Overpowers: Life Is Magical

Chapter 7: Chapter 6: Awaken,Shiny Constellation Guardian Taurus ! (5)

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"Phew, that was a close one. Are you alright ?"

Asked Life with a fake but not noticeable worry to his voice, masking his breathing to seem like he was taken by surprise, while holding a very red faced Nozomi by her left hand. The latter not saying anything, while also avoiding looking at his face.

'Huh ? Why are you looking away from me ? Did I do anything wrong ?'

Thought Life with some minor worry that he managed to contain internally…somewhat.

After getting the highschool girl to her feet, she nervously looked down to the floor.

"Y-yeah, i am alright, t-thank you teacher."

She said nervously, while avoiding eye contact with him.

'Ok, looks like i didn't do anything wrong, giving a bad impression to someone i need to look out for would only make this job more troublesome than it needs to be. Well, since she doesn't look to be in the mood for talking I might as well just give her the soda and go my way.'

"Alright then, here's your soda, next time, try to not let it go so easily, ok ?"

He said with a playful smile, trying to get the nervous student to calm down, even if just a little.

After giving it to her, she just nodded and moved past him quietly and while Nozomi's eyes were not really visible due to her still looking down on the floor, the rest of her face however was still visibly with the red blush still there. Life just stands there watching her go, and when she turns the left corner leaving his field of vision he just shrugs.

‘ Weird kid, she didn't seem like the shy type by what her teachers told me in school, only that she was kind of an air-head, and her face looked really red, with literal steam coming out of it. Sure, I don't think she really would be outside if she was actually sick, unless she had a REALLY messed up situation back home.’

 He shrugs ‘Oh well, as long as it doesn't make my job here harder I don't really care, but now that's taken care of the only thing that I need to find out is, where is this feeling taking me ?'

He then looked forward and calmly walked straight ahead, to a destination that he himself didn't know exactly where it was taking him, without any hesitation.

At a distance not so far away, after throwing the can of soda inside of a nearby dumpster, Nozomi could be seen clenching the schoolbag to her chest walking on the sidewalk. She then sighed, the red on her face lowering to a light blush.

'You idiot, what kind of reaction was that ? He must think I'm some kind of delinquent ! Way to go Nozomi...urgh ! I can't wait to get back home and have a good night's sleep to leave this day behind and forget about it, although...'

She started to remember how her teacher just rescued her mid-fall after she bumped on him. How in a flash his hand grabbed hers before she hit the floor, how his blue eyes were piercing hers with  unshakeable confidence, the way he made sure to ask her how she was with such a worried tone for her safety.

Nozomi then clenched the schoolbag even closer to her chest, the blush slightly increasing.

'I guess it wasn't all that bad...'

Nozomi continued walking until she was coming close to her home. She saw the lights coming from the windows of the first floor from a distance. That probably means that her brother was already at home in the middle of eating his dinner.

With their mother being busy at work until late at night, she started to make pre-made dishes early in the morning and put them in the fridge in tupperwares with their names on them. To have something to eat while she's away.

'He must be already eating. I wonder what mom prepared for today ? I haven't really checked...'

At the doorstep from her home, Nozomi proceeded to get her reserve key and opened up the door. Once inside she took off her shoes alongside the rest of her family, not forgetting it like last night, lucky for her, no one seemed to notice it.

" I'm home !"

While Nozomi was entering her home. At the opposite side of the city, Yoshino was calmly walking the now empty city streets to her home, then she glanced up to her right at an empty playground nearby with a sense of nostalgia.

'It's been 8 years, how time flies. I still remember...more or less at least of the day we first met, heh, you're still the same airhead as always.'

Closing her eyes and shaking her head with a small smile creeping itself up in her face when she remembers past events. She then continues walking past the playground.

When Yoshino opens her eyes she quickly realizes that, suddenly, she's in an alleyway in between two buildings, trash cans and dumpsters on the side, with her being bathed by the light of a lamp post, only able to see an all-consuming darkness ahead.

"Uh ?"

Looking behind her she also realizes that there's, again, only consuming darkness being seen from afar from her vision.

'What the...what's going on ?! '

Her confusion was slowly starting to become fear, a bead of sweat starting to form, then, from the all consuming darkness appeared two yellow eyes with black slits irises, making Yoshino back away slightly.

"Who are you ?! Do you know what's going on here ?"

