Peaceful World Invited To The Group Chat

Chapter 26: RWBY Arc: Alyssa + Semblances

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My feet came to a clearing around a back alley away from the public eye. A good spot to be left unnoticed, though it wouldn't hurt to have more security. I briefly casted Information Concealment magic and readied my heart to call upon a beloved one in this world.

"Oiiii, Kay-chan! Is that power of yours for real? My heart is pounding like crazy just waiting to see!" (Neptune)

"Me too. No, it isn't like I don't trust Kaito-san, but…the dead can only stay dead is what I always believed in." (Tanjiro)

As expected, there would naturally be curious people who'd follow me after that bombshell I dropped earlier. Neptune had a wondrous face at such a fantasy while Tanjiro was skeptical and borderline disturbed by the notion. And it was very understandable to have that reaction. Who would easily believe in someone having the power to resurrect the dead at face value? I have no idea what Neptune's world is like, but Tanjiro has lived in what is still the Taisho era of his world, and his enemies were demons who function like the undead, so his opinion of it can only lead to that kind of conclusion.

"I see that Nepu-chan is unserious as usual …Tanjiro, I can understand where you're coming from since I too used to have a normal person's sensibility like you. I can only ask that you have some faith in me…when I say that my method of resurrection isn't anything evil like what you've seen from your world." (Kaito)

Tanjiro remained skeptical, but his tense shoulders loosened with my assurance. I can tell the boy had placed a lot of trust in me which I was thankful for despite us not having interacted much.

"So how does it work? Do you revive someone with a fainted status in a party for them to get back to fighting condition?" (Neptune)

"What a meta-breaking comment…my power is not limited to just those conditions. The people who are revived are those I recognize to be 'someone I was together with' and the other party must recognize my will of 'to be together.' They are revived in a state of complete recovery and retain the same consciousness they had from the moment of death." (Kaito)

Tanjiro gasped from my explanation with a baffled face.

"Ah! It isn't like you're disregarding anyone's feelings because of this…it's far more respectful of the dead than I imagined!" (Tanjiro)

"So you see, think of it like wishing for an extended time with those important to me to create more treasured memories for as long as I exist or when I cancel it." (Kaito)

"Yeah, I really like it! It's only natural for people to want treasured moments with those close to them to stay for as long as possible." (Neptune)

Tanjiro sighed in high regard to how costless and seemingly too good to be true it was. I was met with a lot of approval from Neptune. It felt nice to see these two not hold any sort of prejudice against me for this power.

The mood was appropriate enough, so it's time to get to it.

"The heart treads upon the definite path——– Smiling together——– Crying together——– Accumulating footprints of memories together——– The bonds I weave are the fragments of a miracle——– My heart, burst forth! Together, become one! 'Αναμνήσεις!'" (Kaito)

When the spun words were muttered and my chant finished, brilliant light sprang forth and motes of them catalyzed into a human shape. Light faded and what remained was a short woman of 143cm and waist-length blonde hair. On her were a casual jacket, pleated skirt and spats, and sunglasses.

A smile came to me at her appearance that went rigid now that I'm reminded of something disappointing. Ignoring my state of conflicting thoughts, Mamonaka Alyssa wore a smug mug on her face and geared up her body for something nonsensical again.

"Envoy of love and justice! I have received your call and crossed a thousand worlds to be at your side! The ultimate journalist and pending housewife of Kaito! Mamonaka Alyssa has arrived!" (Alyssa)

The idiot struck an idiotic pose much to my unenthusiasm. Oi, idiot, there's two onlookers behind me gaping at you.

"Throw that introduction back to the workshop, who are you trying to impress?" (Kaito)

"So mean! I'm seriously hurt by your unfazed reaction…can't you spare your girlfriend with an applause!? I took so long to write something original!" (Alyssa)

"Nobody would seek an encore from you! And forget originality, you paraphrased it from Alice!" (Kaito)

"Owie!" (Alyssa)

I threw a chop at Alyssa that brought her to her knees.

