
Chapter 42: Ch 41 “Forest of Red and White”

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"The Northern Heart or better known by its newer name The kingdom of Fimusa is the furthest north human kingdom not created by Nordlings and it served the Holy Human Empire by defending the northern passage.

The capital is built on a confluence of two important rivers Vitas and the Neur but the waters near the city are frozen for most of the year. There are little to no metal deposits in the kingdom, for the dwarven kind north from the human settlements claim their mountain holds and the mountains themselves as their ancestral land. The population of Firmusa is nothing to sing ballads for. Nevertheless, the Firmusan Kingdom is one of the most important human kingdoms in Edor for what they lacked in material wealth they substitute with a strong fighting spirit which allowed them to withstand the harsh environment and the many horrors living in the far north."

Extract from "Kingdoms of the Humans"





  The old doors slam shut behind Iris as she walks forward unsure where Kia might be. A black centipede slowly descended down a dilapidated wooden pillar partially covered in dark green vines, snapping its mandibles at the elf as it scurried into a hallway next to her. 

Iris turns to see the large centipede disappear into the darkness further in. The sound of the centipede's many feet quietly hitting the wooden planks guided her in the unnatural darkness. 

The sound stopped suddenly plunging the hallway into an uncomfortable silence before two small spheres glowing in deep crimson appeared in front of her. As Iris got close to the only reference points in the unpenetrable darkness the crimson spheres disappeared as the sound of the many legs scurring renewed. 


  Iris was suddenly realised from the clutches of the darkness, finding herself in a ballroom which must have been magnificent if it was not in a state of decay. The centipede quickly hurried up a grand staircase leading to the higher floor overlooking the hall. Each step creaked loudly as the elf walked on it. As she neared the top she heard a familiar voice.


"Iris!" Kia shouted rushing towards the elf.


"Kia." Elf said running her fingers through the girl's silky black hair.


"For Dreamer's sake don't do that here." Vesa said, implying something to the flushed undead clinging to Iris, who was left clueless. She approached the two, lifting her slender arm to Iris's forehead.

The tall undead stumble back slightly as a loud ring echoed inside her head. "That's the second favour." The woman said turning her head to Kia, grabbing a thick journal appearing in the girl's hands. "I will come by when I decide the last one." She said. "Think each moment not doing it as death minute in decimal." Vesa's tone changed from solemn to joyful at the end as she pointed to a door which opened.


"What did you do?" Iris frowned holding her still ringing head.


"Would not worry too much about it," The women walked passed the undead. "Just do what the Fifth have to say." She waved before disappearing into purplish smoke.


  Behind the open doors, the monster which awakened Kia walked in, touching the necromancer again before motioning slowly to follow. 

The monster was no longer hidden by shadows showing its stitched body fully. Its torso was combined with a metal box producing constant deep rumbling noise. A purple crystal the size of a human torso stuck out from its shoulder blade. Strange smoke rose from beneath the rough fur surrounding it on its shoulder and back. 


  They followed the monster, leaving the mansion and strolling slowly through the twisted forest in the half-light of the dawn. The Thing stopped and pointed his claw in front of him before turning back. Iris was stunned as the giant monster quickly disappeared between the trees with the loud noise disappearing.


"Kia?" Elf asked the girl still holding her hand.


"Later." The girl replied, her face blushing heavily.


"What's so embarrassing?" Elf tried to inquire further but Kia only hid her face.


The two continue their walk, "Wow!" Kia suddenly runs away from Iris. She stands in front of nothing. The necromancer's hand caressed the air as if a wall was right in front of her.


Not knowing what Kia was doing, Iris walked passed the fascinated girl.

The dark forest abruptly shifted, Iris was alone among trees with white bark with black spots. She squinted as the sun shined onto her face through the gaps in the red colour leaves. She quickly tried to step back but instead of going back into the dark forest, her foot crushed the dried leaves laying on the forest floor.


"Hello!" Kia called from behind Iris.


"Kia?" Elf quickly turned to see the girl standing behind her with her hand on her hips.


