Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」

Chapter 6: Chapter Six 「Breast or Leg?」

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Sunday, May 30th

--~~* Kouta *~~--

Whether you are a newborn, or an old man, there is nothing more enjoyable than waking up and having your way with a nice pair of breasts.  They are big, but at the same time, they aren’t ridiculous like my mother’s, Onee-chan’s, or anywhere near Echizen Mafuyu’s.  No.  They are Kouta-sized breasts, for Kouta’s enjoyment and Kouta’s selfish mommy play.

By the way, I’m Kouta, and I am currently in the middle of breast feeding, though nothing is currently coming out of them.

Nihehe~ Kouta likes my boobies.”

I do.

I am a leg man, but yes, I like a nice titty.  There’s nothing to be ashamed about.  I like big titties and even small titties.  I am a firm believer than a woman’s breasts holds a man’s hopes and dreams afloat.  That’s why in a bath, breasts tend to be buoyant.

I’ve been awake for a little while already, and how I woke up was how all men in this world probably dream of being woken up at least once in their life.

Shizu’s morning blowjob.

Yes, I popped wood, and since she woke up before me and knew about it, she figured she’d be the best girlfriend she could be and took care of my needs.

I’m grateful for that.

Shizu had a complaint, but I couldn’t exactly rank it as major or minor.  We haven’t gone all the way yet.  I mean we practically started on third base, but I’m not yet ready to steal home.  This is where she lamented that since it was Sunday, and she didn’t have to work, and if we also didn’t have plans to visit her mother later on, we could have spent the whole day having sex.

I know, right?

Even I think I’m crazy at this point for continuing to refuse her.

But, I’m willing to do everything else with her.  So right now, I’m helping her to deal with her itch.  Shizu likes to be touched and played with.  This is how she combats it, and according to her, being able to do this freely helps my chances of her not, well, fucking someone else.  If sucking on her large breasts will help her stay my loyal woman, I will gladly do my part.

Still, she does want to have sex with me.  That hasn’t changed at all.  She was happy to discover that I now owned a large box of condoms, and hoped the time we will be using them comes soon.

She also, as a precaution kept a couple for herself, at her request… both for her continued self-protection, and perhaps as a subliminal message for me to not make her wait too long.

To be perfectly honest, I don’t know how much longer I can wait either.

We wrapped up our early morning together in my bed with Shizu raiding my closet, finding a comfortable shirt to wear, and a pair of my boxers which did not do anything at all to decrease her charm as a woman.  I was dressed lazily as well.  A pair of elastic band pants and a white tee.  

I had picked up a couple things yesterday which found an immediate use.  An extra pillow, a toothbrush, some air freshener, and a stylish ashtray which I never thought I would need to own.  Obviously, everything was bought in preparation for when Shizu would spend the night.  I just happened to get lucky being awake to receive her text before she left her job.  Otherwise I would have spent a lonely night under my sheets.

Shizu and I went downstairs together, and found Onee-chan there cooking breakfast.  Mom was also in the kitchen reading something on her tablet, and I did my best to hold my head up high, as I escorted my girlfriend who obviously had stayed the night without anyone knowing, to the table.

“Good morning Mama Reiko!”

“Good morning to you Shi-chan.  Kouta didn’t have any bad sleeping habits, did he?”

There was no point in mom not making the assumption she slept in my room with me.  The only trouble coming would have been from Kanae.

“Dad asleep?”

“Yeah.  The one benefit of being at this stage of my pregnancy is that he doesn’t have to hold back at all.”


“I wish Kouta wouldn’t hold back either.  I like it when he’s needy.”


“It’s fine if they are needy once in a while, dear.  But don’t let them think it’s fine to walk all over you.”

“Un.  But what if he’s into that kind of rough play?”

“Then it’s fine, in healthy moderation.”

“Thank you for the advice.”

“My pleasure, Shi-chan.”

This is hell.

“So, Kouta’s… girlfriend.  You good with anything?”

“Oh, are you being considerate to me?”

“Do I need to explain Japanese hospitality to you?”

“Not at all, I’ll put anything in my mouth.”

“I don’t doubt that.”

“But um, if it’s possible, could you add a little spiciness to whatever you deem fit to make for me?”

“You like it hot?”

“Un.  The hotter the better.”

“Alright.  It’ll be a little bit.  Kouta, the usual?”


Mom slid her pack over to my girlfriend, who happily accepted, even though hers were upstairs.

“Thank you for being so accepting of our relationship, Mama Reiko.”

“Not at all.  You should have seen Kouta after you left yesterday.  I do think he’s quite taken with you.”

Nihehe~  I like Kouta too!”

“Did you get a chance to use the thing I brought?”

“Un.  I also resupplied myself just in case, I hope you don’t mind.”

“Not at all.  I’m glad you are a responsible girl.”

“I try to be!”

A loud thunk came from the stove.  Onee-chan clearly heard her, and the pan she was using was not being treated delicately.  “So, did you finally graduate last night, Kouta?”