"Um…who is this girl with the colorful personality?" (Tanjiro)

"Huh? Girlfriend? Did she call herself your pending wife? Am I hearing that right?" (Neptune)

Tanjiro was slow at processing everything since Alyssa first spoke. At the same time, question marks seemed to float around Neptune. I turned my back to the sulking girl hugging her knees and faced them with a neat smile.

"Forgive me, she might appear unreliable at first glance, but her skills can be trusted. I'll introduce you to her properly with everyone else present, so let's get a move on." (Kaito)

I was already on my way out of the alleyway, not really paying much heed to the two still in a stupor. The sound of hurried footsteps followed behind me and a feminine voice reached my ear.

"Wait, you can't just leave if off like that! I'm super curious, are you really two-timing behind Lia's back? How dramatic of a life do you live?" (Neptune)

"My life was mostly zero drama for the last eight years." (Kaito)

"So is Ali-chan something like your first love who tragically passed away before you married Lia? And because of such a heart wrenching backstory, is that enough for Lia to totally be okay for you to have a mistress on the side? Gosh, the nobility must be something in your world, huh?" (Neptune)

"Well, it's not inaccurate, but I can hardly say that's how it works contextually…" (Kaito)

Another person caught up to my other side and interjected in the conversation.

"Kaito-san is indeed of noble status…it makes sense for him to be allowed more than one wife." (Tanjiro)

"Tanjiro-kun, you're surprisingly a lot more open-minded than I gave you credit for." (Kaito)

"It isn't my style personally, but it's not unheard of for nobles or the emperor to have a harem in my world." (Tanjiro)

"Oh yeah, your Japan is still in an era where that practice isn't out of place yet." (Kaito)

"Kay-chan…I knew you had the overwhelming aura of a harem protagonist, but you went the length to find somewhere where you can fulfill an actual harem…this Neptune is impressed and conflicted on how determined you are." (Neptune)

"Eh? No. Polygyny relationships are commonplace in Trinia. Even commoners having more than one or two women are a common sight you see." (Kaito)

The sound of footsteps came to a halt, so I turned back to see what the issue was. Tanjiro was surprised, but he recovered quickly, like he understood it well. Nepu-chan was openly gawking at me that I'm worried if a fly would go into her mouth any moment now.

"It's normal!? T-T-T-Then how about you!? How many relationships with women are you in right now!?" (Neptune)

"Me? I could give you the number or a list of their names and descriptions, but the latter could take all day." (Kaito)

Receiving my answer, Nepu-chan took a step back and fell on her rear end aghast.

"Kay-chan is a primitive beast! For him to relentlessly hunt so many maidens…Nepu!? Am I also one of his targets to ensnare!? Oh no, it could be happening already! I'm not ready for a Kay-chan on the attack!" (Neptune)

"You make me out to be so voracious. I'm not inclined to be pushy to get the woman I want…much." (Kaito)

"Nepu!? You didn't sound like you wanted to deny it! I'm in so much shock! I need to raise my guard or else Kay-chan is going to accumulate a whole lot of affection points from me!" (Neptune)

"Just for fun, how much do I have already?" (Kaito)

"70!" (Neptune)

"Is that high or low? I don't even know. By the way, I can see your panties from this angle." (Kaito)

I was thoroughly amused by Nepu-chan that I couldn't help but tease her. She gave a cry and blushed really hard, pushing her hoodie down to cover herself from letting me see her light-blue striped panties.

"How unbelievably careless of me! I gave Kay-chan a free fanservice shot!" (Neptune)

"No need to get so worked up over an accident. Here, let's not dillydally any longer and get some ice cream before reaching the others." (Kaito)

The sullen-faced Neptune brightened up at the mention of ice cream. I lifted Neptune up to her feet again by her hoodie and got back to walking.

"Tell me what you guys want, I happen to have a ton of Lien in my scroll." (Kaito)

"Give me a giant parfait, some whip cream, sprinkled with fresh fruit!" (Alyssa)

"That's excessive. For that matter, I wasn't asking you." (Kaito)

"That's horrible, Kaito-san!" (Alyssa)

Alyssa ran up and clung to my back at the mention of me treating the others with ice cream. I denied her request and she bemoaned, claiming it was unfair treatment.

