Peaceful World Invited To The Group Chat

Chapter 24: RWBY Arc: Ozpin and his posse

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It had been a few hours ago before the rest had fallen asleep. When Doctor and FrostNova broke off from the group, they headed straight to the elevator in the main hall of the Beacon Tower. Without much delay, the button indicating the topmost floor of the building was pressed. That was the assumed room where the headmaster was awaiting them by the words of an android that stopped by to carry a message to Doctor.



The ride for a time was done in silence. The two awkward Terrans stood idly, refusing to face the other. The limited space had its charming music playing in the background to lighten the mood, but that did little to elevate the occupants' dawdling to initiate a conversation. By the fortieth floor, it was mutually felt that the indecisive air was getting unbearable.

"Hey---" (Doctor)

"So---" (FrostNova)

"No, you go---" (Doctor)

"You first---" (FrostNova)

They both shut their mouths in that instant. It would've been better if there was a third wheel present to form a bridge so some semblance of communication might exist.

They considered the sagacious Minato and his ever undying need to poke fun at others and elicit embarrassed reactions preferable here even if the two were annoyed from it for so long prior.

No, scratch that. Kaito and his endless atmosphere of kindness that drew others into dropping their guards and finding comfort in interacting with him was far more reliable in this situation.

Neptune could also provide with her silliness and charming mouth that always had something to say in any situation, creating the same desired effect of stringing people along in her flow. That is, if only the other person had the patience and fortitude to follow along with what she says half the time.

Tanjiro would not be found fitting here. He was too new to the group and was still in the process of finding his spot in it, much less speak to anybody under some common ground.

Lilia they could do with seeing as she was raised in a noble background, so she must have exceptional experience in socializing with others and keeping her composure, they suspected. Oh how wrong they were.

"Yelena." (Doctor)

"Y-Yes, Doctor?" (FrostNova)

The rabbit ears on FrostNova's head jumped from her name being spoken. Inwardly relieved, she fully regarded the Doctor who scrounged up his courage.

"You don't have to pay too much attention to Minato's words. Our assumed relationship as a married couple is just temporary. You only need to think of it as being necessary for the mission." (Doctor)

"Right...the mission." (FrostNova)

He intended his words to help soothe her worries in respect of her honor. Or at least, that's what the considerate Doctor assumed. Instead, FrostNova's subdued reaction with a lingering trace of disappointment perplexed him.

"So what you're saying acting as a married couple is completely viable under the premise of our given identities in this world." (FrostNova)

"Yes? I suppose you can interpret it as such. Although, you aren't under any strict orders from me to do as you please if you find it uncomfortable." (Doctor)

"Hmm..." (FrostNova)

FrostNova retreated to her corner in contemplation. Her eyes gained a light, and so she strode on over to Doctor's side, confusing him with her approach.

"Yelena?" (Doctor)

Doctor did not say anything further. He was too caught up by FrostNova clutching his arm and resting the side of her head on his shoulder. For a moment, he got dizzy by the sudden warmth on his shoulder and the sweet scent of her hair.

"This...!" (Doctor)

"What's the matter? I assure you that I am not stepping over any boundaries for this." (FrostNova)

"Okay. But I cannot see for what purpose does this serve." (Doctor)

"We must put on a convincing act for a married couple. Give it that authenticity." (FrostNova)

"Yeah…but, aren't you too into the role? This is going too fast." (Doctor)

FrostNova raised an eyebrow at him with her head craned to see his mask.

"I don't see how. I'm just making up time we've lost despite me being your secretary back on Terra. There's no Blaze barging in on your office to invite you to the bar, no Amiya handing you paperwork, and that bounty hunter…Skadi? She's not here to suspiciously stay around near you outside of her arranged role as secretary of the week." (FrostNova)

"Those are some very specific people you just listed…" (Doctor)

Doctor redid his thinking on the situation. The discomfort was growing into something alike to fear quite a bit from how forceful her words are getting, and the tightening grip of her arms.

"Come now, Doctor. Does our commander have cold feet just from this arrangement?" (FrostNova)

"Please, take it easy on me. I'm not…good at putting on an act for this kind of stuff." (Doctor)

"You always were slow on the uptake." (FrostNova)

"And we're going to meet with a very eminent person soon, so getting clingy would not look appropriate." (Doctor)

FrostNova sighed but agreed with his words. Reluctantly, she withdrew her arms and stood next to his side for the remainder of the lift.

