Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」

Chapter 8: Chapter Eight 「Project: Black Label」(2/2)

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--~~* Umeko *~~--


I can’t believe I’m choosing to follow after him instead of going to that place.  One of my three closest childhood friends is Uesugi Saya.  The other two being Yorugata Ruru and Kawamura Kouta.  We used to play together at the park back when we were in elementary school, and even when we were first years in middle.  After that, Kouta didn’t show up all that often, and sort of forgot about everyone.

Honestly, it seemed like the only reason he even remembers me is because we’ve never been separated since then.  I’ve always been in his class, every single year since then.  

My home life is shit.  My mother is the worst and my sister needs me.  Kouta always promised to rescue me, but when the time came, it all got fucked up by his sister.

I had gone over to his house with the excuse of studying, but I had also brought that condom with me.  It was supposed to be a simple flawless plan.  Kouta and I up in his room, his door is locked… I let him touch my boobs… then I show him them.  His thingy gets big… I put the condom on, then I sit on it.

Kouta’s a good guy.  If he did that much, he wouldn’t be able to throw me away.  He would have had to help me and my sister Chikako out.  We could be free of that damn place.  We should have already been free of that hellhole.

But, it’s like god is punishing me for something wrong I did in another life.

What am I supposed to do without him?

I mean, I don’t need Kouta, there are other ways to make money, but it’s not like I don’t still like him.  I’ve always liked him.  Even when it was so obvious out of us three he had chosen Saya, I would still like Kouta to be the one to rescue me.

But it’s like god is fucking teasing me, by dangling him in front of me and then never letting him see me as anything other than a needy, clingy, desperate girl.  And now that he’s with that human garbage, the queen of sluts, Nakada Shizu, it’s like the last of my hope is gone.

That’s why I asked Saya if she knew a place I could earn some money doing something easy.  Saya who always had a place for me to run to.  Saya who didn’t ask for much in return… Saya who’s secret I’ve kept all this time, and Saya whose touch is the only one I’ve known...

Saya had an opportunity for me to earn some money at last.

It was only when I talked to her over the weekend, when I pretty much admitted I was going to give up on Kouta, that she told me about the club she belonged to.

Apparently Kobayashi-san from my own class was a member of it too.  It was the Anatomy Exploration Club.  The club had a huge budget somehow, and they paid their own members to do a special kind of research.

My grades are good in science, so it seemed reasonable.

I had met with some of the girls earlier, and they all seemed to be alright with letting me join.  I just needed to show up to the first club activity today after school.

But… maybe there’s another way?

I might not be a gyaru, but I know two things for sure;  The first is that Kouta’s family is fucking loaded.  The second is that KanAtelier is the hottest thing from girls in middle school to college.

Maybe… I can negotiate with his sister.  Maybe she could give me a job working for her somehow?  I can do stuff.  If it’s technical I can always pass some of it to Chikako.  She’d help for sure!  It’s just…

There has to be a way.

And I know… I know if I don’t go with Kouta and all these other bitches (Ruru excluded), I’m going to be left behind for sure.

I’m convinced this is the last opportunity heaven is going to give me to escape.  I just… need to figure out how not to let this chance be ruined.

Kouta… I’ll give up on you if there's no other way, but please, please, please help me.

Help save me and my little sister from being pimped out by my mom to a bunch of gross old men.  There’s no one else I can rely on, and I just can’t risk being separated from Chikako.  She needs me.  She won’t… do well if the protective services take her away once they find out how we're being treated.

Because if mom tries to lay a hand on her… that’s what will happen.  I’ll go to jail for murder, and Chikako will have nowhere else to go, since we have no family who would take us in.

That’s why you told us you'd be our heroic knight, wasn’t it?  That you’d always rescue us when we needed it the most?  You swore it!  You swore it all those years ago, and I never stopped believing, no matter what.

So please, Kouta... please rescue me already... or was it all a lie?

--~~* Kouta *~~--

The first thing I would think would be Riajuu, go explode!, when a single guy was spotted walking with a group of five girls, all of whom were attractive, even the delinquent lolita who was older than everyone else.

But that’s exactly what’s going on.  By some strange twist of fate, the mob-like otaku existence that is Kawamura Kouta somehow has become that guy today.

Was it a reward for my good deed earlier in rescuing that cute kouhai from being harmed?

What hero doesn’t deserve a harem, right?

Although, I don’t exactly know what to make of the qualities of this one.  They aren’t exactly my kind of harem either…

I mean, okay, I could probably make it happen with Umeko and Shizu, but the third person that really seals the deal in making it a harem?  The banchou?  Nah, she’s too violent.  Rina and Mahiro?  Even if Kawazu just fucked the shit out of my girlfriend, that’s because I wasn’t man enough to step up and do it myself… Rina and Mahiro have been excessively nice and accepting of me, plus they are Kawazu’s girls.  I mean, I’d like to maybe keep this sort of interesting thing with Mahiro going as long as Shizu is okay with it… but I don’t think she’d jump ship.  Mahiro and Rina are damn near surgically attached to each other.

