Noosfera: The Noogenesis of Nodin Talehart (Warped Progression Fantasy)

Chapter 4: 4. Noosfera: Resonance of Immortality (3)

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4. Noosfera: Resonance of Immortality (3)

The day of the first ever Gradus ad torneamentum. Rows of people waited to be assessed, entering the event's gateway. Sounding via Sound-calling, a floating translucent crystal, a first-generation GOLEM. ("Set yourself on the sigil please,") said the GOLEM, with its function, it projected a sigil on the ground. I stood over it. ("You may proceed.")

I waited for Junius and Greysong to pass through. "I got division three," said Junius.

"Two for me," I said.

"Four." Greysong dissatisfied. "So much for working together, no chance of beating Markya then."

"I'm still going to aim for the semis," said Junius.

"Me too," I offered my fist bump, which Junius gleefully hit back.

"Godspeed to you cuzzos," said Greysong.

We went our separate ways, I arrived at my division, stepping on to the arena the foam warped into everyone's hand. The idea was to get as many out of bounds with this foam sword, and don't get got yourself.

Auntie Songya and Uncle Greysong watched from above on invisible Space-calling: Panes as the hosts. I was eager to prove myself having practiced swordplay all my life. The Kresnik couple must have seen many strategies put in place with those who waited, those who were the aggressors, and those who ran. The grouping I placed myself in through my actions was as an aggressor. "Holy shit, I'm powerful." With a single swing, I sent people flying out of bounds. "What did I eat today—" though before I would finish my outward thought. I was out of bounds myself, only seeing the back of the superior aggressor.

Markya didn't even bother looking back. It was as if she was on autopilot, doing what she does best. When I stood up, even the Noumenon candidates were out. Only Markya endured within the expansive arena. In shock, I looked around at everyone, the people taking part—family members and neighbours looking to have fun and young Noumenon aspires likely trying to prove themselves before going to an academy. And then there was Markya.

Gathering post. I searched for Junius. "Cake shop, cake shop. Ah, there he is," I found him. "How did you do?" I asked.

"Not going to lie Noddy. I had to hold myself back. In terms of our prowess against the average person now, it's not fair. I must have looked like such a try hard," said Junius.

"That's what I'm saying," I said.

"So, you won?" Junius asked.

"Nope, I had an even bigger try hard in my division, Markya. She's gone back to her stuck up don't talk to no duck attitude. Exactly how I remember her. Have you talked to Greysong yet?" I asked.

"She won her division, but knowing her sister's won, she said there was no point and dropped out. She's currently talking to friends she found in the audience. As for us, before the semis start. Shall we eat?" said Junius. Although Junius didn't have his Surgem for Union, Uncle Greymark gave him a sigil to use his. Junius thought it best to be a little forceful here, since I didn't know that, I got pulled into the cake shop. "Delicious! So good," a messy eater my brother had cream all over his lower face. The time passed calmly as we waited for the semis.

Until a sudden noise—a high-pitched screech of agony, it picked in Junius' brain like a recognised melody. Those inside the cake shop paid little attention or simply didn't notice. I equally wouldn't have until Junius suddenly got up running out, and I followed.

Outside, I asked a bystander. "Did you see a kid that looks like me walk by?"

"Yeah, he went there," the bystander pointed to the location. "Though I wouldn't go there if I were you." The location—several people gathered at a dark alleyway.

Someone in the gathered crowd expressed. "Holy shit, I've never seen one in person." They were in shock, I moved passed the crowd noticing Junius all the way at front.

A bystander alerted. "Guys call a Noumenon, a Minusfolk has appeared."

Another asked themselves. "Is this what the failed efforts of Noumancy lead to?"

That's when I first saw it. One of the many destination Consurge have been fated to express by their surge, in the case of Minusfolk—the lack off through minus to their vibrancy. The creature in front of us—a skinless individual. It was tall in appearance, taller than the average two meters for Continuus sapiens, warped lankier with its musculature exposed body, its back faced us as it squatted down and hugged itself cold.

I clasped Junius by his shoulder—he turned around with a horrid face.