“He didn’t.”

Shizu answered for me.

“Oh?”  That seemed to surprise mom.

“Kouta just kept me warm all night.  He was a complete gentleman.  I hope I can give him the special moment he wants so much when he’s finally ready to.”

Shi-chan had her phone out, and was probably checking her messages from her friends.  The only person really messaging me at all up until this point was Kawazu, but I had already informed him that I was busy for the whole weekend, so I wouldn’t be doing any jogging with him until most likely Tuesday.

“Will you be gone all day, Kouta?”  Onee-chan asked from the kitchen.

“I uh…”

“What time would you like him home by?  Meeting Mama shouldn’t take too long.”

“Can you return him by 16:00?  I have some office stuff I need him for.”

“Not a problem.”

“Office stuff?”

“Aren’t you my systems administrator?  Or are you too busy to help your sister?”

“No.  I’ll help.  Whatever you need, Onee-chan.


A few moments later, four plates were made and brought over to the table.  Sausage, eggs, bacon, toast all covered in gravy.

“Would you like coffee, tea, milk, or cola?”

“Cola.”  I replied.

“I know what you want retard, I was asking her.”

“Um, coffee with milk and sugar if you don’t mind?”

Three coffees for the ladies, and a cola for me.

Mom, Kanae, and I ate like usual, but Shi-chan was definitely enjoying what she had on her plate.

“Wow, you are good!  This is so delicious!”

I swear I could see the specter of death taking shape from the steam coming from Shizu’s plate.  What hellish spices did Onee-chan put in there?  Shizu’s entire face was already bright red.

Almost as if it was an insult, Shizu reached for the pepper shaker we had on the table and added just a little bit more on top of her eggs.

Kanae did not look amused.  “I’m glad it meets your approval.”

That being said, Shizu for as strong as she was against spicy food did have to drain her cup of coffee fairly quickly.  Shizu had cut a small piece of sausage and made an event of feeding me it.  Somehow I could sense the danger in that bite.

But, I’m a man.

How can I refuse an offering from my woman?

I opened my mouth to accept the bite.

I received the feelings of both my lover and my dear Onee-chan together at that time.  I was moved.  Tears welled up in my eyes, and I thought to myself that Kanae surely wanted me to know with that bite, that she loved me enough to be cordial with my girlfriend, because she was important to me.

Kanae’s sisterly love for me could not measure up to any unit on the Scoville chart.  No, it was impossible to measure.

Huh?  Didn’t I just open my can of cola a second ago?  When exactly did I empty it?  I should go get another.

No.  Actually, I should cut the cola right now and have a nice glass of cold milk.

Yes.  Milk is good for the bones.

glug glug glug

“Ahh~  I love milk!”

I made another glass and brought it back to the table.

“That… was some… sausage…”


Dating Shizu is no different than playing with fire.  This was a reminder of that.  Thankfully, the sausage in question had been devoured completely by my girlfriend by the time I sat back down.  Yes, her ability to devour sausage was unparalleled.  My only regret here was that I couldn’t properly receive the rest of the feelings that Onee-chan put into my breakfast.

“So, Shizu…san.”

“You don’t need to use honorifics with me.”

“Then, Shizu.  Would you exchange contact information with me?”

“Un, sure.”

Both Onee-chan and my girlfriend brought their phones close together and an ominous beep let me know that Kanae now took her existence in my life seriously.

“Delicious as always, Kanae.” Mom said after having finished her plate.

Kanae only huffed.

When we were all done, Kanae handled cleaning the table and got started on the dishes.

“Would it be alright if I took a shower here?  I didn’t have a chance to take one after work last night.” Shizu asked my mother.

“You don’t have to ask.  Go right ahead.”

“Thanks, Mama Reiko.”

Shizu got up and left the table, disappearing upstairs to my room to gather her work clothes.


“Yes, Onee-chan?

“Was she wearing panties yesterday?”

“She was.  Cute ones, too.”

Onee-chan sighed.

“If you are going to meet her mother, at least let her wash you up and make you presentable.  Go on.  Unless you’d rather I do it.”

“I’m going!”

--~~* Shizu *~~--

Scrub a scrub scrub, and a rub a rub rub.


It seems Mama Reiko really likes me.  I wish I could say the same for his sister.  I like my food spicy, but she clearly went overboard this morning.  It wasn’t personal, but, Kouta needed to know how she felt about me.

It’s exactly how I feel about Shiori.

That’s why Kouta is special to me.  I would treat any person my sister brought home the same way, so I completely understand why she did that under the guise of hospitality.

But, I’m also the girl he chose.  This is a fact she needs to accept.  I am willing to forgive this, because I understand her love for her brother.  I know I’m a filthy bitch and he’s a good guy.  But Kouta can make me feel clean.  I wish she could understand that, too.  I don’t want to be dirty if I can help it.