The yellow eyes in the darkness, still staring at her like a predator that's about to jump at any moment at its prey, making her more uneasy with the current situation.

"Now, now, let's calm down a little. I just want something..."

The yellow eyes then close, calming Yoshino but for a second, when suddenly what appeared to be claws came from behind, going around her neck, almost pressing on the skin, making her stop in place like a statue, without her being able to see who's behind her.

You are reading story Overpowers: Life Is Magical at novel35.com

"From you. See.. I am looking for something. Something very special. That I believe you have it, a crystal as black as the night sky, give it to me...and I'll let you go, but if you try anything...detestable, I will be forced to use...other methods to get what I want, nod if you understand ?"

Yoshino nodded, her eyes looking around nervously.

"Good, very good, now, where did you put it ?"

"I-i put it inside my schoolbag, let me get it !"

The individual behind her stopped for a moment to think, then decided.

"Alright, i'll give you one chance, but if you waste it, or you're gonna regret it"

She slowly opened up her school bag, put her hand inside of it, then she pulled a small pepper spray and immediately used it behind her where the assailant was.

"Hisss, damn you !"

Without looking back, Yoshino immediately started to run straight ahead as fast as she could without looking back, to make as much of a distance as possible from it.

'Must find someone, anyone, maybe the police can help'

She kept running, but no matter how much she ran she couldn't find an end in sight to the alleyway, eventually she started to hear steps behind her, they were getting closer by the second.

'Faster, i need to run faster !'

Then suddenly, she fell to the ground, the momentum making her land on the cold ground, a few feet away from a nearby dumpster. Now breathing heavily from the sprint.

'Ow…why did I fall so suddenly, and why am I feeling dizzy...'

Then she notices her left leg, claw marks that look like of a beast have ripped through her flash, pain now slowly surging through her body as adrenaline diminishes it, blood pouring out of her wound and then, realization sets in.

She screams in agony, tears starting to fall from her, breathing heavily, looking around for anyone that could hear her screams, that could help her.

"Well, you can't say that I didn't warn ya, you humans can make things way more difficult than they need to be, but oh well, that's what you get for using that spray !"

Panting and dizzy from her wound, Yoshino gets a better look of the assailant that's now being bathed by the light of a lamp post and her eyes bulge in surprise, with the one who caused the wound noticing it.

"Well, well, like what you see ?"

Says the assailant in front of her, with ears that could hear from afar, yellow slit eyes that looked like it was staring down it's next prey before going for the kill, an cat-like mouth that seemed to be giving an sadistic smile out of her horror, nails long and strong enough to easily cut down a wall made out of steel with the right one dripping blood, white fur covering her body that had the ideal female form from the neck down, and a white wagging tail that seemed to be showing the excitement of the hunt.

"W-what are you ?! Get away from me you monster !"

Yoshino then crawled backwards without looking away from the human-cat creature, until she was stopped by the trash can behind her, and drops of blood now starting to hit the ground.

"Now,now, that's not very nice, didn't your parents teach you about calling other people names ? Although, i guess i never told you what am i, did i ?"

She walks up to Yoshino, her figure towering over her, with a wide, sinister smile decorating her feline face.

"Well, not like you need to know, since you won't be here for long anyway, now...shall we finish this ?"

The human-cat begins to approach the wounded Yoshino, who is slowly losing her consciousness due to blood loss. She reaches for the trash can’s lid from behind her and throws at her assailant as a last ditch effort. But it just casually leans its head to the side, dodging it. 


Then suddenly a bright flash of light appeared above them, making the human-cat jump backwards away from Yoshino, the latter only seeing a bright light before losing consciousness.

"What the-, what's this !?"

The light in front of it then slowly descends until it touches the ground standing between Yoshino and the human-cat, then, the light dims until to an point that it reveals an white long haired girl and a dog, she appears to be staring at Yoshino's unconscious body for a few seconds, .

"Hey, are you listening !? I can still save her if you give me enough time, just protect us from the monster !"

The girl snapped out of it, then looked at the dog and nodded, now facing the human-cat in front of her.

"How dare you, to interrupt when things were about to get fun, who are you ?!"

The girl stops for a moment, like it's thinking on what to say to the opponent in front of her, when she seems to have decided she puts up a pose where she's pointing dramatically at the human-cat monster.

"I am..."

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