Overlord: Heart of Nazarick

Chapter 9: Chapter 7: Inner struggles & Curses

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A few hours have passed, I've recovered my mana pool for a while now and started reading through another book that popped into existence without my permission.

"[ Knowledge of the Star Forger ]" I say aloud as I gaze at the stars rotating around the book's title.

This one has more complicated and cryptic phrases, various of which are very narcissistic and others are jabs at other beings. Apparently, he was being pestered by the author of my other book so he complied after hearing her whine for around a century or two. Which I found strange because it arrived around 11 hours after Zoe's book arrived. The author didn't write his name down as he found the book unworthy of having his name written down, he speaks about many useful topics including beings deeper in space far beyond our knowledge and power, despite his pride and arrogance he was incredibly knowledgeable. I was very interested, to say the least, but the best part was the last page. The words started to shine a bright blue and crawled up my arm and into my eyes. I saw visions of a cosmic dragon roaring into the vast expansion of the universe and a massive blast of purple celestial energy creates stars in the darkness.

A new spell forms in my mind as I stare into the now-empty page.

"Wow…" I breathe out in awe.

I got a watered-down version of it, but despite being weaker it's still pretty strong. I'd say it's around the 8th Tier in the magic system. Suddenly I feel someone trying to access the library. I allow them to enter as a door rises from the ground and opens up to reveal Sebas.

"Lord Momonga is planning to investigate a human village. He said he would like you to accompany him and Albedo, I also met up with your sister and she told me you should give her a visit when you come back." He says while looking at me.

"Oh yes! I'll be going with him! And tell Shaltie I'll meet up with her after I come back, but I'll need to get ready first." I reply with excitement while opening a portal.

"Before you leave, I would suggest you meet up with Albedo, she will also be going so it's only natural you accompany her," Sebas adds.

"'Kay!" I say as I enter the portal and come out to see an armored Albedo putting on her helmet.

"Albedo! I'm so excited, we finally get to see the outside world, maybe there are new books!" I cheer with barely restrained excitement.

She smiles calmly and puts on her helmet, she then walks over to her ax and twirls it around a bit before giving it a satisfactory nod.

"I'm glad you're so excited, where is your equipment?" She asks with her voice echoing in her helmet.

"It's locked up in the Vault…" I say in disappointment.

I had all kinds of fun gear to try out but it was all in an area I can access.

"I see, not that any of those insects could actually harm you or anything, I'll let you off this time." She says as she opens up a portal and walks through it as we hold hands.

As soon as I step out I see the situation from the anime with the two girls kneeling on the ground behind Lord Momonga. In my mind, there are two different strings of thought.

'Ignore those things, they deserve no attention from me' One voice thinks.

'Console them, don't you remember how we felt when we watched them run away desperately as their family died.' The other side argues.

'They're insects…' voice 1 mumbles

'They're children…' voice 2 replies

'Ignore the outsiders, they are worthless in every way. What use do you have for such treacherous and greedy animals?' voice 1 grumbles in disdain

'Look how cute they are, are you telling me that you don't feel your heart tingle at their fearful faces.' voice 2 calls out with a sweet voice.

'Such weak things are made to grovel beneath your feet…' voice 1 hisses

'We have so much power, it's our chance to make the changes we always wished for when we watched from afar…' voice 2 suggests hopefully

'Enough.' a third voice joins in.

'We are one so we will find common ground and end this useless struggle once and for all.' it commands

'We ignore all insects but we allow the cute ones to receive our love.' the third voice announces as the other 2 disappear.

I walked up to the girls and looked at them while patting both, they calm down and relax their posture as they look at me in a daze. I giggle at their cute expressions and place a hand above them.

"[ 2nd Tier Magic: Twilight Healing ]" I say as purple light envelops them and heals all their injuries.

( Twilight Healing - Convert your magic into light that heals minor and moderate wounds near instantly. )

The older sibling's back heals up as they gaze at me with stars in their eyes. Albedo is talking to our Lord about what to do with them as I intervene.

"I want them!" I beam with excitement.

"What do you need such things for?" She replies.

"Because they're cute!" I reply as I pick up the younger child and squish her cheeks.

"Look at her little chubby cheeks! I don't have any cute librarians, I want to turn them into vampires and keep them for myself." I continue with excitement as the child in my arms giggles.

"Tch, fine," Albedo says as she follows Momonga to the village.

I turn to the older girl with a smile on my face as I keep the child in my arms. She looks at her sister with some very small traces of jealousy while looking at my hair more specifically the top of my head with a very intense desire. She wants to pat me… I know that damn look.

"I will let you pat me, but the price for healing you and letting you pat me will be becoming my librarians," I demand as I rub my cheek against the sweet child in my arms.

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'So cute' Enri thinks as she looks at me and her eyes glimmer.

My cuteness is a weapon, and a fatal one at that. This girl lost her parents yet here she is looking at me as if she completely forgot about them. I am glad I have chosen my appearance to be what it is. Hopefully, I don't meet any creepy old men, I'll kill them in the most painful way I can imagine. Yep, I haven't used [ Eldritch Coffin ] once since I arrived in this world. And from what I read about it… hehehe.

She nods while looking at me in a daze. I approach her and present my soft hair in front of her, as I look up at her with my light red eyes. She places her hand on my head and caresses it very carefully with the precision and delicacy of threading a needle. The best head pats I've received since I arrived in this world. I lean into the heavenly pats as she has a blissful expression from the pure softness of my hair. I remembered the reason I came here and opened my eyes as I reluctantly break off from the pats. I teleported them away into a shack where Momonga, who is now Ainz as he said to the villagers when he arrived, is observing Gazef's battle. I walk up to him and tug on his robes. He turns to look at me.

