Noosfera: The Noogenesis of Nodin Talehart (Warped Progression Fantasy)

Chapter 22: 22. Noosfera: World of Comfort—End: Continue (5)

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22. Noosfera: World of Comfort—End: Continue (5)

Camila suddenly touched her right ear, a GEM earring, her jumbled attitude changed.

"Registering as a party, if you're both doing it, Mr Volos has allowed Nodin Talehart to be registered that way. Miss Freya could you present you Surgem?" Camila requested.

"Right." Scordi showed.

Name: Scordi Freya

Education: Terra Academy of Noumancy (Grades 1-10)

Guild Affiliation: Terra Tutor Guild (Former), Volos' GEMs, (Present—With Nodin Talehart: Student)

Community Status: Good

Color Grades

Strength [Yellow] = 4

Intelligence [LBlue] = 12

Agility [Yellow] = 4

Charisma [Yellow] = 4

Endurance [Green] = 8

Life Vibrancy Level


= 32

32 = 0.32 LVL conversion

LVL 20 = 1 AP (+) LVL conversion (LVL above 20)

Graviton: 1.32

Warning: Has access to Individualistic-calling

Warning: Noumenon Tutor

The array information for Scordi's Surgem changed, it now included her affiliation with Volos' GEM alongside myself.

"Thank you," said Scordi.

"As his tutor, you will receive all updates via you Surgem and phone," said Camila.

Returned to Scordi apartment, I was sat on the bed by Scordi.

"Let's see what you got me," I said.

"Void Storage," said Scordi, the bottom of her forearm warped. On her left hand, a claymore, she performed several sumptuous movements showcasing her rather good swordplay. "Am I looking good or what?"

"Not bad," I said.

"Okay your turn," she said, I was pulled by the arm to stand on stage, the claymore surged back to the sigil and instead what came out was the GEM sword she brought for me.

"A gladius," I observed. When I was younger practicing swordplay with Zophiel I used a wooden sword of a similar shape. For my eighth birthday, since birthdays are celebrated every four years, it was an opportunity to get something special. My first genuine blade which Scilla got, a gladius, the same one I would use to impress Scordi with my swordplay when we were younger.

"You know Noddy, you stopped talking to me after that day," said Scordi.

"What day Scor?" I couldn't remember.

Scordi pointed the gladius. "I had annoyed you the entire day, calling you and your family insults, generally being mean. My plan, my big brain plan was to cause a disparity, you see, even when we were children I understood that loving someone was being able to tolerate the worst they had to offer, and since we had known each other since basically being babies, I knew you tolerated every aspect of my most annoying traits. But that day, when you were practicing alone in the yard, I handed you a love letter, and you know what you did? You grabbed the hand which held it, shoved it on the ground, and with the gladius sword my sister got you for your birthday, both the letter I had taken several weeks to write and my poor left hand were stabbed by that gladius sword," she explained.

"I don't remember that," I said.

"Of course you don't, you regretted it, not because I cried in agony, but because that day you stabbed your own hands, your own arms, and your own legs—you nearly bled to death, since I passed out of shock, it took a while for anyone to check up on us, but I believe that day has placed us within our current circumstance, as it was that day Mr Gradus stopped praising you as the next sovereign in line," said Scordi.

I clenched the centre of my chest with my right hand. My chest burned. "I thought that was a dream. No, a nightmare I had. Scordi, your saying it actually happened?" I asked.

Scordi nodded twice, "and that is why I got you this gladius. This sword, the shape of this sword means a lot to me. Now dance for me," Scordi handed the gladius, and sat herself down on the bed.

The moment I clenched its hilt with my hand. The movements, it was like I was executing a dance, a catastrophic, tragic motion of my existence as the memories of my childhood surged once again. "Why did I do that to you?" my dance stopped.

Scordi crossed her arms and tapped her cheek in ponder. "I think that was your truest hidden nature Noddy... Your supressed aggression."

Warren rung in. ("You are my great-great Grandson after all.")

Lunes added. ("That anger needs to be channelled correctly though. To protect those you care for.")

Crete added. ("A clear head will open a clear path to victory in battle, the issue Nodin has is that his head is not clear.")

Wodan added. ("Can you blame my boy? He's been through so much.")

Alberto added. ("This happened before he had been through all of that old man.")

I went on my knees. "I'm sorry Scordi, I'm sorry."

Scordi went down, I was hugged by her. "I was being a prick myself. I had it coming," she said.

I couldn't believe it was only that. "Don't say that. There's something wrong with me, like my Mom and my Talehart ancestors, its rooted in me. This wrongness," I said.

