Peaceful World Invited To The Group Chat

Chapter 21: RWBY Arc: Looking into our identities

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I was listening to the group huddled together and discussing on what our next move should be. It hadn't been long as we reached a consensus to interact with the approaching people coming in our direction.

A prominent team of girls from I assume to be familiar with myself was fast approaching. They were finished with dealing with those they needed to apprehend and left the duty of taking them into custody to those walking robots carrying firearms.

"What a coincidence meeting you guys here!"

Red Riding Hood merrily greeted us once she put away her oversized scythe on her back into an inert form making it more convenient to carry. I don't know what to make of having a total stranger looking at me like an old friend when that was due to the effect of the unique ID grafting a personal history for myself and the others in this world. But before I can muse onto this further, Snow White interjected by stepping forward to address me and Minato-kun.

"It was a pleasant surprise to have our seniors backing us up there. And you too, brother. Who knows if Roman Torchwick would've slipped away again had you not been there to distract the Grimm for us?"

"Except this time the heroes have prevailed, and evil has been apprehended!"

"Only because I was there to make up for your sloppy performance."

"Weiss, you're suppose to back up your leader here!"

The quite lenient and friendly attitudes the two had for each other got me to smile at their little quips. Beauty and Goldilocks were the next ones to follow up their teammates.

"Strange fate it is to see you again this early. I was sure you guys were out on the border of Vale to help with expanding the city and exterminating the Goliaths."

"This is team MNTK (Moonstruck) we're talking about here. Of course they'd be back in a flash. They even have pro huntress Ms. Lilia as their chaperone."

I gleamed any notable information these girls were unintentionally giving to us strangers in these lands. The city we were in was called Vale and some of us made up of a team of hunters if Lilia-san's profession is anything to go by.

"Think of us being here due to foresight. My intuition told me something huge was about to happen in the city, so I and everyone finished early to wander around." (Minato)

It was Minato-kun who was the first to speak up and communicate with these girls. Always the reliable one to break the ice. The girl oozing the aesthetic of an assassin nodded like his words explained everything perfectly.

"Knowing you, it makes sense. Even if illogical. That crazy intuition of yours has always been really reliable…and a bit creepy how accurate it is."

"Just another trait that shows how amazing my brother is."

This was an amusing sight with Minato-kun coming to terms with now having an admiring sibling bragging about him while carrying that troubled expression on his face.

"Hey now, your brother would appreciate it if you toned down the extolment…Sister." (Minato)

"That's new. Since when did you decide to refer to me by our familial status?"

Snow White…Weiss perked an eyebrow at being called sister by Minato-kun. The young man just shrugged noncommittedly at her.

"Call it a change in tune after not seeing you for so long." (Minato)

"From someone as anti-social and stoic as you? I must be dreaming." (Weiss)

That was a nice recovery, onii-chan. Weiss seemed to take it in good strides and felt happy at him for confirming their relationship as siblings.

Nepu-chan wanted to say something too and turned to Red Riding Hood.

"Hey, you spanking girls haven't explained anything on your end. What kind of crazy development spurned all that ugly?" (Neptune)

"Oh, hey Nep! Well, us team RWBY thought about investigating some criminal activity and booked a mission from somewhere outside the city, then we fought on a subway station, and you know, tried to stop Vale from getting destroyed."

I quickly understood their situation watching the red girl using gestures animatedly to explain it to us.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but I wasn't sure what your names were." (Lilia)

Lilia-san brushed that aside and worked up the courage to ask something from them. It was a shot in the dark and had a lot of risks. To have someone you know in close terms suddenly forgetting your names was too suspicious. But that didn't happen. The group looked astonished like they were finally realizing something while getting so caught up talking with us.

"Ohmygosh, Lilia Albert just talked to me! The Lilia Albert!"

"Hey, Ruby! Don't spaz out now! Ahem, Ms. Lilia, my name is Weiss Schnee. I am deeply honored to have caught your interest." (Weiss)

"Blake…Blake Belladonna." (Blake)

"And I'm Yang Xiao Long! But you can call me Yang, Ms. Lilia." (Yang)

"M-My name is Ruby Rose! Can I possibly have your autograph!?" (Ruby)

I flashed a thumbs up to Lilia-san for her well-done job. She smiled from the gesture and accepted my gratitude calmly. Doesn't seem like these girls knew Lilia-san personally, but that she had quite the reputation if going by their overwhelming reactions. Perhaps they were too nervous to strike up a conversation with her.

