Peaceful World Invited To The Group Chat

Chapter 25: RWBY Arc: First day of class, kill me already

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Minato exerted his weary eyes to the front of the classroom and scribbled his paper on autopilot.

It was the new day in a new world. It was not a completely unique occasion given how he had to play student instead of a hired mercenary in Terra. Add to the fact he was still at a ripe age of his youth in high school back home meant adapting to his new environment was only natural.

Earlier that morning, when he and the boys woke up and got dressed in the school uniform of Beacon, Minato felt something was off in the room, but for the life of him he could not put a finger on it. Thinking it was useless to dwell on, he checked their student schedule on his scroll.

They quickly learned of their privileges in school. For being second-year students, they had no mandatory classes and were completely voluntary instead. That meant they had total autonomy to wander and browse the school as they please. Now, if Minato followed his own conduct, he'd spend the entire day fast asleep. But the leader made his voice heard saying this was a good time to familiarize with the student body and staff as well as blend in with the world. So, in his loyalty he relented and entered a lecture hall with the team.

It was expected for the team to garner some awkward reactions for entering a course admittedly occupied by mostly freshmen. The stares of disbelief from the students were believable, but the awe that was building up from their unexpected appearance was a tad uncomfortable.

Good on Kaito to smoothly ease everyone's tension and curiosity. He explained that since he and his team spent so much time going out on missions lasting weeks, they didn't have enough time to really stay in touch with the freshmen regularly and wanted to be updated on the hubbub. To spend the school years alongside his fellow huntsmen in training. Which wasn't untrue as the man picked this class not only to get a feel of the school, but to also get along with their first friends in this world, namely those from team RWBY. He asked earlier what their class schedule was like and thought it would be a fine idea to follow them, much to the glee of their spunky leader Ruby.

Grimm Studies with Professor Peter Port. Keep up with history of Grimm. From their distinct biology violating common sense and their weird but dangerous tools for tormenting humans. Sounds simple to follow.

Minato threw that thought away immediately. He no longer believed he'd learn anything of value and slowly regretted waking from his bed after listening to the portly man lecture for five minutes.

The Professor had been drawling on his story of a young and talented huntsmen that was totally not an embellishment of his autobiography. The subject of Grimm was already foregone with the man being too preoccupied with his elaborated tale.

Feeling the life sucked out of him, Minato did not put up a fight with the urge to fall asleep. A habit he built back in his school and somehow, he has never been caught dozing off in class. The same would repeat here and no one would be the wiser. He was just that good.

But there's a time and place for everything. Since his leader wanted everyone to start learning something about the students, he held off going into slumber. So, with strained eyes, Minato observed the girls of RWBY below his row.

Ruby and Yang looked to be diligently taking notes. Except he noticed Ruby was just cleverly disguising herself scribbling a child's drawing to pass the time. Yang wrote some dirty jokes or puns that made him cringe a little.

Weiss and Blake were the more studious members in comparison to the two dunderheads. Weiss stared at the front of the class and paid attention, but how genuine that was he wasn't confident enough to tell. Blake delved her head deep into the book in her hands, but that was a cover for the erotica hidden inside. What a dirty girl.

He saw enough of team RWBY and that they shared his attitude regarding how much meaning they found in this class. Which amounted to zero. He slid his eyes to the right where Tanjiro and Neptune were seated. Poor boy didn't realize he was getting bamboozled by the lecturer for worthless info and yet he earnestly watched the man and took notes. Neptune…was on her scroll playing games with headphones in her ears. And not in a covert way, but actually holding her scroll in clear broad daylight. If she could get away with this, then Minato questioned how often this occurred in Port's class.

He wondered how his leader was taking it. Was he ignoring the class? Was he falsely taking notes? Checking his left, Kaito was on his scroll playing the same game as Neptune. It was one of those fighting games you see with characters fixed in a two-dimensional plane. He was currently in a match with Neptune and had the upper hand. When he earned the victory screen, Kaito clenched his fingers into a fist pump while Neptune collapsed onto the desk in shocked defeat.