…Well, I can't help it now with her teary face. I placated her and promised to buy what she wanted. Soon enough, Alyssa gripped my back the whole walk feeling enthusiastic again.




Minato took a seat from one of the café's tables that was displayed outside in front of it. He departed from the others earlier to muse over his own thoughts. He didn't feel like overthinking it or overcomplicating matters, especially so over things concerning the boundaries between life and death.

Thus, Minato waited for the results to reveal themselves eventually and ruminate on how it would affect him in the long run. No strong feelings attached whatsoever, but he was curious what shape the reactions of the others would take.

There wasn't a need to wait long in fact, not when FrostNova appeared from the corner of the street with a cat in her arms. She took a seat to the side of him, and the cat leaped over to the open seat opposite of him.

From that chair where he couldn't see due to the edge of the table and the angle from where his eyes are, the Doctor sprouted up like magic.

"You look like you could use some company. Chess?" (Doctor)

"I'm game." (Minato)

A chessboard was thrown down on the table. The sounds of gurgling came from the Doctor as he hunched back. lurching his body forward, chess pieces were regurgitated out from his mouth and fell on the chessboard.

Opposite of him, Minato blanched in disgust at what he saw.

"Do you have to do that every time?" (Minato)

"The powers from this immortal's orb are just way too convenient." (Doctor)

"Then why not take those pieces from somewhere that's not from beneath your mask?" (Minato)

The Doctor gave no answer, clearly having no intentions to change his proclivities for his own amusement. Thinking it was useless to talk him out of it, Minato relaxed his exasperation and helped set up the board.

"Doctor, I'm interested in what's on this menu. May I?" (FrostNova)

"Sure, suit yourself to whatever you want. I have the money." (Doctor)

Doctor waved her concern off, so FrostNova called over a waitress and placed her order. An excessive list of food and desserts were given that overwhelmed the waitress and she hurried back inside to get the order delivered asap.

"Doctor, I want some of that as well." (FrostNova)

"I was just thinking I could use some ramen too." (Doctor)

Bags of instant noodles were conjured from Doctor's hand, and one was handed to FrostNova. Two steaming kettles were also created. The sounds of plastic popped, and the uncooked ramen was stuffed in the two's mouths comically with their cheeks widened. The kettles were lifted, and boiling water poured into their mouths.

Minato was expressionless in a daze, watching and listening to the sounds of chewing that came from the unbothered Doctor and FrostNova.

"...What?" (Minato)

"Excuse us, I happen to do this often during the middle of the night. Yelena found out about my habit and wanted to savor some of my favorite instant noodles. Now we're buddies who share noodles late at night." (Doctor)

Minato shook his after processing that for a second and started the game. He began with moving a pawn forward in a standard strategy.

"So, I heard Kaito has the power to resurrect the dead." (Doctor)

"Don't talk while you chew. And yeah, he apparently does." (Minato)

The air took a heavy turn. FrostNova gulped down the rest of her food and watched the match silently. Her thoughts turbulent from the unbelievable knowledge.

"It sounds like a fairytale." (FrostNova)

"I can't wrap my head around it to be honest. I've seen so much death since the day I woke up, it's hard to accept that thin line of life and death to be made inconsequential so easily." (Doctor)

"Hmm…I see where you're coming from, but I figured you wouldn't need to worry much over it." (Minato)

"And how do you figure?" (Doctor)

Moves were done in quick succession. After six pieces were removed from the board, Minato strengthened his offense.

"Because it's Kaito-san's power. What we believe shouldn't decide for him on how to use it. And from the details I heard, it's not something ghastly. It befits Kaito-san's character moreso." (Minato)

"You seem to have a lot of trust in Kaito." (Doctor)

A shrug answered Doctor.

"It's Kaito-san. Really, I'd have a harder time finding any reasons to doubt him. If he judges his power to be something worthwhile regardless of any human sentimentality, then I can't think it would be something misguided." (Minato)

"I see…then our thoughts match." (Doctor)

Food ordered by FrostNova came in droves. Watering at the sight, she gorged on without reservation, satisfying her immature palate.

