Peaceful World Invited To The Group Chat

Chapter 37: RWBY Arc: Questline and New friends

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[Ding! RWBY Questline has been unlocked. Not all adventures will have treasures lying in wait for you. But not this time. Turn that pessimism around because here is where one’s arduous efforts are reverentially rewarded. You’ve taken one step into your own path with many unknown branches to discover. A perfect ending for yourself and for this World Mission is something you must carefully consider. There are open avenues and goals that will serve as a suggestion for you.]

[Core Mission: Defeat Cinder Fall] (Completed)

[Core Mission: Defeat Arthur Watts]

[Core Mission: Defeat Tyrian Callows]

[Core Mission: Defeat Hazel Rainart]

[Extra Mission: Save Amber]

[Extra Mission: ???]

[Extra Mission: ???]

[Extra Mission: ???]

Fumu, looks like the one directing the group chat has become more active as of late. It appears there’s now a quest system, the type that’s commonly seen in role-playing games with a main questline and hidden ones you look around for that we’ve unlocked. It gives us an idea for which direction we can take. Makes things much simpler without forcing us into one direction. There are a lot that might get updated and elaborated upon the more we progress.

Those core missions are highly likely due to us apprehending Cinder and acquiring the information and names of her colleagues from yesterday.

Speaking of which, everyone got rewarded 6000 points for that accomplishment. I knew many of us were curious as to how we would accrue points during a world mission if there were no daily tasks. Guess this answers the question.

Speaking of points, Doctor was so excited that he instantly used his on the gacha. I worry he’ll form an addiction in the future.

And another concern of mine was why the questline was named after RWBY. Are they somehow much more important than I’m led to believe?

I felt movements trying to grab my attention down below on my lap. I took my eyes off my scroll to look down on Neo-san who was casually resting her head on my thigh.

[You were staring at your scroll so intently. Something interesting happened?] (Neo)

“For sure. Just something to entice us into doing a few tasks.” (Kaito)

She showed her messages written in text on her scroll to communicate with me.

The neapolitan woman I got acquainted with has been rather chummy the second time we’ve met. She came by to where I was sitting on a public bench.

In a bizarre turn of events, she laid down and got cozy in her current position ever since. When asked, she just brushed it off before I received the new notification on my scroll.

“If you don’t mind me asking again, why are you lying there so nonchalantly?” (Kaito)

[You’re not going to let your friend stay here and relax?] (Neo)

That got me to pause in amazement. My reaction appeared to have satisfied her when she smirked at me.

“That surprised me. You can call me a friend after yesterday? I do think you’re someone strong, but not many can just get over something like that and not hold a grudge.” (Kaito)

[It doesn’t bother me. As a matter of fact, it made you more memorable in my eyes. I was out of luck to have messed around with someone strong like you. That’s all it is.] (Neo)

So she said. I mean, if she’s perfectly okay with me after that, then that’s great. And her appearance now suggests that her private deal with Alyssa must’ve had some success.

“I take it things went smoothly with you and Alyssa?” (Kaito)

She pulled down her shirt collar to show me her neck. Wrapped around it was a metal collar.

[Your lover put this on me. It’ll explode and break my aura, instantly killing me if I go against her orders.] (Neo)

“That’s excessive…” (Kaito)

What is it with that idiot and her perverted contraptions? This smells more of something Alice would do rather than Alyssa.

[As a condition for me to continue to live, I must always wear this. Pretty terrible, but nothing I can do about it. After she showed off her power, I’ve lost all reason to oppose her. And now? I’m her new subordinate. And because you’re her boyfriend that extends to being your subordinate too. Happy to work with you, boss.] (Neo)

“I’ll try to give her a piece of my mind to loosen that thing off you.” (Kaito)

Neo-san shrugged to say that she was unperturbed by her situation. But I still had a headache because of Alyssa.

[That girl is terrifying. Roman had to work his ass off to take over most of Vale and here she’s done it in less than half the effort he did and got the entire city. But not everything is bad. So long as I stay obedient, she’ll bail out Roman as compensation.] (Neo)

“And you’re completely fine with that?” (Kaito)

[I’m a mercenary for hire. I work if there’s money involved or if Roman’s calling the shots since he’s my only other friend. And I don’t have the confidence to escape the new head honcho’s control, so I just need to be a good lapdog for her and you.] (Neo)

“You don’t have to go that far…” (Kaito)

She gave me a cheeky grin in return.

I’m seeing where her logic is going. She prioritizes survival pretty highly. I couldn’t imagine anyone escaping from Alyssa’s grasp once she’s ensnared them, so the most logical thing to do was to follow her if she decided you were good enough to spare.

“And what about Cinder? Don’t you want to help her out of her predicament?” (Kaito)

A disgusted face formed on Neo-san’s face. The mere thought of lending a hand to Cinder outside of work was revolting to her.

[Hell no. That bitch can rot for all I care. Working under her for even a minute made me want to claw her throat out. At least with you it might be entertaining.] (Neo)

That leaves out the possibility of her choosing to stand up for Cinder. What a relief.

[So yeah, I’m switching sides to this one. The work conditions and the pay rate she offered are the best I’ve seen. Hard to refuse that salary and no overtime. I even get paid vacations.] (Neo)

Okay, that sounds so much like Alice rather than Alyssa in my mind. But that should be expected since they are extremely similar to each other. It’s not outside the realm of possibility for her to inherit Alice’s skills at managing an enterprise.

But enough about that. At this point, Alyssa successfully persuaded Neo-san over to our side and now she’s my friend working under my lover.

