Peaceful World Invited To The Group Chat

Chapter 20: RWBY Arc: The day is saved

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Grimm, monsters who exterminate intelligent life swelled in numbers exiting the collapsed holes in the ground. Their pitch-black bodies radiated their malicious nature as did the white shards of bone littering their bodies. The werewolf equivalent Beowolves snarled, flinging their saliva spitefully. The bear-like Ursai marched with their hatred unabated. And the Nevermores, the fusion of condors and ravens, unfurled their wings and took off to the skies.

A vile army that inexplicably multiplied, spreading hatred and panic.

The battle had already commenced.

Lilia pressed her foot on the pavement hard and an outburst of wind ruptured as she dashed. Invisible lines scattered across the frozen shapes of the Grimm as their bodies were cut apart the moment after from Lilia's sword swings. She splendidly maneuvered and changed directions without a microsecond's delay as she paved her way through every Grimm in her path. A yellow blur to every onlooker as her every movement produced strong wind that would stumble and blast away the enemies off their feet.

Not to be outdone, Minato sped his way to the battlefield and fired the twin pistols in his hand. The emission of high-powered thermal lasers pierced through dozens of Grimm as the incredible heat melted their tar-like bodies into pools of goop within seconds.

"Come out, Ganesha! Blow them away with Magarudyne!" (Minato)

Minato called for the summoning of his Persona, but unlike previous times this was not done with an Evoker as the trigger. He has grown his ability to no longer needing external triggers for the manifestation of his Persona.

With its master's command, the sound of cracking glass resounded. What came out in corporeal form was a standing blue elephant wearing intricate clothing reminiscent of Hindu origins. Ganesha roared from its trunk and swung its saber in a downward motion, casting a powerful gale in all directions that destroyed dozens of Grimm and lifted the heavier and sturdier individuals helplessly in the air.

"Perfect for target practice." (Minato)

Not having many opportunities to practice using a gun, Minato solemnly aimed his two pistols and fired in quick succession, vaporizing the falling Grimm as their bodies burned to nothing without the chance of landing on the ground.

"Hyah!" (Neptune)

Neptune swept a rushing Boarbatusk off its feet with her wooden sword, exposing its underbelly as it laid on the ground against its back. Raising her leg up high, she whipped it down and crushed its belly with the heel of her shoe.

"Bring all the common fodder, this heroine is in need of experience points for her next level up!" (Neptune)

And common fodder did she receive. Affected by her taunt or not, five more Beowolves ran towards her with an Ursa Major in tow. Meeting their charge, Neptune came to them and smashed a Beowolf's head with her wooden sword. She then chained her swings to break another's jaw and throat, throwing it with her sword to crash into the third. The fourth opened its growling jaw at her and she responded with a smack of her fist, casting it aside like trash. The last one was ended by a clean trust of her sword right through its skull.

The Ursa Major raised its giant upper body to intimidate her, its paws up in the air to further enhance the image of its size. Unfazed by the intimidation tactic, Neptune avoided the swipe of its paw and ran up its arm. She stunned the Ursa Major with a kick and flipped her body up in the air to crash her sword on top of its head. A loud impact cracked the pavement as Neptune landed on top of the downed Grimm.

"Betcha no one will expect me to use this." (Neptune)

Neptune pulled out a gun in her hand and lowered its muzzle to the head of the Ursa Major. Pulling the trigger, the Grimm was killed unceremoniously with a bang.

In another corner of the battlefield, Tanjiro was entertaining his own group of Grimm. Three Beowolves and two Ursai had cornered him. To escape his predicament, Tanjiro inhaled a large intake of air into his lungs before making his move.

"Total Concentration, Water Breathing, Third Form: Flowing Dance!" (Tanjiro)

Winding his body, Tanjiro accelerated his movements by swinging and bending his katana along with his body in a flowing pattern like the streams of a river. Outmaneuvering his enemies, Tanjiro weaved and slashed their bodies through the gaps, leaving his cornered spot as well.

Inspecting the fallen bodies of the Grimm behind him, joy welled up inside Tanjiro.

"I did it! I can fight these monsters!" (Tanjiro)

His little celebration went short as he and his vision turned upside down. Tanjiro's body was picked off the ground and clung to by the talons of a flying Nevermore.

"Uuaaaaaahhhh!" (Tanjiro)

Surprised from leaving solid ground, Tanjiro screamed as he was carried off high in the air around a pack of Nevermores. Pale-faced, Tanjiro still retained some composure and swerved his head around. While his grip on his katana was still tight, his grip on the situation wasn't so much.

