Not Chosen

Chapter 53: 2-6: Dream Girl

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I stuffed more of the shrimp fettuccine into my mouth as we neared the end of our meal. Caela was scarfing down spaghetti. It was pretty clear by now that she probably liked pasta.

"Say, when the announcer was introducing you, it seemed like you were someone important." I inquired.

"Yeah, most eligible bachelorette is quite the claim." Caela added.

"Most eligible bachelorette just means I'm a young woman and the daughter of the town mayor and owner of a local quarry that a lot of locals work at. I'd rather not be that."


"Well, besides having no desire to be in a relationship or even engage in sex with anyone, even platonically I prefer anyone but the men who keep trying to court me."

"So, why not just say you have no interest?"

"My parents want to keep rumors working for my aunt brings."

"Wow, that's shitty."

"My parents are both bisexual as well, they should know better but you know- power corrupts."

I nodded, "Or makes them bad parents."

"It's getting late." She said scooting her chair back. "We should head over to there before my aunt goes to bed."

We copied her and made the surprisingly quick walk through a nearly empty street to a purple-colored multistory brick building. It was pretty sizeable for the area, and it was a wonder neither of us had taking notice of it before. Khione swung open the door to a greeting from the woman manning the check in desk:

"Evening, Khione. Heard you lost to our unpaid guest."

"Yep. She's pretty good. Speaking of guests, I have two right here."

"Oh? Two more. Well, we do have a room if you don't mind sharing but... do you have coins?"

"Yes, ma'am." I replied holding out a bag. 

"Well, that is exactly what our unpaid guest owes and enough for your room. I think it only fair she shares the room with those who can actually afford it. Is that fine?"

"Is there any other room?"

"With room enough for two? No."

"Then sure."

"Great. Now names, please."

""I'm Faiche Faioria and this is Speirei Lasrach."

"Okay and what are your actual names?"

"W-what do you mean?" I ask.

"Those are characters from a play. Look I'm sure you have reasons, being the species you are, but I need the real names for my records. I promise you no one else will know."

"Hayli and Caela."

"Thank you."

"Aren't you going to react?"

"I don't really care about what happens in the cycle. To me your paying customers and that's good enough for me."

"Thanks, I guess?"

"Here's the other keys. Khione, show them to their new room. And do mind you do not wake up their roommate, best to not be rude." Ia said taking coins out of the bag and handing back to us.

"Yes, Aunt Ia." Khione replied. We followed her up the stairs and down the hall.

"So, is sharing rooms common?"

"Yes. We prefer not to have double bookings but well, auntie is good at vibes, and you'll be fine with Ms. Needs to Pay."

We entered the room and Khione twisted a knob on the wall. A dim flame popped up on lamps across the room, given just enough light to see. There were three spaces- two minus the bath. The first had a single twin bed with a cast iron headboard. The second had a twin bed and a figure snoozing in it.

"That our roommate?"


"I wish she would have taken the twin then."

Khione chuckled, "That bed is much less comfortable than the queen, so I can't blame her."

Caela turned to me, "I'll take the shitty bed." 

"So, I'll bed with- shut up, Caela- our roommate. Who is she anyways?"

"The girl who got me soaking wet earlier today."

"Oh. Is she racist?"

"Is this because she didn't eat with us?"


"Don't worry, I think she's just shy."

"I hope so, or when she wakes up things might be awkward."

"I think finding a woman in her bed with her might be awkward regardless, Hay." Caela said making her way to the bathroom as Khione left yelling that she'd wake us up for the continental breakfast. I followed and took a quick spit bath while Caela showered. Caela finished first as I did my hair while she went and got into her stranger free bed.

I dried off and exited the bathroom and pulled some clothes out of my bag to wear because if me being in bed with her would be awkward, I'd expect my bed buddy to call someone on me if she woke up to see a nude girl with a very large extra thing on her as well. Caela had turned off the lights, so I could only hope I wasn't wearing something that would make my eyes bleed with their clashing colors.

I made my way to the other side of the bed and climbed in and under the covers. I turned to face Leabaidha. I could just make out her head's shape, half hidden by being smushed into the pillow. She must be a decently heavy sleep huh? That was good. I really just wanted to sleep and not introduce myself to someone.

I rolled over a few times, trying to get comfortable. I suppose thinking I could easily sleep with a stranger, might have been asking much. I had a weird feeling in me as I lay in the bed. I scooted away from her, but that only made it worse. I scooted closer and closer until I could feel her heat. I felt my body relax, like really relax. It felt... safe this close to her. And very awkward, as my face was burning red. I has very happy I couldn't see her, or I might have died of it. Thankfully, somehow this invasion of personal space let me finally begin to slip away into filling the room with my snoring.

The next morning, I awoke to find her boobs in my face and my tail wrapped around her. I tried to move but instead just woke her up instead, to which she immediately screamed.


"AAAAAAAH." What the fuck, what the fuck? Hayli? Hayli? In my bed? What the fuck? Oh, fuck was I losing it, was I going insane? Was this a dream or something? What the fuck. Oh deities, she had me wrapped up. I could feel her. Why was she here? Oh god, Ia. She could have chosen anyone else but of course, the luck of the Thornell's had blessed me with its gifts.

I took a breath and decided to just greet her.


She stopped screaming and looked at me, "G-Good morning, Hayli."

Hold on, hold on. How did she know my name? How did this very cute girl know my name? I mean come on that's weird, right, right? Also, I screamed in shock as well, much louder too.