There’s always Kanae?

…yeah let’s just skip this whole harem thing right here.

So, going back a few minutes, after school had ended, I waited outside by the gate for everyone to gather.  The first ones to arrive were the gyaru trio of whom my girlfriend was a part of.  Then came the demon lord Deviruruchi!  And finally, to my surprise, my childhood friend, Umeko.

“Blue, you made it!”  Shi-chan seemed happy to see her.

“Umecchi, been a while…”  Rina greeted her.  Back in middle school, us four, Rina, Kawazu, Umeko and I were desk mates as well.  This was middle school year 2 when that happened by the way.

Mahiro was indifferent to her, though Ruru was seemingly on good terms with her for some reason.

“We’re all gathered, right?  Shall we get going then, Kouta?”

Normally, the obvious two people on the immediate sides of me would be Shi-chan and Ume, right?  Not this time.  I was taking some proper gyaru bitches to the holy land.  I had a scoop of sweet vanilla on one arm, and bitter chocolate on the other.  That’s right bitches.  Rina and Mahiro were on my D… well, Mahiro was linking arms with me at least.  Rina was just walking next to me.  It seems the left side of me was the designated smoking section.  Rina, Shizu and Ruru, with the breath of fresh air section on the right, consisting of Mahiro and Umeko.

I was fine with both.

I ate my green peppers as a kid, too.

But that’s because Kanae cut them up real small and hid them in my food.

I was gullible as a kid, okay?

I like them now though,  They taste good on pizza!

It wasn’t a long walk at all until we reached my sister’s studio.  I opened the door and both Mafuyu and Onee-chan were there doing a whole bunch of nothing.

“Pay up!”  I heard Kanae say, and Mahiro handed over a bill of unknown value to her.

“Five?”  Mafuyu replied, counting each of the girls

“I told you it would be more.  But don’t worry, he’s only got four pairs of panties.  One of them is just an extra.”

Rina stepped forward.

“Is this really KanAtelier?”

Onee-chan quickly responded.

“It is.  This fabulous bitch you’re looking at is Kawamura Kanae, co-founder and head of public relations.  This glasses-wearing virgin destroyer over here is Echizen Mafuyu, co-founder and chief photographer.  It’s nice to see my Kouta has managed to bring along a few actual gyarus with him too.  Go ahead and make yourselves comfortable for now.  There are refreshments in the refrigerator, snacks on the table next to it.  If you need anything else like smokes or condoms, just let me know and I’ll take care of you.”

I wasn’t exactly sure if that last part was supposed to be a joke or not.  It didn’t stop Rina and Shi-chan from immediately raiding the studio’s fridge and finding themselves alcoholic beverages.

“About that five thing you said a moment ago…  I lost a bet.”

Rina then immediately took off her panties right then and there and handed them to me.  “Five.”

It was entirely unintentional since my goof in the group chat was accidentally adding Kanae’s pair from my stash.  But now somehow it seemed like I smoothly predicted getting a fifth pair, and one from Kawazu’s girlfriend at that.

I can say, at least there’s a large chance I won’t be sniffing Kawazu anywhere on this pair.  Shi-chan basically wore him out for the rest of lunch with what happened on the roof earlier.

Rina had walked over to the refrigerator in the studio and raided it for a beer, holding the can up to show my sister before casually asking “Is it cool?”

“Sure.  You aren’t gonna snitch on me for letting a minor drink, right?”

“Hell nah, sis!”

Kanae smiled.

“Kouta, be a gentleman and lock the door.  It wouldn’t do for a stranger to enter the office and misunderstand the situation with a bunch of minors, now would it?”

Yeah, these fucking girls were all problematic enough when sober.   At least two of them were responsible…

I watched as Mahiro took one as well.

One of them is…

Umeko also cracked open a beer that Mahiro herself passed to her.

Really?  It’s only me?  I’m the only responsible party here?

Oh, for fuck’s sake…

So, with plenty of posterior real estate available, each of the women accompanying me today found a place to sit and had time to sit down and enjoy the snacks prepared for them.  While they did that, Kanae talked with them a little bit about the studio.

“So, did Kouta mention at all why you all were invited?”

“Nope!”  Mahiro said as she raised her hand cutely, “He told Shi-chan to pull us all into a group chat after lunch, then he dropped the bomb.  There was super no way we could refuse, right?”

“Well, for you two gyarus, that’s probably the case.  But, you are all familiar with my blog, yes?”


Everyone answered affirmatively.

“I want to make you girls an offer, if you are interested?”