"But man…this elevator goes high. Where is this taking us, to the moon?" (Doctor)

A snort to his side answered his comment.

On the bright side, their little banter made the journey feel much shorter, and the elevator cabin halted subsequently. The doors slid open and the two stepped out to the office.

The Headmaster's Office was spacious in a circular shape with green-gray tones on the floor and walls. Wide windows gave an impressive view of the surrounding area, being high above the clouds.

"It's good to meet you again, Doctor. And it's a pleasure to finally meet you as well, Ms. FrostNova."

Greeting them from his desk was the Headmaster, Ozpin. A man who looked like he was in his mid-30s, having tousled silver hair and thin brown eyes. On his face were shaded glass spectacles. His outfit consisted of an unzipped black suit over a green, buttoned vest and green shirt. His lower half wore black trouser shoes, and dark-green pants.

FrostNova nodded at the man's greeting, opting to stay silent and let Doctor to do all the talking.

"Ozpin…to what do I owe the pleasure for you to call upon me?" (Doctor)

"Must you sound so distant, old friend?" (Ozpin)

The bespectacled man sipped his coffee mug.

A misstep already. Doctor revised his way of talking mentally before continuing. He had to tread carefully since he knew nothing of the man on his end. Unless he wanted to draw suspicion, he must act out the role he was given in this world.

"...So what's the occasion?" (Doctor)

"Oh no, we don't have to rush. Let us wait for James to arrive and then we can go on to business. Make yourself comfortable." (Ozpin)

More waiting. Grateful for the leniency, Doctor roamed his eyes and fell upon the other occupant of the room that was present before he and his partner arrived.

"It has been quite some time since we last saw you, Doctor."

It was a woman with light-blonde hair tied in a bun. Vibrant green eyes that held sternness in them behind those thin ovular glasses. Her uniform was a white long-sleeved, pleated top having a wide keyhole neckline. On her lower body is a black high-waisted pencil skirt, black stockings, and black boots. Behind her back was a black cape with purple on the inside.

Noticing that Doctor was slow to respond to her, FrostNova stepped forward to cover his back.

"I'm sorry, but you are?" (FrostNova)

"Glynda Goodwitch. I've heard the many tales of the Winter Scar. I've seen to some extent of your power earlier today. Your reputation precedes you." (Glynda)

"Ah, yes. You're that woman who was fixing the city back then." (FrostNova)

Glynda nodded to her, expressing her respect to the snow rabbit woman. FrostNova likewise done the same. The stern woman shifted her attention back to Doctor.

"You still wear that mask and coat." (Glynda)

"What can I say, my wardrobe is uninspiring. But you don't need to fix what's not broken." (Doctor)

"Ever so dubious you are. From your appearance to your name. I'm still skeptical if that's even your real name." (Glynda)

"You'll have to ask my parents what their mind was like when they named me that." (Doctor)

A sigh escaped her lips. Having nothing else to say, Glynda went silent, turning to her own thoughts.

Left with nothing urgent to attend to, Doctor tried to open the group chat in his head to pass the time. He tried that is. Confused by the lack of response, he belatedly realized his unique access point had been compromised for some reason.

The sound of buzzing occurred, removing him from his thoughts. He figured it came from one of his pockets and asked to excuse himself politely from the two from Beacon. He noticed the rectangular object in his pocket and managed to turn it on with ease.

He spotted the group chat app and saw the pinged message directed to him by FrostNova, who found out about the scrolls and the details laid out by the system earlier than him. Doctor read every history log on his scroll, not forgetting to send a thank you message to FrostNova, and scoured as much relevant information about Ozpin and his secret group that he was apparently a part of for the past half-hour.

Time was spent reviewing all the information available to him as the room gone silent. The mechanical sound of the elevator doors opened, and the final man they all waited for arrived.

"Apologies for keeping you all waiting. I had unfinished business to take care of in the wake of today's disaster in Vale."

The final person was a man of rigid stature. On him was a white overcoat, gray undercoat, black sweater, and a white glove on his right hand. The white pants on him were tucked in his silver boots that clacked on the floor.

"James Ironwood. Fancy seeing you here." (Doctor)

"Ah. You have no idea what a relief it is to see you here, Doctor." (James)

The one to greet him was Doctor after looking into the information detailing his acquired relationships. It was assumed that they were trusted allies with a history in the military of Atlas. That was given credence when James walked to him with visible eagerness and clapped his shoulders to show how close they were.