I do want to be dirty with him though~

That’s why we have to make sure Captain Kouta is nice and clean.  That’s why I have soaped up my tits and am taking very good care to make sure he is, from the base to the tip!

Squirt~ squirt~

Ah, and now I get to enjoy Kouta’s special liquid soap, full of plenty of vitamins and nutrients to rub all over my skin, to keep it shiny and healthy for him to enjoy.  Having a girlfriend with a good skin care regimen is important.  Even though I’m a kurogyaru, I don’t abuse tanning salons.  Mama, Shiori and I go only when it’s safe and we keep it to a nice caramel tanning rather than a full dark tan, otherwise color coordinating with certain color palettes is difficult.

While Rina and I are both kurogyarus, Mahimahi isn’t, and for that matter neither is Kouta’s sister.  Those two are lighter skinned than us.

After soaping up, we rinsed off in the shower.  We dried off and then changed in Kouta’s room.  I had gone through his closet already and picked out a nice outfit for him to wear to meet Mama.  Normally I could care less about his style, but I felt it was important for him to make a good impression on Mama.

I had put back on my work clothes, but I wanted to keep the shirt and boxers of his I had been wearing because they smelled like him.  His scent is nostalgic somehow, but I can’t explain why.  Did I maybe meet him sometime before he confessed, or was he perhaps stalking me and it became familiar due to that?

I took the time to let Shiori know I would be bringing Kouta over soon, and that he wouldn’t be there later than 16:00.  Shiori had her own friends she could hang out with, and so in order to keep up our little deception, she would be leaving the house before we arrived.

--~~* Kouta *~~--

I was convinced the moment I laid eyes on Shizu’s mother, that time travel existed.  I say this as a good thing, because I understood that one day, perhaps twenty years from now, Shizu, if we were still together, would be a heavenly beauty like the one I was laying eyes upon.

I don’t know what I expected of a working woman, but like her daughter, Nakada-san’s mother also had obviously dyed blonde hair, though it was wavy and went down past her shoulders.  She had the same matching golden eyes, and if there were wrinkles anywhere on her beautiful face, it was only at the corners of her mouth from years of smoking.

“Mama, I’d like to introduce you to my boyfriend.  This is Kawamura Kouta.  Kouta, this is my mama, Nakada Shiho.”

The eyes of the Nakada matriarch flickered for a moment at the introduction of my name.  Her gaze bore down on me, like that of a corrupt noble before a just queen.  Even though I was thoroughly cleaned by her daughter, I was nothing less than filthy trash in here, her palace.  I was scum who dared to defile her precious daughter.

“Pleased to meet you.”  I did my best to greet with a more than casual bow.  “Your daughter has been taking great care of me.”

I didn’t avert my eyes.  I couldn’t!  It was like a magical spell of obedience had been cast and she hadn’t any intention of releasing me.  The best I could do was look slightly down.  A regrettable action, as she was wearing a gray baby top and no bra.  There was no bra.  The outline of her nipples testified to this truth, yet unlike me, she was far from trash.  She was the incarnated deity of lust and desire.  Her breasts sat somewhere between the size of my Onee-chan’s and my mother’s.  I would have liked to see her legs, but a cursed table blocked my view.

So, you’ve been enjoying my daughter that much, Kawamura-san?

I felt her lone thought turned into pure spiritual pressure.  Can people actually emit sakki with this level of intensity?  I feel so heavy from the bloodlust she’s directing my direction right now I want to fall to my knees and kowtow!  

Humans, for all they are worth, tend to have a failsafe defense mechanism if they’ve ever encountered and survived danger in their life.  It’s called fight or flight.  Either you stand you ground and dare to overcome the life-threatening situation… or you flee for all you were worth.

While not entirely a coward, I know right now that she could easily pick me up and throw me through a wall if she so chose.  While not having a chiseled body like a weightlifter, Nakada Shiho was thicc.

And I mean the thicker than any kind of milkshake I’ve ever had the pleasure of being thirsty for, kind of thicc.

So, between standing my ground and fighting a battle I know I would instantly lose or running scared like a little bitch from this house, which choice did I pick?

The third choice.

I immediately fell to my knees, assumed the most respectful dogeza which I had seen on a MeTube video one day, along with other creative dogeza, and shouted for mercy from the bottom of my heart.  My head touched grass, which was amazing because I was inside a home with a solid foundation beneath me.

I’m still a virgin!” 

Eerie silence filled the household.  No words came from mother or daughter.  Locked in the dark abyss of my own mind, I felt a nauseating fear.  When would the silence break?  When would the judgment and execution come?  Would I be granted clemency by her royal highness?

“You haven’t fucked him yet?”


What did they mean?

“It’s not like I’m not trying, Mama!”

More words.

Was I at fault for refusing what was offered?

“He’s… shorter than you.”

“Yeah, but he’s big enough where it counts!  Also, why are you on the floor Kouta?”  What the fuck are you saying to your own mother, Shizu!?  I’m trying to survive this encounter here!!  I’m just a little penguin in the lion’s den! “Did you lose a contact lens or something?  Need help looking?”

