Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」

Chapter 7: Chapter Seven 「The Hero’s Reward」(1/2)

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Monday, May 31st

--~~* Kouta *~~--

There is nothing better than waking up to a nice warm breast to suck on.

I know I said it yesterday, but It’s still true.

There is only one caveat to the whole thing, though…

It’s when the breast you realize you’ve been sucking on just so happens to belong to your psychotic brocon of an Onee-chan.  That’s when it gets a little strange.

But only a little.

How do I know this?

Just ask Kanae!

…when I opened my eyes and realized the breast I had apparently been sucking wasn’t caramel flavored, I immediately parted my mouth from it and shot backwards.  A feat which rewarded my body with the taste of the floor, since you know, gravity is a thing, and my bed has a finite area of space.


“Be quiet Kouta.  My head is killing me from drinking so much last night.”


I looked at my sister who was clearly naked from the waist up at the very least and holding her head, appearing to be in some pain.  I looked down and was still in my boxers, so the chance of her having done something is minimal, right?

“What did you do?”

“Kouta, please go get me some water.”


I quickly rushed downstairs and grabbed a cold bottle, bringing it back upstairs to my sister, making damn sure to lock the door.  I didn’t see mom or dad downstairs, and I sure hope neither of them come to check up on the situation in my room.

To my knowledge, only Kanae seems to be impervious to the thing known as a door lock.

I handed the water over to my sister who was just lying down in my bed, still undressed, and covering her eyes with her hand.

“Here, Onee-chan.

“Thanks, Kouta.”

She chugged half of it down in one go, then let out a satisfactory sounding breath.

"Huu~  Fuck."

She capped the bottle again and placed it against her forehead to transfer some of the coldness to herself.

“You okay?”

“Can you hand me my pants?”

I did as she asked, and she fished out her cigarettes, proceeding to stink up my room first thing in the morning with one.  Meanwhile, I was just standing beside my bed not having much fun coping with how my morning was starting out.

“Can you not do that?”

“Do what?”

“Just get back in the bed.  There’s nothing either of us needs to be guilty about.”

She petted the space I was just in right before waking up.


I sighed.

“What happened?”

“I was probably feeling lonely.  I don’t want to fight, Kouta.  Just, will you hear me out first before unloading on me?”

I occupied my own bed once more, bringing the ashtray I bought for my girlfriend’s exclusive use and putting it on her lap.  She stared at it for a moment and a single breath of laughter escaped her.

“I won’t get in your way.”


“Your girlfriend.  I won’t get in your way.  At least, not after you go on one date with Mafuyu with the permission she gave.”

“That’s not the problem here right now!  Why are you naked and in my bed!?”

“I was collecting my payment for a lifetime of raising you.  Stop being so insensitive.”

“…are you completely naked?”

She opened up her pants, and inside of it were a pair of panties, she dangled them from her index finger in front of me.

“It appears so.  Not that it matters, even if I offered my body to you right now, it’s not like you care for it anymore.”

I sighed.  “Kanae…”

“It’s okay.  Do you want to talk about it at all?”

“What’s there to talk about?”

“So, it meant nothing to you at all?”

“Wait.  Hold on a second.  Are we seriously going to talk about this?”

“Do you not want to?”

“It’s not that.  It’s just that… I figured this was a taboo subject.”

“Does it have to be?”

“No.  I don’t know what to ask you about it, though.  I just know that whenever I felt like… you know… you were somehow almost always there and with your door open, like you were waiting for me the whole time.  I didn’t think about the reason behind it much, only that I never had a reason to shut your door before.”

“When you did it, did you feel disgusted that it was my body you were doing it to?”

“No.  Even if you’re my Onee-chan, I figured you were probably going overboard doing it for my sake.  It’s not like I didn’t um… react to your… thing.  Were you ever embarrassed doing that?”

“Not even once.”

“This is going to sound weird, but… do you um… did you want me to like… do something to you at any of those times?”

“There were times, yes.”

“But not anymore?”

“Kouta…, how do you see us?”

“Us?  You mean like… as brother and sister?”

She took a long drag and exhaled slowly with a melancholy expression on her face.

“You aren’t my little brother.”

“EH?  Don’t tell me I’m adopted?”

“No, stupid.  I mean that… I have never seen you as my little brother.  When is the last time you’ve ever heard me call you my otouto?”

“…come to think of it, never?”

“From the time you were born, when I first held you in the hospital room… I knew only being your Onee-chan wasn’t going to be enough for me.  Some part of me felt connected to you on a different level, Kouta.  A much deeper one.  To me, you’re no different than an autonomous part of my own body.  I’ve done my best to prevent any barriers from forming between us, but you’ve always been so determined to put them up.”


“Like, only ever calling me Onee-chan.  Or hiding your new relationship from me…” Kanae began to count a number of things that definitely could have been understood as me trying to isolate myself and push her away, to prevent her from intruding into my life any more than necessary.

“Speaking of relationships, what about you?”

“Me?  What do you want to know?”

“It’s strange.  When you were in high school and you became a delinquent… you never once brought a boy home.  College too. For that matter, you never brought a girl home either.  Have… have you done it before with someone?  Did you not want me to be bothered by it?  Is that why you never talked about having a lover with me?"