"With your great mind among our ranks, I have no doubts that we will prevail against our enemies." (James)

"Enemies? Is there someone who threatens the world at large or something to that effect?" (Doctor)

"Allow me to explain, Doctor." (Ozpin)

The entire room focused on the voice of Ozpin standing from his chair. His general demeanor had not visibly changed, but the air around him and his eyes were firm instead of their previous tranquility.

"With you as our recent addition to the group, I believe it is fair you are informed of who our enemy is. And the war taking place in the shadows." (Ozpin)

"War?" (Doctor)

Doctor and FrostNova's expressions were grave from the mention of that word. Not that anyone can tell what Doctor's facial expression was. What was important was the scale of what they're meant to be dealing with and if it was related to their mission.

"Yes. You are familiar with the story of the four Maidens?" (Ozpin)

"How they possess unimaginable powers such as controlling the elements. A power separate from aura and semblance. To prevent these powers from staying under the hands of one person, they are passed down to young women upon the host's death." (Doctor)

"Indeed. Fearsome powers they are, and our group has been tasked with protecting the maidens for thousands of years to prevent them from falling into the wrong hands." (Ozpin)

Doctor mentally frowned from the wording.

"That's been compromised now, hasn't it? That power has fallen into the wrong hands." (Doctor)

"Sharp as always. You haven't lost your touch even after retiring from the military." (Ozpin)

The sound of Ozpin taking a sip from his mug echoed.

"One of the maidens was attacked and half her powers stolen. Amber has fallen in critical condition and her chances of recovering aren't ideal." (Ozpin)

Glynda and James gripped their arms, knowing full well that the situation has escalated. And they fully knew they were in the dark as to how to combat this.

"So, who's the enemy on the other side we have to defeat?" (Doctor)

"Salem. The master of the Grimm and possesses magical powers. She has existed for thousands of years, in a deadlock with us guardians from trying to enact whatever goals she aims to accomplish." (Ozpin)

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"For thousands of years?" (Doctor)

That came as a shock. The war prolonged for so long and inexplicitly so did the commander it seemed.

"Salem...possesses immortality. She has proven herself close to being insurmountable for generations. The war cannot be truly won because of it, thusly we have only managed to stave off her attempts for control. But now, the board has been shaken and I cannot predict the outcome." (Ozpin)

Immortality. Such a long-sought dream by mortals is now in the hands of the enemy wishing to exterminate all life. The Doctor himself can understand how troublesome and ineffectual all effort becomes in the face of such unfairness. After all, he too was immortal, and in no small thanks to Kaito gifting him it.

"Which is why I called for you, Doctor. My apologies for bringing you into this mess despite your new tenant as a pharmaceutical company." (Ozpin)

"Don't think of it too much. It's too late for me to back down now. Then, what did you need me for?" (Doctor)

This was when Ozpin placed his scroll on the table and flicked it across the table to Doctor. Fiddling with the contraption, the masked man read the lines of texts present on the screen.

"Recently, there has been robberies, not for money, but to snatch all the Dust in Vale." (Ozpin)

Dust. A powerful source of energy in Remnant and Humanity's continuing reliance on it is what flourished it and kept it hanging on the edge of extinction many ages ago and even now where they founded civilization. Not only used in common appliances everywhere like electricity, but within the tools aiding in Humanity's continued existence from bullets and military forces in general.

For the Doctor, Dust carried many similarities to Originium in his world. Although, this world's natural resource didn't come with a disease that turned people into rocks, he woefully noted for the misfortune of his world.

"Stripping away at our vital source of military might so we'll be left defenseless for an invasion. And or they want to push pressure on us and see how we'll react, waiting for us to make a mistake. Leave an opening for them." (Doctor)

Already the Doctor was at work calculating and constructing the movements and thinking process behind these actions.

"And…there was an incident a month ago in Beacon where we believe a trespasser came to and escaped with something" (Ozpin)

"Oh? How'd that happen?" (Doctor)

"The intruder was a lot more skilled in breaching the school than expected. They broke into the Continental Transmit System Tower and left behind no traces for us to discern their identity. We only know that it was a woman from the accounts of one student who tried to stop her." (Ozpin)

"The tower connects to the most influential global communications system in the world. This is how we're able to keep communications with other Kingdoms and generally for everything down to our scrolls. Fortunately, our firewalls were able to keep her from getting into the system and prevent information from leaking. Who knows what she intended to steal from here." (James)

The Doctor did not think it would be that simple.