That was the last interesting thing to see. Minato slackened his fingers and lowered his head. A light vibration from his scroll interrupted him. So close he thought.

[Singularity Found at the End]: Check to your right from the third row. Some woman with the bad vibes is staring at us.

[Door-kun]: How bad are those vibes?

[Singularity Found at the End]: Very bad. She's the only one who has magic power I sensed in this school.

Minato kept his face flat and his body language languid as usual. Discreetly, he shifted his eyes to see the scary woman assessing them. He avoided alerting her of his awareness since he possessed the unique talent of seeing through his large bang covering his right eye.

Fair-skinned, ashen-black hair, and amber eyes carrying a burning intensity. It gave a deep impression of flames jutting out from them. Seemingly impeccable on the surface. Minato's warning signals were ignited by the woman.

[Door-kun]: We should tell Doctor later sometime.

The bell struck and class was dismissed he so thankfully celebrated.




Minato set his tray of food alongside his team in the mess hall. The four others sitting opposite of them was RWBY. It was lunch now and everyone looked forward to some quality time together over food after so long. As they settled down, Ruby cheered with vigor after coming out of that borefest of a class.

"Alright! It's been so long since we last got together like this, so tell us if anything crazy has happened." (Ruby)

"Yeah. How has our esteemed seniors been doing? Has brother caused you any troubles, Kaito?" (Weiss)

Minato fixed a glare at Weiss, asking himself what kind of person she took him as.

"No troubles whatsoever. He's been nothing but reliable. Although, I'm curious to hear what exactly Minato was up to in the past. He doesn't like talking about himself much." (Kaito)

"Ugh, you have no idea just how much of a delinquent he was back home." (Weiss)

"Oh, I love to hear this." (Kaito)

Kaito broadly smiled, eager to find any dirt on Minato. Neptune and Tanjiro were intrigued too, the former wearing a shit-eating grin. Anguished by his comrades not jumping to his defense, Minato grumpily ate his steak with his fork.

"He always argued with his home tutors, is a complete slob, and runs away from home to pick fights with street thugs. Brother really hasn't shown any signs of maturity even after coming to Beacon it seems." (Weiss)

Weiss held her hand to her forehead, a sigh coming out her mouth from reminiscing on her brother's past antics. Neptune nodded enthusiastically, coming to agree with Weiss' assessment of the young man.

"Tell me about it. Minty doesn't know how to humble himself, always flaunting his arrogance like he's king of the world." (Neptune)

"I know, right!?" (Weiss)

Neptune and Weiss found themselves in sync over spilling out their grievances for Minato who was rolling his eyes now. Yang piped in to laugh at his expense, recalling an old incident.

"Yeah, that pretty much sums up Minato there. You have no idea how heartbroken Ruby was when she witnessed the real Minato firsthand. The hope of Humanity' personality on the news compared to the one here is just…pfft!" (Yang)

"It came quite as a shock. It really was a 'never meet your heroes' moment." (Blake)

Ruby laughed awkwardly from her past shame getting brought up. For some reason, Minato dreaded at looking into how the media wanted to depict him.

"Do you even know how much bad rep you give the Schnee name, brother?" (Weiss)

"Like I care. I never inherited the name when I got adopted and I most certainly don't plan to. All my efforts in the past were for me to get disowned someday." (Minato)

Minato grumbled as Weiss grit her teeth from his indifferent attitude.

"Um, Minato-san, you shouldn't be so blunt with your sister. You two haven't seen each other for some time." (Tanjiro)

A hum from the bluenette was his response. Weiss cooled down in her seat and eyed him. Tanjiro nervously picked up his food wishing he had a pair of chopsticks instead of the spoon he was not familiar at using.

"Speaking of which, I still haven't forgotten that stunt you pulled yesterday." (Kaito)

Kaito swung his eyes over to scrutinize the young man to which he rubbed the back of his hand in discomfort.

