Peaceful World Invited To The Group Chat

Chapter 23: RWBY Arc: It came to me in a dream

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I awoke to the sensation of wind on the rooftop of a high-rise building. Finding my bearing of the surroundings, I looked around in search of a familiar person since I had a vague understanding that it must've been their doing.

"There's only one culprit who is belligerent enough to take me here when I'm asleep for a conversation." (Kaito)

I wryly smiled with a bit of dread. My field of vision is full of the metropolis below me, so my guess was most definitely correct.

"Indeed, you've guessed correctly, my 'beloved child!'"

I whipped my head around and saw a woman dressed simply in a white dress with a reddish cardigan, had long rust-colored hair and was about 150cm tall, but her most characteristic feature would be the mechanical wing on her right shoulder. Her face was well-groomed, and her eyes were a mesmerizing iridescent color.

"So you can even reach me here…Makina-san." (Kaito)

"It hasn't been long since we last talked like this, have we?" (Makina)

"Just for the sake of clarity, did you managed to tag along during the world jump? It would explain why I'm in this place in my dream." (Kaito)

"Hmm…it doesn't matter what distance or walls are in the way, if I wanted to contact my beloved child like this, I can simply do so just because I can." (Makina)

"Ah, okay. You are someone with power comparable to Shiro, so it shouldn't be surprising I suppose." (Kaito)

"But rest assured, my paradise unit Eden has been cleared by the system and have followed you into Remnant!" (Makina)

Like hell I can relax now that I'm aware! You went and admitted to something truly horrifying so cheerfully too. Well, if things go as usual, I won't be remembering this conversation after waking up.

Good luck, future me.

"I-I see…so Eden didn't count as a person, and was considered as an item I'm carrying…" (Kaito)

"Mhm! After all, Eden is just a factory-made soldier I created that I can control remotely." (Makina)

"Such a logic is allowed, huh…" (Kaito)

What an outrageous development. System, are you really okay with letting this slide? Were there not other instances similar to this that went too far? While I was too engrossed with myself asking which regulations were violated, Makina-san floated over to me.

"Truthfully, those useless details aren't important." (Makina)

"You're just sweeping that under the rug!?" (Kaito)

"Mother was deeply worried how you would take care of yourself in a new environment! Ohh, I almost couldn't control myself earlier and just wanted to break out and genocide all those inky trash from existence! How dare those lowly, brainless beasts snarl at my beloved child! Just thinking about it makes me want to complain and torment the person who invented them until they beg to be slaves for my beloved child! No, would having them be slaves to my beloved child only tarnish his noble stature!? On second thought, let's just carve the pain of their being crushed down by every atom, no, by every iota of their quarks and raise their perception level to that of attoseconds so that they wouldn't miss a single moment of agony! And---!!!" (Makina)

"Hiii…" (Kaito)

Scary! Super scary! She's already losing her composure and has fallen into ranting for the destruction of whoever's the progenitor of those monsters! I'm frozen in fear at that insane display of her yandere personality…

"---Not enough! I'll imprison them in an endless loop so that the punishment will be everlasting! Forced to repeat, incapable of enduring, but not allowed to break! They'll not be spared of even going insane!" (Makina)

"Umm! Why don't we move on and talk about more relevant stuff like important information about Remnant that could affect the success rate of the mission!" (Kaito)

"Hmm? Ah yes, we can talk about that. Forgive me, I was too immersed in my thoughts just now that I've made the mistake of taking my eyes away from you." (Makina)

Makina-san's personality was a trial for me to manage. Even after these years it was exhausting to keep her temper from flaring up into borderline madness. Just about anything involving me would provoke her instinctual protective tendencies and coddling.

"We can do what you suggested, but isn't there more pressing matters to talk about before that?"  (Makina)

"Like what?" (Kaito)

Makina-san looked to be in a very good mood despite her earlier episode of insanity.

"God's half body isn't with you, and Shallow Vernal is nowhere near you. That would leave me as your only omnipotent ally to these worlds. Fufufu, I get to be left alone with my beloved child and pamper you to my heart's content!" (Makina)

She had a blissful face after claiming that which rustled my danger senses to the extreme. Oh shit, she's right! There's nobody with me that could act as a deterrent for her when she goes on a rampage other than me! And there is only so much that my ineffectual actions could do to mitigate her from exploding all her pent-up affection towards me.

"T-That might be the case, indeed…but still, Shiro can still read my mind even when separated by worlds. She'll definitely complain to you afterwards when I get back home." (Kaito)

"H-Hmm! That is the case…she will absolutely do that if I cross the line even now…gunugunu." (Makina)

The good mood of hers visibly soured. Her cheeks puffed up and she grumbled beneath her breath in dissatisfaction. In the next moment, she recovered herself somewhat and steeled her determination.