"Maybe, they might've not stolen anything. Maybe they wanted to leave something behind." (Doctor)

"Leave something?" (James)

"You're thinking too straightforward. Going on a solo mission in one of the biggest, most secured schools in the kingdom and leaving with nothing to show for it? Nothing stolen, no traces left behind, and their intentions are still unknown. It's too early to celebrate a shallow victory like that. Or you'll unknowingly lower your guards and fall into the flow of the enemy. In my mind, instead of taking from the system, they instead gave something to it." (Doctor)

"How can you be so certain? You suggest they inserted a virus into the system when some of my greatest technicians came back with none whatsoever after inspection?" (James)

"She's already breached Beacon. Her actions already suggest the confidence she holds. Like, as if she's almost certain of her success." (Doctor)

Convinced, the man of iron nodded and argued no further. Because these were the words of Doctor, he had no reason to doubt the man. Inwardly, he decided to run the scans again to find even the slightest fault within the system after this meeting.

"Attacks on our supply of Dust is bad enough already, we've investigated how they've been stealing technology from Atlas. And from today's incident, they've gotten bolder as of late." (Glynda)

"That's connected too?" (Doctor)

His thoughts went back to the Grimm swarming Vale incident he participated in.

"Fortunately, team MNTK was nearby to damage-control and eliminate them without any casualties. I see you were familiar with them, leading them on the operation." (Ozpin)

"So you saw that. Well yes, me and Yelena are more than familiar with them." (Doctor)

"A fine bunch, aren't they? One of the greatest seeds growing in Beacon. Their future is bright and the responsibility they uphold is arduous." (Ozpin)

That much he can agree with. He knew first-hand of Minato's power and how menacing it was. And if that young man's words were trusted, Kaito's were much on par with his. Of course, the Doctor maintained some level of caution from how much praise the bespectacled was handing out.

"Where are you getting at?" (Dcotor)

"I'm thinking of having them in the know about our circumstances in the future." (Ozpin)

"Then you have my support. If anyone is to be trusted about the saving the world, my vote goes to them." (Doctor)

The group of adults discussed onwards for the next several minutes. From current events, the number of the enemies, to how the state of the kingdom and its people were in after the fact. The talk then led on to the role the masked man was supposed to play now that he was onboard.

"We like for you to be our head strategist. With your wellspring of experience, I'm confident we'll find our answers and the rats close to us." (James)

"So the usual." (Doctor)

"I've also been selected as Head of Security for the upcoming Vytal Festival. To ensure the festival continues uninterrupted and for the citizens and students to be kept safe, I'll have my army operate in Vale." (James)

"How hasty of you. Holding a blade doesn't just mean you are prepared to fend off your foe, you are also risking yourself being cut by that same blade. Think of how the people will react having an entire army on their every side. You'll attract too much attention, especially from the Grimm." (Doctor)

"...I'll consider your opinion and revise my plan." (James)

Glynda scoffed in amusement from the rigid man's bashful reply while Ozpin sipped his coffee mug.

"Finally, someone talked some sense into him." (Glynda)

"I'm certainly glad to have you with us, Doctor. Who knows what any of us might trip on for being reckless without you restraining them." (Ozpin)

James could only cough into his fast awkwardly. Saving him from further embarrassment, Ozpin spoke up to change the topic.

"But enough standing around here, why don't we pay Amber a visit? I'm sure she would like to meet you, Doctor." (Ozpin)

"The maiden who's currently in critical condition? Why?" (Doctor)

"I'm seeking your expertise on medicine, thinking that you might have an angle we did not consider. Though miniscule, we have to try every option available if we want to save Amber." (Ozpin)

"I suppose I'll take a look at her. I've got time on my hands." (Doctor)

The headmaster's worry for his protégé was evident in his eyes. The Doctor did want to help the poor woman, not only for her sake, but to also screw over any of the enemy's machinations they had for her.

"Thank you. And James, I want all systems to be triple checked before the Vytal Festival. Assuming it's been compromised, we'll have to cease relying on it for the time being." (Ozpin)

"I'll run that by my technicians, scrutinizing every spec of data we can. Doctor, if you have anyone in mind with considerable skill in hacking, please let me know." (James)

A hacker who can spot malware in a global communication system that not even the greatest technicians in Atlas could accomplish? He knew of no such person. Unless someone within the group chat was hiding a talent for the field. Doctor figured he asked for the slight chance of one of them being capable.