“What kind of offer?”  It was Umeko who asked first.

“Hello, Ume.  It’s been a while.”

“Yes, it has.”

“Since you’re here with Kouta, I won’t argue the reason why.  One way or another you all must know my Kouta.  Kouta here is the third member of our studio.  Our silent partner and our technical support staff.  And as of right now, apparently he’s gained the title of model recruiter.”

“Model recruiter?”  Rina fielded that one.

“Yep.  If Kouta invited you, that means all of you have some worth to this studio, so I’d like to check a few things out first, but I’m essentially going to offer to hire you all on as models for KanAtelier.  What do you think?”

“Aneki, models?”  Ruru spoke up.

 “That’s right.  We’re mainly focused on gyaru fashion, and diversity is something I’m aiming for.  I see Kouta’s girlfriend there, along with you…”  Kanae pointed at Rina.  “as the sexier kurogyaru types. You’d fit a B-gyaru perfectly.  Lolita-types like Ruru here have their own charm as well.  We could probably do some Anegyaru play here with her or even create a new type, like loligyaru.  You,” She pointed at Mahiro now, “are definitely a shirogyaru, and you Ume…”


“Kouta, any ideas?”

“I’ve got a couple.”

I did.  Umeko is cute.  She’s not sexy at all.  Well, maybe if she was naked she’d be sexy, but she’s… a half.  She’s half Japanese and that has it’s own demographic.  If she goes the kogyaru type, there would be a big draw.  Being a half, and with her silvery-blue hair and pasty white skin, she could also fit into the gaijin-gyaru type easily as well.

“I’d start Ume off as a kogyaru at first.”

“Sounds good.  If you find any new ones buzzing around you, feel free and bring them here.”

“Alright, but why exactly are you taking them on as models now?  Are you actually going to pay them?”

“I am.  I think the contracts we can offer are quite good, actually.  Do any of you have prior model experience?”

Rina put up her hand.

“Did some for a magazine back in middle school.  Only like 2 issues, but it’s legit.”

Kanae nodded.

“Alright, next up is to introduce Mafuyu here.”

Mafuyu stood up and bowed towards the girls politely, even though she was the senpai out of everyone here, including Onee-chan.

“My name is Echizen Mafuyu.  I recently graduated from Toudai with a degree in photography.  Almost all the photos you’ve seen on KanAtelier is done by me, though there are exceptions that Kanae here has had handled.   I also am certified in photomanipulation and touch-ups, airbrushing and all that stuff in a number of different applications, so if your natural beauty isn’t enough… fuck it.  I’ll make you look gorgeous anyway.”

“Wooo!  I love you!”  Mahiro stamped the ground as she shouted it out.

She’s cute, okay?  She’s really fucking cute!

“Is anyone here under the age of eighteen?”

No one was.

“Great.  Should any of you offer your consent… there was an interesting project Kanae and I had been considering.”

“Gravure?”  Rina asked.

“Pin-pon.  You got it.  However, it’s only if you choose to volunteer for it.  We at KanAtelier would never force this issue, and it’ll be in the contracts should you choose to sign with us.”

“Can you go into the details a bit more?”

“Well, the project is currently being called 「Black Label」 and is aimed at well… people who like gravure, obviously.”

Rina again asked another question that seemed pertinent.

“There are many types of gravure, right?  How far exactly do you plan to take this project?”

Mafuyu adjusted her glasses and grinned.

I had never seen that look on her face before.

“I want to go as far as I can with Kouta and Kanae… and you all as well.”

That elicited a chuckle and a follow-up from my girlfriend.

“Me too!  Go all the way with me already, Kouta!”

This caused the other girls to begin laughing as well.  Even Kanae.  Shi-chan was not quite done yet, however.

“I’m good with women too, so show us your tits already, Kanae!”

Kanae stood up.

In a single motion, up and over went her top and her two jumbo-jet puffed up marshmallows bounced out.

“Anything else you’d like to see?”

Shi-chan held her tongue.  

“That’s also going to be something you will need to be alright with.  As Kouta will be here most of the time, and there is no dressing room, he may end up accidentally observing you while you change.  Do any of you girls have a problem with him seeing your naked body?”

“Nihehe~  Kouta can check me out all he wants!” went Shizu.

“He’s already seen me naked.”  Rina continued.

“Me too!”  Mahiro also.

“If it’s Kouta, it’s fine with me.”  Umeko answered.

The last person left who hadn’t, was Ruru.

“I’m… small.”

“Are you unwilling to show him your body, Ruru?”

“No… but…”

“Kouta, would you like to see Ruru’s naked body?”

Onee-chan… you’re making it sound like it’s less than going to be less than accidental.”

“It is.  Kouta, you’re going to be swimming in tits a few days a week here.”

“What tits!  Where are my tits you fucking cows!?”

