Noosfera: The Noogenesis of Nodin Talehart (Warped Progression Fantasy)

Chapter 23: 23. Noosfera: World of Comfort—End: Continue (6)

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23. World of Comfort—End: Continue (6)

The days of comfort eventually came to an end.

It was morning, Scordi looked through all the cupboards of the kitchen—and the fridge. They were empty. We hadn't gone to a raid in a week, Scordi had hoped that the erotic ventures would act as some sort of corporeal revelation—and my vibrancy would once again start going up. With a hefty sigh she asked. "Do you think we could get a hold of a [Baron]?"

"A Baron?" I asked.

Scordi explained. "In spheres outside of the sovereign influence, they usually have Baron's. Leaders of the largest guilds, who often pioneer with their Union rather than obligation by investing. They also invest in parties, I'm thinking that if we get enough people, we could start a [Pioneering Party], transition that to a guild, and in due course we could create some sort of propaganda against Rubicon, and valley that army to defeat—The Evil All-Mother of the House of Allfather." Scordi elaborated on her intensions.

"Vilify my own family?"

"It's just a thought."

Rubicon Allfather—my little sister. Pellona gave birth to her when Junius and I were five years old. She was born with red apple hair and her distinct incredibly rare violet eyes. She was a chunky baby, one who wouldn't move, she would just stare at the GEM projector and eat. When she became two she started to crawl and during this period she would put anything and everything in her mouth. At the age of four Rubicon still couldn't walk, she had become incredibly thin too—a result of muscle dystrophy. I would carry her around everywhere, so when we were younger, we spent a lot of time together.

To cure Rubicon's condition our father ordered for the best treatment possible. At the age of five Rubicon was injected with GOLEM cells—a result of this had her hair slowly turn white. Due to how she was affected by the condition, Rubicon wanted to learn more about it, it's with this that she gained the yearning to learn about human history. It's also when she started wearing a spray-on suit and eat sedimentary rocks—She would often give me these big talks about her findings as she munched. I adored listening to how devoted she always was. But one day she stopped. I remember her once solemnly saying. "Warping is the destination of our nous. There is no such thing as a system that doesn't warp." After that day, I didn’t hear a single finding from her.

What happened? For over a decade I paid little to no attention to her unless I was forced by her to fray. Though it ticked me off, it was just her attempt to get me off my arse. Rubicon changed a lot since then, her attitude—the way she carries herself. "I miss the years when she was just my humorous baby sister. But what we have to do is inevitable. Regardless of destinations," I said.

Scordi looked at me with her full moon eyes—in all earnest. "Yes."

I averted my eyes. "But Scordi, why help me? I've done nothing for you, so why do so much for me?" From back then, I exerted myself, by fear of being kicked out of the house, when Junius stopped trying—I felt like becoming the head sovereign was my destination without effort, still, I endeavoured.

Scordi smiled. "When we were small, I thought you could accomplish anything. That's why I coped with the idea that the only reason you were so great was because you were a sovereign. Back then, I was alone, and even when I was called by Scilla to try and get close to the other kids in our town. I was always the orphan to myself—and them, but with you, you tried to get close, nonetheless. I cherished and envied you for that, I had to have status be the source of my separation from you. Because I liked you. I've always liked you… You have forgotten a lot about the past, haven't you Noddy?" The past… I had been so fixated on what happened to Junius, that the neural patterns of my brain which mapped out this corporeality's history had become muddled. "Alright, we're going to be meeting with the girls soon, so get your head straight and ask for grace from the Lord," said Scordi.

"Right," I said. We left Volos' city—Scordi, Greysong, Camila and I ventured out to the forest nearest the remains of the Vile Vortex.

"The job I read about should be here," said Camila, within a specific section of the forest—Minusfolk had settled. I acted as bait to bring them out of their cornered darkness blanketed by tall trees, and so the ladies could prep their attacks. Scordi and I had figured how to expand dealing against the Minusfolk, instead of doing it amongst the trees—to do so within the forest's fields—we rarely dealt with chance appearances that way, becoming light bulbs to the moths, 'if you want light, then come here—but be prepared for a fight.'

The behaviour of Minusfolk became more predictable as well—the actions behind they're intension. Lunes explained. ("Nodin, Minusfolk have 'Warpedcores', in the consumption of flesh high in vibrancy, gradually—they gain sovereignty over themselves. However, that warped nature remains, a distinction that—I am different from you, and therefore—we are enemies.")