"Say, Ruby---" (Kaito)

"Yes, Kaito!?" (Ruby)

"Oh, um…" (Kaito)

I was startled by her intense reaction to me calling her name. Seriously, what exactly is my relationship with these girls in this world? And not just her, the other three had favorable impressions of me too. I resumed from where I left off with my composure back.

"Place isn't the best to be catching up, not with these androids wandering and making the scene a bit too suffocating. Why don't we move this elsewhere?" (Kaito)

"Oh I getcha. Airships are around the corner. Let's hurry on back to Beacon together." (Ruby)

"Yeah, let's do that." (Kaito)

Not done with her business with me, the smallest girl on the team walked up close and whispered something.

"Remind me to get Ms. Lilia's autograph on the airship." (Ruby)

"No worries. I'll ask her to give you one. She's a nice person." (Kaito)

And Ruby lightly squealed from the prospect of acquiring that autograph gifted by me. Wasting no time, all of us were on the move to board one of the airships lying around at some corner in the city. During this time, Blake silently walked up to my side, and like Ruby, whispered something to me.

"Ask Ms. FrostNova for me if I can have her autograph." (Blake)

"No problem. I don't think she'll refuse a request from me if I ask nicely." (Kaito)

When I answered back, Blake gained a pink hue on her cheeks and uttered a tiny 'thank you' to me before walking back to her team. I sensed something that made me uncomfortable, so I looked over my shoulder to glare at a smirking Minato-kun.

"Looks like Ms. Lilia isn't the only one receiving attention in this world, Yelena." (Doctor)

"Be quiet, Doctor." (FrostNova)

Amused faces were sent all around when Yelena became exasperated for her unwanted attention in the future. As if to humor her, one of the androids walked up to Doctor to state something.

"A message from General Ironwood, Doctor. He wishes to see you in the earliest time available."

"Ah…then give me the details for our appointment." (Doctor)


Now it was Yelena's turn to be amused by the sudden attention given to the bewildered Doctor.

When we reached the airship that will take us to Beacon, Tanjiro-kun had his eyes bugged out at the advanced technology before him. Thinking back, he was always in a constant state of shock with every direction he looked in the city too. Must not be too familiar with the city or with any technology period in my mind.




The airship took off and our group made a few small talks with team RWBY. We broke off and were currently seated somewhere they couldn't overhear us. It was Doctor who took the lead in our group discussion.

"I would like for us to take this time and review everything we witnessed and learned from RWBY." (Doctor)

"For one, this world doesn't have a full moon intact. Seems like something incredibly powerful broke pieces of it off that drifts around." (Kaito)

"Humanity certainly exists here. I've also noticed people with animalistic features on them like ears or scales on their bodies. Kinda like back on Terra, but with pure humans mixed in." (Minato)

"There's a common enemy in this world, and that's the Grimm. The monsters we fought earlier who seemingly don't have minds of their own and only exist to destroy others." (Tanjiro)

"But not everything is so gloom and doom. They've got heroes called huntsmen and huntresses defeating evil and protecting lives." (Neptune)

"And where these huntsmen and huntresses are trained to hone their skills is schools like Beacon…the place where tragedy will most likely befall." (Lilia)

"But that's why we're sent here in the first place. To prevent exactly that from occurring." (FrostNova)

Me, Minato-kun, Tanjiro-kun, Nepu-chan, Lilia-san, and Yelena-san spoke in turn as we pictured a mental image of this world. We aren't fully knowledgeable about everything. That why we're going to fill in the blanks for when we reach Beacon and learn as much as we can for the foreseeable future.