That, apparently, was a sore point with Ruru.

“I even drank milk and ate meat all the time, where are my boobies!?  My mother is the same height as me, and her breasts are bigger than hers!”

Ruru pointed at Mahiro’s chest.

It’s uh… really a sore point… it seems.

“Kouta, what do you think about Ruru’s tits?”

Now, I am a man of culture.  If you ask me what I prefer, breast or leg, my answer would be leg, 100% of the time.  Being a man of culture if you asked me if I would prefer big tits or small tits on a loli, then 100% of the time, I wouldn’t care.  I would hope her legs are nice.  Therefore, the argument between the Oppai Loli faction and the Delicious Flat Chest faction shouldn’t apply here with me, right?

Still, I am a man.

Of culture.

Surrounded by six women with a healthy amount of cleavage.

The correct answer should be obvious.

“A loli with small tits is the best!”

“Fucking lolicon!”

The words stung my ears harshly.  But not nearly as harshly as my shin stung after she kicked me in the same place about three times and had me running away from her as she chased me down.

It seems, even a cultured man can get a question without a correct answer painfully wrong from time to time…

Still, what Onee-chan proposed to the girls was something I wasn’t told entirely in advance.  By the way, when I had a moment and no one was looking in my direction, I had a sniff of Rina’s panties.  It smelled a bit more pungent than I expected.  It wasn’t bad.  She ranked above Shi-chan and Umeko, and below Kanae.  She was in fourth place currently.

The thought only occurred to me as I stood by myself for a moment as all the girls chattered away about some fashion stuff I could have cared less about… is… my girlfriend going to be okay with this?

--~~* Ruru *~~--

He’s still the same kid I remember.  Just taller than me now.  It’s not like I didn’t know he was around, there was just no real opportunity to interact with him.  I had thought about bumping into him and maybe finding a reason to get to know him again…

But, I didn’t need to.

Umeko told me as much.  It was back around the time Saya and I were in middle school that he parted ways with us.  Umeko had done something that disconnected her from him as well, and things just sort of never recovered for the rest of us.  

Ume, being one grade lower than Saya and I, was always in the same class as him.  But by then he was friends with that muscle-headed boxer playboy Oda Kawazu.  I heard from Ume one day that he had a thing for that girl, Nakada Shizu, so I made it a point to find out what she was up to.

Turns out that girl hasn’t had it easy.

As the Banchou of Seijou High, a position I inherited and have kept since entering in my first year, and boss of all delinquents in the school… I was able to get to know her through my underlings easily enough.

She’d fucked most of them.

At least she was smart enough to use protection.  She was also someone who didn’t take money for it.  She wasn’t excessive, but at least once or twice a week I heard stories.  She was no stranger to the boys bathroom, or the gym shed near the copse of trees around back by the track.

How a girl could do that to herself was something I couldn’t really understand.

Well, I couldn’t understand it anyway since I'm not easy.

I can't be, because I’m the banchou.

The nineteen year old, kissless, virgin, short stack, flat-chested boss… of Seijou High.  The girl who when she gets home and takes off her uniform and picks up a book to read, and… even wants to write one.

So why am I at a studio that deals in gyaru fashion?  I might be a delinquent but like I said, I’m not a slut.  I like sukeban, but if I’m going to dress up, I want to be like… lazy-cute.  Obviously sexy is better, but I have no chest.

Seriously.  There is nothing there.  If my nipples were innies instead of outies, I’d be negative in overall breast area.  I’m the complete opposite of my own mother who, while being the same height as me, has this luscious and ample softball sized pair.

It’s so fucking unfair.

Kouta had the nerve to say he liked small tits!  If that was the case, then why did you always find a way to dive face first into Saya’s chest!  Kouta you dirty liar, I can’t trust you at all!  You say you like legs, but… every one of these girls are fucking Holstiens!

I’m really going to beat you up!!

--~~* Kouta *~~--

The girls are all changing now in to some clothing Onee-chan picked out for them.  It wasn’t necessary for them to take off their bras or panties for the most part, and the only one missing a piece was Rina, who of course I couldn’t help finding my gaze being directed to.

It’s not because of her exposed vagina, though.  It’s that I have a 100% complete view of her delicious thighs.

Since she didn’t have a chance to get fucked by Kawazu on the rooftop and have his cock-slime drooling down her thigh.  I kind of want to lick it.

Would she let me if I asked?

She probably would.

But, I have my own girlfriend for that… right?

Ah, but Kouta, wasn’t she on the receiving end of Kawazu today instead of Rina?  Indeed she was… however!, there was a condom used, therefore that shouldn’t be an issue.  Shi-chan’s thighs are also clean, and therefore safe to lick as well!

It’s really a conundrum for me.

Mainly because of my girlfriend.