Menos added. ("Right, in my attempts to come up with a cure, that warped nature stayed nonetheless.")

I asked my old men. ("Has anyone ever tried to inject them with GOLEM cells?")

Crete explained. ("Throughout the war several did to increase and revive their fallen forces, but as Menos and Lunes said, their nous too is warped at a lower vibrancy—they're actions will display the same regardless of how much their vibrancy and appearance changes.")

With that, it was easy to fray without remorse.

"KIIIIIKIILLLLLL!" The skinless bodies scattered blood as they loomed over us.

Scordi's claymore tightly grasped by her palms.

Greysong's lance pointed toward anyone chosen to be scoured by it.

Camila incredibly calm—only holding a small dagger.

My stance—firm as I held my gladius. To take them out Noumancy was not required. The weak one's bodies gradually vapoured. The stronger ones left clumps of cells behind—Warpedcores. Volos engineered utilities with this. With us all being skilled, I knew soon we'd be offered higher ranked jobs.

Surging the Warpedcores to their Void Storages, Scordi and Greysong talked.

"So, what's Volos been up to?" Scordi asked.

"Confidential information Scor. Confidential information, I cannot say," said Greysong.

Scordi observed Camila's reaction—she looked away from Scordi's discerning gaze. With a hefty sigh. "Well, it's not like I'm a superhero, if things go south, Nodin and I will simply fuck off."

Greysong flapped her hands about. "Don’t worry Scor, he's not creating anything nefarious."

I of course doubted that, but Volos should know of Unodotodo's fate. Though with the way he's gone about things for the past decade, I expected he had a change of heart. I was also in no position to make world affairs my priority.

Having entered the forest as bait again, I confirmed my surroundings.

"There are a lot of Minusfolk, but I've never seen a horned rabbit, it looks like a jackalope," I said, it looked at me as though pondering my appearance. As I said that, Crete and the others’ tones of voice changed.

Crete demanded. ("A jackalope, Nodin slaughter it immediately, those creatures are not a good sign!") The space between trees was narrow, and while I was cutting away the weeds with my gladius to proceed forward, he shouted. The old men for some reason started getting noisy with superstitions, but I had recovered a bit of LVL during my break—so I was able to handle they're bickering.

It saw me as I approached it with my gladius, it tried to frighten me by baring its horns and teeth. Its size, which was just slightly larger than a child's, didn't frighten. It had a serious expression in its eyes, so I wouldn't precisely describe it as cute either as it advanced with a leap.

Crete voiced. ("Dodge to the side and slash at it. Your opponent can change position in the air—that warped creature can perform Noumancy.") Crete gave the orders, and I carried them out.

Lunes shouted. ("Don't do it! It's harmless!")

It jumped at me with its piercing horns—so I stirred to the side and chopped at it as it passed. The white pelt was stained with blood as I traced a single line across its body with my gladius.

Lunes enraged. ("Nodin, you monster!") Did old men Lunes have a pet rabbit or something?

Once I was sure the jackalope had passed away, I decided I'd done enough for the time being and scooped up its body to place in Scordi's Void Storage. Scordi raised her hand to let me know she was nearby after gathering the requisite flesh for us to gain Union. She was startled to see the body I was carrying as I exited the woodland and headed towards the terra firma's bushy road she, Camila and Greysong waited at. "What the fuck is that?" said Scordi.

Greysong clasped her lower face in ponder. "I think that's a sign Noddy went too far—closer to the Vile Vortex Nexus, but that creature…"

I asked the old men. ("Vile Vortex Nexus. Grandpas do you know what that is?")

Menos clarified. ("The warping of vibrancy can create something new. Just as depending on how atoms vibrate different things can be distinguished—A Vile Vortex Nexus is an environment of pure distinctiveness.")

Alberto yawned, he had been busy with his summer exams, so he infrequently surged to the roundtable, doing so only before bed. ("So, it's like a dungeon in a videogame or fantasy series. It seems the future of humanity is both cool, but nothing new.")

Greysong continued, "…That creature shouldn't be here, the Nexus should be further out. I need to report this."

"I'm good to take a break," I said.

We went into preparations to return to Volos' city.

I heard Warren whisper to me. ("Nodin, drop by for a little today. I have something I want to tell you personally.")