"What is it Liliana?" he asks

"Can I kill all those shiny things and capture all those weaklings?" I request quietly with a hopeful voice as I look into his sockets.

"Of course you can, just make sure to keep some of them alive for interrogation. And wait until I teleport us in" he replies after some thought.

The battle goes on as I make my way onto Enri's lap to receive my next dose of pats, while Nemu sits on my lap receiving some head pats from the great me. All three of us are in bliss until we're rudely interrupted by Ainz.

"Liliana, it's almost time," he comments

I huff and leave my patting session for later when I take them with me to the library. We teleport into the battlefield as Gazef switches with us. I gaze at the angels floating in the sky and then at the ugly blonde man as he looks at us with a surprised face. His gaze roams over Albedo, Ainz, and finally locks on to me as his eyes focus on me with desire. I cringe as the atmosphere grows colder by the second, my eyes completely emotionless as my gaze pierces into the depths of his mind, triggering the primal fear within him as he begins shaking intensely without noticing.

"My Lord, I don't know how long I can stop myself from torturing these people for eternity so please proceed with your plan before I cast a curse on all of them," I mumble quietly as a black aura surrounds me and the ground begins to rot.

"Who are you?" Nigun's stupid annoying voice rings out. Giving me the desire to place a multitude of mind eroding curses on him.

"My name is Ainz Ooal Gown, but I would like you to refer to me as Ainz" his voice resounds through the terrain.

"You know… I have something of a relationship with those villagers, and one of my servants has even adopted two of them," he adds with a slightly unnerving tone.

"Have you come here to beg for their lives?" Nigun asked with a confident and condescending tone.

"I can't say I'll spare you but those two women who accompany might have a chance." He claims as he licks his lips.

'Ohoho, I'm gonna have to work with Shaltie on this one. I'm not very experienced in physical torture…' I think to myself as the black aura intensifies a very faint purple glow.

"No, no. I overheard your conversation with the head warrior, I saved those villagers, and yet here you are… Desiring to wipe them out, people that I went out of MY way to help. I couldn't be more offended" Ainz calmly replies as Albedo's eyes glow through her helmet.

"What is a mere magic caster going to do about it?" Nigun arrogantly mocked.

"I can't tell whether you're brave or just a fool." Ainz sighs

"I would usually give you a chance to offer your lives to me and die painlessly… But it seems you have provoked one of my subordinates. I hope you're ready to feel true despair, because judging by her mood, death is the least of your worries…" He announces as Nigun scoffs at him clearly fed up with the situation.

"Have the angels kill the caster and capture the women!" He commands, but as he waited and gazed confidently nothing happened.

"[ 4th Tier Magic: Lightning Sword ]" I mumble

(Lighting Sword - Create a sword made of lighting of any desired size and intensity, cost increases exponentially with intensity.)

There was a bright blue light accompanied by a clap of thunder. When he looked up he saw no trace of an angel, they were completely wiped out in the blink of an eye.

"[ Relentless Hive ]" I cast on the group he commanded.

( Relentless Hive ( Grade 2 Curse ) - Mark a small group of people to be chased down by a medium group of insects that will chase them until there isn't anything left of them, cannot be canceled. )

He turns to the squad he commanded to see all of them writhing around on the ground while attempting to scream, blood dyeing their face-coverings red as they frantically claw at their chest. They begin to swell and burst into a group of larva that devours their corpses and clothes, leaving nothing behind. His eyes widen and he begins to breathe heavily. A cold yet childish voice echoes.

"I'm going to make sure you feel every little bite, just like they did," I say with a sweet smile on my face.

"[ Masochists Desire ] - [ Massive Relentless Hive ] - [ Suffering Is Eternal ] - [ Soul Orb ]" I say as I point at them, various ominous auras fly out and attach themselves to multiple targets.

( Masochists Desire ( Grade 2 Curse ) - Amplifies pain depending on the difference between your mana and the target's mana )

( Massive Relentless Hive ( Grade 2 Curse ) - Marks a large group of targets, enough insects to devour armies will leave your shadow and chase them until their last breath. Once it's cast it can not be canceled. The hive will not stop until there is nothing left. )

( Suffering Is Eternal ( Grade 2 Curse ) - Slows down the perception of time of your target, by the difference in mental strength. )

( Soul Orb  - Gathers souls of recently killed victims and crystalizes them. . Once in the orb, it is possible to extract memories without damaging them. The soul can be placed in a new vessel as long as it's suitable. ( Exclusive to Ritualists ) )

[A/N: I'm not sure how curses work in Yggdrasil, so I made my own classification.]

What followed was probably some of the most disturbing sights imaginable. Bugs crawled out of my shadow and charged in their direction as they tried desperately to destroy them with their pathetic spells before they reached their legs and crawled up their bodies and into every hole they could find. I kept them conscious and increased their sensory capabilities far beyond the human limit. They must've felt every egg laid and every bug that wandered around their bodies as it ate pieces of their organs, I made sure their time perception was slowed so that they could savor every second for at least a year. It was a disturbing sight for the weak of heart, all you could hear was the wet sound of bugs crunching and squelching through their flesh as their bodies swelled and burst into a massive ball of bugs. They were probably thinking death would be the end, but as Lord Ainz said, that was the least of their worries.

I stuck my hand out and pulled in their astral forms into the palm of my and, as I crystalized them and stored them in my inventory.

I turned around and cheerfully skipped back to their side as Albedo gave me a proud nod and Lord Ainz looked at me in astonishment. I puffed my chest in pride as I showed how awesome I was, and redeemed my minor mistake from yesterday.

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