I think she’d let me, and not just out of any sense of guilt for the events that occurred on the rooftop today.  I think she would just genuinely let me do it if Rina said it was okay with her.

Should I be happy that Shizu isn’t the kind of girl that makes a big deal about things like this?  I have to be appreciative of this fact.  In a way, she’s kind of like mom.  Mom’s pretty relaxed when it comes to sex.  I mean, she did bring a box of condoms to my room and didn’t exactly chastise me in any manner.

I was sitting down on the couch in the photography room.  Right now Shizu was wearing only a bra and panties black puffy socks and her hair was up in a pony tail as usual.  I called out to her to come over to me.

“What’s up, Kouta?”

“Um… I like… your legs.”

“I know, you’ve said it before.”

I reached up and around her waist pulling her closer to me.  I brought my face to her thighs and began to drag my moist lips along the inner path of them.

“Getting turned on watching all the girls here?”

“Yeah.  If I don’t look at you, my eyes might wander.”

“Oh, were your eyes wandering somewhere they shouldn’t?”

I nodded. “Uh-huh.”

“To who?”

I shook my head again, kissing higher up her leg until I had almost reached her panties with my nose.

“Not going to tell me, boyfriend?”

“I just want you to be my vision correction, girlfriend.”

I let my tongue out, to taste the crease between her inner thigh and her outer mound.

“Mmh, but what if I want to enjoy looking with you?”

Should I risk it?  I want to say something daring.  I’m always cautious, but today I was hero.  A cuckolded hero.  

“Rina’s thighs.”

“You just want to look?”

“I could look at hers, or I can taste yours.  What would you rather do?  Stare at something delicious, or eat it?”

Shizu reached down and grabbed a clump of my ruffled hair on each side and pulled me right to the center of her panties, I inhaled deeply, and licked the cotton and polyester outside of it.  They were pink today.  I liked this color on her so much.

“You can eat all that you want.”

“What are you two doing?”

An annoying voice dared to interrupt an important moment for me.  Of course it would be Umeko.  I didn’t even bother to look in her direction.

“I’m soothing a wild animal right now, Blue.”

“Pssh, Kouta?  A wild animal?”

“He might look tame, but he has his ravenous moments.”

“Don’t… move.”  This time the voice was Kanae.  “Shizu, will you give me permission to take a few shots of you two?”

“Sure, Onee-chan.

You are reading story Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」 at

I didn’t bother to stop.  I licked her panties until they became a darker hue from my saliva.  Shi-chan just used my hair as handlebars to steer me where she wanted.

The sound of many clicks happened all at once.

I didn’t care.

“Oh shit, Kouta’s having some fun!”  Mahiro spotted us.

I turned my head slightly, fighting against Shi-chan’s control, licking her thigh with my mouth wide open.

Click after click echoed.



My mouth still opened wide, I bared my teeth and sunk them into the tender tendon of her inner thigh, exposed to me.


A hissing gasp escaped Shizu’s upper lips.

“Nnh.  Harder.”

I pulled away and licked the mark I just made, then moved a bit higher, and bit again.  I felt her grab my hair and try to pull my head upwards.  The pain of my hair being pulled was distracting.

I gave in then, Shizu once more correcting where I should attack next.

“Punish it, Kouta.”

“Mark it.”

“Make it yours.”

She urged me.

I wanted to as much as she wanted me to.

I bit, harder than I probably should, pinching her outer labia together with my teeth.

“How are the shots, Mafuyu?”

“Kind of erotic.  I’d love to see that bite with her panties wedging her lips apart though.  That would be ideal.”  Mafuyu suggested an idle thought.

Shi-chan did not hesitate.  Reaching down, she bunched up the bridge of her panties and pulled them tightly into her groove.

Her exposed lips looked plump as they tried to fold over the oppressing fabric.  It was a panty pussy burger.  Shi-chan’s wetness was the secret sauce.  I kept the pickle in my pants for now.  Her folds were the buns, and I wasn’t yet full.

I managed to gather her lips with my own, and then I bit.

A low octave yelp.

Repeated clicking.

I marked my woman.

I kissed each side of her marked lips.  A warning mark at the entrance to her cave for any would-be explorers.  This cave was guarded by a dangerous being.

A cuckolded hero no longer. 

 Shi-chan pulled my head away from her.

My instinct to claim her body back which I thought I had almost lost from earlier was now satisfied.

“Got it all, Kanae.”

“Good job, Mafuyu!”


Shizu knelt down and looked me right in the face.  Her eyes were twinkling.  She kissed me softly for a moment, then let me go.  Then she stood up and backed away, fixing her panties back to normal.

"Wow, Kouta’s pretty daring after all!”  Mahiro said cheekily while giggling like an idiot  “So, are we going to get attacked next?”