"You'll need to overcome this Noddy, it’s the only way you'll be able to shield your sister from making a big mistake. That's what big brother's are for, right?" said Scordi. She was right.

I know it's hard for adults to change, but with Scordi, I knew a miracle was manifesting—a change for good.

We completed our preparations for leaving the city and moved in the direction of the guild. Every time you want to go outside, it is customary to notify the guild in advance. It's for the guild to monitor Noumenon-Nomad's activities. While doing so, they would operate under the presumption that something had occurred to you if you didn't return before the specified time.

Outside of Volos city, creeping into the forests near the remains of the Vile Vortex.

The Minusfolk were conquered easily that day. It was crucial to take pauses throughout though, I became tired quickly and Scordi did most of the work. Like us, individuals who just engage in combat with Minusfolk close to town periodically take a day off, though this slowing down was mostly because I was still in capable of performing Noumancy proper. Scordi and I went back to the apartment we had leased in Volos' city with our new funds.

My body collapsed as soon as we entered. "We need to increase our comrades, Nodin. You fighting without Noumancy is slowing us down," said Scordi.

Lunes butted in. ("That Camila girl.")

"How about Camila?" I proposed.

"Good idea, let's ask her out for dinner," said Scordi.

At night time, after her shift was over Camila found us by contacting Scordi, we went to a small local bar, we tried others but they were too noised with lots of Noumenon-Nomads shouting about their accomplishments. This bar was peaceful—ran by a daughter and father.

"Here's your food," the daughter offered, she was cute too.

"Ms Freya, Mr Talehart I suggest you be cautious with picking your companions," said Camila.

Scordi and I smiled at each other hearing that. Having assessed the Surgem of those around us, so far it seemed that Scordi was among the best. Stronger Noumenon headed past the forest—deeper into the lingering Vile Vortex—with the purpose of expanding the city.

Camila exhibited distress. "Did, did I say something wrong?"

"How old are you Camila?" Scordi asked.

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"Twenty-two," said Camila.

With that question. I knew Scordi's intention. As she asked. "Camila, when's the last time you—"

Camila interrupted. "The cost of breaching the contract with Mr Volos is terrifying. I cannot do anything that is illegal!"

"Don't worry Camila, this has nothing to do with that," said Scordi.

The bell to the eatery blinged. And footsteps began to come in our direction. The familiar tone and aura voiced. "I knew I sensed a familiar ki."

Camila had a troubled expression as she whispered. "Lady Greysong… Oh no, am I in trouble?"

Within my nous, Warren delighted. ("My Gracelyn is still alive? She looks just like her.")

"Life is a coincidence, who would've thought I'd be seeing Nodin Allfather and Scordi Freya after all these years" said Greysong.

I immediately got excited. "Greysong." She looked a little more than tipsy, must have been in one of the bars.

"Yo," she said with open arms, a suggestion for I to hug her. Instead I shied and rubbed the back of my head. "Silly, Noddy," Greysong embraced.

I should have talked to her a lot sooner.

Sitting next to Camila. Greysong waved to the daughter. "I'll have the usual." The daughter replied with a thumbs up.

"Ah, this is good." As Greysong said that, Scordi looked happy.

"What's your relationship with Camila?" Scordi asked.

"I was the one who got her the job with Volos," said Greysong.

"What did you do before this Camila?" I asked.

Camila waved her head down, a topic she didn't want to get into, I didn't pry further.

Greysong assured. "They won't judge."

"Right. I, I was a nullsman," said Camila.

The question I pondered was obviously what for, but to be completely honest I didn't care, she was cute either way.

I recalled Camila's say about Volos' contract and asked. "What's this about a contract?"

Greysong answered. "Oh yeah, Volos had her shave a few years of her sentence. So until that's done, Camila can't do much of anything besides staying in that office. But if she truly desires to do something else, as third in command—I could have a chat with Volos. Though that bloodlust of hers might come out again, if she does something that requires violence."

Camila shied. She really is cute, yet Greysong described her as having a bloodlust?

Scordi thought out loud. "You know what we need right now?"

Greysong added. "Some booze."

"I'm up for some booze," I said.

The general discussion continued on to what we've been doing, creating a comfortable dynamic between us. As we got more hammered, truths began slipping, Greysong having similar lost years with the busy schedules of Uncle Greymark and Auntie Songya, and Markya's lack of communication with what she's been doing. My truths also spilled—such as Rubicon taking over the mansion and I no longer being an Allfather.