"I've been with you long enough to notice your tendency to shoulder everything on your own. Minato, are you sure you've got your messiah complex under control?" (Kaito)

"Everything worked out alright, didn't it?" (Minato)

"Your pale expression afterwards said otherwise." (Kaito)

"I was just a little out of shape." (Minato)

Minato weakly rebuffed him, shedding his stoicism slightly and averting his eyes away from Kaito. The leader of MNTK set his chin on his hand and sighed. Witnessing the tiny drama unfold, Ruby spoke up.

"Sounds like Minato was going off on his own and worrying everyone." (Ruby)

"It's tough being a leader. You need to take care of reckless guys like him from destroying themselves for being too strong-willed." (Kaito)

"Oh, I can so relate. Blake here was---" (Ruby)

The aforementioned Blake clamped Ruby's mouth shut and scowled. Frantically nodding her head, Ruby was released and nervously smiled as she promised not to remind everyone of that time when Blake was self-destroying herself because of her sense of justice.

"C'mon, Blake. Just relax. We'll still love you even if you do share a lot of similarities with Minato." (Yang)

Yang's comment got a snarl from Blake to which she laughed it off. She shifted her attention to the two men in front of her.

"It is interesting to see how much you two contrast each other. Reminds me of that incident in the early school year with Velvet and how you two approached it. I even have it in recording too." (Yang)

"Ooh ooh! Play it for us, I wanna see!" (Neptune)

Yang was compelled to do so from the lilac girl perking up and insisting it. Weiss facepalmed in mental distress at the memory of that time when everyone had their image of Minato destroyed that day. Team MNTK leaned a bit closer to the scroll and watched with interest.

"That day, Cardin was putting on his tough guy act and harassing Velvet in the mess hall with his goons." (Yang)

The video highlighted a student in breastplate armor maliciously pulling on a Faunus girl's rabbit ears. Kaito visibly frowned in disproval of the behavior. Tanjiro scowled at what he was seeing, clenching his spoon too tightly that it snapped. Neptune blanched in disgust, feeling her mood ruined. Minato was not pleased, but he didn't show it much. He was more focused on the girl and whispered to himself.

"Huh…it's an older Amiya." (Minato)

"Then comes Kaito to the rescue." (Yang)

The video then picks up with Kaito walking into the scene and caught the arm pulling on the girl's ear by the wrist.

[Do you mind? People are trying to eat without being disturbed.] (Kaito)

Kaito was surprised by what he was seeing. He was impressed again by the system's thoroughness at forging an entire history not only in memory, but in reality as well.

In the video, Cardin was obviously not pleased by an outsider getting in the way of his amusement. His scowl didn't last long when the hand grasping his wrist tightened its pressure. The Faunus girl was then given the attention of Kaito.

[I know you're a kind person but enduring the torment by others without putting up a fight is not being brave. You're waiting for things to get better without changing them yourself.] (Kaito)

Cardin's buddies surrounded the two. When Kaito was distracted, Cardin took that chance to rear his other arm back and launch a punch at him. Kaito leaned his head back from the attempt deftly and released his hand, allowing for Cardin to move forward and lose his center of gravity. This gave Kaito the opportunity to swipe his foot at his shin to trip him. Unbothered by his own actions, Kaito regarded his surroundings.

[Can I ask you three to follow the same suggestion I gave to your leader?] (Kaito)

The angered faces of the students implied enough that they weren't taking too kindly on him interfering and making an embarrassment out of their leader. The Faunus girl timidly stood with her back to Kaito's and wondered how they were going to get out of this predicament.

Cardin rose to his feet furiously and was about to walk over before a voice called to him from behind. He turned around and met the fist of Minato who strode over to where the drama was taking place. Cardin was launched into the air and slid over a table and skittered across the floor.

"And Minato comes in and decks him just like that, can you believe it!?" (Yang)

Yang's excitement stirred up when the video reached that part. Minato whistled at himself on the screen and Neptune laughed from how far Cardin flew. Tanjiro relaxed in relief and smiled wryly at his comrade's tendency for violence.