"Then let's talk about the danger levels of this world. Since we've got firsthand experience, what's your opinion of these Grimm?" (Doctor)

"That they're weak as fuck? If we weren't trying to minimize damage back there I could've wiped the floor with all of them." (Minato)

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"Hold your horses, Minty. I object to you being strong enough to beat them all. You couldn't accomplish that without all of our help." (Neptune)

"But the fact remains is that I had the highest kill count." (Minato)

"Like that's supposed to mean anything. If I transformed, it'd be a totally different story." (Neptune)

"Transformed?" (Tanjiro)

Tanjiro-kun exclaimed in interest during Minato-kun and Nepu-chan's argument. The lilac-haired girl puffed her chest up and proudly smiled.

"Yup. I can transform into an older version of myself. I've got higher specs when transformed. And I get quite busty too if I say so myself." (Neptune)

"That certainly sounds interesting. You wouldn't mind showing me some other time, right?" (Kaito)

"Geez, you're personally asking for me, Kay-chan? I didn't think you'd be so aggressive about wanting to see me in my plugsuit." (Neptune)

"Plugsuit? No, never mind. That wasn't where I was getting to…" (Kaito)

Nepu-chan wore a teasing smile while hugging her arms around her chest protectively from me. This goddamn gremlin is trying to ruin my reputation.

Okay, I can't deny that I got a lot more curious when she mentioned wearing a plugsuit.

"If you're done flirting, we can get back to our discussion. Neptune, I think you're misunderstanding one thing." (Minato)

"What's that?" (Neptune)

Under Neptune's quizzical look, Minato-kun glanced over to me.

"That I was trying to sell myself as the strongest person in the group. I am not. That title would have to go to Kaito-san here." (Minato)

"Eh? No, if we're talking about combat power, I'm actually the weakest amongst us." (Kaito)

"Ignore his protests, everyone. You'll have to trust me on my judgement. Kaito-san is hiding a lot more than he gives out. If he exerted even a little bit of effort, he could defeat me in a fight in an instant." (Minato)

"I concur. Kaito has a lot more to him than his appearance suggests." (FrostNova)

"Yelena-san!?" (Kaito)

"It tears me up that some of you are already aware of how much of a monster Kaito-san is." (Lilia)

"You too, Lilia-san!?" (Kaito)

No good, the conversation is turning to an unwanted direction for me. I didn't expect to be so misunderstood about my position in the power scale of the group. Tanjiro-kun and Nepu-chan had these starstruck expressions on them. I'm sorry you easily impressionable people must carry these unrealistic expectations of me. I'm really not that strong…

"I'm feeling that we've scrounged up all we got about Remnant. I would now like to focus our attention to the unique IDs we've been handed. Take out your cards and read to everyone what your identity is." (Doctor)

When prompted by Doctor, I whipped out my ID card to which the others followed shortly.

"Miyama Kaito, leader of team MNTK of Beacon Academy. Second year student studying to be a huntsman. Very popular in the school." (Kaito)

"Arisato Minato, member of team MNTK of Beacon Academy. Adopted son of the Schnee Family now runaway to become a huntsman. Considered to be a new hope for Humanity. Gee, how flattering." (Minato)

"Kamado Tanjiro, member of team MNTK of Beacon Academy. Formerly lived in the mountains with his family until coming down and being found by Miyama Kaito to join his team. Eh? It sounds similar to my background at home." (Tanjiro)

"Neptune, member of team MNTK of Beacon Academy. Amnesiac found by Miyama Kaito to join his team in the hopes that her memories will be restored one day while working as a huntress. Looks like the system picked up on my character trait as an amnesiac and recycled it here." (Neptune)

"That would make us amnesiac buddies." (Doctor)

"For real!?" (Neptune)

We've established that me, Minato-kun, Tanjiro-kun, and Nepu-chan are students studying at Beacon Academy. Well, that solves our problems of how to infiltrate the place no problem. I'm a bit disappointed that my identity in this world is so lackluster compared to the others though. It surprised me that Nepu-chan also had amnesia like Doctor to which she got excited to have found a common friend.

