Peaceful World Invited To The Group Chat

Chapter 22: RWBY Arc: Our dorm room

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The airship landed on the cliffside, and we stepped off on solid ground. Twilight was still cast above the sky. There were other students I could see that were roaming around the school grounds and returning back to the building. I admired the sight of the smooth pavement and the school that served as an institution for raising young huntsmen.

"I don't know about you, but I could go for some shut-eye after that fiasco."

"Yeah, no kidding. We all deserve a good rest for saving the day."

"Kaito, do you feel like walking with us back to the dorm rooms? We're only a few doors down the hall from each other in any case."

Team RWBY were visibly fatigued by all the nonsense of today and I felt myself resonating with them. Weiss and Yang verbally expressed their weariness and Ruby was quick to talk to me.

"I don't see why not. How about the rest of you?"

"You guys can go ahead of us. I and Yelena will be on our way to the headmaster's office at the top of Beacon Academy for business."

"Aren't you glad to be out of our sights so soon. You two have only been engaged for a short while, so I was worried you wouldn't be considerate of the time and place to start making out."

Minato-kun found a new way to mess around with Doctor and he was relishing it much to the chagrin of Doctor and Yelena-san. But good for them though. I felt certain that while Yelena-san was aggravated by the situation, she was also a bit hopeful of the prospect.

"C'mon, Doctor. Let's not waste anymore time with these kids."

"See you everyone."

We all bid the two from Terra farewell as they broke off from the group. Meanwhile, Nepu-chan was frantically looking around the place with childlike curiosity to the new world she's in.

"Why isn't this place fancy? It's got that college life vibe to it. They've got a fountain in the center and a statue. I wonder who's that their depicting?"

"Is Nep okay? She's acting weird like this is her first time at Beacon Academy."

"Since when has she not been weird? I'm surprised she's survived this long as a huntress in training with that careless personality of hers."

"In her defense, MNTK has been gone away for a month to get rid of all the Goliaths. You're also forgetting we're friends with Nora."

"Point taken."

Nepu-chan had me worried. She clearly didn't understand how not to stand out to keep herself from being suspicious. It's a good thing Weiss and Yang were able to answer Ruby's question so none of us needed to come up with an excuse.

"Nepu-chan, get down from that statue, you could get hurt."

"But Kay-chan! A main heroine has got to assert her position at the beginning of a new questline. I didn't get much screentime during the fight because Minty had to be so overpowered!"

"By vandalizing someone's statue who is obviously held in high regard by a lot of people?"

"A main heroine such as me has grown beyond feeling shameful about that stuff."

Stares are being attracted to Nepu-chan's extravagant display of standing on top of the statue's head and my worry was increasingly growing.

"What are you complaining about? Be grateful you have someone like me on the team to carry you. Just stay as a supporting character and you'll get free level-ups by proxy of being on the same team as me."

"I can't stand it! Just you wait, Minty! I'll get a cool action scene for myself that'll surpass all of yours!"

"You can try."

"How can you two argue for something so pointless…?"

The rest of us watched as these two argue back and forth for inconsequential stuff. Our group was feeling nervous at the antics of the two, but team RWBY looked unbothered by it. After a few minutes, we actually entered campus.




Arriving at the dorms, we broke off from team RWBY and entered our dorm room. It looked like a standard quad room with nothing eye-catching to see. With all that said, instead of sitting on the beds, we huddled together in the center of the room and sat down on the floor.

"Lilia-san, is it okay for you to be here? Aside from Nepu-chan, the room is full of boys."

"No, I'm alright. Kaito-san is here, so it's manageable for me. I'll leave a little later. I was thinking now is a good time to get along with everyone."

"Hmm…I'm already good friends with Minato-kun, but I haven't had the chance to hear of Nepu-chan's and Tanjiro-kun's story in their worlds."

I considered Lilia-san's proposal and turned to the two members I'm not overly familiar with. Nepu-chan and Tanjiro-kun had ponderous looks on their faces, perhaps thinking of where to start with explaining their own backstories. Minato-kun's face was disinterested by what was going on, but I can tell he was keeping his attention.