"Is she okay?" (Minato)

"Oh yeah. Yelena hasn't tasted anything delicious her whole life due to her Oripathy causing her body to reach absolute zero degrees. She couldn't taste anything, and spicy food barely stung her tongue. Like, really spicy stuff." (Doctor)

Minato was amazed by the woman's awakened appetite for just about anything. Her loud slurping noises were so unladylike, he got distracted, which the Doctor took advantage of.

"Checkmate." (Doctor)

"Wha---oh come on!" (Minato)

After closer inspection, the Doctor's words were true. He had cornered Minato's king when most of his pieces were huddled close to it.

"Urgh, What's the record now, 0-10? I still haven't won a single match against you." (Minato)

"You'll have to do better than that if you want to actually make me sweat, Minato. Despite your poker face, I can still read your thoughts and anticipate your actions." (Doctor)

Doctor reorganized the board under the sulking look of Minato's. Indignant at his loss, Minato scrambled his head to find a gap in the Doctor's thinking process for the next game to turn it in his favor. A devilish idea sprung up to the forefront of his mind when his gaze flickered over to FrostNova.

"Now I'm reminded of your matches with SilverAsh-san. It impresses me to see that guy keeping up with you." (Minato)

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"SilverAsh is indeed a man preceding his renown. I even consider him an astute rival when comparing stratagems. The thought that the feeling is mutual is also gratifying." (Doctor)

"So much so that there's been rumors of him wanting to rope you into his company." (Minato)

Doctor laughed at the assertion.

"Well, isn't that flattering of him." (Doctor)

"It's at a point where he'd take drastic measures such as engaging one of his sisters to you to tie you into his family." (Minato)

A chilly radiation formed on the side.

"Nah, it wouldn't ever go that far. While his family bonds are currently rocky, I'm sure he wouldn't go so far to undermine their feelings and have them wedded to a total stranger for power." (Doctor)

"But you're not a stranger to Pramanix-san or Cliffheart-san. In fact, I believe they hold favorable impressions of you. Say SilverAsh-san were to offer one of their hands to you, who would you take?" (Minato)

It was a dangerous game Minato was playing. FrostNova's gorging decelerated in the same beat as her ice Arts subconsciously radiating from her body.

"Minato, it would be tactless of me to discuss having potential relationships with the female operators. Why, it might complicate things considering my position in Rhodes." (Doctor)

Doctor continued to talk like he didn't notice the growing danger at his side. FrostNova's irritation was abated, and she wrinkled her brows in confusion over his words.

"I think you're more than tactless enough currently…but talk is talk, so entertain your fellow man in some guy talk. We can put those two on hold, so how about those ladies from Lungmen? I hear Swire-san asks you out for dinner in fancy restaurants so often that it's got other female operators talking. And how about Ch'en-san? She's a lot harder to read, but I'm certain there's something when she loosens her guard the most around you." (Minato)

The pressure spiked up and the temperature dropped a few degrees. Minato relished the situation he raised with his growing smirk. Doctor shook his head to denounce such allegations.

"Those are for furthering our bonds of friendship between company heads, not acts of courtship like you are led to believe." (Doctor)

"Not willing to disclose budding feelings for operators outside of Rhodes Island? That's okay. Because there's always Blaze-san who's cozying up to you a fair amount. Rosmantis-chan is always following you after you've cured her of her condition that we had to collectively convince her to give you space. How about Gavial-san?" (Minato)

"I think your imagination is going further off mark. We're fellow employees who are beginning to know each other." (Doctor)

"Fine, then what about those girls from the Ursus Student Council? I mean, they're on the younger side, buuuuut…" (Minato)

"That's disgusting. I'm not a predator, especially for very impressionable girls like them." (Doctor)

"Thinking it's a little too late to say you haven't made wide impressions on them already…you really think there's nothing going on when Skadi-san is always so approachable towards you and you alone even though she keeps a distance from everyone? Specter-san is always rambling on about taking you out to sea too." (Minato)

That's when Minato belatedly realized something and knit his eyebrows together in a frown. The masked man inexplicitly had game. A surprising amount too.