"Let me answer your questions better by having you answer one of mine first.  While you masturbated to me, did you ever think that the pussy in front of your eyes, the one attached to me, belonged only to you?”

That gave me something to think about.

“I don’t know if I’m mature enough to have this conversation right now, honestly.”

“Just tell me your thoughts.  There are no wrong answers here, we’re just clearing the air for the past few years so we can both move forward right now.”

“Is that what we’re doing right now?”

“Don’t you think this is the right time to talk about it?”

“I guess…  Then, yes.  I’ve had the occasional thought that I would just burst right in your room and fuck the hell out of you.  You’d be begging for it and loving every minute of it.  I would already know exactly what to do perfectly the first time, and you’d be my woman after the best mind blowing sex of your life with me.  It wouldn’t even matter if I had other women, too.  You existed solely as my onahole when I wanted you to be it.  There.  Are you happy to hear it now?”

“You weren’t alone in having those kinds of thoughts, Kouta. But what if you knew I had a dating history?  What if you knew that sometimes that door wouldn’t be open for you when you needed it to be, and that someone else was doing exactly what you imagined yourself doing to me… instead of it being you?”



That had caught me flat footed for a second.  Onee-chan enjoyed another long drag from her cigarette as I actually commissioned a few brain cells to locate the answer to that question.

“You can jerk it to your tramp girlfriend I’m sure, but could you jerk it to me if I you knew I was the same as her?”

I felt like the question had turned my guts into soggy ramen.  I mulled it over in my mind long enough for her to finish her cigarette and down the rest of the bottle of water I brought her.

“Yeah.  I think… In the end, whether I knew or not, I probably would still have done it to your shows whether I knew it or not.”

“Kouta… I want you to understand something.  People come and go in our lives.  We might marry and raise families of our own, lead lives that keep us apart from each other at times, but the bond we have is something beyond that.  So have a little peace of mind in knowing that if you get stuck, that I’m here for you, okay?  I’m here for you as someone who considers you more than just as a family member.  Why else would I have gone to such lengths for you all this time?  If you are frustrated and need release, even if it means throwing away a marriage partner or even abandoning my own child… there is nothing that will keep me away from… nothing more important to me… than you are.”

“That’s… really heavy, Kanae.”

“But it’s not.  It’s simple, Kouta.  It’s the simplest thing in the whole world.  Because you are my whole world.  So… go enjoy your youth.  Wet your stick and sow your oats with whomever you please.  If it’s not enough, you can come to me anytime.  Time, money, advice, even my body.  There’s nothing I won’t give you.”

Kanae turned over and faced me, then she pulled me into her breasts.  “You aren’t anything else other than my Kouta.  Remember, anything that belongs to you, also belongs to me.  What single thing can belong to you more than your own self?”

Onee-chan lifted my bangs up high enough to make a space where she gave me a soft juicy kiss on my forehead.

“Shall I go make breakfast for you now?”

“Do you really mean all of that… that we’re more than sibling and more than family?”


“If I wanted everything from you, that you’d give it to me without hesitation?”




“Would you like to…”

--~~* Shizu *~~--

“Morning Shiori… Mama…”

I yawned.  I wanted to be more enthusiastic today since I’d be seeing Kouta once I got ready, but I was feeling tired.  I had forced myself out of my bed in order to get a much needed cup of coffee to jumpstart me for the day.

I had no time or motivation to make a bento this morning, nor did I feel like eating breakfast.  In fact, I’m pretty sure this means I’m due for my period soon.

“You look like shit, Onee.”

“Thanks for the compliment.”

“Are you feeling alright?”

“Yeah, I just… It’s been about a week since I’ve gotten any action.  I’m happy to take it slow with boyfriend, but a girl has needs.  And this girl needs a good f

I held that last gerund, out of respect for Mama who was sitting at the table.

I added some sugar to my black coffee and pleasantly burned some of my taste buds as the dark nectar of awakening slid down my throat.  When it came to swallowing, I was a professional.  I followed up by taking a seat at the table, stealing one of Mama’s smokes, and scratching my exposed belly.

I’m glad boyfriend was not here to see this side of me.

I was wearing nothing but my lucky pink bra and panties.  It’s not the original pair I received as a gift from Mister all those years ago, but it was the same exact brand.  It was the spiritual successor, and something I felt the most joy in wearing when it came to underwear.

I didn’t get a good night sleep last night.  It wasn’t a nightmare exactly, but something much more strange.  Kouta getting married to someone other than me.  I mean, I was there, and a bridesmaid.  Rina, Mahiro, Shiori, Blue, Ruru, and myself all were.  Kouta was marrying a girl who wasn’t nearly as beautiful as any of us, but he was happy with her.

Actually, he was happy with all of us, since we were all going on the same honeymoon with him.

But you know, taking care of six women is tough, and I didn’t get enough before he was so spent he couldn’t even move, so I snuck out and had a good time with a nice group of eager hotel attendants who wanted to make sure I was satisfied with my stay at their hotel.

And damn was I satisfied.