"Help is on the way!" (FrostNova)

Tanjiro barely heard the voice of FrostNova below with the muffling wind blowing in his face.

With her talent in the Arts of ice and winter, FrostNova accumulated the cold in the area and shaped giant lances of solid ice in the air next to her. With a casual gesture, these ice-cold lances launched upwards and penetrated through the bodies of the Nevermores. The one carrying Tanjiro narrowly avoided the barrage until it felt the impact from a small object and subsequently lost all thought.

"Uwaaaahhh!" (Tanjiro)

With the airborne Grimm knocked out, it was descending towards the ground at a frightening pace, and Tanjiro alongside it. Composing himself, Tanjiro flourished his blade and cut the legs holding him, releasing the claws gripping him as well. By this point he was freefalling in the middle of the air.

"Grrr! C'mon, got to hang on!" (Tanjiro)

Tanjiro spread his limbs and steered his body to lessen the speed of his descent. He was then caught by a flying white reptilian figure with his body gripping the top of its body.

"A dragon!?" (Tanjiro)

Tanjiro was surprised by the appearance of his unlikely savior. Lynn replied with a coo to confirm his question and dived down until they were at a safe elevation. Tanjiro expressed his gratitude and hopped off, crashing into the window of a building and rolling on the now glass-stained floor.

Meanwhile, at the top of the building Tanjiro just crashed into, the Doctor was sitting down and leaning back on a folding chair he brought from nowhere and viewed the scenery before him.

"Tanjiro has retreated from the battlefield for now. Things are moving smoothly thanks to those three." (Doctor)

"How can you be this lazy right now?" (Kaito)

After Lynn returned to her pokeball and the thrown piko piko was retrieved, Kaito was standing to Doctor's side in confusion at seeing his ally lounging around like the scene wasn't his business. The Doctor briefly wondered why the man had a stiff smile on his face as he played with the only three pokeballs in his possession.

"A tactician must be the most composed person during hard times like this. Their attitude is also a factor to the shifting tide of battle. If not, how will I control a steady chain of command and keep my comrades at the height of their abilities?" (Doctor)

A grunt answered him as Kaito turned his eyes to the frontline. Lilia, Minato, and Neptune were making short work of every stream of Grimm crawling out of the exposed ground. The four colorful girls Doctor had been watching were also in a fight of their own against three humans.

A sprucely dressed man with long orange hair wearing a black bowler hat. The red and white girls were engaged in a battle with him. The man proved to be a troublesome adversary as he was not only an experienced fighter, but one that had a way to control the flow of their fight in disrupting and attacking the gaps in the two's teamwork.

There was a woman in the colors of Neapolitan ice cream both in hair and from her clothes. The feisty yellow girl had been rushing at her with her fists to no avail as the woman deflected and avoided every strike with her pink parasol.

Then there was the tall man in a white mask sharing the same design as the Grimm masks, swinging his chainsaw with immense force as the girl in black evaded each of his attacks with nimble and confusing movements.

"From the current circumstances, those three should be considered as enemies for now. Those four girls look to be guardians of sorts? They appear to be in no need of our interference at the very least. So long as we keep the Grimm off them." (Doctor)

"Then, what do you want us to do next?" (Kaito)

"Total Concentration, Water Breathing, Fourth Form: Striking Tide!" (Tanjiro)

The two heard the shout of Tanjiro still inside the building below some floors from them. He rushed forward to lay sword strikes carrying the force of a tidal wave to kill several of the climbing Beowolves any time they appear from the windows.

"First, let's do something about the Grimm trying to crawl up this building." (Doctor)

When looking below, there was indeed a wave of Beowolves digging their claws into the side of the building and making their way to the top from where the backliners are. Tanjiro had done a fine work in slowing their advance, but there were still many almost reaching the top.

"I've got that handled." (FrostNova)

"You hear that, Tanjiro!? Run towards the inside of the building now!" (Kaito)

FrostNova made her way to the edge of the roof and casted her Arts again. A chilling breeze swept down the side of the building, creating blankets of snow and ice that seeped into the structure of the walls. The Grimm were also frozen solid in cases of ice as part of the chilling image of one side of the building now having the look of an iceberg.

"What an amazing power!" (Tanjiro)

Tanjiro escaped in time from FrostNova's extermination, but he still felt the temperature falling below zero degrees from the other side of the building. The domineering power of the snow rabbit woman had frightened him and was relieved that she was an ally rather than an enemy.