“That depends,”  Kanae spoke clearly, “on how agreeable all parties are to that suggestion, and how much of that can be detailed in ink.”

Onee-chan and Shizu were locked in a visual combat all their own.  Even I had no place in it.  A heavenly lion and a demonic bear faced off once more.  I, an immortal panty-cultivator did not dare to court death.

“But before we proceed with any of that, Shizu, would you like to see what that looked like from the outside?”


Mafuyu, Kanae, Myself, and all the other girls barely clothed still followed our studio’s photographer to her workstation.  She plugged a USB cord into her professional camera, and quickly copied the pictures over to a folder on the desktop.

She opened them up, and we all saw something subtly erotic.





Mafuyu opened a picture and then shifted the keyboard in front of her to the side.  She then moved a large tablet in front of her and loaded some photo editing software.

After a few minutes, she had done some quick touchups with filters and faded the background.

All that was there was like a focused image of just Me and Shizu while everything else was muted to the sense.  No distractions were permitted, what you saw was just a penguin biting a lion.

“Good work, Mafuyu.  Ladies, this is the first gravure shoot for KanAtelier.  What do you all think?”

“Are you going to post that on KanAtelier?” Rina asked Kanae.

“What we can post to social media we will, with consent of course, but for the rest of it, we could possibly create a paid content platform to access…”

“Would, he be doing that to us as well?” The usual chirpy voice of the banchou had a hint of it nervousness in it.

“I’m not the one to answer that, am I?  Not for something of this level, anyway.  That can come later.  Initially I’d just like so see some risqué gyaru fashion from time to time.  You’d also be doing normal modelling shoots as well on occasion.  All of you would be our in-house models.”

“I’m in for sure.  Rina, you are too, right?  Shi? We’re good to do this too, right?”

Mahiro was trembling.

“I agree with Kanae.  Let’s take it one step at a time for now.”

“Then, let’s get you changed into some things and Mafuyu will work her magic with each of you.  While you all do that, I’ll put together some paperwork and let you see what a business contract looks like at least.  Sound good?”

All the girls agreed and returned to the photography room where they finally finished putting on their new outfits.

In the moments between them going and readying themselves, I was by Mafuyu’s side.

“Kou-kun.  That’s… your girlfriend, isn’t it?”

“I’ll tell you afterwards.”

“After what?”

“Kanae… wanted us to go on a date, didn’t she?”

“How did you know?”

“When’s a good time?”

“…does she know?”

“Yes.  I don’t know what Kanae and her discussed, but I was asked to do it as well.”

“Do you even want to go on a date with me?  I mean she’s… kind of fucking hot.”

“She is.  She’s a wildfire, Mafuyu.  But that doesn’t mean you have to be.  Or me for that matter.”

“I… can go anytime.”

“Free up this coming Thursday, okay?”




“That… wasn’t a lie after all was it?”

“You mean that?”

I pointed to my face licking the place I had just bitten Shi-chan in the opened photo on the computer screen.

“Yeah… that.”

“Want to know something about why I did that?”

Mafuyu nodded.

“It was because I was imagining doing that to someone else’s legs instead.”


“You see, if I didn’t do that to her then, she might have wanted to join me in doing to the person I was imagining doing it to in the first place.  That girl… is very open to things like that.”

“Ko~u~ta!  Come look at us now!”

The girls were dressed up and it was time to see what magic Kanae had wrought.  Specifically, what does a loligyaru look like?

--~~* Umeko *~~--

It was almost 20:00 when we left the KanAtelier Studio.  Rina and her friend Suzuki Mahiro left together.  I left with Ruru who offered to escort me home safely, and Kouta stayed behind with his girlfriend, sister, and the strawberry haired photographer, Echizen Mafuyu.

I was holding a preliminary copy of a modelling contract in my hand.  The terms of it contained absolutely nothing I was unwilling to endure.  In fact, it was actually more beneficial for me to take this contract than to not.

This contract tied me to Kouta, finally.

It also tied me to his shitty sister as well, though with the terms she explained, I guess I can’t complain about her anymore after I sign it.

The duration of the contract is currently until the end of summer, where we will be evaluated.  Based on our individual performances and likeability by the viewership of KanAtelier, when it comes time to renew, the contract may be extended and possibly come with a pay increase.

A pay increase.  And not an insubstantial amount

I’ll be getting paid way more than any part-time job I can get that doesn’t involve being whored out.  All I have to do is become a gyaru for the camera.  And depending on how well I do, people might want to see more of me.  

And the more of me they want to see, the more I will get paid.

And depending on the theme… Kouta may be involved from time to time.

“What’cha thinking about, Ume?”

“Where do you want me to start?”

“How about right now, how much you wished you were her back there?”

“Yeah, and?”

“Are you going to go for it?  Doing… gravure with Kouta?”

“All the way.”