The subsequent scenes went as expected. Minato entered the scene and kicked the asses of every member of Cardin's team, leaving them sprawled on the floor in agony. Velvet watched in trepidation while Kaito's expression was flat the whole time.

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[Just to fill you in, this girl here is a second-year student in this school. If she weren't a total doormat, it'd be her who trounced your asses today.] (Minato)

"Was that comment really necessary?" (Blake)

Receiving the unimpressed stare of Blake's, Minato shrugged at the question aimed at him.

Meanwhile, the Minato inside the video looked to his leader for his response. Kaito crossed his arms and closed his eyes before speaking.

[I didn't see anything.] (Kaito)

The video ended with Velvet profusely thanking the two by giving them shallow bows before running off. Once that was done, Weiss' groaned from the cringeworthy actions of her adoptive brother.

"You have no idea how embarrassing it was for me to see how he hasn't changed a bit." (Weiss)

"Yeah, you see how awesome I am?" (Minato)

"Sometimes you're a lot more immature than Whitley is." (Weiss)

"Hey now, that time I was rushing to defend someone and not picking my own fights. Few weeks back I annihilated a bunch of thugs pestering Yukari. See, I improved." (Minato)

"Who's Yukari?" (Weiss)

"A good friend of mine." (Minato)

"Now I know you're lying. You can't possibly have friends outside of your own team." (Weiss)

"You're just in denial that I have more friends than you." (Minato)

"I am not!" (Weiss)

The back and forth between the siblings proceeded as such. Ruby took her eyes off her teammate and spoke to Kaito.

"I'm a little disappointed Minato interrupted halfway. I'm kinda curious how'd you settle it. It's just weird, I've never seen you fight." (Ruby)

"Yeah, you're right. It is weird." (Blake)

Kaito chuckled nervously from their imposing stares and did not deign to answer anything. Weiss and Minato pulled away from their sibling squabble to the newest topic.

"Now that you mentioned it, I know the fighting styles of the other three members in MNTK, but not Kaito's." (Weiss)

"Oh, maybe Kaito is the super-secret fighting unit of the team who only unleashes his true strength when everything else gets dire!" (Ruby)

"What? No of course that can't be it, you dunderhead. There are likely few people to ever surpass my brother in fighting strength. No offense, Kaito." (Weiss)

Ruby spun an imaginary answer in her head with glimmers in her eye. Weiss reacted in disbelief at her leader because she could not believe there exists many that can rival her brother's strength. Kaito shrugged noncommittally towards his own fighting ability and wished to sweep it under the rug. Too bad for him that Minato piped in with his own opinion.

"No, Ruby has the right idea. Kaito is crazy strong, but only if it's completely necessary in certain situations. You can look forward to that in the Vytal Festival." (Minato)

Ruby, Weiss, and Blake were burning with curiosity now. Yang just knowingly smiled and finished up her food. Kaito honestly wondered how much faith Minato put in him.

"Just know that we won't hold back if we manage to end up fighting each other in the Vytal Festival!" (Ruby)

Ruby declares triumphantly with her finger pointed at Team MNTK. Blake and Yang cheered her on, their pride preventing them from backing away. Weiss sighed in exasperation but was equally determined to demonstrate her prowess on the fated day.

"Bring it on, Team RWBY! Me and the guys are true gamers. We're gonna stomp you down if you don't sharpen up!" (Neptune)

Neptune fiercely responded back to the challenge with one foot on the table and pointing back at Ruby. She promptly got off and back to her seat after finishing her dramatic scene.

"But first, guys, hand over your pudding. I finished mine already." (Neptune)

Neptune indicated to her empty plastic container for the finished custard dessert she devoured. Tanjiro apologetically said he didn't grab one to her disappointment. Minato ate his while keeping his line of sight on Neptune's provocatively, causing her to fume and pout. Kaito handed his over to her without much dispute, earning him her beaming face.