Ugh… I can feel some serious indigestion right now.

My girlfriend reached down and took hold of my arm, forcibly making me stand back up.

Hah.  Ahahaha.  Hahahahahaha!!!


Shizu pointed to a vacant chair across from her mother and had me sit.  She took a seat next to me as well and held my hand while displaying said handholding directly on the table for her Mama to observe.

“So,”  The queen of all lionesses began to speak, “What is it about my daughter that made you interested in confessing to her?”

“Uh… um… I… had a crush on her… for a long… time?”

“How long?”

“Since the third day after the entrance ceremony for the first years.”

“It took you over a year to gather the courage to confess to my daughter?”

“Not… exactly.”


“W-well… you see…”

“Mama, you don’t have to interrogate him!”

“I just want to know what his intentions are with you.  Since apparently he’s not after you for just your body.”

Shizu remained quiet.

“Is it… wrong to just want to be with the woman you like and spend a pleasant school life with her?  Shizu is… my first… girlfriend.”

Again, more silence followed my reply.

Nakada Shiho reached for her pack of cigarettes, withdrew one directly with her lips, lit it up, took an amazingly long drag and then exhaled a thick plume towards us.

“I’m not going to disregard that reason, but it’s not sufficient by itself.  What are your actual intentions with my daughter?  If you’re after her for sex, why wait?  I seriously doubt she’d turn you down if you asked her, which you no doubt must be aware of by now.”

“Yes, I’m… aware.”

“Then, your intentions?”

I took a deep breath.

“I… like Shizu.  I want to have a long relationship with her that isn’t founded on the fact that I only wanted to have sex with her.  I want to get to know her to the point she can say she… loves me, and also wants to know me better as well.”

Again, another long drag of her cigarette.

“Do you use drugs?”



“Only cola, tea, or water.”

“Do you or your family have any outstanding debts?”

“I think I heard my mom say the mortgage to our house was finally paid off a little while ago?  My mom just retired from her job in order to give birth to my new sibling in a few months, but my father and Onee-chan both work.”  

“Will you be attending college after you graduate?”

“Maybe?  I have some skills in the field of video editing, and programming.  I may have an opportunity from a company I do freelance work for to join their company right after graduating,  my decision to go to college would be based on taking that offer, probably.”

Nakada Shiho’s wrist rested on the table in front of her and her fingernails began to tap the table in a wave-like motion repeatedly.

“What would you do if my daughter cheats on you?”

“I would do my best to work through it.  I know I’m young and saying this without any real experience, but this is related to why I wanted to build a foundation between us not built on sex.”  I could only give an answer that lacked conviction.  I had determination that I could overcome it, but the reality of such things can lead to unexpected outcomes.

Shizu’s mother tapped an ash off her cigarette.

“Then, one last question.”

I nodded.

“Are you enjoying staring at my tits while holding my daughter’s hand?”


Nihehe~ Mama’s got a nice pair, doesn’t she?”  Shizu brought the hand of mine she was holding to her chest and made me grope her right then and there as her mother watched.

Where did my safe and cute girlfriend from yesterday go?

Get me out of here!!!

--~~* Shizu *~~--

After visiting Mama with me, I sent him back a little earlier than planned.  His sister needed his help and we also had a family meeting of our own we needed to hold.  Shiori came back quickly once I texted her that Kouta was gone, and now it was all three of us there to discuss him.

“So, how did it go?  Does Mama approve of Kouta?”

Shiori, my younger twin asks first.

“For now.”  Mama replies.  “You two really plan on dating him without telling him at all?”

Both Shiori and I met each other’s eyes and nodded.


Mama rubbed the sides of her head.

“I’ll make an appointment for Shiori to get her started on birth control as well.  You better make sure nothing happens before then, got it young lady?"

Shiori quickly agreed.


“What’s so goddamn funny, Shizu?”

“I can’t believe you flashed my boyfriend in front of me!”

You are reading story Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」 at

“Mama did?”

“Yup.  She asked our boyfriend if he was enjoying staring at her tits, and he answered immensely.”

“Then, does Mama want to date Kouta with us?”

“No!  Kouta can’t have mama!” I said strongly.


“I… don’t want to share a man who’s had mama… ever again.”

After mama’s ex-boyfriend did that to me… just no.  I don’t want to date a guy who 

“Shizu…  He’s a student, and I’m already past forty.  Do you think I’d really be going after a brat like him?”

Mama sighed, angrily.

“Then why did you flash him?”

“It was to help him out.  If he could see what you two would look like in twenty years, it might give him a surprising amount of motivation to stick with you, whenever you inevitably fuck up.”

“Oh!  It’s just… you kinda looked happy doing that.”

“I was only rewarding his honesty.  Besides, his reaction alone was worth it.”

“What reaction?”