"B-Be that as it may, is it not wonderful that mother will be always by your side!?" (Makina)

"Eh? Umm…I can say that having someone dependable as Makina-san nearby does fill me with relief." (Kaito)

"Fufu~, what are you saying now, of course mother will never leave you. A dose of mother's infinite love for you will always be a great source of stress relief. That's why, you are always welcome to consult with mother and jump into my embrace. I. Am. Always. A~vail~a~ble~." (Makina)

Though I would very much like to contest with your statement of your love being a source of stress relief…it isn't like I'd deny that Makina-san has always helped me and has been a wonderful person to talk to when she's just acting as a normal girl fitting for her appearance.

"I'll make sure to visit you when I'm concerned with something like I always do." (Kaito)

"Fufufu~" (Makina)

That cheered her up alright. With the sound of moving machinery, Makina-san conjured trays of takoyaki and a bench for us to sit while we talk. As we ate, Makina-san's expression turned somewhat attentive while she enjoyed stuffing the food down her mouth.

"To go back to your request, the danger level of this world is disappointing. In fact, it would seem a little too easy for the realm of power you all possess." (Makina)

"I guess the system is taking it easy on us who are just starting out." (Kaito)

"Indeed. The system could not afford to disgrace themselves by leaving you all stranded to somewhere you'd die in an instant on your first mission. It wants to observe how the group reacts to adapting to a new world and judge which will become the core members of the team." (Makina)

"That makes sense. For reference, who do you think among us seems noteworthy enough to be judged as a core member?" (Kaito)

"If I compare their potential and total influence over the success of the mission, be it their future actions and disposition with my omniscience…that meatbag from an Earth different from my own with death attached to him…erhm, the blue one. There is nothing in this world that can put him down." (Makina)

"Ahh, so Minato-kun. I figured he'd be the strongest among us besides Lilia-san…wait…death?" (Kaito)

Seemingly as if Makina-san didn't hear what I said, she continued with her evaluation of this world.

"The only enemy that stands out is just an unimpressive pale meatbag with a pittance of magic power and controls the walking trash full of ink. The real nuisance is that she is cursed with immortality by some useless gods who created the planet and its walking meatbags." (Makina)

That's something helpful to remember. I'm sure Makina-san will allow me to retain the information when the time comes for me to wake up.

"Those two useless gods flying around in space…I think I should give them a piece of my mind later." (Makina)

"...Please don't cause too much of a ruckus." (Kaito)

I don't think there's any way I can prevent Makina-san from getting into contact with the local gods. It felt inevitable seeing as Eden's presence in the real world will tick off on their radar at some point. I only hope she knew when to hold back so they don't actually become 'useless.'

"What about the powers here? This world's people should have something unique to them if they've managed to fight the Grimm. I saw a peek of it from team RWBY. Ruby sometimes transformed into a cone of flying roses at high speeds." (Kaito)

"Fumu…only a select few can use magic. It used to be a common power, but one of the useless gods took that gift back from the meatbags. The other few who still do are selected by the magic power of the wenches while the last one is just a reincarnating parasite." (Makina)

"Eh? none of what I saw was magic being used." (Kaito)

That came as a shock. How would you describe the powers of Ruby's super speed and Weiss's glyphs if not magic? The latter had some variety to it too like manipulating gravity and limited time dilation.

"They have what is called aura. Aura is the manifestation of the soul and every living being that has a soul has aura with the exemption of the inky sludge. It's like an invisible membrane coating the body that boosts offensive and defensive capabilities and can even be extended to held items." (Makina)

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"That explains the superhuman abilities, but not the unique magic-like powers I saw." (Kaito)

"With their aura unlocked, one develops a semblance. A semblance is the innate power that differs from individual to individual. There are exceptions that don't follow the basic rules such as some semblances being hereditary." (Makina)

" it's like a Heart Tool, but instead of a power coming from the heart, it comes from the soul." (Kaito)

That sounds really cool. To wield a power that is innately a part of your soul tickles that chuuni itch in my heart.

"As a power coming from the soul, it also has a unique color from person to person. Would you like me to unlock your aura, my beloved child?" (Makina)

"Huh? Right now?" (Kaito)

"Yes. I would like to see what the color of your soul and semblance is in person." (Makina)

Are you kidding me? Of course I would accept. Giving my consent, Makina-san placed her palm to my chest and channeled power to me. In a moment, an uplifting feeling of power from within me rose with a click and I could feel a protective layer covering my body. I looked down to my fingers, balling them into a fist and releasing them.

"I certainly do feel stronger now that I have aura...but I can't seem to find that so called semblance in me." (Kaito)

"Some won't figure out what their semblance is even if given a lifetime. It will take some trial and error to fully understand what your semblance will be. However…since I have omniscience, I can just find out for you!" (Makina)

Makina-san was pitching her own service with her chest puffed up and a proud look on her face. I don't feel like declining, especially as she was quite energetic right now that it was pretty cute to see. I chuckled for a bit and nodded. Covering one of her eyes, I could vaguely sense Makina-san peering into my soul with her one free eye.