"Aw, thanks Kay-chan, my reliable buddy." (Neptune)

Neptune scooped a spoonful to her mouth and happily chewed on her dessert, cupping her cheek with a mellow smile on her face.

"Always the charitable one." (Minato)

"Hey! I was saving that!" (Kaito)

Kaito exclaimed from having the egg on his food tray snatched away by Minato's fork. There was no time to retrieve it back when he popped it into his mouth.

"Though, MNTK isn't the only team we have to worry about. Who's to say we don't get unlucky and end up fighting Team JNPR before them." (Blake)

"You make it sound like we'd lose to them. That's impossible." (Yang)

"On the contrary, our team happens to be invincible, so you better bring your A game for us."

The voice of a new young man got tangled up with the two groups. Team MNTK looked over the heads of Team RWBY to find it coming from a blonde teenager from behind them. With him were three others presumably his teammates.

Minato scarcely recalled who they were from his scroll and their appearance this morning. He and his comrades had their contact information. Team JNPR was living across the door from Team RWBY's and the two were close friends and rivals. They were seen again in Port's class and were doing just as badly as RWBY inside the lecture hall.

The blondie was Jaune Arc, their leader who was slacking off with dripping eyelids.

Nora Valkyrie, a girl with orange hair whose energetic personality output surpassed that of Ruby. She was loudly snoring the whole time.

Pyrrha Nikos, the redheaded teenager and one of the favorites in this year's selection of students. She put on a cheerful mask of a proper student in the class to make others think she was paying attention, which Minato noticed immediately.

Lie Ren, the other male in the team with the most subdued personality they've met in this world yet. His head was always to the front of the lecture hall, but his eyes were dead inside.

"How long have they been there?" (Neptune)

"We've been here the whole time!" (Nora)

"Hello!" (Pyrrha)

MNTK greeted them back and exchanged a few words before Kaito stood up.

"This was a wonderful time catching up with you all. I'm afraid I have to take my team off to somewhere now. Catch you later, everyone." (Kaito)

He and his comrades departed from the mess hall with the voices of RWBY and JNPR giving their farewells behind their backs. Some idle chit-chats were thrown while they walked down the empty hallway.

"What do you have in store for us, Kaito-san?" (Minato)

"Are we meeting up with Lilia-san and Doctor-san?" (Tanjiro)

"Indeed. I've already contacted them a location for us to talk. I've got plenty of important things to discuss with you all, and how I'm possibly going to introduce one more person from my world into our little group." (Kaito)

"Is it more pets?" (Neptune)

"No." (Kaito)

Everyone was confused by his words.

"Did you find a loophole in the system to bring more people over outside of the Invite Others function?" (Minato)

"I'm going to test that today. What I'm about to tell you doesn't get mentioned to anyone outside of our group." (Kaito)

Kaito halted his steps and turned to the three of them with a solemn expression. Before the group were having this discussion, Kaito casted Information Concealment magic so that anything that was said inside this field surrounding them would not be leaked to any stray ears and listening devices.

"…I have the power to resurrect the dead." (Kaito)

Minato: …

Neptune: …

Tanjiro: …





[Αναμνήσεις / Memories]

Kaito's Heart Tool. It's a very unusual "Heart Tool that holds no substance of its own", making it unable to be used to increase the number of Heart Tool Users.

It has two abilities:

The deceased that the user recognizes as "someone they were together with" will be brought back to life with combat power corresponding to the strength of the user's heart. (The resurrected people can't use the special abilities they had when they were alive)

When activated, the resurrected people who recognize the user's will "to be together" will receive a super-powerful boost corresponding to the strength of the user's heart + full recovery of physical strength and magic power (No side effects or repercussions)

Lazy Heart: "Okay, I did not expect Kay-chan to have something this overpowered."

???: "Fufu, next chapter will be the debut of my protégé! Oh and the awakening of their aura and semblance too."

Serious-senpai: "Ah…the seriousness…the seriousness is escaping…"

Lazy Heart: "I feel kinda bad for JNPR. They were just a late addition at the end there with barely any screentime."

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