"Pretty." The onyx black dress swirls as the necromancer take her surroundings in with an open mouth "Where are we, Iris?"


"Don't know," Iris responded. "Could you tell me what we're talking about with Vesa?" 


"After sundown, I will show you." Kia responded looking straight into Iris's eyes before looking away in embarrassment.


"I take your promise," Iris patted the embarrassed girl. "We have to find out where are we. So let us leave this forest." She said looking around herself, the forest looked identical wherever the elf put her eyes on. 


You are reading story Necropolis at

Picking a random direction the two started to wander through the forest.


"Heck!" Iris suddenly yelled, causing Kia to flinch.


"What happened?" The startled girl quickly asked.


"We lost our things." Iris stated.


The petite undead patted her back in an attempt to find her cloak. "Oh."


"What was in those backpacks anyway?" Elf ran her fingers through her hair, trying to remember if anything important was lost. Iris's mind raced to recount the backpacks' contents the last time she opened them. "My spear, your hood, some money most of it is with you... that is it I think. Huh, being undead makes survival so much easier." She commented as they walked. "But we still have to acquire some things back if we want to not look suspicious.


"Undead the best." Kia pumped her fist into the air.


"Yes, those who can but don't have to eat and sleep, are intelligent and preferably not rotting or being a skeleton, not having any special needs, not actively craving flesh, not being ethereal and looking alive enough to benefit from living societies. Yea, those undead are the best." Iris grinned at the finest and cutest undead walking beside her.




  The forest slowly dimmed as the bells went by. From gaps between the red leaves crowning the forest, a snow-capped mountain peak rose from the ground serving the two undead as a landmark which they headed towards.

Iris lifted a dead branch allowing Kia to walk under. Upon joining back with the girl, elf saw Kia casually walking through a bloody camp with human bodies strew all over.


"What happened?" The risen quickly asked.


"Don't know," Kia shrugged, stepping over a pool of blood forming beside one of the humans. "But it did happen recently." 


"Guess we take their stuff, not like they would need it anyway." Iris squatted beside one of the deceased humans. The man wore a white undershirt now stained with partially dried blood and underpants. His hand still tightly held a dagger which Iris took. She turned the body over exposing a deep cut going from the shoulder and ending at his hip.All the humans were about level forty in combat abilities with quite mundane equipment lacking any enchantment. Whatever caused it was a humanoid and the elf could bet it was another group of humans who caused it.


  Iris looted the camp finding a backpack which she packed with small things she found, an ordinary spear and a relatively clean cloak that she would clean thoroughly before giving to Kia. 

The girl made a sign with her hand towards the laying bodies before she and the elf left.




POV Change


A woman stepped into an elaborately decorated room and kneeled on one knee. "My Majesty, the adventurer company we hired just rebelled and announced the formation of a new Kingdom, they killed the group tasked by the High Marshal to eliminate them." She lowered her head as she spoke, her white hair falling on her shoulders.


A young man of about twenty stood up and turned to face the well-dressed woman. A wall behind him was lined with statues of Aspects.

"What do I do Umbrani?" The young man said, his voice shaking with emotions.


"My Majesty I would not dare tell you what to do." The woman said not lifting her head.


"You always advised my family so I beg off you advise me on this, what would you do?"


"I would eliminate their supporters and the one who is selling them our own weapons." The woman said, the man unable to discern any emotions from her.


"And who is their supporter?"


"It's the High Marshal my Majesty, I am in possession of many incriminating documents written by the High Marshal," She pulled a letter from inside of her heavy coat. "This letter was written only three days ago."


The newly adult king took the letter and glanced at it before throwing it. "Eliminate him Umrani and make a more loyal replacement, he shall know the price of rebelling against the crown, the crown given to my grandfather by the avatar of Pruina herself. Make them taste the divine judgment that will purge evil." He turned back to kneel in front of the holy statues of the Divine Court.


"As you wish my Majesty." The women waited until the young king kneeled before standing and silently leaving the king's personal temple. A grin which she hid widened.


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