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Back at the apartment, resting in bed, I closed my eyes. Only Warren sat at the roundtable.

"What did you want to talk about?" I asked.

"I want you to make Greysong your comrade," said Warren.

Hearing his request, I crossed my arms. "Isn't she already?"

"No. Fray with her with what you've both been feeling during the time you've been away from each other. You'll come to find you've been in similar places," he said. From the stories father told, Warren has quite a frantic personality. I wasn't sure what he was getting at.

The rest of my forefathers surged—not allowing us to discuss alone. Lunes who I had just found out has a gentle persona despite his notoriety from my father as the strongest, said. "Warren, why would you even suggest that?"

Grandpa Wodan pondered out loud. "Is it to get Greysong to talk about that Volos' activities?"

Warren answered. "No, it’s just that I truly do feel Nodin needs to find a little more motivation outside of Scordi's support."

Crete agreed. "If she becomes your comrade, you will be responsible for another."

I began to recognise what Warren was suggesting. Greysong is a lot like me, both of us aren't the highlights of our families. I'm latched to Scordi to have some direction in my life, I assume Greysong is doing the same with Volos. He's the big shot around here, if I can show Greysong that I'm worthy of being someone she could follow, there lied another comrade—and Warren supposed another reason for I to try to upstand and have more gravitas for myself through responsibility for another. "I think I understand," I said.

"But comradery doesn't have to come from fighting," said Lunes.

Alberto added. "I agree, but then again one of my best friendships began with emotional conflict."

I recalled what Warren once mentioned, ['My Gracelyn is still alive? She looks just like her.'] Perhaps he also sees a trait that will be valuable.

Greysong Kresnik. Since the day I first met her, my opinions of her have remained unchanged. Greysong embodies what it means to be trustworthy. Scordi is, too, though occasionally I feel a little wary of her. I felt as though I would be lost once more if Scordi departed because I was relying on her heavily. Warren, though, was trying to argue that if Greysong and I were accountable to one another, there would be room for both of us to progress outside of our clinginess. Or perhaps he merely wanted us to get close since Greysong resembles an matriarch of mine—his wife.

Lunes came to a similar conclusion. "Are you sure you aren’t talking about the you of the past? She does look like Aunt Gracelyn." Hearing Lunes', Warren scowled, but he quickly shook his head and inhaled deeply in agreement.

"Perhaps you’re right." Regardless I felt as though there was a right notion behind Warren's call.

At night-time. I instructed Scordi to summon Greysong to the house when we had finished dinner. I turned to face her as she entered the apartment complex. "Could you come with me to the backyard." At the yard. "Space-calling: Void Storage," I said, the sigil array was positioned beneath my left forearm, I used the Union we gathered that day to aid with the Warpedcore collecting so that when Camila and Greysong are busy and unable to assist, and once again... so that I wouldn't be too reliant on Scordi. I caught myself in the gladius blade's mirror for a moment. "Could we spar?" I asked Greysong.

"Sure. Void Storage." As soon as it surged to her palms—Greysong took a large step and repeatedly thrusted out her lance as if to impale me.

I turned half my body to avoid it and used the hilt of my gladius to repel it. Having her stance destroyed, she fell forward, and I jumped aside. With one hand on the ground, she raised her head with her eyes wide open—and gritted her teeth as she glared at me, and I asked. "Why aren't you using Corporeal Noumancy? You can’t use it can you?" I retracted my sword away from her face and kick the lance away. "It’s the only way you’ll have enough power to combat me." Greysong is in the same position as I, she can't use her Noumancy without sigils and GEMs, which meant what Volos has promised her, involved getting that back, or having it in the first place.

Greysong crawled to pick up her lance. "I feel like you're bullying me." The difference in power was clear as day. But Greysong could shorten the gap by using Corporeal Noumancy—primarily Power-calling, but it appears she couldn't. What ended up happening was a cruel fight, Greysong was continuously pushed back, limited only to the usage of the Wind-calling by her GEM lance. Not once did she use Power-calling to edge over my natural strength. On her knees Greysong fisted the ground. "Raysight," I tried to get a look at Greysong's Surgem. "It's weft." I said.

"I don't like looking at it Noddy. It hurts whenever I do." Greysong didn't look up from the ground, her eyes didn't meet me.

I asked my old men. ("Grandpas isn't there anything I can do?")

Lunes spoke. ("She is like Aunt Gracelyn.") In some revelation.