“Kouta got stupid and called her mommy.”

Three of us simply reacted out loud with the same realization we had come to all at once. “Boys…”

--~~* Kouta *~~--

“Mm, I like the layout for the desktop, but we really need to focus on the one for mobile devices.  Most of our views are coming from teenagers, and there have been requests to streamline it for a better user experience.”

“Okay, any examples?  Do you have a mockup for me to work with?”

Echizen Mafuyu was standing behind me, supervising.  All of a sudden I felt something press into the back of my head which quickly sent me to heaven.  Her head leaned over my shoulder and her hand overlapped my own which was holding the mouse as she directed it to a certain folder.  With her body pressing against mine from behind, faint traces of something sweet, possibly scented strawberries, drifted easily towards my nose.

What was going on right now?

Onee-chan asked me to come over to help her, then immediately abandoned me with Mafuyu, saying she was going to the coffee shop nearby to pick up some coffee and snacks for us.

In all the time I had known her, which basically began from the time Onee-chan and her started this business, Mafuyu never once struck me as the kind of woman who did this kind of thing intentionally.  I had always thought of her as a timid, mouse-like college grad who just happened to have a godly pair of bazooka-tits.  So an accident like this wasn’t something I was going to make a big deal about and cause her to worry.

The folder opened up.  If this was a setup there would surely be erotic images about to appear before me, but much to my luck, it was a series of mockup images which she had thought far enough ahead to prepare for me.

Was I… disappointed?

No.  No way.

She then showed me how she wanted the site to look when viewed on a phone.  Mafuyu had a keen eye for layouts, and after some discussion, and absolutely no situational awareness of how much her body was distracting me, right before wrapping up what design changes to settle on, she came out of left field, disarming me with a question when my guard was down.

“Kou-chan, do you like older women?”


“Older women… do they interest you at all?”

“I can’t say that they don’t, but don’t get me wrong… I’m not a lolicon or anything.”

Mafuyu giggled cutely.

“I never thought anything of the sort.  But I mean, our demographic here is mostly teenage girls.  We have a few older gyarus who follow us, sure, but I was thinking about doing a spread using older women as models for a future article, and that’s why I was wondering what Kou-chan thought.  Would having an older women interest you at all?”

Techincally, Shizu is older than me.  Therefore, I can’t say that she doesn’t interest me as an older woman.  I’m not even going to point out all the years I beat my meat to my sister’s snatch…

“It could be interesting, but how old are we talking here?”

“Hmm, maybe post-collegiate age?  Maybe girls who joined the workforce who have conformed, but still want to let loose as a gyaru on their days off?”

She immediately made me think of my girlfriend’s mother when she said that, though I’m sure she meant someone maybe a year or two older than Onee-chan.

“That could work.  I mean, I’ve always liked gyarus anyway.”

“Then, what do you think about maybe some side by side shots, showing how they look at work versus how they look all decked out?”

“Oh, like a before and after kind of thing?”

“Exactly,”  She said enthusiastically, “But what kind of factors would a guy like emphasized on an older woman?”

“What do you mean?”

“Like, assuming it’s a kind of fantasy, would you prefer a tall girl or a small one, big breasts or something smaller and more common…?”

“I don’t know.  I… like big breasts, like any guy would, probably.  But, the thing that would really draw me in, are the legs.”

Her hands were now draped over me and resting on my chest.


“Yeah.  Caramel legs, nice and toned.  Bonus if there is a nice ass attached to them.”

“…Seriously… Legs are what do it for you?”

“Yeah…. Uh, Mafuyu?”

“Huh.  I… didn’t expect that.”

“Well, I mean, not everyone can have great breasts, and it’s unfair to make girls who don’t have them feel inferior… but anyone can have nice legs if they put some effort into it!”

“Is there any celebrity you’d use as a reference to what nice legs are?”

“Depends on who you’d call a celebrity.  I mean, if we could call a JAV actress a celebrity, then the actress from the Pussy Angel series would be my first choice.”

“H-how about your second choice?”

“Forget choices.  All you’d have to do is look in the mirror.  You have a great set of legs.”


“Yes.  I don’t think you realize it, but as a photographer you move around a lot and I know you also take photos of landscapes to use for some of your touch-ups, so you probably do a lot of hiking too.  I don’t mean to sound like a creep, but they’re difficult not to look at, for an enthusiast.”

“Alright, a model with nice legs, and I can use my own as a reference.  I’m sure Kanae and I can find someone to meet that criteria.  Is… is there any reason why you prefer legs to breasts, though?  Just for curiosity’s sake.  Most of the men I came in contact with in college seemed to prefer bigger breasts.”

That’s because you have a physics-defying rack, and they were all perverts who wanted to see them directly.  You can’t be unaware of this, Mafuyu!

“It’s kind of embarrassing to say.”

“Don’t worry Kou-chan, I won’t say anything.  Not even to Kanae.  Besides, this is proper research to pull in more of a demographic we don’t have enough of.  We’re both adults here.”