"Where to start…you heard me already, but I got into an accident and that struck me with amnesia. I don't know anything about my past, soooo I don't really have anything better to do with my life then just to live with it."

"Nepu-chan is surprisingly strong. I don't feel a single bit of stress coming from you over this."

"Hehe. My head is strong in more ways than one. I did survive crashing into the ground from like, falling a hundred thousand meters from the sky. My head got buried like Excalibur stuck in its stone. Oh, that's what got me to lose my memories too."

"You…fell from the sky?"

And a hundred thousand meters sounds like an outrageous height. It's so unbelievable that I'm inclined to think she embellished it. But before that, the others had degrees of surprise and concern from listening.

"Neptune's body must be absurdly durable to survive that."

"I never thought there were girls out there who are so outrageous. Ah, no, I guess that perception has changed after seeing Lilia-san and Yelena-san. Those four from team RWBY too, girls from other worlds are really strong."

Lilia-san spoke to Nepu-chan with mild admiration and concern for her well-being. Tanjiro-kun seemed to have come to realization. Good for him. The earlier he realizes the reality of the disparity in strength where us men fall short, the less surprised he'll be later.

"Now, I do want to recover my memories. But I'm no expert at this kind of thing and was kinda at a loss on what to do with myself. But then I heard Histy's voice in my head calling for my help and she said she knew how to bring my memories back. So I went on a journey across the world to rescue her and that's history. Don't ask me who Histoire is, I have no clue either."

"And you just believed the suspicious disembodied voice in your head? There's no proof she could get your memories back. So why go that far for just a stranger?"

That was the first time Minato-kun spoke up. He was really interested in what Nepu-chan's reason was for just up and deciding on saving one person the first thing she did waking up with amnesia. I was also interested in that reason and leaned a little forward in anticipation.

"Because saving Histy is the same as saving the world. And that's the atypical motivation for a protagonist. It only felt right to me."

And she answered it with such profound confidence like it was the most obvious thing in the world. My shock aside, Minato-kun hummed and made no further comments, opting to recede into the background in his own thoughts. I turned to the still amazed Tanjiro-kun, gesturing for him to begin his story.

"And you, Tanjiro-kun?"

"Eh? Ah, excuse me. I'm still thinking of where to begin…"

He crossed his arms and tilted his head down in contemplation. All of us just waited patiently for him. In a few minutes, he looked up again with a serious expression and opened his mouth.

"I was the elder sibling of a family of charcoal sellers living in a mountain village. It was just me, my mother, and my five younger siblings. On a day in winter, I was out on my job…so I wasn't present for what happened at home."

"…What happened?"

I could feel Tanjiro-kun's sorrow and rage emanating from him. I'm sure the others could too by picking it up from his words. That's why all of us were very worried about what we're going to hear next.

"Aside from my younger sister, Nezuko, my family was slaughtered by a demon while I was away. Nezuko was forced to become a demon too. It was that day where I promised I would find a way to return Nezuko back to being a human again and slay the demon who did it."

I heard a gasp to my side knowing it was Lilia-san who was in a similar state of shock like I was from hearing the tragic fate that had befallen Tanjiro-kun's family. Even the upbeat Nepu-chan was silent with a frown on her face. And Minato-kun clicked his teeth and contorted his face like he swallowed something distasteful.

"…my condolences, Tanjiro-kun."

"No, it's fine. Right now, I'm more focused on becoming stronger to defeat Kibutsuji Muzan someday."

He shook his head and smiled softly to lessen our worries and to show that he's not stuck over that tragedy. And I came to admire Tanjiro-kun even more who was so still so determined to avenge his family and save his younger sister.

"If things become difficult for you, call us for help. That's what the group chat is for, right?"

"I agree with Kaito-san. I am more than willing to offer my sword to help a friend in need."

"Yup-yup. Fulfilling the requests of teammates is what a leader is all about, so ask away, TanTan."