Menos added. ("Nodin, there was clan of humanity who kept themselves as human as possible during the [Transcension period], the Kresniks are descendant of that clan.")

I questioned. ("Then how did they keep themselves alive, how did they fight?")

Greysong made a powerful step and approached me more quickly than previously. I managed to avoid the lance that suddenly appeared in front of my eyes, I managed to evade many of these assaults before being compelled to engage in defensive combat. I would lose if I lost concentration. In spite of Greysong's innate weakness, my circumstance transformed in a split second.

Menos said. ("Individualistic-callings—there's a reason why they end with the letter (Y). From what I explored during my time alive they have a range of effects—that is how that clan endured, an entity known as [Yahadel]. The clan categorised their Numen Power's into three acts. [Actus essendi], a Numen Power that is only Individual range, [Actus purus] a Numen Power that effects other nous, [Actus primus] an aspect of Individuality surged by the first nous—the Shapeless, their god."]

Alberto furthered. ("Old man Menos is right. Individualistic-callings have existed even in my era, of course outside of all the flowery language, it merely means the act of one's purpose, surged with their understanding of the Actus primus—the first act, and defining your reality and warping with that act.")

I was certain that the battle was already done. I relaxed my posture and looked down at Greysong who kneeled on the ground tired, her lance stabbed into it. Using it in place of a cane, she was somehow able to prevent herself from collapsing.

Warren added. ("As expected, if she is descendant of Gracelyn bearing the name of the once House of Kresnik, then her act is at reach.")

Greysong’s—Individualistic-calling. Was CultofPersonalit(Y) somehow aiding her wakening?

The surrounding earth had been levelled, but now it had been beaten uneven—a steam rose. First, I thought it was the steam ascending from the vapoured water on the grass, but I was wrong. Instead, it was a deep heat which began to arise from Greysong.

"…Noddy, for an entire decade my vibrancy wouldn’t go up, it's remained the same! No matter what I did! Was I born to be weak? Is it my destiny to be weak?" Greysong's tears evaporated, I didn’t know if it was right for me to have called out to her here, but a result of history was beginning to arise.

The steaming emitting from Greysong's body was giving raise to the opposite of shadow—it looked like some sort of heat-body. Her internal heat extending to an alternative form.

An etheric body.

Her emotion was causing an active motion out of her.

"Ghostl(Y)?" Greysong muttered in shock. Greysong's etheric body turned to Scordi who came to check up on us. "How am I seeing from two places at once?" she asked herself that question before she lost consciousness, she collapsed on the ground and her etheric body faded.

"Nodin, can you help me carry Greysong? Her stamina and LVL expenditure are more severe than they look," Scordi spoke in her usual tone. "What ever you did I think it's helped her." Saying that, she walked ahead of me, headed to the house, and began preparing the instruments to nurse as I picked up Greysong so she could rest.

Late at night, back at the yard as I practiced Jun-yu du movements—I heard Lunes. ("Doing the same things as the person you despise or even resembling them is a typical occurrence. Although I was first perplexed, I want to thank Uncle Warren because even though I disliked battling, I had to do it and it strengthened me as a person. It's something I should have said during our time alive, so thank you Uncle.")

Warren grumbled. ("Well, you know ah—") He didn't know how to take the compliment.

Scordi came out. "Her vibrancy has steadied, she currently sleeping right now, not sure how she's going to be when she wakes up."

"I'm good to go alone tomorrow," I said.

Scordi approached me mischievously. "How do you think she awakened an Individualistic-calling just like that?"

Grandpa Wodan spoke. ("Resonance is reason! Grandson, you’ve also manifested an Individualistic-calling. It's likely Actus essendi, but if Menos' theory is true, that we are Aeon Antikeimena within your DNA, perhaps its point is like your mother's an [Actus purus]—a Numen Power that effects other nous.")

My Individualistic-calling's Numen power—CultofPersonalit(Y). This Numen Power—if it weren't for my ancestors, I would not be here. All I could do was thank them. Looking at Greysong today, I was able to comprehend. Strong feelings are what shape an Individualistic-calling. Desiring to understand my forefather's—I was graced with this Numen Power. Deep down I want to be like them. Deep down, I wanted to be responsible for others. I just didn't have a reason why—until Rubicon. Even so, Scordi ended up approving.

"Thank you, Scordi."


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