In the dream at least.

Then I woke up.

My long time companion was making itself known to me today.  I’m hoping seeing Kouta today will take the edge off, if not… we’re about to encounter our first hurdle.

I took another sip, then a puff, then I let my head hit the table with a loud thud.  I’m convinced this dream wasn’t so much a harbinger of what was to come, but rather a result of a conversation I had with his sister, Kawamura Kanae.

She had called me out of the blue after Kouta went over to help her out with something she needed done, some computer shit, I don’t really know.  No, she called me to ask me permission to let him go on one legitimate date with a girl she had been trying to set him up with since he entered high school.  Something which was unable to occur because Kouta only had eyes for me, which complicated matters intensely for her, and the girl in question.

I asked her what she was willing to do for me that I should agree to it.  I mean, I would have agreed anyway, but what she offered was more than I expected her to.

I won’t interfere with you and Kouta after this.

Had she been interfering?  If she was it didn’t seem like it was a big deal, but I had heard Kouta talking about how overbearing she was to him, so I figured it would be beneficial to us if he went and did it.

The worst case, he dumps me and goes out with her instead.

If that’s the case, Shiori dodges a bullet that I would have ended up pulling the trigger for.  If he goes out with that girl, and it turns out there’s nothing, then that means even more than now, Kouta’s a good guy and I should really try and keep him.

So, I agreed.  I gave her the permission she wanted, and now I was just waiting for either her or Kouta to inform me of the date it was happening so I could make other plans.

I’m not worried.  But, I can’t say the same about whoever is in charge of directing my dreams.

There’s a reason I call it an itch.

It’s because quite literally, it’s an itch that starts inside my pussy.  It’s easy enough to quell if I get fucked for at least a few minutes before my partner bursts, or even if I get fingered properly.  I don’t always cum anymore.  No.  The only person with the command to make my body come was, and most likely always will be Mister.

But that part of my life is over.

Ever since that day…

It sounds kind of crazy, but, ever since I met Kouta… I’ve felt nostalgic for Mister.  But the calmness I feel around Kouta in regards to the itch is way different than how it was with Mister.  He could fuck it right out of me, and I’d be good for a few days.

Of course, I liked fucking him.  So I didn’t always wait until it came back before I asked to meet with him again.  He never turned me down, and even gave me gifts from time to time.

He took care of me like a mistress, and I played my part.

I knew he was married.  He never took off his wedding ring, and he spoke lovingly about his wife who was always away on business trips.  He had a daughter and a son as well who he was proud of, and often felt like he really didn’t bring much to his own family except for money.

His daughter hated him.

His son was indifferent at times, but generally listened to him.

I felt bad, because it seemed like he wanted to be a good parent.  But I couldn’t call him daddy or papa even as a tease.  Only Mister.  He was Mister and I was his Shina.

It was Shina with no family name by the way.  The Shi was from Shizu, the Na was from nai–(isn’t.)

This was because Shina was a persona I adopted when I didn’t yet know how to cope as Shizu the slut.  This was before Shiori became involved in helping me take care of the itch.  When I put on my fake mask and became a whore of the night train.  I even owned a mask, too!  It was pink like my lucky underwear!

Mister didn’t care if I wasn’t exclusive to him, but it didn’t take long before my body understood that was complete bullshit.  He trained me.  He groomed this pussy to be the best it could be, and to be satisfied by nothing less than the best.  In a way, he was both the best thing and the worst thing to happen to me after my rape.

I wonder how everything is with him?  Does he still love his wife?  Do his children still live with him?

I found myself unconsciously holding my stomach.

Ah, yeah.

There was that, too. The time when I was probably…


“Huh?  What?”

“You’re spacing out.  Go take a cold shower or something.”

My coffee was still more than half full.  The cigarette I was smoking was just a long ash from halfway up the filter.  I was clearly distracted.

“Yeah, let me do that.”

 Taking my sister’s advice, I went straight to the shower and after a quick rinse, I chose hot water over cold.  I gradually increased the temperature until it was almost painful.  Then I let my hands reach between my legs, and I tried.

It never worked, but I tried anyway.

I tried to calm myself.

This fucking body which won’t listen to my heart.

“Kouta… please… let it happen today.”

--~~* Kouta *~~--

When Shi-chan came walking down the road to pick me up, I was already waiting outside for her.  There was no bento made with love by Onee-chan today.  In the worst case, if my girlfriend didn’t make one for us, I could always go to the canteen at school and buy something to eat.

Before she even greeted me, I knew something was wrong with her.

“Are you okay, Shi-chan?”

“Just feeling under the weather, Kouta.  I’m sure now that I’m with you, I’ll be feeling better soon!”

I gave her a soft hug, and then we held hands as we began our walk to school.  I was happy being together with her this morning, but even the forced smile she wore was depressing.

Before we got to where Umeko would normally meet up with us, Shizu stopped me.

“Any… is there any chance you’d like… to do it with me… today?”


She shook her head.

“No, nevermind.”

She walked on, leaving me behind quickly.  I had to dash a few steps to catch back up with her.  Before I could inquire further, Sakuraba Umeko appeared right on time to join us.