"I was sure the leader is Kaito-san. But regardless, I don't mind sticking my nose into another world's business, so expect me to barge in sometimes."

"You guys…"

Overwhelmed by the positive support from us, Tanjiro-kun eyes became a bit misty as he tightened his fists laid on his lap. After he wiped his face, the attention turned over again to me and Lilia-san.

"Now the time has come for you two to fess up. What's really going on between you two lovebirds? And you better not skip out on the juicy details."

"It's hard to ignore how close you two act every time you're together. I even thought you were engaged."

Nepu-chan was itching to know with a teasing smirk on her face, and Tanjiro-kun wanted to know the same. The one who had to speak up was me since I had to take my position as a man seriously in moments like these.

"It's just as Tanjiro-kun thought. In truth, Lilia-san are happily married together for four years by now."

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"I-Indeed. Kaito-san and I have pledged our eternity together and have spent countless moments both in happiness and tribulations. F-Forgive me for not speaking sooner."

While I carried out announcing our matrimonial life as smoothly as I could, Lilia-san smiled gleefully in a crimson blush, clasping her hands over her chest in a praying gesture. She must've been incredible nervous of telling other strangers, but I know she was far prouder of our relationship than to be hesitant over it.

"Lilia-san, you don't have to work yourself up over it so much."

"I-I cannot consent to just stand idly by as you alone must confirm our love one-sidedly! It stands to reason that my love for you speaks of us as equals. Why must you be like this…"

"It's a given though. I love you far more."

"Mou~, I wouldn't lose in that case!"

As Lilia-san grew more vexed and internally thrilled at my words, the rest of the onlookers' reactions were a mixed bag. Nepu-chan's eyes were wide as saucers and have lost their irises and pupils in disbelief. Tanjiro-kun was gaping at the revelation, and Minato-kun had an all-knowing smirk with an edge of being sick of the sight.

"Clamp it down why don't you. I'm about to barf over here."

"Nepu!? K-K-K-Kay-chan's riajuu level is already maxed from the get-go! Aren't you supposed to be the archetype of the harem king that's got all the lovely maidens captivated but still remain indecisive himself!? Where does that leave me then!?"

"Seriously!? The two of you look really lovely together! I want to wish you two a happy future!"

Why are you acting so sick over there, you two-timing bastard? Nepu-chan, calm down already, the last thing you said was kind of concerning. Only Tanjiro-kun was happy over the announcement.

"Thank you, Tanjiro-kun. Unlike the others, you are the only one who doesn't seem mildly tipped off."

"You have my gratitude, Kamado-kun. Come to think of it, I haven't really said anything about myself here or from the group chat much. I'm a duchess in my world and quite experienced in martial arts."

"Eeehh~? So Lilia-san was a noble, huh...What!?"

Arehh? Tanjiro-kun was so composed until now. Yet out of the blue he looked like he was struck by lightning and broke into a cold sweat. With a snap he was already in a dogeza!?

"Please forgive my rudeness! I had no idea I was speaking to someone of such high esteem as you were!"

"Um, Kamado-kun…please raise your head, it's really uncomfortable to have a recently new friend start to act like that around me. Why don't you treat me just like before, okay?"

Tanjiro-kun was conflicted over her words. But he relented and picked himself off the ground and back to his original sitting position. He then looked over to me.

"Then does that make Kaito-san…?"

"My position is very extravagant, but you can think that I'm someone of appropriate standing to be with Lilia-san. Ah, and the same goes for me. Please treat me as you were until now."

"So that's how it is…somehow, it feels a lot more natural to be that way with Kaito-san than with Lilia-san."

"I get that a lot back at home."

"Kaito-san, please don't make light of your utterly absurd status back in Trinia…it's that exact attitude that gives me so much stomachaches."

"But everyone likes me that way though?"

"Why do I find that so difficult to deny…"

Lilia-san deflated in defeat to that. The conversation carried on while Nepu-chan was busy rebooting herself and Minato-kun smiled in the background. With a start, the lilac girl came to and exclaimed in the middle of the chatter.