“Is watching over me also part of your job?” (Kaito)

[Yup. Bodyguard duties.] (Neo)

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That settles that. I was thinking of entertaining Neo-san for a while longer, but I felt someone’s presence approaching.

She noticed it too and got off me. Right after that, she used her semblance to camouflage herself into the background.

Who came close was a bespectacled middle-aged man with gray hair. If I recall, his appearance suggests that he’s…

“Ozpin-sensei?” (Kaito)

“Hello, Kaito. Unless I’m disturbing something important you were occupied with, may I take the seat right next to you?” (Ozpin)

“Please, sit down. I wasn’t busy with anything anyway.” (Kaito)

The headmaster candidly sat down when I scooted over for him. I waited for him to say something, but he bided his time by appreciating the outdoors first.

We stayed there in silence for a time to listen to the quiet breeze and fluttering of leaves.

I guess old age is really creeping on him if he’s got a habit of doing this…

“It seems the good Doctor made it his prerogative to have your team onboard with defusing the situation.” (Ozpin)

His words cut through the silence. Despite the seriousness behind those words, his voice did not noticeably change at all from their affableness.

“Fumu… I should say he chose right in this case. Everyone was able to swiftly defeat and apprehend Cinder.” (Kaito)

“Indeed. That’s a hefty burden off our shoulders. Everyone, even James, can breathe easily and sleep soundlessly again now that the school is safe and our options to save Amber have increased.” (Ozpin)

That is indeed good news, and yet I’m worried he’s being a little too forthcoming with dropping that kind of information on me, especially Amber’s name.

I know he told everything to Doctor, so did he foresaw that I would learn of it from him? He did say he wanted to bring MNTK into his circle at some point. Ozpin-sensei’s insightfulness is not to be underestimated it seems.

“Aren’t you being a little too loose-lipped? What if someone heard that—” (Kaito)

“I have security cameras everywhere. I already know about your new friend next to us too.” (Ozpin)

So he knew ahead of time. Knowing she was not a complete secret anymore; Neo-san reappeared in plain view and stuck her tongue at Ozpin-sensei.

“Hello there, Ms. Neo. I’m aware that you’ve chosen to work under Kaito here, so I won’t be seeking further into putting you behind bars. Torchwick is a special case, and he won’t be out so soon, but I can assure you he’s living quite comfortably in James’ airship.” (Ozpin)

Thinking she was being provoked, Neo-san gave him a stinky eye and he responded with a calm smile. He turned back to me to continue off.

“I will soon announce the disbandment and expulsion of CRME under the cause of forged documents. A mundane reason. Enough for others to believe in and mask the truth. Hopefully, students like Ruby and her friends won’t feel the need to snoop around any longer.” (Ozpin)

“You care a great deal about your students.” (Kaito)

“How can I not. It’s my duty to guide them through their temporary years in the academy until they’re ready to embark on their own paths. What occurs out there is nothing alike from the safe havens they’ve lived under. I’ve hoped for a long time to finish things in my generation so that they do not have to be burdened by my responsibilities.” (Ozpin)

I can tell how genuine his wishes to keep his students safe were. My impression of him at least was that he was an upstanding teacher.

“With Salem’s pawn in our grasp, we have less to worry about any Maidens being stolen. All that remains is to ensure the upcoming Vytal festival runs smoothly.” (Ozpin)

“That’s right… and you wouldn’t happen to have any helpful advice for the combat tournament?” (Kaito)

“Goodness no. Your team is already something everyone is threatened over. Giving you anything more is excessive.” (Ozpin)

I cheekily asked him to lighten the mood. He took it in strides with a smile.

“Certainly, my team is amazing.” (Kaito)

“Oh, I have no doubt about that. They were handpicked by you, so it’s a given they’re much more than meets the eye.” (Ozpin)

I don’t understand what he meant by that. Are we familiar with each other? It seemed to run deeper than simply a teacher-student relationship.

“I can’t thank you and your team enough for this incredible service. It was also a good decision to have invited Doctor through your recommendation. You’ve got a good eye for talented people.” (Ozpin)

Eh? He took in Doctor into his group from my recommendation? Shouldn’t the order of events be reversed… and for that matter, this man had a lot of trust in me for some reason. Don’t tell me… my simulated past is involved much deeper with his circle than Doctor is?

“I should get going, or else I’ll get an earful from Glynda. Be on your way and have fun with your friends in my school. Who knows when I’ll need your help again, so take this time to relax, my friend.” (Ozpin)

He left before I could even ask. When I was going to reach for him, a click went off in my head.

“Ah… so that’s how it is.” (Kaito)

[What’s up?] (Neo)

“No, it’s nothing. Let’s go back to everyone.” (Kaito)

I shook my head against the new memories that assaulted my head. I left the area with Neo-san following behind me. Right now is the time to discuss our next plan using this questline.

[<Brodime> has created an account and is now a member of the group chat.]

[Brodime]: Greetings, my fateful companions. My name is Kirschtaria Wodime, and I have been faithfully invited to be your newest member. I strive to devote all my efforts towards befriending you all.

… So that can still happen even during a World Mission.





Serious-senpai: “No way… Kaito’s influence in that world really is unmatched if I’m guessing right about the situation. Now we have someone new in the mix again!”

Raven12345: “It’s exactly as you see. There was never a rule that said I can’t add more people when everyone is busy with a World Mission.”

Serious-senpai: “I see, I see… by the way, where has the author been these past few days?”

???: “He was busy writing porn.”

Serious-senpai: (⁄ ⁄°⁄A⁄°⁄ ⁄)⁄

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