I blinked as Caela ran into the room, "Where's the fi- oh, Hayli, that's not good to do that to someone who's sleeping?"

"She knew my name already!"

"Yeah, you were in the tournament, Fai."

"Other name." I said releasing my bedmate who slid out of bed and stood up. 

"Oh, she's definitely getting a pair of eyes on her."

"Morning, Caela- urk, I'm going to go and shower and hide from you two." She said grabbing some clothes from the closet and dashing into the bathroom.

"And your name as well? I think we might have found our 'in' to getting the item."

"Or maybe she heard us call each other our real names?"


"On our way to the tournament?"

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"I doubt it."

"I'm taking a bath; you can come in as well if you want. Go first, of course."

"But our roommate is in the bath."

"In the shower. Which will be full of steam and isn't really at an angle for either of us to see each other."

"This isn't because you want to see her naked, right?"

"I am not that type of person."

"Why was your head in her boobs then?"

"I cannot control what my body does when I'm asleep Caela."

"Alright, go ahead. Don't blame me if she freaks out."

"Are you coming?"

"I only bathe at night."

"Gross." I said opening the door to the bathroom. I could hear the shower going. I carefully undressed and turned on the water in the tub and plugged it. "Hey! Just so you know, I'm taking a bath. So, um, get a towel around you if you come out!"

"Ah! Fuck. Why couldn't you just wait!" She yelled back.

"There's a tub and a shower why wait?" I responded.

I could faintly hear what sounded like her mumbling angrily before yelling back, "Fine. Just... don't be weird."

"Why would I be?" I yelled getting in. 

I sank my body beneath the water and started to massage myself using my magic. I needed this, I really needed this. I scrubbed myself down and just let myself space out. I was so relaxed that I even forgot I had a companion in here, until she walked past me to brush her teeth.  (I hate to admit it, but I did look at her and see some of her that I probably shouldn't have. Like not because I was creeping but still, her towel didn't do much to cover anything but her chest. She really should have been using a robe.)

I waited until I heard her leave the room and pulled the plug and magic-ed the water off me and got dressed before walking out of the room. Khione was now here, laughing at something Caela was explaining to her. 

"Hayli, we do allow such things here, but they have to be consensual."

"I was asleep!"

"Come on, let's go down. There should still be a table for you. I need to go back to the kitchen to make sure they don't slack off."

We began to follow her down and into a room with a bar full of breakfast items and tables full of people. There was a table in the corner that we sat at. Caela went to get food while I decided to stay behind with Leabaidha.

"I'm sorry about this morning, I'm not sure why I did that in my sleep."

"No, it's fine. I'm used to yo- that. Active sleepers or whatever."

"Oh, great. Hey, how did you know my name? And Caela's?"

"O-oh." She got a blank stare and blinked a few times, "Fine, whatever. Sorry, I spaced out. What was the question?" She looked like she was hoping I'd ask something else.

"How'd you know our names? Like that we were Hayli and Caela?"

She looked around the table desperately until her eyes landed on me again and she groaned, "I'm... um... I'm uh... working for Quaza?"

"Uh, huh. Sure. Why?"

"Blood servitude things."

"Hold your palm out." 

She did so and I grabbed it and put it next to mine. I pressed the center of each, and a red line shot across both. Okay, she made an oath to some demon at least.

"Well, then I'm guessing she didn't introduce us very well. I'm Hayli Reiland von Orache Summer and that girl stuffing sausage onto her plate is Caela Eutrudie Salvear. A pleasure to meet you, Laibaidha."

"Yeah, that's not my name actually."

"Oh? What is your name?"

"Terra Atlusia Thornell." She gave me a sad looking smile.

I blinked a few times. Weird coincidence. "That's a nice name." 

She smiled a bit happier now, "I think we should go get our plates."

We stood up as Caela sat down with a lumberyard of links on her plate. Terra got a bunch of biscuits and gravy and biscuits and cream cheese while I got pancakes and waffles, drenched in syrup. We sat down where Terra once again told Caela her apparent real name and that she was bound to Quaza just like I was. After finishing eating, Terra stood up and left, saying she'd see us this afternoon at the tournament.

Right, I had to fight her in the finals later in the day. What a bother.

"Wow, cute and named after your dream girl."

"Shut it."

"And you already slept with her."

"Did you not hear me or?"

"You going to win tonight?"

"Of course. No way I'd lose."

"Last time you fought a human woman you lost."

"That wasn't a fight she drugged me."

"Sure, sure."

"So, what do you think of Terra? Appearance wise mostly. Anything catch your eye?"

"I mean I barely talked to her, but she is hot, yeah. Wait, did you ask to hide the fact you also think she's hot?"

"N-No! I mean yeah, she's attractive obviously- but that's not what I meant. I meant the black mark on her arm."

"What black mark?"

"I think she has a curse on her."

"Oh, so she's met Olli then?"


"That's quite the coincidence."

"Ally or enemy?"

"Is there a difference with Olli, Hay?"

I shrugged, "I'm guessing not."

"Yep." She sipped on her drink, "Is Terra your type?"

I sighed, "Caela. Shut it. Let's go back to the room and rest."

"You that worried about the fight?"

"I'm worried about your fight."

"I'm fighting?"

"Did you miss Khione saying that to you?"


I shook my head and started back up the stairs. I really hoped Terra would make me work for it later, or I would feel kind of unsatisfied.

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