Minato lost all motivation to play and loudly sighed. The plan had backfired into having him forfeit rather than open a weakness in the Doctor.

"Whatever, I digress enough. Just watch your back when you walk around Rhodes Island." (Minato)

"Eh? What do you mean?" (Doctor)

Doctor formed a panic expression on his face at the unexpected curveball to which Minato slid his eyes over to FrostNova. The pointed glare drilling holes into him frightened Doctor as he paled.

"Hello there, Minato-kun, Doctor-san, and FrostNova-san." (Lilia)

On time, Lilia appeared to the rescue. When the noblewoman came to the scene, FrostNova retracted her aura, gave a small nod, and returned to focusing on her lunch much to her confusion.

"Glad to see you again, Lilia-san. Take a seat and wait, Kaito-san and the others should be around the corner." (Minato)

And by his words did he appear from the corner. Kaito and his three companions walked over and made light greetings before huddling around the few tables occupied by them.

"Everyone, meet Mamonaka Alyssa, a dear lover of mine. She's the hacker you need, Doctor." (Kaito)

"Extraordinary journalist of the century, Mamonaka Alyssa at your service!" (Alyssa)

Alyssa adjusted her glasses, forming a glint of light on its edge. FrostNova spat the apple pie from her mouth in surprise.

"L-Lover? Eh? But Lilia is already your…" (FrostNova)

"And future housewife! Well, I'm honestly a late bloomer at this kind of stuff, so I worry about how I'm one of the slowest in getting married to Kaito-san." (Alyssa)

Question marks floated around FrostNova's head from listening to such an absurd remark. But the biggest problem for her was how everybody else had knowing looks like they were aware of the context she was not privy to.

"Wait, why do I feel like I'm in the dark? Are you guys not weirded out by this?" (FrostNova)

"Me and Neptune-san just learned about it recently. Kaito-san here is married to a lot of women and that kind of thing is very common in his world." (Tanjiro)

"Big shock!" (Neptune)

"That's more or less correct." (Lilia)

Tanjiro made no further dramatic reaction and Neptune smiled it off. FrostNova drew a blank in her mind. With the pressure off him, Doctor turned to Kaito for some clarification.

"So this Alyssa person, is she the one you revived?" (Doctor)

"Indeed. It seems reviving someone from the dead doesn't breach the protocols of the system." (Kaito)

"She looks quite healthy too." (Doctor)

"My power does restore the person's body back to pristine condition with their power maxed out upon revival." (Kaito)

"Huh? Wait, are there any drawbacks to this thing? Like maybe the consciousness is compromised---" (Doctor)

"The person retains the same consciousness from the moment of their demise without any tampering." (Kaito)

"H-hold on, isn't this power simply too good to be true?" (Doctor)

"The only drawbacks are that they can't wield special power unique to them in life and their stay in life depends on how long my lifespan is, but everything else should come as a nearly perfect resurrection." (Kaito)

"And…then?" (FrostNova)

"That's it." (Kaito)

"These drawbacks don't sound like a huge deal when you're bringing back the dead!" (Minato)

Minato, Doctor, and FrostNova felt their common sense being overturned. They stared into the air absentmindedly at how groundbreaking that power was in their opinion.

"Leaving that aside, here. I got you guys some ice cream on the way. One grape-flavored popsicle for Minato-kun, and you two get cones of vanilla." (Kaito)

The ice cream was taken automatically before they scarfed on them while still reeling in shock.

"Before we proceed to discussing on what else we'll have to do, I should at least unlock your auras." (Kaito)

"You can do that for us, Kaito-san?" (Lilia)

Lilia was surprised at the unexpected ability found in her husband who nodded in confidence on his words.

"It felt like it came to me in a dream. I happened to have mine unlocked and the knowledge of how to enact the same to you all. I'm sorry I can't give a more satisfying explanation than that, but it is what it is." (Kaito)

While they harbored suspicion at the lacking explanation, they conceded to have their auras unlocked at the behest of Kaito. It was by all means free power, and they believed they'll need as much as they can for the troubles ahead. Thusly, they gratifyingly accepted it.