Ruru kept silent for a moment while she fished out a cigarette.

“Want one, Ume?”

“No… I’m good.”

We kept walking, and I asked her what she thought about accepting the model contract.

“I’d end up getting a lot of shit from my underlings.  But it gives me a chance to get to know him again.  Plus I’d be able to work with Aneki.”

“You were the only one of us three who could deal with her.”

“You’re an Onee-chan too when it comes to Chi-chan.  Surely you can understand her feelings?”

“I do, but that’s also why I hated her.  She should have understood mine as well.  Even if he didn’t love me the same, I wouldn’t have minded.  I’d even forgive him if he an affair or two after we got married and didn’t throw it in my face.”

“Hah, Shota Kouta the playboy.  Would you ever believe it?”

“What’s not to believe?  You were part of that promise too.”

“We were kids back then, Ume.  Kouta promising to marry all three of us and make us happy?  Be realistic about it at least.”

I laughed.

“Can’t I have a knight in shining armor come to my rescue at least once in my life, Ruru?”

“God.  What are we doing?  We’re adults fawning over a scrawny boy we knew back in the day because what, he grew a few inches and landed the easiest girl in the whole school?”

“Pfft.  When you say it like that, it feels even worse!  I threw myself at him for over a year and lost to a freebie he went and begged for.”

“You really are cursed, Ume!”

“I keep telling you that!  Ever since my dad died… it all went straight to hell.  Only you and Saya ever helped me out after that.  You know you two are everything to me.”

We turned the last corner and my house was less than 100 meters away.  I stopped here and gave Ruru a hug.

“Do it with me, Ruru.  If it’s just me and those three it’ll be problematic.  Just until summer ends.  Please?”

“I’ll think about it tonight and let you know tomorrow.”

“Thanks, Ruru.  See you at school.”

“Yeah, yeah, give that sister a chop on the head for me.”

I parted ways with Ruru and hurried inside my house.

My little sister, Chikako was in our room properly with the door locked.  From the looks of it, mom wasn’t awake yet.  I knocked on the door quietly in the special way and heard the sound of the locking tumbler click.  Then I quietly opened and closed the door behind me, locking it back up.

“Hey sis.  Everything okay?”

“Mom’s still asleep.”

“That’s good.  Hey, you know a lot of technical stuff, right?”


“How about contracts?”

“Um, if it’s written in a standard way like an end-user licensing agreement, I can probably understand it, why?”

“I think I have a way out now.”

“Oh, you finally bagged Kouta-oniichan?”

“Not yet, but something almost as good.”

I showed my sister the modeling contract, and the amount I would earn.

“That’s… a lot of money.  What’s this part here?  Gravure Photography…?  Isn’t that like porn?”

“It’s not the bad kind.  And besides, if I sign it, the only person I would be doing that kind of stuff with is Kouta anyway.”

“Let me compare this to other contracts online.  I’ll let you know if there’s anything shady about it.”

“Thanks, appreciate it, sis.”

“Sure.  Are you going to cook dinner after mom goes to work?”

“Whatever you want to eat.”

“I think there’s a little bit of meat in the fridge that hasn’t gone bad yet.  Can you make hamburg steak?”


“Um… I thought you weren’t going to do that anymore.”

“Do what?”

“I can smell it on you.”

“Oh.  Ruru was walking home with me, it probably got on my clothes from her.  She also wanted me to give you a chop on the head.”

“Nevermind.  Keep your stinky self over there.”

I laid down on my bed and hugged my favorite stuffed animal.  Opening my messenger app, I sent an apology to Saya.

>PonyPrincess:  I’m sorry I couldn’t make it even though you told me to come.  I had an opportunity come up that I couldn’t turn down.  What do you think about me… as a paid model?

A few moments later, a reply.

>SweetAsCandy:  A paid model?  You should be careful if the offer sounds too good.

>PonyPrincess:  I trust the people involved.  Wish me luck?

>SweetAsCandy:  Then, good luck.  Shall I tell Satoko her auntie is going to be busier from now on?

>PonyPrincess:  Don’t you dare tell her that and make her sad!  I’ll always make the time to visit.

>SweetAsCandy:  I know you will.  I was just messing with you.

>PonyPrincess:  Saya.  Can I ask you something dumb?

>SweetAsCandy:  That implies that you’ve ever asked me something smart before.

>PonyPrincess:  Meanie!  Anyway… tell me, if Kouta still remembered the promise to marry you, me, and Ruru… even though we’re grown now… would you do it?

>SweetAsCandy:  I would.   You and him always have class together, don’t you?  I heard a rumor that he’s dating someone and it’s not you.  Do you know who exactly it is?

>PonyPrincess:  You don’t know?  I thought you and Nacchan were tight?

>SweetAsCandy:  Forget her.  Can you tell me who it is?