“Good morning, Kouta.  …Nakada-san.”


Shizu barely acknowledged her, and with Umeko walking beside us now, my chance at bringing up the matter that was bothering my girlfriend became much more difficult.  I don’t know if we’re at the point that we can really open up about our personal problems with each other yet.  After all, it’s only been about a week since we began dating.

“Shi-chan.  Did you bring a bento today?” I asked.

“No.  I had a rough morning…  were you looking forward to it?”

“Well, it’s my beautiful girlfriend’s homemade bento, why wouldn’t I look forward to it?   But that’s alright, I don’t have one from home either, so I’ll just get us lunch from the canteen.  Is there anything you like?”

“Anything’s fine.  We’re meeting on the roof at lunch, right?”


Agreeing to that seemed to offer her only the tiniest fraction of relief.

“Ah, so you’re up there with boxer-brain and the bitches, too?” Umeko spouted her general disdain of my lunchtime activity.

“Yep!  Want to join us, Blue?  If you can convince Kouta to fuck me today, I’ll let you go first.”

“Of course today would be the day you offer that.  Sadly, I can’t take you up on that offer.  I have some obligations I need to take care of at lunch and after school today.”

“It was worth a shot.”

We got to school, and saw a familiar face arriving at the same time.


“Ume!  Oh, you’re with Kawamura and Shi-chan.  What’s up bitch, you look like you’re riding the rag.”

“Not ‘til next week, probably.  Ah!, Kouta, just pretend you didn’t hear that. “


“Anyway, let me borrow you for a minute.  Sorry Kawamura, I need to talk to Shi-chan about something.”

“It’s fine.  Have a good morning, banchou.

I received a light kick to my shin from the boss-loli.

“You can call me Ruru.”

“Right, Ruru-senpai.”

 “I’ll catch up with you another time, Ume.”


My girlfriend and senpai took off together, leaving me alone with Umeko.

“Kouta, have you still not done it with her yet?”

“Nothing past a little bit of fooling around.  Why?”

“No reason.”

Umeko gave me a light peck on the cheek, then took off herself.

It was just as well.  I still had a bit of time before class began so I just hung back for a bit, wondering about some of the things I had talked about with Onee-chan after listening to her tell me the kind of place I had in her life…

I hadn’t expected that a little bit away from me, a dispute would happen between two people.


I cast my sight over to the scene.  There was a guy, either a first or a second year standing in front of a girl who looked like she fell down, with his fists clenched.  He was yelling at her.

“Fucking bitch!  I take care of you this entire time and you go spreading your legs for other guys?  Disgusting.  Don’t bother coming back unless it’s to collect your shit and leave.  We’re through.”

I’m no hero.

That kind of shit is better suited to people like my best friend, Kawazu.  But there weren’t a lot of people paying attention to what was going on right now, nor were there any teachers in the immediate vicinity.  It looked like the guy was going to kick her now that she was down on the ground.

That’s not cool.

I’m definitely not a hero.

But, I don’t endorse that kind of violence.

I quickly moved over to where they were.  I wouldn’t have time to find a teacher, but I might be able to buy some time for the girl to escape.

“What do you think you’re doing?”

The guy was about to launch a kick at her midsection.  He stopped when I called him out.

“What’s it to you?  This fucking piece of trash cheated on me while hiding the fact as they stayed with me rent-free.  I think this much is due.”

“Answering your own insecurities by using violence?  That just shows what a trash character you have.  Words are more than enough.”

“No.  Some things need to be put in their place.”

I moved between them.

“No violence.  If you have a problem, solve it another way.”  I stood firm, offering him an ultimatum I wasn’t sure I could enforce.  He looked about as buff as me, which wasn’t much, so I wasn’t exactly scared.

My best friend is Oda Kawazu, vice president of the Boxing Club.  Doing morning road work with him means that he also takes the time to stop and throw some punches and perform extra footwork.  I was also taught some of it for fun by him.

I wasn’t confident in my fists or my footwork, but I at least had some light training.  I did know how to move my body, if only a little.  So it came to be that I was to put what I learned to the test right now.

“Go find a teacher or hurry to class, quickly.”  I said to the girl who didn’t say anything, but tried rising to her feet.

She was cute, but I didn’t have time to spend gawking at her.

The guy in front of her clicked his tongue.

“You want to do it this way?  Fine with me.”

His fist was already balled up, but perhaps he was a novice to fighting or didn’t have proper training?

I remember Kawazu talking about something called a haymaker during one of our jogging sessions.

‘Kouta, sometimes when you fight amateurs who aren’t thinking clearly or only know how to bully the weak, they often make the wrong initial judgment of the other person’s fighting capability.  So they’ll try to look threatening and pull their arm back like they are going to deliver a knockout punch.  But most of the time it’s a slow and awkward punch because they aren’t really experienced.’

‘Then, what should I do if that happens?’

‘It’s simple.  You dash in close to them and give them a jab to the chin with your knuckles as fast as you can.’

‘To the chin?’

‘There’s a reason for that.  Being hit in the chin sends a rattle through the head and has a very high chance of stunning your opponent.’

‘Okay, then what?’

