go.  I wasn’t done being satisfied by just being able to hold her and make her happy, even though I was surely the happiest one.

“Take care my little penguin lover.”

She gave me a kiss on the lips, and then departed.  I stood there and watched as she walked on, never once turning back to look.  When she was gone from my sight, I returned inside.  I expected mom to come at me with something embarrassing, but she instead said something comforting.

“Opposites attract for a reason, Kouta.  I think she’s a lovely girl, so, be good to her, okay?  Not that you need it, but I wholly support your relationship.”

“Uh… thanks… mom.”

I ran upstairs and emptied the ashtray, quickly returning it to Kanae’s room.  Then I put back on my jacket and rushed back out.

“Going out?”

“Yeah, I need to pick up something from the store.”

“Can you bring home an ice cream for me?  I’m suddenly having a craving for some.”

She had to say ice cream, didn’t she?

“I’ll be back soon.”

I quickly fled my house, my mind filled only with thoughts of Nakada-san.

--~~* Shizu *~~--

>LionPrincess:  I’m outside, can I come up?

>ThiccWaifus:  I’ll be right down, just be quiet until we get to my room, okay?

It was late at night.  I had talked with Shiori already about what happened on their date, and was both pleased and a little jealous that she had done that with Kouta on her first date with him.  

But she was onboard now, and that was a good thing.  Shiori approved of him much more quickly than I thought she would.

I hadn’t even bothered to change.  I got dropped off here by my co-worker, Miura-san, and asked her not to tell Mama.  I would be bringing Kouta over to meet her tomorrow anyway, so it would be better for her not to worry that I was out all night with him anyway.

The door opened and I entered.  I took off my shoes at the entryway, but brought them with me to his room upstairs.

“I missed you, Kouta.”

“I missed you too, Shi-chan.”

I could smell Shiori all over him.  My nose is sensitive to smell, and even though it was my idea for them to go on this date, I wanted to cover him back up in my scent as soon as possible.

However, I was tired.

I had a busy day.

I undressed myself, and asked boyfriend to as well.  We slipped into his bed, and I pulled him close to me, I offered him my special pillows to rest on.

I could finally calm down with him in my arms.

My itch had all but driven me crazy today after visiting Kii-chan, and now that I was here, I could feel it slowly ebbing away.

I took his hand and placed it between my legs.

I entrusted my body to him tonight.

I closed my eyes and sleep came.

Sweet, peaceful sleep.

Something up until now, no one, not even Mister or Shiori could give me.

“Sleep well, my naughty little penguin boyfriend.  Nihehe~

You can find story with these keywords: Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」, Read Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」, Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」 novel, Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」 book, Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」 story, Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」 full, Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」 Latest Chapter

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