>PonyPrincess:  The girl he’s dating… is Nakada Shizu.

>SweetAsCandy:  So it’s true after all.  Thanks for telling me Umeko!

>PonyPrincess:  I’ll talk to you later, Saya.

>SweetAsCandy:  Have a good night, Umeko.

--~~* Mafuyu *~~--

Kanae, Kouta and his girlfriend all took off a few minutes ago.  I chose to stay behind and work on the photos taken today as part of project 「Black Label」 which was an idea which Kanae hurriedly came up with yesterday.

It was ambitious, but having known Kanae throughout college, she’s got a amazing business sense and foresight for this kind of thing.  I could never hope to be like her, but she’s never looked down on me since we met and became friends.  In fact, after college, she even wanted me to get to know her brother… her little brother that is… who was exactly my type.

I just happen to enjoy that nervous shota look, and he usually had plenty of it.  But what I saw today was just too much for me to handle right now.

On the screen in front of me is a folder full of erotic images.

There is no sign of that anywhere before my eyes.

It’s only a confident Kou-chan.  It’s his woman, and he’s marking her… tasting her… claiming her.  It’s her, and not me.  If I used my photo manipulating skills here, I could, with enough time change this girl to be me.  I could put myself where she’s standing, but all it would ever be is a lie.

That’s the lure of the two-dimensional world.

It can twist both truth and lies to be something other than they are.  I could make myself his lover in that world.  I could make both Kanae and myself happy there.

She’s called me sister before, because it’s what she wants.

She put up the money to found this studio so I could have a place to pursue my dream as a photographer.  She scouted so many beautiful and talented models so I could showcase my skills.  She’d made me, an introverted otaku into a famous person.  I was the chief photographer of KanAtelier!


The ones everyone teased and called MafuMafu.

All because I have these monstrous tits!  It’s all the guys would ever see.  They’d never look at me, just my damn breasts.  The girls would be jealous and talk shit about me, not even behind my back, but openly in front of me!

My one friend in high school, Fuuka…

She had big ones too.  I thought of all people she would understand… but she was the one who stuck the knife in my back first.  She was the one who gave me that horrible name.

It was a play on the term pafupafu, which was to have a man push his face into a pair of breasts and then have them squeezed around his head in the form of an erotic massage.

It was because she was jealous, I knew, but… I didn’t even like the guy she was aiming for, and there’s nothing I can do about these things!  I always had big breasts!  Even when I was a little girl, I was the first kid in my elementary school grade that I knew who had to wear a bra!

I’d even get creepy looks from some of the male teachers, and be told I was indecent by the female teachers.

My tits are my trauma in life.

But Kou-chan… while he did look at them from time to time, never once made me feel uncomfortable.  After all he had plenty of experience being around his sister who also was larger than most, and from what I know, Kanae’s mother is a little bit bigger than she is as well.

That’s why he never seemed to care about it.

And then just yesterday, he told me that the thing he liked the most, was not my breasts.  But my legs.  That compared to some porno actress, my legs were definitely second place.

But was it really true?

He said he was looking elsewhere… and that’s why he needed her.  Could it be he was looking at mine?  Was it just that I was appealing to him in exactly the wrong way by relying on my chest alone all this time?

Or is it that I’m just too plain compared to this gyaru beauty?

‘It’s my dream to be squeezed by a nice pair of thighs.’

It wasn’t what he said verbatim, but the meaning of his words.  He hadn’t yet had that happen, and I… might still have a chance.  Thursday was to be kept free.  He and I would at long last have a date.  From the sound of it, he wasn’t uninterested… but I wasn’t going into it unaware.

This gorgeous caramel bodied JK is his lover.

This is the woman he’d had feelings for, just like the ones I’ve been harboring for him.

I’m scared.

I have no dating experience!

Yet, I know Kou-chan will treat me kindly.  This girl well past her sell by date…

I decided to just get drunk tonight and sleep here at the studio.  I’ve done it plenty of times before, so it’s no biggie.  Yes.  I’ll get drunk and imagine it.  It’s me he’s devouring.  It’s my legs that he’s craving.  It’s him marking me, tasting me, claiming me.

I’m okay if the love isn’t there.

But the like has to be.

I’ve waited all this time, but I want to know what it’s like with the guy I like.  So I’ll go all out and attack him with whatever charm I can.

So… I’ll try it.

I’ll go on that date with him, and then we’ll come back here… Maybe if the regular Mafuyu can’t win… MafuMafu the gyaru can.

If I know my enemy, and know myself, I don’t have to fear the result of a hundred battles.  But, If I know the above and also know what Kou-chan wants… will it give me the confidence to win the one decisive battle I must?  I can only hope it will…

You can find story with these keywords: Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」, Read Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」, Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」 novel, Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」 book, Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」 story, Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」 full, Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」 Latest Chapter

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