"While we still have the leisure to relax, Kaito, sync your sympathy magic with me and everyone. I want a clear perspective of the city and for you to relay my commands." (Doctor)

"Roger." (Kaito)

Kaito did as he was told and used his sympathy magic again to encompass his 5km radius perception of the city. He then connected with all his allies to form a network within that area to check everyone's emotional fluctuations. With that established, he sent the appropriate information back to Doctor.

"How receptive are you in detecting the enemies' emotions alongside your allies?" (Doctor)

"I've never had the chance to practice it this way, so forgive me for my inexperience." (Kaito)

"That's fine. Can you at least get a hold of their positions and relay that back to me?" (Doctor)

"I can do that much." (Kaito)

Doing some quick calculations, the Doctor formed a mental map of the city and the positions of everyone involved thanks to Kaito's input.

"Alright, send the others what positions I need them at, because these monsters are spread too far. The most troubling thing is their growing numbers around a thousand. I want to be sure we've allowed every person to get out, and for that we must secure the perimeter." (Doctor)

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<Did you understand that everyone?> (Kaito)

<I'm already on my way to where these things strayed off to. If it's just me alone, I can secure the entire perimeter with my speed.> (Lilia)

<Not a problem. But their spawn rate is a hassle to keep up with.> (Neptune)

<Why not listen to a suggestion of mine to help settle this quicker?> (Minato)

Kaito pursed his lips and relayed the reactions he received to Doctor. Lilia was more than confident in handling the task of wiping out every Grimm that wandered off by herself. Neptune was exasperated by the time-consuming task of killing so many that had no end in sight. And Minato had formed a plan to remove the problem these monsters posed.

"I want to know what Minato has in mind." (Doctor)

After getting the confirmation from Doctor, Kaito kept communications with Minato and listened in intently.

<I don't know if it's just me, but these monsters are somehow attracted to the desperation in the air. I don't know much else, but if we can somehow control their movements and contain them into one spot, I can use an instant-kill magic that will end them all.> (Minato)

Kaito paused from the message he received and interpreted the meaning behind it.

"…I believe Minato was trying to say that these black monsters are attracted to negative emotions like moths to a flame. If we can round them up, Minato will finish them off in a single move." (Kaito)

"Hmm…with your sympathy magic, can you emit a vast amount of negative emotions to attract them like a beacon?" (Doctor)

"I could do something like that. However, I'm not that great at expressing negative emotions, so the more effective choice is to amplify someone else's like pouring oil into a fire. If someone wants to act as the beacon, now is the time to speak up." (Kaito)

<I'm the one who suggested it, so I'll take up the job.> (Minato)

<Are you really okay with handling everything on your own?> (Kaito)

<I do this a lot back at home. It's nothing new.> (Minato)

<…We're going to have a talk about this later.> (Kaito)

With their conversation settled, the group moved to enact the plan to have Minato act as a source of negative emotion so that all the Grimm will pour into his location.

Concentrating his sympathy magic to become an amplification device, Kaito sensed Minato's position and empowered his current emotions.

"...This is more unpleasant than I thought." (Minato)

Minato was perspiring sweat from his forehead at his heightened emotions. When it came to negative emotions, he had to recall some memories to invoke certain ones. Some emotions that sprung up were anger, despair, and fear.

The specific memory used for this…Minato thought back to the beginning of his journey fighting with Personas. The first time he used an Evoker to cause the illusion of having a real gun pointed at his own head, enveloping him in the illusion of imminent death. The sense of danger, the rush of adrenaline and euphoria once the trigger was pulled. And when the power came to him, it felt exhilarating for a moment…until it got out of control.

"Just keep it together…it's not gonna happen again…or else Thanatos will come out…" (Minato)

Minto tempered his emotions to keep himself steady and conscious of reality. While the plan was working as intended seeing as hundreds of Grimm congregated to his location, it did evoke a lot of discomfort into the others.

And the one who felt that more than the others was Kaito who was amplifying the troubled Minato. A grimace was smeared on his face for having agreed to this even if Minato accepted his own responsibility.

"Does this make you feel uncomfortable?" (Doctor)

"…I should've at least made an argument to have him hesitate on this." (Kaito)

"Me too. Let's go scold him together later." (Doctor)

"…Yeah, let's do that later." (Kaito)

Right now, the earth and sky are littered with Grimm in every corner. The area was fully compact with the masses of evil revolving around the lone boy wiping out hundreds that keep swarming him.