‘Then you have three options;  

Firstly, you can then jump into the shoulder of the person and deflect the momentum of the blow.  It won’t hurt you if it somehow connects at that point, because without momentum there’s no power behind their punch.  They might also stumble backwards and fall on their ass.  

Secondly, if when you threw your jab it was with your left hand, you can immediately follow up with a right hook from your dominant hand.  It can come from the side or from below upwards towards their face, but you have to keep your hand close to your body and use the tiniest amount of movement from your arm to deliver it.  The reason for that, is that you will use the momentum from twisting your body at the waist and that will add extra power to your weak ass punch.  As long as your opponent doesn’t look like me, that should be enough to knock them down or seriously make them reconsider messing with you. 

The last option is simple.  Once you do one of the above two, and they still look like they can fight.  This gives you enough time to start running away!  At the very least it’ll give you enough of a head start since they won’t be able to get up quickly, and with all the jogging practice we’re having, you should be able to get somewhere safe before they can catch up with you!’

Sure enough, this guy was enacting the exact scenario Kawazu had taught me how to deal with.  He pulled his arm as far back as he could and I made a split decision to protect this girl, even though I could have damn well minded my own business.

I leapt forward, as soon as my shoes touched the ground, I brought my left fist right to his chin, making sure my knuckles hit the bone of his chin.

His eyes opened wide when I did that.

I then threw my body leftward using my own shoulder to crash into his.  He began to lose his footing.  But his eyes didn’t stop staring at me.

I followed up with my body twisting left and my fist aiming up high like he taught me.  I aimed for his temple.  Even if I missed and hit his ear it should cause enough damage to give me time to help her escape if she hadn’t already.

My right fist flew.  I didn’t need to pull back my arm because my twisting waist carried the weight of the blow.  I was still a small guy, and mostly untrained in boxing.  Fighting in general for that matter.

But I did it.


The guy landed on his ass… then fell over onto his arm.

I jumped back to make sure he couldn’t trip me up with his legs just in case, and then I turned to see the girl was still there, holding on to her bag.  I grabbed her arm, and made her run with me.

We made it to the front of the school.

“Are you okay?”

“H-huh?  Ah, yeah. I’m fine.”

“I’m glad.”

“…why did you help me?”

“Did I need a reason?”

“You overheard what he said about me, right?”

“I did.”

“What if what he was saying was true?”

“That still doesn’t give him the right to hurt a woman.”

“A woman?”

“Yeah.  No woman should be subjected to physical violence.  My dad always said a man who stands by while a woman is hurt, or hits a woman who isn’t immediately threatening his life, isn’t someone you can ever call a man.”

“I… see.”

“Um, anyway, you should be safe for now.  You should probably talk with your teacher and then talk to the guidance counselor as soon as possible.”

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I turned around and found my sleeve was being held onto by her skinny arm.

“What’s your name and class?”

“Oh, um.  I’m Kawamura Kouta, 2-C.”

“Kawamura Kouta-senpai.  Got it.  Thanks for helping, even though it won’t do much in the long run.  I think this is the first time anyone ever came to my rescue.”

“You can count on me.  Rescuing girls in need is something I’m good at.”

I flexed such a bullshit line.  Who did I ever rescue?

“I’m Konjou Ai.  1-B.  That guy… was right, you know?  About everything.  But even though he was… I’m still grateful.”

She shifted uncomfortably before giving me a kiss on the cheek and then dashed off into the school building.

Hey, I was a hero.

No one can get mad at a hero getting a kiss from a super cute kouhai, can they?

Holding my head up high and feeling a light throbbing in my right hand, I slowly entered and changed shoes at my locker before heading to class.

--~~** Kouta’s Status **~~--

--~~* Kouta *~~--

Class went by quick.  I had told Kawazu what had happened with the last couple of minutes before class began.  But it wasn’t him, or even Umeko who were surprised at what happened.  Instead it was my other nearby desk mate, Kobayashi Natsume who was the one most interested in what happened.

“You helped out Ai-chan?”

“I guess?”

“You said her name was Konjou Ai, right?”

“Yeah, that’s what she said.”

Natsume giggled.

“Thank you very much.  Ai-chan is a precious kouhai of mine.”

“Oh, you know her, Kobayashi-san?”

“Of course, she’s a part of my club.  Speaking of, would you like to pay it a visit soon?”

“Ehh… Not today.  My girlfriend isn’t working and she seemed pretty down in the dumps today, so I want to spend time with her and hopefully cheer her up.”

“Your girlfriend…  So it’s really the case, huh?  You are actually dating Nakada Shizu now?”


“You are aware…?”

I gave her a stare that said not to say another fucking thing.  There is no one who isn’t aware of the rumors surrounding her, and it’s rude to say that shit to her honest to god boyfriend who wouldn’t already know all about them.

Natsume backed down at my gaze.

“As long as you’re happy, then…”

I sent a few messages to Shi-chan to see if she’d reply, but got nothing back for a while.  I did get a message from Rina, however.

>BadAssBitch:  Kouta, it’s Rina.  Your girlfriend has her head down.  I saw you trying to text her.  Just let her rest for now, okay?  We’ll see you at lunch.