"Noddy, that's, those eyes…" Junius didn't properly articulate himself what he meant, not within that moment—or after, and I too must have subconsciously withheld what he said. As it turned its head and I looked at the sky clear azure eyes contrasting the skinless bloody red. Fearful, people edged away from it.

I felt genuine revulsion, both in thinking of its pain and the evil it could muster.

Junius shook his head, jiggling the thoughts in his noggin and began grumbling. "No it can't be. The clone rat descendants outweighed by the attraction of the sigils I used, their vibrancy and consequently Action Potential too low to handle the greater Graviton attraction, warping them to death or complete erasure. However, with its skinless body…"

("Please don't hurt me.") The Minusfolk got itself up despite the pain and stumped its foot. Blood splattered and patterned on the ground.

I heard Auntie Songya's voice. "Where is it?" Songya asked. My and Junius' body jolted with proficiency in recognition of the voice.

"Space-calling: Void-Storage, Reckless," Junius uttered, but before the warping and outweigh would surge. I believe a similar illusion appeared for the both of us. A completely different scene in front of us. By the stomp of the Minusfolk's foot the ground shuddered. All those who fled—their bodies made smudges on the ground like splashed tomatoes. Dead laid everywhere and on its bloody skinless fingers, without nails, people's hairs rested like varnish.

I heard Uncle Greymark's voice. "Why are they all standing still like statues?" Greymark asked, noticing. "Wait. It's blood on the ground. That looks like a sigil." Terror continued to surge, outweighing our yearnings to act. Slowly creeping into my active mind. It couldn't be them. They should be busy with the tournament—it's probably mimicking them. Then within my mind a record of my father, and the spheres of Metatron's Cube, I recalled his favoured calling to use—A Second-tier Sacred Circle—Yin-calling, currently being surged. Calming my panic—there was no blood from the bystanders. They were all standing still as if in a trance. The Minusfolk manifested a hellish image to others as well.

"Good, you're okay." Auntie Songya smacked our backs before she hurried to the Minusfolk—taking the handbag of one bystander, she grafted her lead left foot on the ground—"Power-calling: [Impetus]," creeping underneath its torso, with a heavy swing of the empowered handbag both of its legs collapsed as the handbag exploded.

"My DD handbag!" a bystander whaled, what a way it was for her to snap out of it.

As the Minusfolk fell with its skinless muscle exposed legs—the bones stuck out like icing. Uncle Greymark hastened on with its falling. "Power-calling: Impetus," leaping and clenching his right hand—back fisting the Minusfolk's head with a hit so robust, the noggin separated from its body—hitting the alleyway wall and landing like a coconut amidst sands of its own blood. Gracefully landing his feet on the ground despite his tremendous size. "Creature nearly got me with its illusion as well," said Greymark.

"Everyone, get back to what you were doing," said Songya.

"Is the festival still going to continue?" a bystander asked.

"Yes, no way this creature is going to stop my homage to my best friend," said Greymark.

"You too boys," said Songya, adding. "We'll clean this up."

I gave a slow nod of reassurance for both myself, Auntie Songya and Uncle Greymark. Junius was still stunned, I had to pull him out of the alleyway by hand.

"Ah… aaah… aaah," Junius sounded. He was crying without tears. My brother never explained why, I initially assumed it was the horror, but reminiscing now. He had seen this phenomenon before although with rats, still, the fact that Uncle Greymark was got—and saw an illusion too—one that would stop him, and the fact that the day this Minusfolk appeared was the 'Gradus' ad torneamentum, in addition to those familial azure eyes.

The first horror of Noumancy I saw. The Minusfolk that was within that dark alleyway—was possibly once Gradus Allfather, our father.

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As we walked to the semi-finals, Junius took a moment to stop—witnessing the merry faces of the townsfolk taking part in the festival, unaware of what he'd just seen. "It's great, isn't it? Being able to be this carefree. I want people to be like this forever—unworried of death," said Junius.

"No death huh. Wouldn't you get sick of me?" I asked.

"Probably," said Junius. "Though its with my twin brother, that I will have that gratifying point of reflection. I'll be able to say—Noddy, remember that time I had to use my own sweat to perform a Water-calling?"

I giggled. "I see. You only want to irritate me for a long time."