"We've got large quantities of these flying bastards eyeing us up there. Doctor, don't stand so close to the edge of the roof, please." (FrostNova)

"But then I'd miss the show Minato is about to present." (Doctor)

"What are you, a child?" (FrostNova)

FrostNova admonished the rather placid Doctor dully. She did not lessen her vigilance however, as large feathers were thrown over at their direction from the Nevermores. None of them made direct contact as they froze in the air and burst into tiny shards of ice.

A group of the large avians swooped down once the thought of using ranged-projectile attacks was dismissed. FrostNova swung her knife diagonally downwards from the right and a series of ice swords formed and were promptly launched to skewer one of the approaching threats.

The white rabbit woman was about to hurry to Doctor's side until he placated her with a gesture. Standing still as he witnessed an approaching Nevermore with its beak wide open, his mask broke as a chainsaw erupted from inside and severed the body of the crashing Nevermore evenly from the center. The split body slid lifelessly behind him while Doctor's mask restored itself with the chainsaw's disappearance.

The last one had its wings frozen from FrostNova launching a vortex of ice Arts in its direction. Without its supporting limbs, the Nevermore fell with its body buried on the front side of the building and head resting on the roof. It unreservedly screeched with its beak wide open. Using that opportunity, Kaito threw a spongy dough sweet lightly in the air and batted it with his hammer to send it flying into the exposed beak and down the Nevermore's throat.

"What was that?" (FrostNova)

"Oh, you know, a failed baby castella." (Kaito)

"But why feed it a dessert---" (Doctor)

The confused looks on Doctor and FrostNova were replaced with neutral expression as they saw the body of the Nevermore halt. It rapidly expanded until it popped like a balloon, mass-scattering its broken atoms until it evaporated into motes of black ash. The two from Terra silently took in the sight they witnessed planted firmly in their minds.

"...Is that not a biochemical weapon?" (Doctor)

Back down on the ground, Lilia had already swept the surrounding streets clean of any Grimm that were not near Minato's position. Neptune continued to empty her ammunition at a staggering rate of fire to kill off every Grimm she saw.

"Finish it, Daisoujou. Samsara!" (Minato)

A skeleton dressed as a Buddhist monk manifested behind Minato. It clattered its teeth and screeched, ringing the bell in its hand in a prayer. Giant revolving tablets of light enclosed the army of Grimm in a circle area. Below their feet was the light emitted from a praying mat. And from outside these revolving tablets are rising Sanskrit characters. With a holy sound, a blinding light consumed them until they were utterly purified of their evil existence by the power of this magic.

There was no longer any Grimm present. The group had succeeded in exterminating them all from the city. And the other group comprised of teenage girls were finished on their end of the fight, capturing the two males with the Neapolitan woman gone from sight.

"Alright, team! This has been a huge victory for us!" (Neptune)

Neptune brightly smiled and flashed a victory sign with her fingers. Lilia walked up to her side and joined in with her cheers. Having recovered his composure, Minato wearily smiled at the scene.

Just then, more people of this world arrived who looked to be of similar profession as guardians like the four girls. They looked relieved and somewhat disappointed that there were no more Grimm for them to hunt.

"I think we can call today a success. Look, they even brought a party." (Doctor)

Doctor idly commented as two giant flying ships appeared overhead. The officials have also arrived on the scene after the conclusion of the fight.

"You think they'll take us into custody?" (FrostNova)

"I wouldn't worry about too much. We still haven't figured out what our identities are in this world. From the reception Kaito and Minato got, I think we're safe." (Doctor)

FrostNova calmed down somewhat and observed the ruined city. The professionals have been evacuating the civilians while they fought and were now surveying the scene. One of which was restoring the damages to the city with a mysterious power.

"Hello Remnant…" (Kaito)

Kaito raised his head and stared at the shattered moon in the sky, wondering how these three months will turn out to be.





Serious-senpai: "No way…one of the three cursed ones went through!?"

???: "What a surprise. I didn't think any of them could bypass the system's check. It appears that beings registered as pets or familiars get to come along. But then who was judged as one and given the greenlight…"

Lazy Heart: "Aside from the eventual horror that will follow if whatever is inside that pokeball gets released, I wonder how many remember me using a gun during the gameplay section of the original version of the Hyperdimension Neptunia game. I think the author's got a planned intermission chapter following Minato and Doctor on their adventure in Terra up to recruiting FrostNova. No idea on when that'll be released, but look forward to that I guess."

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