I sighed.



“I like legs because I want to imagine my head being squeezed between them…”

“Oh.  So… Kou-chan is into that… kind of thing.”

“I’m a guy, of course I’ve imagined it a few times.”

“You’ve… only… imagined it?”

Her voice came down an octave and that sent a clear warning signal from my ear to my brain immediately.  There’s… no way Mafuyu was trying to seduce me here, right?  Then again, even I’m not dense enough to ignore where this conversation was going.

“What did you expect?  My Kouta’s always had a wild imagination.”  We both jolted as the voice of Kanae had come out of nowhere. “Even now he imagines giving his first time so some slutty gyaru.”

She set down a drink on the desk before me, and handed Mafuyu something on ice with whipped cream.

“How’s the collaboration coming along?  Think you can make the changes she suggested?”

I haven’t felt this relieved seeing Onee-chan in about a week, even if it came with some hostility towards my relationship with Shi-chan.

“Yeah.  I don’t think it’ll be a problem, but it’ll take a couple of days.”

“That’s fine.  Just don’t forget you have other women that have needs, Kouta.  If you act neglectful to even one of them, you’ll lose everything in the end.”

Onee-chan knew exactly the most venomous thing to say at the worst moment.  

We ended up taking a momentary break to talk about the upcoming projects Kanae had been planning along with Mafuyu.  It seems it wasn’t a lie after all, what she had said earlier about older women.

“Why did I suggest it to Mafuyu?  I went to a host club with a client the other day and the topic came up.  Seems she used to be a gyaru before, and missed it.  Now she’s a corporate suit like everyone else, and missed being her old flamboyant self.”

Since the company essentially only consists of Onee-chan and Mafuyu, it’s entirely normal for her to go out to business meetings with clients.  She’ll bring along Mafuyu from time to time, but Kanae is much more effective when she goes by herself.  I also think Mafuyu prefers to just handle affairs inside the studio more anyway.  Unless there is a camera in her hand, she’s usually a meek sort of woman.

However, I began to wonder if that’s not just an act she puts on for others?

“Kouta, you mentioned the other day you were friends with a couple of second year gyarus at your school, right?”

“You mean Rina and Mahiro?”

“If those are their names.  Anyway, see if they are willing to pay a visit here.  If they are, bring them.  That also goes for Umeko and Ruru.  Bring them all together with you.”

“Eh?  Why?”

“I thought of a fun idea.”

“Why do I not have a good feeling about your fun idea?”

“Oh, I don’t think you’ll dislike it at all.”

I looked over to Mafuyu who seemed to be in her own world drinking her iced whatever and eating a slice of cake.  She’s definitely mouse-like when it comes to how she eats.

We ended up staying at the studio until a little past 20:00.

Afterwards, Onee-chan and I walked back home.

“So, did you enjoy it?”

“Enjoy what?”

“Mafuyu’s body draped all over you.”

“…are you trying to blackmail me or something?”

“Not at all.  I actually think it’s funny.  You’re surrounded by women blessed in the chest area.  Normally Mafuyu can unnerve any man, and make any woman jealous, even when they know having tits that massive is only a pain.  Yet there you were, talking to her of all people, about legs.”

“But I like legs.”

“I know.  That part of the reason why you like that girl?”

“They’re toned and caramel, Onee-chan.

“Hahaha.  I remember taking you to Ikebukuro West Gate Park, and you staring at all the gyarus back when you were in middle school.  It’s the first time I realized my Kouta was a little pervert deep inside.”

“All I remember is you giving me lectures about what types to stay away from.”

“Hey, Onee-chan… I’m not being full of myself here, but, there’s no way Mafuyu would be interested in me, is there?”

“Did you want to trade up for a better model girlfriend?”

“That’s not what I mean!”

“Kouta, Mafuyu is something guys like you would call a christmas cake.”

Christmas cake.  What is essentially the female version of a male wizard.  Essentially it’s a woman who is over twenty-five years old, and hasn’t done the deed.  As is the culture here, a woman over twenty-five is often considered past the easily marriageable age.  Of course there are other connotations as well, such as them simply being used goods, or just no good at all.

She’s the leftover slice of cake no one wanted to devour.

“If she’s a christmas cake, then why would you say I’d be trading up?"

“Because she was the one I picked out for you.”


“Kouta.  There are very few brothers and sisters as close as we are in the whole world.  I’ve done my best to raise you up to be a good man all this time…  seeing you bring that thing home… you didn’t even talk to me about it, Kouta.  I was really hurt by it.”

“You’re right about being close.  We’ve certainly been a bit too close for some of the things we’ve done as siblings.  But what right do you have to choose my partner?”

Onee-chan just took out her pack, and lit a cigarette as we continued our slow walk towards home.

“A parent has a right to disapprove of their child’s partner.”

“Are you pulling the I’m your mother card on me right now?”