"Certainly," said Junius, forcing a smile. Watching the lively gatherings, he desired these people to be lively forever. But Junius' liveliness précised as the semi-finals were here. It was time to focus.

I was in the audience with Greysong, one of each of the last standing from the four division would face each other, however with Greysong quitting, and another being disqualified, I stared at the arena where Junius and Markya would bout—black and white with its squares. It looked like a gargantuan chess board. Surrounded by a transparent wall, alongside the several people that gathered around three sides of the squared ground, the fourth a platform for the hosts, Songya and Greymark.

Stood, Auntie Songya sang her announcement of the challenge. A Sound-calling expanded by the crystal-shape first-generation GEM GOLEMs around the arena, with some of them also functioning as cameras for the GEM projectors—screening the match to the sky. "In the last match for the title of Gradus ascendentis. Child of the Noumenon—Gradus Allfather, head of the sovereign House of Allfather, my brother, now a heroic warrior of our era. Here to take part and bring honour to his father, Junius Allfather!"

The crowd cheered, Greysong and I shouted, "You got this Junius!"

Auntie Songya continued. "And his opponent is no one to underestimate either. Her mere attendance caused one of the other contestants to drop out. The one known as Noumenon of Terra—A Star Student of Terra Academy of Noumancy. Birthed in our small town of Wodan, rising for big dreams, Markya Kresnik!" said Songya. The crowd ignited once again.

Amongst themselves I heard them discuss. "They better make it worth the wait. I thought I'd be seeing three matches today," someone in the crowd said.

"Two people dropped out, a woman named Greysong because of who she would have to face in the semis, and a boy named Aion—who was disqualified," the other crowd member explained.

"These two are definitely power houses then." The people spoke amongst themselves, gearing up for the match.

Taking notice, Auntie Songya replied. "Oh, don't you worry, this match will truly be fulfilling. At the request of us both with the Avant-Guard, inside the arena the contestants are permitted to use Noumancy," said Songya.

The people silenced with caution. "That sounds dangerous," someone said.

Another added. "I think I'm going back to the festivities. I don't want them accidentally warping us." Similarly, the crowd cautioned.

"Do not worry." Uncle Greymark announced. "The wall surrounding the arena and the black squares themselves in the ring are all surged with Null-calling. This means that only within the white squares will the contestants be able to use their Graviton to attract. We have also provided the contestants with GEM swords, so Corporeal Noumancy is not required." Uncle Greymark assured the crowd of their precautions.

Junius looked at the floor, he then looked at Markya who sat on her knees facing away from him. Beyond his limited gaze, looking at Greymark and Songya within their host's area. I felt as if the Kresnik's planned this specific conclusion, perhaps an old rivalry my father had with Uncle Greymark or Auntie Songya, one they both will never get to experience but have a chance of settling with this match.

"Markya, I'm going all out," said Junius.

"Let the match begin." Greymark and Songya expressed.

Markya stood up and presented her arm in Junius direction. "Light-calling: Light Array," said Markya. With a smirk on her face, she hoped everyone could see, and we did. With her first step into a white square, she revealed her Surgem.

Name: Markya Kresnik

Education: Terra Academy of Noumancy (Grades 5-)

Guild Affiliation: Not applicable

Community Status: Saint

Color Grades

Strength [Green] = 8

Intelligence [Green] = 8

Agility [Green] = 8

Charisma [Yellow] = 4

Endurance [Green] = 8

Life Vibrancy Level


= 36

36 = 0.36 LVL conversion

LVL 20 = 1 AP (+) LVL conversion (LVL above 20)

Graviton: 1.36

Warning: Noumenon in training

Warning: Child of the Kresnik Estate

"With Graviton, even a single decimal digit higher determines a fray. Do you truly believe you can outweigh my power, Junius Allfather?" Markya asked.

Junius had no way of knowing his own, not yet having a Surgem. Not only that—Markya already surpassed her mother, there was no way Junius would have the capacity of doing what Auntie Songya did in the alleyway, let alone face Markya going all out. I was certain Junius would lose. As the Light Array projected into many GEM projectors around the arena and outside of it. "You still want to go all out?" Markya continued her hound.


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