>ThiccWaifus:  Alright.  Thanks for letting me know.

Maybe she just needed more sleep?

After the lunch bell rang, I headed towards the canteen and picked up a few different flavored breads, and then stopped by the vending machines for a bottle of cola and a can of coffee for Shizu.  When I made it to the rooftop, everyone had already arrived before me.

Everyone looked concerned.

“What’s up?” I asked, taking a seat next to Shizu and putting the breads and drinks down in front of us.

“It’s bad, Kouta.”  Rina said to me.


“Shizu… is doing her best to hold back right now, but she’s close to her limit.”



Shi-chan who had been curled up with her head buried into her knees and resting on her arms, lifted her head and looked at me.

“I… have to fuck.”


“I know it sounds like bullshit to you, but… it’s been almost a week.  I know we’ve messed around, but that’s not enough for me.  I need to get fucked, and not a quickie either.”

She sounded hurt.

“Kouta, Shizu… is high maintenance with this kind of thing.  I know you want to go slow with her, but… that’s…”

“Is there no way around it?”

“There is…”

“What is it?”

“If it’s not going to be you, then let her take care of it with someone else.”

I looked at Shizu, but she was practically crying.


“I… told you… that it was going to happen, Kouta.  This is who I am… I can’t… deny this thing inside of me.  This isn’t something a blowjob or you fingering me can fix… I need… to get fucked.  Won’t you fuck me, Kouta?  I promise it’ll be the best sex you’ll ever have in your life.”

It’s not like I didn’t want to.

I did.

I do.

I do want to have her.

But not like this.

Not yet at least.

I want to value and treasure the moment.

It was important.

It was important to me, and I truly believed it was important to our relationship that it go this way properly.

“I’m sorry Shi.  I want it to be special.  If you… can’t hold on anymore, I understand.  Go do what you need to do.  We… need to find out, right?  Since it’s not just going to be this once, and I… might not always be on hand every time…”

“Kouta!  Are you stupid!?”  Mahiro was yelling at me now.

“Mahi, stop.”

“But, Rina…!”

Rina just shook her head.

Shi-chan stared deeply into my eyes.

“Kouta, I’m… not doing this because I want to.  Please tell me you understand.”

“I understand.”  I said.

I only had the confidence to say that because I truly didn’t.

Shizu is my girlfriend and has some kind of nymphomania.  I’m a regular virgin who’d never been betrayed.  How could I truly possibly know anything?

But, I did know my feelings for her were real.

So this was the test, right?

I had to pass it if I wanted to be with her.

Shizu rose to her feet.

It was like a death march.  She took one unsteady step after another towards the rooftop door.


Rina swore.

She dashed over to Shizu and grabbed her by the arm.

“Fucking Kouta.  I’ll give you this one.  Figure it out in a week…”



“Rina, babe…” Kawazu was frozen.

“What’s going on?” I asked.


“Are you really okay with her fucking a rando, Kouta?  You can fix this right here and now so she doesn’t have to.”

“What can I do to fix anything?  It’s not the right time!  If it’s meaningless sex then what’s the point of being in a relationship with her!?”

“Goddamn it.”

Rina was mad.

“Then if you won’t help her, share her pain so you understand.”

Rina dragged Shizu back to where I was.

“Better someone you know and can trust, than not, right?  Kouta, Zuzu will handle it for you this one time.”


“Shut the fuck up, Zuzu.”

Kawazu did.

What did Shi-chan think of me at that moment?  Was I judged to be a timid, unreliable boyfriend?

One thing was for certain.

Any illusions I had that the rumors might have been just that, rumors, were about to be dispelled before my very eyes.

“You owe us all for this, Kouta.”  Rina said venomously.

Shi-chan pulled out her phone case.  The back came off, and a condom was retrieved.  She handed it over to Rina, and pulled her panties down, leaving them around only one ankle.  Then she put her hands on the wall on either side of my head, and all I could see was her face.

Her gold eyes bore deep into me.

They didn’t say fuck you.

They said I’m sorry.

I couldn’t see Kawazu behind her.

I couldn’t see his cock rubbing against her entrance before he shoved it in.

I had no idea how absolutely fucking wet Shi-chan was and how exquisite the sex she had promised me would have been.

Because I didn’t do a fucking thing to help her.

I was a selfish piece of shit who had my own ideas on how our relationship should have been.  And I didn’t understand that of the two most major fuck-ups I would ever have in my relationship with her, that this belonged to one of them.

So I was made to watch.

I watched as her face contorted with pleasure as my best friend’s tool did what mine absolutely should have done instead to her at that moment.

That all this talk of my love for her meant nothing, because I was still a scared virgin way the fuck out of her league.

Onee-chan knew.

Rina knew.

Kawazu knew.

Mahiro might have had a clue.

But not me.

I watched.

I watched as my girlfriend’s head shook as he thrust into her.  I watched her as she watched me watching her.  I watched her make that face again.  That face she had when I recorded her sucking him off.

My girlfriend was being fucked, and she was enjoying it.  I…

I got hard.