"The color of my beloved child's aura…huh, it doesn't have a color? But it's certainly gentle and warm…and the name of this semblance…" (Makina)

I waited patiently for Makina-san to finish her observation. As soon as she removed her hand covering her eye, she poked a finger to her chin and narrowed her eyes.

"The name of your semblance is Bhavesh…the meaning of that name is 'Lord of emotions.'" (Makina)

"And its effect?" (Kaito)

Not responding immediately to my question, Makina-san scooted closer to me until our faces were a mere breadth apart. Whoa, that was too close that it caught me off guard.

"My beloved child, try to concentrate and keep an image of myself at the forefront of your mind." (Makina)

"Okay…" (Kaito)

I followed her words easily. I believe she was guiding me on how to use my semblance, so there was no reason for me to question her intent. I was surprised again by what occurred next.

(Were you successful, my beloved child?) (Makina)

"Did I hear your thoughts, Makina-san?" (Kaito)

"Yes! You were able to read the surface thoughts of those you've forged a bond with. That's only one part of your semblance. Now, take a good look at me and focus your aura to your eyes this time." (Makina)

In the next step, I felt my aura course up to my eyes due to me willing it to. With Makina-san taking up my entire view, I focused on her and a name propped up to my head.

"Antikythera?" (Kaito)

"Mhm. You can read the signature of a person's soul and find other aspects of it like the name of a semblance such as mine that I do not have unlocked. You were only able to do all of this to me since I allowed it, but we've figured out some parts of your semblance." (Makina)

"There's more?" (Kaito)

"There is, but I'll leave that for you to find out later as your semblance is still only in its infant stage. The more you practice your aura and semblance, the more of its power will come naturally to you." (Makina)

I suppose I'll have to be satisfied with that for now. My semblance sadly didn't have much in the way of giving me a means for offense. Someday, I wish I could use a power of my own that can be used offensively instead of being for supportive and auxiliary purposes.

"There there, my beloved child." (Makina)

When noticing my disappointment, Makina-san consoled me by patting my head with a bright smile.

"I'll give you a hint, try and develop that aspect of connecting with a person with your semblance. You will find its other functions and evolution to be quite satisfactory." (Makina)

You're not giving me false hopes, right? This semblance of mine still has the potential, right?

"Your awakening is approaching. This wonderful time of ours will have to sadly end." (Makina)

She was reluctant to see me leave this place, but she understood that I can't stay here forever.

"I enjoyed this time together like we've always done, Makina-san." (Kaito)

"Un. I'll be sure to let you remember about your aura and semblance. I'll even add the method to unlocking a person's aura to your memory when you wake up." (Makina)

I felt grateful for her unconditional assistance. This should've been where I wake up immediately and leave this place. And yet, Makina-san looked at me with a very expectant emotion on her face.

"My beloved child…we can't forget to do that." (Makina)

Left with no choice, I bend my head down to close the distance between us. She closed her eyes and smiled gently to receive my kiss on her cheek. I withdrew from her, and the melodic sound of her giggling reached my ears. I felt my heart warming up as she swung her legs back and forth in pure happiness.

To return the favor, Makina-san was the one to get closer to me. She raised her body and planted a kiss on my cheek with a blush. I felt the heat rising on my face, especially from the area where she kissed me.

It was a routine we came up with to express our affection to each other the moment before I wake up from this dream world. The simple method was so that Makina-san had a way to give me her affection while staving off her madness from interfering. Makina-san's parting gift was tender like an all-loving mother and coquettish like a girl in love. It was a shame to forget her dazzling smile.

"Until next time, my beloved child." (Makina)





Doctor. M: "I've finally revealed my true form in this fanfic! Hau~, the author really knows how to bridge the gap in my relationship with my beloved child at the end there!"

Serious-senpai: "Guh…we've got another sicko in here."

Lazy Heart: "Awawawa…my body is shaking like crazy being next to her…"

???: "It was only a matter of time really…"

Doctor. M: "And here is a bit more trivia for the inspiration of the semblance my beloved child now has."

[Bhavesh] : A male Indian name. Rooted from the Sanskrit words for "existence" and "Lord." It has a different pronunciation that can have a different meaning for "emotional" in place of "existence." The name has the meanings of "Lord of the existence," "Lord of emotions," "Lord of the wisdom," and is also another name for the Hindu god Shiva.

Serious-senpai: "...Somehow, I'm suspecting the author is one of know, a chuuni."

Doctor. M: "That seems very plausible. Antikythera, or more specifically the mechanism that is considered to be the first mechanical computer…the author certainly likes to do his research."

Lazy Heart: "They can't possibly be as cringy as a certain 'Walking Black History' who has white hair, wears an eyepatch and has a robotic left arm…oops, I can't spoil too much, can I?"

???: "You practically gave away the identity of that person with just those descriptions!? Che, I can do that too! Check out the names for these semblances! Chamber of Guf! Vom Kriege! Ostomachion! Amenohoakari!"

Author: "Shut the hell up!"

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