Not Chosen

Chapter 55: 2-8: Anyone Know Where To Find the Bone Tunnels?

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Terra picked at her eggs as Caela was once again trying to create a shortage of sausage links at the buffet. She was once again in the same outfit she had in the first day and her hair was done up into a messy bun. I had almost drug her out to go clothes shopping, since wearing clothes that you wore less than forty-eight hours ago is just unacceptable to do, but that might not let me follow her. I wasn’t sure if these catacombs were related to the rune item, but they might have other important things. Actually, I wasn’t sure Terra had anything to do with the Rune Item directly in general. But still, worth keeping an eye on. 

“So, Terra~, what’s the plan?”

“Ask around about the catacombs.”

“That’s all?”

“Not like there’s much else I can do.”

Fair. But still, asking about something seemed pointless when she could just look for an entrance. “Why not just look without asking?”

“I’d rather not spend time in the sewers unless I was sure they can actually be accessed.”

“Understandable. Well at least you’ll have a beautiful lady by your side.”

“Yeah, surely two trans women one of whom is a humon will be able to get information from people around here better than just one trans woman who isn’t a humon.”

“Hey now, I’m also a lesbian.”

“I know that but that’s not really a visible thing.”

Right. “So, when are we starting?”

“After we finish eating.”

“And do you have any places to start?”

“Nope. None.”

I lowered my eyebrows, “Why did Quaza take you as a servant?”

Terra frowned, “Why did she take you?”

“Well, that’s because… I…” I blinked. I could remember the ritual but there was something before it that I couldn’t see. And a feeling of jealousy at Quaza during it. Another face that blurred into nothing taking the ritual. “I… don’t remember properly. I think it was out of impulse because of… someone…”

Terra seemed surprised by something I had said and smiled a bit more sweetly, “Well, I suppose our reasons and credentials wouldn’t matter, after all we all have a role here.”


“Can I have your bacon?”

“No.” I replied stuffing it in my mouth. We finished eating after Caela forced me to part with part of my purse so she wouldn’t have to starve while we were away and then started beginning the very normal task of just asking random people where the bone holes are.

As expected, strangers on the street were more willing to go, “Sorry, I don’t know” to Terra, while I got mostly, “Fuck off, scaly.” It went like that for the first hour, Terra slowly growing more and more on edge until at one point as a human was giving me a very rude response, she just yelled at her to just fucking say “I don’t know” instead of being an asshole while holding a black bladed knife at her. At that point I suggested we check out the library. She slapped her head in response and mumbled under her breath but nodded. After finding the one helpful stranger of the day to get directions we made our way to that part of the city.

“Your 'asking around' idea sure worked out.” I remarked as we walked.

“Shut up.” Terra pouted. Cute.

“Why exactly are you looking for the catacombs?”

“Ancient magics.”

“Like rune magic?”

She shrugged, “Any ancient magic. I just need to find one to… well, that doesn’t matter now.”

“Is this for Quaza or yourself?”

“Myself. Everyone else who’s effected are… well not fine but they aren’t ones to care.”

“Effected by what?”

Terra looked around nervously, “A spell.”


“Yes. A certain demon used a spell to fuck my life up more than it already was. I want to break it.”

“Oh. Does Quaza know this?”

She shook her head, “I am alone on this one.” She released a deep sigh, “So, why are you here, Hayli?”

I considered lying, since I wasn’t sure on if she actually served Quaza or if I should be open to a target but something about her made me trust her, “There’s a suspected Rune Item around here.”

“Oh, that. Yeah. I figured there was one.”

“Oh? Really?”

“Bianca visited the area around the same time as she gave Azrael her item.”

“You’re aware of the Azrael incident?”

“Of course, having my boss be controlled would be something to know, no!”

I nodded, “We’re here.” 

This library was much more the type you’d find at a prestigious university or monastery than the small town one I had been in a few days ago. And much fuller of people as well, unfortunately. The reading patrons gave us some odd looks as we picked our way through the rows and up to ask a librarian where to go.

Terra explained she wanted to find books about the history of the area before Otterburgh and they pointed us to a section upstairs, in a back corner where no one could see us and no sunlight shone, just candlelight flickering. We thanked her regardless and made our way to it. Terra and I spent hours bringing down books and searching through them for anything that might be called a catacomb mentioned with absolute zero success. It was so boring.

“Anything?” Terra asked putting a book back on the shelf.

“Nothing.” I replied flipping through a history book.