I got hard knowing my girlfriend was centimeters from my own face and not even trying to hide her enjoyment of sex, no matter whom it was with.  I watched as she had a need, like a drug addict, and she was taking her dosage.

Then, she kissed me.

My girlfriend’s tongue violated my mouth, while Kawazu’s cock, with Rina’s reluctant permission violated her lower mouth.  I couldn’t do a thing.  She kissed me and goddamn was it full of passion and lust.  I was rock hard and hating that fact, but this was my shared punishment.

Kawazu grunted as he held on to her waist, which I couldn’t see and didn’t even try and hold back with her.  Kawazu’s endless experience satisfying Rina, and even Mahiro now was being used on Shizu… all because I refused.

Until he finally came, she prevented me from being able to say a word.  If I opened my eyes, her golden orbs were there to stare wildly into mine.  If I closed them, it didn’t matter.  Her eyes never shut.  Her tongue never stopped pushing deep into me, mimicking his thrusts into her.

And then it did.

Then she let her hands slide from the wall, and her knees fall to the ground.  Her head pushed against my chest and her eyes only saw my crotch.

And she laughed.

While she did I saw Kawazu carefully peeling off his rubber, which was full of white sludge.

“It’s… not enough.”

She said it between laugher.

My zipper was lowered and she released the object which had betrayed her.

She didn’t hesitate for a moment before she began sucking on it.  She didn’t abuse me verbally, she didn’t judge me for getting it up to what just happened.

She just went to take care of it.

Her pathetic boyfriend’s hard cock.

She only pulled off of me to say “More.”

She was gone.

This girl was Shizu, but… this wasn’t the Shizu I knew up until now.  This wasn’t the Shizu I went on a date with on Saturday to the Zoo.

This was the wild Shizu I had only caught a glimpse of before.

This was what her worries and her fears were founded on.

I had to accept this.

Because this too, was Shizu.

It only took Kawazu a few moments to get himself ready again.  Boxers are known for their high stamina.  It’s the foundation of their sport.  Kawazu fucking Rina and even Mahiro was merely an exercise for him, with all the raging testosterone in him at the prime of his youth.

A second rubber went on, put on by Rina herself who looked down judgmentally at me.

This time I saw.

I saw Kawazu mount her.

Kawazu turned his gaze away from me, a move done purely out of what respect he had left for me.  And he filled her up again.

And once more her mouth went into overdrive.

She devoured me.

While I watched Kawazu huff and puff and lose to her amazing libido.  Mahiro stood off to the side, her skirt up enough to be wedged between her arm and her panties which her hand had slid inside of.

Mahiro played with herself as she watched Kawazu fuck my woman.

Rina just looked on.

Shizu went crazy sucking and slurping.  I was losing my own mind with how amazing it was.  It was a thousand times better than in the boys’ bathroom.

Mahiro silently took some steps over towards me.  She dropped to her knees and smiled at me.  Then her head leaned in and she kissed me in Shizu’s stead since Shizu was already occupied.

I could no longer see a thing, except Mahiro’s playful gaze.

I was on the verge with the additional stimulation of Mahiro.

I couldn’t hold on anymore.

I burst.

When I did, Shizu, using only her tongue and my cock jammed between her tonsils, milked my urethra clean.  It became painful, but she never stopped.  I experienced the pain known as blue balls.

I couldn’t become flaccid.

She kept me going and it hurt so much.

Mahiro never stopped kissing me either.  I could smell Mahiro’s scent as well.  It only exacerbated my problem.  I don’t know what the fuck was happening here.  But it didn’t end quickly.

Not until Shizu began to almost growl.

Then Kawazu grunted.

Shizu shook.

Mahiro pulled away.

Rina never once moved from her spot, looking down at me with a sour face.

It was over.

Mahiro pulled her hand out of her panties and stuffed two fingers into my mouth.

My girlfriend didn’t spare me a look.

She just collapsed into my lap.

Rina got on her knees and pulled the second condom off.  Then she cleaned off Kawazu herself for a moment.  She then stood up and began tying something up which she then deposited right next to Shizu’s face on my lap.

Two condoms full of Kawazu.

Two chances I had to not hurt my girlfriend, the woman beyond my league who saw fit to give me a chance to prove my love and loyalty to her.  If I had taken even one of those two chances… in the future things might have been different.  But I was a fool.

I reached up and lightly touched her hair, slowly stroking it.

Shizu was fine.  She wasn’t a jibbering mess.  Kawazu couldn’t have hoped to fuck her senseless.  She was just resting because he did what I didn’t.

He scratched her itch.

This was that phase.  When the relief came after scratching for a while.  A bit of pain and some cool pleasure.

I closed my eyes and said nothing.  I tried to hold back some tears which had now escaped my ducts.  My girlfriend was taken right in front of me, but she was in no way stolen.

This wasn’t netorare.

She was still my girlfriend in the end.

Just with an additional body count.

Kawazu couldn’t bring himself to say anything.  He, Rina, and Mahiro moved to the side and relaxed.  Kawazu was healthy, but even he appeared to be a bit exhausted after that.

Shi-chan rolled onto her back and looked up at me. 

She laughed weakly.