“Yes.   Look, if you want to sow your oats, fine.  She’s beautiful for a JK and I won’t deny that.  But she’s hardly someone you can have a real future with, Kouta.  I know you don’t want to, but please trust me on this.  She’s only going to drag you down.”

“Is that why you chased away Umeko all those years ago?”

“That girl was selfish and clingy.  All I did was put her to the test, which she failed.”

“What test?”

“I take it she never told you then?”

I shook my head. “No.”

“She came to the house that day with the intention of going all the way with you.”

“…Umeko did?”

“She had a condom with her, Kouta.  She was dolled up.  All I did was let her know what to expect if she continued.”

“What to expect?”

“What else?  Everything that belongs to you also belongs to me.

Onee-chan, tell me you didn’t...?”

“I didn’t.  She ran away before I even could.”

“Haah…  So, what, are you going to do this to Shi-chan as well?”

“No.  What would be the point?  Like I said, if you want to waste it on her, I understand.  What I want is something else entirely.”

“Which is?”

“I want Mafuyu to have a proper chance to go on a date with you.”

“But I’m already in a relationship with Shizu.”

“I know, that’s why I asked her to give me her contact info.  We had a talk when I went out to get coffee and cake earlier.  She agreed to my request.”


Onee-chan handed over her phone to me, with a few lines of text that came from Shizu.

「I don’t have any problems if it’s something Kouta himself agrees to.」

“Anyway, you can talk with her directly about it the next chance you get.  I didn’t do anything underhanded to get this response, either.  She only listened to what I had to say, and gave her own answer later.”

What the hell, Shizu?  Am I that frivolous an existence to you?

It’s just been one thing after another today.

When we got home, both mom and dad were relaxing on the couch in the living room.

“Hey mom, hey dad… how’s work?”

“Exhausting.  What about you?  Your mother tells me you managed to become quite the ladies’ man lately…”

“It’s nothing like that, dad.”

“No shame in that, son.  I was one myself back in the day too.  Just remember, women love a confidence in a man.”

“Sure thing… dad.”


“Oh, we already ate, so you don’t have to cook for us, Kanae.” Mom added to the tail end of their conversation.

“Then, do you want me to make anything for dinner for you, Kouta?”

“Nah, if I’m hungry I’ll eat some ramen or something.”

“Alright.  I’m going to get wasted then.”

Onee-chan immediately went to the fridge for a beer.  I left her alone and went upstairs to my room.  I didn’t know it yet, but there was a big surprise waiting for me the following morning…

--~~* Kanae *~~--

I crunched the last beer can of the night and stubbed out my cigarette.  I’ve been massively irritated for days now, and I absolutely had to cut loose.  I honestly don’t know why I’m still staying here thinking he needs me.  Has he ever needed me?

I do everything for him, but never once has he said that he really needed me.  Lately all he’s been is annoyed with me, but I’m annoyed with him, too!  This all began when he confessed to that fucking bitch girlfriend of his, I’m sure of it.

I walked over to the fridge, emptying the ashtray and throwing away the cans in the trash bin nearby.  I took out an ice cold bottle of water and chugged it instantly so I could at least dilute some of the alcohol so I don’t wind up with a serious hangover in the morning.

Today’s business at the studio was all bullshit anyway.  It was just my trying to push Mafuyu and Kouta together before it was too late.  

Mafuyu likes Kouta well enough, and I’ve definitely seen Kouta checking her out, but that boy has tunnel vision right now where that Nakada girl is concerned.  Ruru pretty much confirmed that for me when I saw her at the studio having been accompanied by him there.

I just want Kouta to have the right partner, and to not end up like Ryohei.  There is no man scummier in this world than that man.  Not after that day.

I try and put it out of my mind.

I staggered a bit upstairs, those two adults who live with us had already retired to the bedroom and began their mating ritual at least an hour ago.  I was just browsing some articles on the internet while I slowly let alcohol solve my problems for the moment, since they would remain in the morning when I woke up, and that was a problem for tomorrow’s me.

It was late and I decided to check on Kouta before I crashed.

Kouta locking his door was cute.  Did he not ever wonder who put the doorknob on his door in the first place?  I have a friend who is good with such things that made it so I could turn the handle a certain way and it would automatically unlock it from the outside.

Thanks to that, there aren’t any walls of privacy between us.

He’s the one trying to define us as brother and sister, not me.  I already knew long ago that label was insufficient when it came to our lifelong relationship.

I’ve been his caretaker, his cook, his maid, his sister, his mother, and the object which until recently had relieved his sexual desire.  We’re way past anything as basic as being siblings.

But as time flows, things must change with them if they wish to survive… and now it’s come time to decide how I will adapt to this new change.

Peeking in his room, I could see that Kouta had already turned in for the night.  Considering he has school in the morning and that it was already 23:00, that was pretty normal for him.  I’m sure he had a busy day.