"Lilia Albert, graduate of Beacon Academy and alumni. Has a high reputation as the White Rose Valkyrie of Vale. Ehrm! Disregarding my nickname getting transferred over, I am sad I cannot be with Kaito-san as a fellow student…" (Lilia)

"I don't very much like being relegated to the role as a student. Considering my age, this is a lot more insulting than gratifying to relive another semester of school." (Kaito)

"But…!" (Lilia)

I don't get why Lilia-san is currently sulking so much at the missed opportunity to be a student again. She just walked up and leaned on to me with her eyes looking upwards at me.

"It would have been amazing to experience school days with Kaito-san…we'd have idle chit-chats with our desks next to each other, walk around campus together, eat lunch together, enjoy club activities together, and study together…how can I not be frustrated!?" (Lilia)

"Ah, I see…my bad." (Kaito)

So that's what she was worried about? It made her look that much more adorable with her slightly tearful face that I naturally wanted to comfort her, so I took her in my arms and rubbed her head.

"…That goddamn riajuu has forgotten he has an audience." (Minato)

"Amazing as always, Kaito." (Doctor)

"So this is the true power of Kay-chan." (Neptune)

"Watching this feels dirty…" (Tanjiro)

A smiled wryly at the fact that the others were still present unfortunately. Lilia-san was quicker to react and reluctantly backed away from me with a flushed face.

"P-Please excuse my unsightly self!" (Lilia)

"Calm down, Lilia-san. Even if we can't be fellow students, we'd still have opportunities to see each other in Beacon. I'm a student and you're an alumni currently teaching there." (Kaito)

"…!!! Yes! We can still enjoy a school life together!" (Lilia)

Now that she was encouraged by me, Lilia-san cutely pumped her fist and smiled happily.

"Whoa, you guys want to do roleplay as student and teacher in school at your age? So naughty, you two." (Minato)

"Shut up, Minato-kun. Aside from that, we still haven't heard what Doctor and Yelena-san's identities are." (Kaito)

"Forgive me for that. Let's see…Doctor, former Atlas military advisor and commander. Now runs a small pharmaceutical company called Rhodes Island. A trusted member of Ozpin's inner circle." (Doctor)

"Yelena, a snow rabbit Faunus and codenamed FrostNova in public. Is famous as a hero of the Faunus and appropriately titled the 'Winter's Scar.' Personal attendant of Doctor and...n-new..." (FrostNova)

"Yelena?" (Doctor)

I wonder why Yelena-san stalled her words near the end. She became increasingly nervous, and a furious blush came to her face. Why is that? I could barely hear her stuttering the words.

"N-New...newlyweds with Doctor!?" (FrostNova)

"What!?" (Doctor)

"I fucking knew it!" (Minato)

I was sure I wasn't the only one to be gobsmacked at the shocking revelation. Yelena-san was extremely aggrieved and self-conscious of the gazes she was receiving, especially from Doctor who was still trying to comprehend the situation. But Minato-kun was still the same as always, finding a ton of amusement for the two's predicament and clapped his hands to congratulate them.

"Even the system knows there's something going on between you two! Hey, is it really okay for you two to just run off to your honeymoon before talking with dad? Considering we have to kick his ass after we get back." (Minato)

"Keep your mouth shut, Minato!" (FrostNova)

"What she said! This is the system's fault!" (Doctor)

"At least I can say she's loads better than Kal'tsit. You've been wise to divorce her ahead of time." (Minato)

As the embarrassed duo were being put on blast by the group, I idly turned my eyes away from them to see team RWBY watching the ruckus from a distance with strange gazes. Good grief, I just hope time in Beacon won't be so eventful before this Vytal Festival happens.

I silently observed the outside world from the window of the airship, tuning out the noise around me. I could see the giant building next to the cliffside looming in the distance. For the next three months, that's going to be our home.





Serious-senpai: "Ugh, not the Doctor too! Is that guy going to become another riajuu!? Fuck, show some more resentment! Why do you look slightly happy from being forced into a relationship with FrostNova!? What about your questionable relationship with Kal'tsit!?"

Zero Sanity: "No, it's not like I'm happy about it or anything…Yelena is a very kind and beautiful woman, so understandably I'd get anxious in being tied together with her…as for Dr. Kal'tsit. I don't know any such woman or the kind of relationship we've had. Don't talk to me about her again, I fear Yelena might misunderstand."

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