Camila acknowledged. "So that's why you asked if I knew who you were?"

I nodded.

Greysong stretched. "Mom's side of the family truly is complex. But I couldn't ask more for who my father ended marrying, and the little sister I ended up getting," said Greysong.

Scordi decerned. "Greysong, does that mean you and Noddy aren't related by blood?" Scordi asked.

"Greysong is my stepcousin. Markya is the one who's blood related, she can fight for the throne," I said. All siblings including cousins by first degree can become head sovereigns of the family even with the specific parent being a former sovereign child of the House of Allfather. Their child, if the parent is still alive, can be a candidate. Because of the Kresnik family and the Gradum surge. I doubted Markya had any reason to fight for it, to become Markya Allfather, but since Auntie Songya is alive, if Rubicon somehow is no longer sovereign, Ninus would have to go up against Markya—, and for I to do so again—I would have to become sovereign by force or by my kin.

("Do it!") my old men sounded as a collective.

I've thought about to it, since Grandpa put it in my head that Scordi's the one. If its with Scordi, then maybe…

Scordi suggested. "Drinking's been fun, but, how about you guys come over to ours? Noddy and I recently brought the place, of course Noddy isn't very decorative, but maybe you two could give some suggestions."

Camila saddened. "I have work tomorrow, so I'll have to—"

With Greysong's arm around her. "I'll put in the word for you, don't worry."

Arrived at our apartment.

It's essentially a studio space. The furniture is modern of course, with a couch, a GEMprojector, everything you'd need in a kitchen, and our large bed. If you want to change the appearance of the shapes, you touch the sigils as well, that's what Scordi meant by decoration, everything was a different colour and all over the place, frustrated at the unmatching. Scordi put everything at their non-colour of white and took off any prior decoration.

As we drank more, each of us made our proposals, and done—all four of us sat on the bed to admire our tapestry.

"This sucks," said Scordi.

"Yeah, maybe we should stick to one suggestion or style," I said.

"It looks good to me," said Camila.

"Of course the [Daughter of Minus] would say that. I call this embellishment—Chamber of Chaos, a clear representation of my clueless self," said Greysong.

As we mired in silence. A trustworthy female friend that would recommend you to her friends— this was Scordi's tactic—and her strategic means of expansion of her intended harem to aid in my fight against Rubicon. Now that all of us were comfortable and in that slight unease drunken mood that has you ponder, what now?

"When's the last time you guys fucked?" Scordi asked.

Being the only guy I'm always the one who feels awkward as they talk amongst themselves about their experiences, and I'm made readily aware that what perpetuates life is nothing else besides libido, even if the Huldufolk didn't accelerate the human nous. Libido—the desire to fulfil that primal basic craving, birthing the corporeal continuity—though with everything convenient; it's rare for Consurge males to go to Consurge females for this. Firstly, because of our low libido, second—most of us don't feel anything down their and are barely fertile, which forced a biological change that often guarantees most Consurge females to have twins, and thirdly—there's fifth generation GOLEMs for those who are desperate and have enough Union—our universal currency.

I wasn't in the mood, I kind of wanted to have fun and just hang out, but Scordi is a fiend and I'm sure that hearing Greysong and I aren't blood related, was a light bulb switching in her nous.

With my experience of the Warped Time Max, I had seen my human ancestors do it a lot, depraved and better when genuinely loving. Whenever I have to grow my horns, I make that choice—depraved or loving, what will it be today? And Scordi loves the gamble. By the conversation they had Camila seemed the least experienced—but to prove that she wasn't, she started wildly kissing Scordi who peaked for I to get ready.

Greysong who I sat next to gave that looked of—are we genuinely going to do this?

I shrugged my shoulders with my eyes.

But the more Scordi devotes herself with the process, its hard to say no.

Whatever happened that night changed my attitude towards life in some way, perhaps it was Camila's aggression to want to feel pain, perhaps it was Scordi's continued 'supposed wins' she's arranged, perhaps it was Greysong having technique better than any other female I had slept with. What was certain, is that I wanted it to happen again, and again, and again.

I was completely warped—and mind broken.

This is it.

It didn't help that I had the suggestions of older more experienced men by my side, making every action I performed perfect.

Our spray-on clothes weren't even on in the morning, I was only jolted awake because one of the bodies that I was buried under moved, it was Camila—who immediately clothed herself, and hushed my wakeful eyes before leaving.

What is my life?

The clarity started hitting.

Even if my brother was selfish. Is this what Junius sacrificed himself for?

It really is over. There's no hope for me.


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