Overpowers: Life Is Magical

Chapter 6: Chapter 5: Awaken,Shiny Constellation Guardian Taurus ! (4)

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After classes were over for the day, with the school's bell ringing it's end, the students then began exiting school, with Nozomi and Yoshino walking alongside and talking with each other passing through the school's gate, the same having an school sign on it's wall that it said [Senzai gakkō].

"So...what do you think of the new teacher ? You needed him to call your name a few times, it's almost like you had an what's the word exactly...Oh yeah ! Dreamy-eyed."

Said Yoshino with a teasing smile, with a clear sense of satisfaction coming from her voice, meanwhile Nozomi seemed to be trying in vain to hide her blushed face with her school bag, which only increased her friend's already big smile.

"Ok...i'll give you that, the teacher was kind of charming, b-but to be fair...he looked like a movie star, not a teacher and...stop smiling at me like that !"

An tomato face Nozomi said angrily to her when she peeked out of her school bag, only to see Yoshino's ever increasing smile, her almost former-friend then let out a laugh that took a few fake punches to her elbow to quiet down the laugh to a giggle.

" Heh, okay, okay, i'll stop, anyway, i heard there's a new arcade machine that has come to the game center, do you want to check out ?"

Said a now calmer Yoshino, with her teasing smile relaxing to a normal one.

"Ok, if it's a fighting game i will make sure to beat you to a pulp !"

Nozomi said with a gruff voice while punching the hair pretending that she knows martial arts, Yoshino on the other hand just rolled her eyes with a smile at her best friend's antics.

They then walked until they reached the city's commercial center, with many places selling clothes, manga, jewelry, but what they were looking for was the game center where they always spend their time after class if they could afford the time for it.

At the automatic-doors there was an ad poster that looked like it was for an game, with gameplay footage at the bottom of the poster with the name at the top of it saying [Shiny Constellation Guardian Sagittarius], in the center of the poster having an young teenage girl with pink hair, with some kind of light-pink colored visor covering the upper half of her face, in a fancy pink dress, doing a even more fancy pose while holding in her right hand what looked to be an bronze bow and an arrow made out of wind.

"Oh, so this is the new game, i will say, although it doesn't look like a fighting game, but, it still looks fun."

Yoshino said analyzing the ad, with Nozomi nodding to her side, both of them deciding to enter the game center, revealing lots of arcade machines with some being already in use, after looking for the arcade machine on the poster , they found it, at the left side to the wall halfway across the game center.

The first one to play was Yoshino, but after a while she gave up, the game proving too challenging for her, shaking her head with a sigh, giving the arcade's seat to Nozomi.

"Yeah...i am not gonna make any progress in this one, this machine seemed like it wanted to kick me out of the game any way they could."

Nozomi then seated where her friend was just now, putting a quarter in the machine and started playing it, and she was having a far easier time than her friend, not that being good at games was unusual for her, but, for some reason it felt...natural. Zoning out for a while, and when they snapped out of it, she was at the credits screen of the game, with a very impressed Yoshino by her side.

" Wow ! You just finished it all without spending a dime more ! Did you play this game before ?"

Asked her friend who was by her side watching, she had a wide eyed face of awe by the feat displayed, she then patted Nozomi on the back for it while wearing a proud smile on her face.

" Y-yeah, of course i am amazing, what else did you expect ? But you know, feeling a little tired from it. How about calling it a day ?"

Nozomi who was flustered at the beginning now quickly recovered, now feeling tired from it all.

"Ok, how about to cap off the day we also go grab a soda on the way to commemorate your victory  ?"

Her tired friend nodded and got up from the seat,now walking alongside her to get the drinks.

You are reading story Overpowers: Life Is Magical at novel35.com

Now outside, with their respective drinks, they both see the afternoon sky was now evening dark, while they were both walking, Yoshino was checking with her other hand that isn't holding the soda seems to be checking what appeared to be an black rock of sorts in her hand, she doesn't seem to know what to make of it.

"I know that promotional prizes aren't always the best, but a literal rock ? Really ? Well, i guess it could work as decoration back at home."

They then found themselves at the crossroads where they usually split up and said their goodbyes. When Nozomi was about to turn the corner she heard her friend's voice from behind, turned to look back at her.

"Oh, and try not to appear late again tomorrow, ok ? I would hate to see you getting the [Oni's Wrath] like always !"

Yoshino raised one finger to her forehead in an attempt to imitate the horn of an oni. Nozomi rolled her eyes and waved at her, while having a small smile on her face thanks to her friend's joke.

"No promises !"

She said, now looking away from Yoshino and finally turning the corner. Now walking a little faster thanks to the soda giving her the energy she needed.

But, unaware from them, there was someone who had observed the both of them exiting the game center from the shadow of an alley, with it's yellow eyes with slits being the only things visible, focusing it's already sharp eyes when it notices the black rock in Yoshino's hand, and after seeing her getting separate from her friend, the shadow then closes it’s eyes, any trace of it’s presence completely disappearing.

Not so far from there, Life was calmly walking down the street at his own pace, exuding confidence in whatever path was ahead of him. But at the same time, it looked like his mind was on another place entirely.

'Heh, as first impressions go, this couldn't have gone any better, of course, that's assuming there was any doubt to begin with ! I could see the look of admiration that those extras gave me, the 1# winner at my own game.'

He keeped walking, glancing at the shops that he passed by, sometimes passing by restaurants where he could see the people inside through the glass window, Life then glanced slightly to his right for an split second without stopping at couple that was eating together, happily enjoying each other's company, before them looking completely ahead, now whistling a happy tune with an small smile on his face.

'You know, sometimes i wonder how you are doing ? It will probably take a while before this job is done. I should probably call you when i get to my temporary home, heh, to think that would care about someone else is funny, but actually fell in love for someone, if anyone were to say that to my face a couple of centuries ago i would be laughing my ass off until my voice gave out, heh, life really is full of surprises, even to me, the one individual who's supposed to represent it !'

Life then was snapped out of his own thoughts when he was about to turn the corner he bumped into someone head on, the force not being enough for him to fall backwards, when he noticed who it was time seemed to slow down for him to the point that it seemed to completely stop for a moment, there it was, the 14 year old school girl who he's supposed to help make their story interesting, Nozomi Nakagawa, who was now about to fall on her ass while an opened can of soda that she was bringing with her was now let go from her hands, with the liquid inside of the can now slowly pouring out of the can and about to hit her her uniform.

Life only sighed, shaking it's head wondering where did his life go wrong for him to be here.

'I really hope that it gets better from here. Why was she not looking where she was going to begin with ? Oh well, not that i am completely innocent either, if i was paying attention i could have easily avoided the bump by just noticing her lifeforce, but, it's not all bad, i COULD use this as an opportunity to gain her trust, that would make my job easier, hum...ok, i guess i could grace her with my help this time.'

Thought Life with a smile emanating an air of unshakable confidence.

He then proceeded to pick up the falling can with his right hand and began to move it in a way to get every single droplet of soda in the air before it hit her uniform,then, he grabbed her left hand with left hand and them time seemed to start moving again with an now very confused Nozomi who was about to hit the floor from the sudden bump, was now millimeters away from it as something stopped her backwards fall.

When Nozomi, now snapped out of her confusion, followed the hand who had grabbed hers she ended up staring at the piercing sapphire-blue eyes of her professor, and his smile that seemed aimed at her, she then immediately started blushing, her face quickly becoming like a red tomato, with Life seeing what appeared to be steam coming out of her face.

'Why is there steam coming out of her face ? Is she okay ? '

Thought Life for a moment, him being completely oblivious to the situation of the now red-faced Nozomi.

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