“I don’t think any of these books are going back far enough. If people don’t remember it, why would they have books on it?”

“Because they remembered when they wrote the books?”

She shook her head and went back to reading. Eventually we realized we weren’t going to find anything out and dejected walked back down the stairs. While standing by a bunch of religious texts I asked:

“Are you even sure the catacombs exist?”


I shook my head, “Where did you even hear about it.”

“I- um- well-" She began until a red-haired woman in a large bonnet walked up behind us.

“Excuse me, I couldn’t help but overhear you discussing catacombs and rummaging through the history books upstairs. Are you interested in the area?” She blinked, yellow eyes looking at us with anticipation.

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Terra nearly jumped out of her boots before responding, “Yes. Quite interested.”

“Is that so? Well, there is a historical society in Old Otterburgh that might know whatever it is you are looking for. The Zaylaian Society I believe.”

“Really? Thank you.”

The woman laughed, “Anything for those interested in history. A good evening to you both. Jin't'ra'vaer.” And disappeared amongst the shelves. Well, that was the second nice and useful person we talked to today. 

“See, the library was a good idea.”

“We didn’t learn anything from it.”

“We learned where to go to learn.”

“Yeah, I guess we did. Thanks.”

I grinned, “Of course. We should visit the Society tomorrow; it is getting quite late.”

Terra looked out the windows and flinched, “Wow, we really wasted a lot of time skimming books.”

“Time flies when you’re having fun?”

“You were having fun?” She asked.

Time to tease (Yes, this is and was necessary, don’t judge me here, okay? It's not because I thought Terra was cute beyond belief when she was embarrassed.) “Time spent with a cute girl is always fun for me.”

Terra grew red and she turned away from me, “I- I see.”

“Well, let’s get back to our bed.” I replied heading out of the library as Terra swayed back and forth. Noticing me already out the door she raced out and the two of us made our way back to the hotel.



I really hated Hayli. And I hated myself more. How was I still being flustered by her when she was my girlfriend and secondly, I knew this was in part a part of a ploy on her end for… something. I rolled around in the covers to face away towards her. I really hated how beautiful she was, how much I wanted to just enjoy… argh!

I closed my eyes, hoping that my dreams would distract me from all my waking problems.

(“Augur.” The voice spoke.


“You who prevent the finalization, the traitor Augur. Why are you here?”


“Do not play dumb. We all agreed to this, you agreed to be this. So why are you fighting it?”

“I have no idea what you’re saying.”

“And yet you act against us once again. Just like Gaia betrayed us the Augur does as well. The other Augurs will succeed. Do you understand?”

“I keep telling you your words are gibberish.” I felt the ground beneath my feet give way and I began to fall.)

(The void. Now with one giant table and many chairs.

“Things are going well.” Dione remarked. She was now my head on the body of an owl. I really didn’t get why she was doing this bit still.

“I haven’t even found out if the catacombs exist.”

“I meant with Hayli.”

“She’s clearly using me.”

“Yes, but it’s also clear that she actually likes you still or at the very least thinks you’re cute.”

“Wow, great.”

“Don’t act like you’re not enjoying it, Terra.”

“I can enjoy it without forgetting why it’s occurring.”

Dione flapped her wings, “Anyways do you thi- wait.”

The sound of footsteps echoed in the void. A man’s voice spoke: “Odd. I thought I was traversing to my daughter's dream. I must not be as accurate as I thought, human.”


He looked at Dione, then at me, and gave a crooked smile, “Interesting. Tell me, human. Who is this?”

“I am called Dione, interloper.”

“I see. But now you. I may have missed but I can’t miss that badly, and I know my precious princess is in the area I went for and not the area I left you.”

“What a coincidence.” I replied.

“Yes. I do hope you aren’t trying to do anything to her, forgotten one.”

“I’d suggest leaving.”

“I am serious, my deal with Hayli ends if you insist on trying to use her.”

“If you care so much who Hayli spends her time with, then why let her out of your sight?”

“I only care when someone is using her. Manipulating her.”

“The only doing that to her is you.”

“Human, what do they call you? For when they bury you?”

“Terra. Terra Thornell.”

"I see. Well, Terra. Enjoy your life. If you are around Hayli when next we meet, that will be upon the stone I use as your headstone." He said before he began to fade away.

"I am literally her girlfriend, like she literally asked me out, you twinsdamned dickhole!" I yelled at his vanishing figure.

"I'd suggest you might need to use Olli's full gift if he actually shows up." Dione suggested.

"I'd prefer he not show up then.")


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