Though he attested that he hadn’t gone all the way yet, my Kouta would soon eventually be unable to resist his most basic and primitive need.  He would climb the stairs to adulthood, and in all likelihood try and leave me behind.

Even if I want to get angry, it’s something inevitable.

So, letting all the alcohol I drank take over my sense of responsibility, I stripped completely and climbed into bed with him.  How long had it been since I had slept in the same bed as him?  He used to come to my room from time to time and I’d welcome him, but ever since middle school, that stopped happening.

Was he ashamed?  Embarrassed?

Even though he could release himself to my naked body, he couldn’t just say he wanted to be affectionately held and doted on by me?

Kouta never slept in more than his boxers and a tee.  Tonight was no different.  The only different was that in his hands were a pair of panties.  Maybe some part of me had hoped they were mine, but they were not.

Of course they weren’t.

That’s for the best…

Since Kouta slept on his side, I was easily able to become the big spoon to his much shorter stature.  My large breasts, which had been the genetic inheritance of the vessel which birthed me, became the cushion for his neck.  My body heat warmed him, and my soft kisses fell on his almost always ruffled hair.

I’ve been called a brocon before, but that’s wrong.  If that was the case, then I would have never given him any autonomy.  It’s not like I couldn’t have done that.  But I don’t want to chain Kouta to me in that way.  He would become dependent on me and never be able to find his true happiness.

All that I do for him is for that goal alone.

I want him to fall in love and be happy.  Why else would I have sought out the right person for him?  Why else would I have chased away Sakuraba Umeko and Saotome Ibuki?

Hell, I would even have been fine with Yorugata Ruru, if she had expressed interest in him sooner.  But Echizen Mafuyu had met all the criteria.

She was timid, but capable.  She was kind, motherly, playful, and most of all, possessed all the attributes Kouta could want in a girl.  She wasn’t excessively beautiful that he should always worry that she would look for someone better than him.  She was capable when she tried, and she also happened to say he was also her type.

Mahiro was similar to Kouta in many respects, and I felt for sure those two would hit it off.  It just vexed me so much that his damned new girlfriend had been an obstacle to them making a proper connection as lovers.

And then there was this thing.

My hand had carefully made its way to his crotch.

How many times had I wondered if he would burst into my room and take me during one of my shows for him?

I wouldn’t have stopped him, nor would I have complained.  I know in doing what I was doing that was always a risk, but he never did and I could never understand my feelings about that.

Was it something I wanted him to do?

Is that why I was so irritated this week?  That he had closed my door, signifying that he no longer even needed that from me anymore, and without need to do it, I was pent up?

It’s not like I particularly cared to masturbate all that often, nor am I an exhibitionist.  I just wanted to keep his desired rooted in the real world and not in some fictitious place, like animated ecchi or JAV’s.

He needed to know it was real and possible for him to find a lover.

Kouta from time to time overthought things, and picked up strange perceptions as to what he thought a man should do.  I suspect Ryohei being behind some of them, but there are things a man will only listen to another man about, and as much as I hate it, hate them, Kouta’s heart is bigger than mine.

But that’s because I raised him right.

And that I kept much, oh so very much, hidden from him for all these years.  Things that if he knew about back then, would have done irreparable damage to him.

It wasn’t worth risking that kind of damage to him just to have him see who the people he called mother and father truly were.

The panties that he clutched weakly in his hand, were the same ones I caught him using.  They looked like the panties a child would wear, but the scent coming from them must have been something amazing for what I saw occurring to him just from a few sniffs.

So I decided to enjoy what might be the last time I would be able to share this bed with him while there was still something left of the naïve boy I raised.  I extracted the panties carefully from his hand and placed them in such a way under his nose that he could subconsciously enjoy them, and have them not obstruct his breathing.

Then I only needed to wait a few moments for the desired effect to occur.

Yes, my Kouta had grown splendidly.

It wasn’t something I didn’t know.  I had charted his growth over the years.  I don’t think he’ll grow any longer than the 18cm he currently is.  His girth may be a little under the normal for his length, but it’s not anything disappointing.  He was also circumcised which I thought was much better than dealing with all the problems having a phimosis brought with it.

My carefully controlled Kouta’s joystick and I found I was quite turned on.

I closed my eyes wondering what it would be like being filled up by Kouta.

Would I enjoy it?

Would he destroy me with this thing?

Would he make me his woman?

Kouta never stirred as I slowly milked him.  But I did succeed in milking him.  My hand was covered in his semen and I didn’t hesitate to bring it to my mouth.

There would be a woman who would get to have this whenever she wanted.

But that woman, unless it was Mafuyu, would be unlikely to welcome me to join them.

So all I could do was lick my hand clean and then safely tuck that part back into his boxers.  Then I closed my eyes, and enjoyed warmly embracing my Kouta.

Drunken me needed this more than I could ever believe.

Tomorrow’s me can deal with the fallout.

You can find story with these keywords: Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」, Read Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」, Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」 novel, Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」 book, Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」 story, Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」 full, Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」 Latest Chapter

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