“I’m the worst, aren’t I?”

“No.  That’s what you should be saying to me.”

I reached for her cheek and gently stroked it.

“Is… it over between us?”

I leaned down and kissed her, but didn’t answer her properly.

She reached in her pocket and pulled out her pack of cigarettes.

I reached in my own and provided the fire.

She scooted up a bit higher, resting her head against my chest now.  My guy had finally shrunk enough to retreat back into my pants.

She took a melon bread.  I took a yakisoba bread.  She had her coffee which was now a bit warmer due to the sun.  My can of cola had beads of water on the outside.

We ate lunch like that, undisturbed by the other three for a while.

I wrapped my arms around her, just under her breasts.

I understood only then…

This is what it means to date Nakada Shizu.

--~~* Shizu *~~--

I did it.

I couldn’t control it…, not that I ever could.

Having gone almost a week without a cock inside of me, I thought the itch would have demanded more than that price to loosen its grip on me, but twice with Kawazu was deemed enough.

I laid down in Kouta’s lap afterward, now freshly fucked and ate the food he bought for me.  I enjoyed the pleasure of an after-sex cigarette and the pick-me-up of a mostly cold canned coffee while my wet cunt was exposed to the occasional breeze on the rooftop when it made its way into my skirt. 

Yet, he didn’t run.  What do I make of him?

There’s never been a guy who wouldn’t fuck me if I begged like that, so why didn’t he?  Was this a good thing or a bad thing?

It’s beyond my ability to understand.

He held me as if nothing was wrong.  He kissed me and even doted on me after having been front and center for what happened.  

During the act, he got hard as a rock.  I could smell his cock begging me to drink the sperm churning in his balls, and I did.  I could even smell Mahiro’s juices leaking from her body nearby as she watched us three, even tasting her on his lips afterwards before we returned to class.

Rina… was angry, understandably so.

She never wanted Kawazu and I to do it.  It wasn’t for personal reasons, just a woman’s preference.  Mahiro was not a threat to her ability to satisfy him.  I was.

That’s all it was.

Any woman would have that fear.  I had that fear with Mister sometimes.  He loved his wife.  Even though he had me, and I was exactly what he wanted me to be, it wasn’t enough to ever take over her place in their bedroom.

I am wide awake now.

All of my lost vitality and irritation this morning was gone.  I felt like my usual self again.  But, there was just this nagging feeling.  I couldn’t exactly describe it.  But it was there.  It was there when I thought of Kouta.

A text came in from Kouta sometime during afternoon classes.

He wanted me to start a group chat.  I had to add everyone… Rina, Mahiro, Myself, Ruru-chi, and Blue.

I did as he asked, and he surprised us all with a request.

It was an address.

>ThiccWaifus:  How would you all like to meet the people behind KanAtelier today? 

>LionPrincess:  You know them?

>BadAssBitch:  You’re lying!

>Mahimahi:  I mega-wanna!

>LovelyBanchou:  Aneki okayed this?

>PonyPrincess:  I’m busy today!  Come on, Kouta!

>ThiccWaifus:  Ruru-senpai, she did.  Ume, the invitation is not limited to just today, but if you finish whatever you have to do early, then come after!

>LionPrincess:  Who is Aneki?

>ThiccWaifus:  You talked with her yesterday about something to do with me.  That person is question also works there as well.

>BadAssBitch:  Are you being cryptic on purpose, Kouta?

>ThiccWaifus:  Aw, let me enjoy this, Rina.  I know how much gyarus like you love that blog.

>Mahimahi:  When are we going?  Like immediately after school?

>ThiccWaifus:  I'll wait for fifteen minutes by the gate.  Then we’ll head out.  Is that okay for everybody.

>PonyPrincess:  You suck, Kouta!  Uuuuu~

>LionPrincess:  You aren’t even a gyaru, Blue!

>PonyPrincess:  What does that have to do with anything?  The outfits on that blog are amazing!

>MahiMahi:  Hella True!

>ThiccWaifus:  Alright, see you all then!

>BadAssBitch:  If this is for real, I’ll give you my panties.

>ThiccWaifus:  Please leave a nice scent on them for me, Rina.

>MahiMahi:  Oh, are you enjoying them after all? 

>ThiccWaifus:  I wonder…?  ????????

>MahiMahi:  You are such a perv!!!  ????

>LionPrincess:  ????

>LovelyBanchou:  ????

>BadAssBitch:  Are you all for real?

>PonyPrincess:  ????

>BadAssBitch:  What the fuck, Kouta?

>ThiccWaifus:  ???????? ???? ???? ???? ????

>LionPrincess:  1…2…3…4…5…?  Who does the fifth pair belong to?

>ThiccWaifus:  Oops!  Uh… see you all after class!

So, the person I talked to yesterday about another person…

That means… his sister is the one running KanAtelier…?



Kanae’s Atelier?

I nearly dropped my phone right then and there.

Holy fucking shit!  Kouta is the younger brother of the gyaru fashion queen of Shibuya!?

You can find story with these keywords: Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」, Read Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」, Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」 novel, Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」 book, Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」 story, Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」 full, Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」 Latest Chapter

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