"Night is getting close, and we've forgotten something important!"

"Un? What would that be?"

"Lilia-san can't sleep in this room since she's not a student. Then that would leave me helpless in the clutches of two adolescent boys and an adult man who can very well be into adultery for all I know! My purity is in serious danger!"

Are you trying to start a scandal against us men? I was not too impressed by the accusation to my gentlemanly stance. Tanjiro-kun and Minato-kun were of similar indignation.

"I would never lay a hand on a woman like that!"

"I already told you, I'm not into preteens."

"I resent that. I'm not the kind of bastard to snoop around with women I have no relations with."

"Then you'd totally do it with just any women you're familiar with!"

"That's only because---"

We were interrupted by the beeping noise of a notification going off in our pockets. It wasn't from the devices we carry that hold the group chat program. But what was replaced was something like it. Just what was this thing?

"Looks like everybody's phones got a design change. Look, even I have one now instead of being constrained to just a computer. Makes life so much simpler."

In our hands was a tablet that had a diamond in the center that had beeping lights around its contours. Fiddling with it for a bit, I pressed the diamond and it unfolded to show a holographic screen with numerous apps on the home screen including the group chat. There was a dot on the upper right corner of the group chat app with the number one in it, so I tapped it and read the message given to us.

[We have noticed the time was appropriate to hand out information for those who've purchased a pre-emptive unique ID card including invited guests in these temporary forms exclusively for this world mission.]

I heard Minato-kun groan from what I can suspect to be him having read the latter information and laughed at his expense.

[Your devices have changed into the form of scrolls, the main communication device of this world. Contained in them is information specific to the identities you have assumed in this world such as contact information, browsing history, and notes.]

"Oh. I've found a map of the entire school campus, including where my room is in the teacher's quarters."

"Sweet! Let me hang out at your place tonight, Lia!"

"There's even our student schedules in here. And history logs of missions that were conducted in the past."

"Um, how do I operate this?"

"You press here and swipe around like this."

While I got busy with guiding Tanjiro-kun on how to operate a phone, seriously, how did he managed to properly communicate with us before with his amateur technical skill I will never know, everyone else was quick to find more about themselves.

"Time to hit the sack. Lia, let's move on outta here. We can bond over games inside these scrolls."

"Farewell everyone. And goodnight, Kaito-san. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Goodnight to you too, Lilia-san."

The two females departed from the room, leaving only us three guys to spend the night as is.

"We should head to bed as well. We'll contact Doctor tomorrow considering that guy is likely to have scurried off and investigate as much about this world more than any of us."

"I'm game."

"Yeah, today we've done a lot already."

We changed to our sleepwear and dozed off quickly in our beds with the lights off. Feeling my eyelids growing heavy, I dreamt away into unconsciousness in a snap.




As the moon descended with the sky dyed in a somber blue and black and the room turned silent with the soft snores of the three occupants, unbeknownst to them was a shift in the air.

Left behind on Kaito's belt was the twitch of a pokeball coming to life. With not a sound to alert any, a floating figure manifested from in it and hovered over to its 'owner.'

An angelic smile graced the figure's face as they lightly brushed Kaito's hair in a way that would not disturb his peaceful slumbering face.

The 20 wings flowing from a ring behind the figure descended and laid themselves on the man's body as if caressing him. With this intimate gesture, iridescent eyes glowed in satisfaction as the being's focus turned to contact the dreamworld of the man she was in love with.





Serious-senpai: "It was the fucking berserker angeeeeeeell!!!!???"

???: "Oh, this is really fucked up…on what twisted grounds does she classify as Kaito-san's pet???"

Lazy Heart: "Gosh, Kay-chan's going to have it rough now. One more note before this chapter ends, author-san decided to do an experiment to see if the readers will like this arrangement better without having the person's name show up at the end of their dialogues. If reception is good and if the author himself likes it, then this will very much continue as is."

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