"For it is in passing that we achieve immortality. Through this we become a paragon of virtue and glory to rise above all, infinite in distance and unbound by death. I release your soul and by my shoulder protect thee." (Kaito)

The incantation wasn't necessary, but it helped to put Kaito in a trance and alleviate the process. Light glows of color washed over the group as a rush of power embraced them.

Tanjiro tightened his fingers in astoundment of the new power coursing around and within him.

Kaito used his Semblance to inspect the others and carefully noted the color of their auras.

"Chamber of Guf." (Kaito)

A deep blue like the ocean's depths for Minato.

"Vom Kriege." (Kaito)

A listless gray weighed around Doctor.

"Ostomachion." (Kaito)

An almighty purple enhanced the ditzy Neptune.

"Amenohoakari." (Kaito)

Charcoal red like that of blood exposed to the elements twitched from Tanjiro.

"Palangina." (Kaito)

A bright yellow warm as sunshine protected Lilia.

"Kaltes-Ekwa." (Kaito)

Fleeting light blue like falling snow flickered from FrostNova.

"Real-Unreal." (Kaito)

An artificial yellow charged like static danced from Alyssa.

"What are those names?" (Alyssa)

"They're the names for your Semblances. I found out with my Semblance. As for their effects, that'll be something you're going to figure out yourselves." (Kaito)

Everyone gathered their composures and geared up for their next lengthy discussion concerning the factions that were at play in this world and the enemies they must defeat.





[List of Semblances]

·        [Bhavesh]

Effects: Can read the signature of the soul, meaning what another person's semblance is and the surface thoughts for those the user has bonded with.

Evolved form: Kaito can increase his perception to latch on to a person he has formed a bond within a possessed state. This split consciousness can read their surface thoughts and influence their emotional state. This kind of possession allows for Kaito to grant the person to use his sympathy magic, autopilot, and his Heart Tool. Through this method, the revived person is someone important to the possessed, so the revived person's stay is dependent on the possessed lifespan and their feelings. They will still remain even after the disconnection with this semblance.

·        [Chamber of Guf]

Effects: ???

·        [Vom Kriege]

Effects: Analyzes success rate of future actions based on percentage values. Analysis is done by taking in external values based on the user's perception of reality and objective values like temperature and wind. The analysis is given back like a map of paths like a tree. The further away the paths branch and beyond the threshold of the future they perceive will return unknown percentage values.

Evolved form: ???

·        [Ostomachion]

Effects: The user is granted buffs based on the chain of combos landed. These buffs include and not limited to increased edge on their weapon, a percentage of Hp healed, pierce elemental resistances, and invincibility frames when taking evasive action. There are three flaws to this power.

Repeating a combo within a five-chain will break the chain link and withdraw the buffs.

The longer the fight drags on, the more predictable the user's actions will appear and their fighting style exposed.

The user is Neptune.

·        [Amenohoakari]

Effects: A subtle passive protection for the user. The world will no longer hinder the user. A clearer understanding is that no signs of harm is given to grass and flowers stepped on, falling rain won't touch them, reflected light will not obstruct their view, no footprints left behind on snow, and tripping will not occur. Becoming a spirit-like existence transcending the elements of the world.

·        [Palangina]

Effects: Weapons of all kinds become inert when striking the user. Power from defeating a dragon-based enemy will be collected. A truly ravenous semblance that grows from fighting.

·        [Kaltes-Ekwa]

Effects: Illusion-based semblance through sense of touch, placing the body under hypnosis rather than the mind. A chilly mist is produced that disorientate those who come into contact with it.

·        [Real-Unreal]

Effects: allows the user to interact with reality like it's a virtual/cyberspace.

Lazy Heart: "Why am I the only one who gets dissed in my Semblance's description!?"

???: "Thinking more deeply about it, Alice-chan's protege is going to be the one sticking close to Kaito-san more than Alice-Chan will in the future!"

Serious-senpai: "You're biting into that handkerchief really hard…"

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