And if he were to suspect someone who had the most likelihood of being or knowing someone who did have that kind of profession, then there was one person that came to mind with ungodly luck and a penchant for possessing the inexplicable.

(Let's call Kaito and have him solve this.) (Doctor)

With nothing left to discuss in the office, the room was vacated. They left for the elevator. Ozpin, as the guide, unlocked a secret compartment and scanned his scroll on it, activating the elevator to scroll down the tower.

The ride was nothing but mute with the elevator cabin crowded with five people in it. That silence was broken by Ozpin who recalled something.

"I heard you recently got married. Is that rumor true, Doctor?" (Ozpin)

Hearing Ozpin's question, Doctor and FrostNova uncomfortably shifted from where they stood. Glynda and James' expressions did not change, though they were curious nonetheless inwardly.

" heard that right." (Doctor)

The answer delivered a tremendous shock to the ones who expected otherwise. Glynda was the most shocked among the trio, eyes wide and snapping her head over to the Doctor. James was more subdued, but there was a grievance in his eyes.

"You!? Married!?" (Glynda)

"I see…but when did the ceremony take place? Why wasn't I given an invitation?" (James)

"Oh no…there was no ceremony taking place. We went to the office and got our marriage licenses, officializing it." (Doctor)

Glynda groaned from how anticlimactic it was resolved. James simply shook his head in clear disappointment at the masked man.

"Really? I mean, this is you we're talking about, but did you have to screw up something that important?" (Glynda)

"I've known for a long time that you value being discreet, but haven't you taken this too far?" (James)

"Come now you two. Think about how he feels. He'd have to take off his mask for the whole world to see during the wedding vows." (Ozpin)

The words were harsh, scathing even. Doctor felt his head hurt being put on blast like this for his ad-lib.

"So, who's the unlucky spouse?" (Glynda)

"I never pegged you for someone to consider having a significant other." (James)

"What's her name? Is it someone we know?" (Ozpin)

Doctor responded by shifting his head over to the snow rabbit woman who did not participate in any lengthy discussion the other adults were in since the beginning. Uncomfortable from all the stares, FrostNova lightly nodded with her eyes to the side.

That came as a greater shock to all of them. They could never imagine the Doctor scoring someone of such high caliber like the Winter Scar. So to see here that he not only managed the impossible, but for her to confirm it was unreal for them.

"Just what is the story behind this?" (James)

"You're still withholding surprises from us, Doctor." (Ozpin)

"You wooed the Winter Scar and married her!? She's too good for you! And not only that, but you dared to consummate it with a marriage license!? How rude can you be?" (Glynda)

Suddenly, as if given encouragement by Glynda's words, a chill enveloped the room radiating from FrostNova. And though Doctor believed she was going to come to his rescue, his hopes were dashed immediately.

"Yes. I didn't take Doctor to be this sort of man. It really surprised me." (FrostNova.)

FrostNova deeply smiled at the shuddering man. There was no joy or geniality behind that smile, however. The trio wisely stepped away from the cold woman, leaving Doctor to his fate. They left it to the wife to beat some sense into her husband and foregone with bombarding the man more questions on his marital status.

"We'll be arriving soon to where Amber is resting." (Ozpin)

To the Fall Maiden. Being honest with himself, the Doctor didn't fancy his chances in improving anything for her. After all, he barely practiced the Arts of his world. He had no expertise in the fields of magic let alone one that came from another world.

Whatever magical illness has stricken the poor woman, he was the wrong person to ask for advice. Thusly, his thoughts went back to an earlier resolution that very much applied to here as well.

(Let's just call Kaito and have him solve this.) (Doctor)

Meanwhile, Ozpin sipped his coffee mug for the umpteenth time.





Serious-senpai: "This guy is already developing the habit of being over reliant towards Kaito…okay, I'll give him that. There's no way that guy can't solve both of those problems."

???: "If it's about hacking, I, I mean Alice, can hack and solve something as small-time as this, recreate the virus, and create hundreds of thousands of countermeasures lickety-split."

Serious-senpai: "Except you're not the one who got dragged along."

???: "So naïve. Alice-chan's protégé is just waiting to make her flashy appearance. She can do almost anything Alice-chan can do."

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