Peaceful World Invited To The Group Chat

Chapter 5: Face Reveal

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[Singularity Found at the End]: Good morning, Minato.

[Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster]: Good morning to you, Kaito-san.

[Singularity Found at the End]: You got your cover photo ready?

[Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster]: Got it right here.

On the screen I saw the blank silhouette on Minato's profile change to that face of a young boy having gray eyes with one covered by the long bangs of his blue hair. You could say he had this androgynous quality to his face. Not really masculine and not too feminine either.

[Singularity Found at the End]: Okay, here's mine.

I uploaded mine in turn. It was a photo of me taking a selfie with Kuro resting her head on my shoulder and us smiling at the camera.

[Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster]: Nice photo. You look a lot younger than I thought.

[Singularity Found at the End]: Well, I haven't grown much when I came to this world.

[Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster]: Yeah, and a lot more girly too.

[Singularity Found at the End]: Err, I'm the guy with the light brown hair.

[Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster]: Who said I was talking about the one with white hair?

[Singularity Found at the End]: Oi! I don't want to hear that from someone who can pass off as both genders.

[Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster]: I'm still young so give me a few years and I'll be an actual man with a face to match. And what about you? You're 29 years old yet you still have some baby-face on you.

[Singularity Found at the End]: Stop! I know already! My growth spurt has already finished years ago...

[Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster]: You've got quite the insecurity from the sound of it. If you don't mind, can you tell me what you're height is?

[Singularity Found at the End]: Hey now, it's rude to bluntly ask for people's private info like that.

[Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster]: What's wrong with that? We're gonna meet each other in person one day, so there's really nothing to hide.

[Singularity Found at the End]: Urk...I'm...170 cm.

[Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster]: And your actual height without using the margin of error?

[Singularity Found at the End]: ...169.99 cm.

[Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster]: Hah, and I'm actually 170 cm. The real deal.

[Singularity Found at the End]: That height is nothing to brag about.

[Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster]: At least I don't need to rely on the margin of error excuse.

[Singularity Found at the End]: (▼ヘ▼#)

[Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster]: Okay okay, my bad. Anyways, who's the girl on your shoulder?

[Singularity Found at the End]: She's Kuro, her full name is just Kuromueina.

[Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster]: Heh~, someone close to you? She seems inseparable from you in the photo.

[Singularity Found at the End]: Yeah, Kuro came by and wanted to show off to everyone that will be in the group chat to know of our relationship. Oh yeah, she's my wife by the way.

[Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster]: ...Lolicon.

[Singularity Found at the End]: Oi!

[Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster]: Oh come on, she doesn't look older than 14. What are you doing laying your hands on little kids at that age?

[Singularity Found at the End]: You've got it wrong! She may look like that, but she's actually a demon who has lived a life far longer than that of a human's lifespan!

[Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster]: That's the excuse they all say!

[Singularity Found at the End]: I'll keep saying it if I have to say! She's a fully grown adult who's lived for more than 10,000 years.

[Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster]: Why haven't the authorities been called yet?

[Singularity Found at the End]: I'm telling you it's not like that!

[Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster]: No not you, I'm asking why hasn't anyone arrested 'her?' If she's as old as you say, then isn't she the predator in this case?

[Singularity Found at the End]: I pray for you that Kuro doesn't get wind of everything you just said in here. Otherwise you're going to run into some trouble when you visit this world.

[Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster]: Relax, I'm just teasing you. Still, you saying she's someone influential in your world?

[Singularity Found at the End]: Yeah, she's a huge deal alright. A world figure and someone that's got a fraction of the world economy in her fingers is all I can say for now.

[Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster]: Tch, so you married into royalty? Go explode, riajuu.

[Singularity Found at the End]: What is this? Listening to the envy of people against me is surprisingly refreshing...

[Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster]: Forget it. You were planning on livestreaming, right?

[Singularity Found at the End]: Right, thanks for the reminder. Let me get that started.

I pressed play on the button and the light in the corner of the screen indicated to me that it started. After that, I pointed camera of the phone to the scenery I intended to show.

[Singularity Found at the End]: Hello, can you hear my voice? You seeing this?

[Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster]: Wow, it's like a scene straight out of fantasy.

What I was showing him was a view of the lower level of the God Realm I'm visiting. What he should be seeing by now are large and small islands connected to each other by beautifully decorated bridges, and underneath those bridges is the blue sky.

[Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster]: It's gorgeous. What is that place?

[Singularity Found at the End]: The lower levels of the God Realm.

[Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster]: ...The God Realm?

[Singularity Found at the End]: Mhm, it's the place where gods lives. Hey, you can see one of them right now.

I waved my hand to a passerby goddess who waved back in response.

[Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster]: Gods exist and you're just walking around in their place without anyone raising a fuss?

[Singularity Found at the End]: Well, I'm in a special position for me to come here without hindrance. Everybody also seems to like me too.

[Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster]: ...Seriously, what kind of person are you, Kaito-san?

[Singularity Found at the End]: I don't know where to begin to tell you.

[Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster]: Is that a lake in the sky? And how are those trees bending like that? I'm itching to teleport to that world and take a look around myself.

[Singularity Found at the End]: I know how you feel. I'm looking forward to your visit so I can show you around.

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[Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster]: Say, I've been seeing a lot of people on the screen, but why are all of them women?

[Singularity Found at the End]: That's because all the gods in this world are goddesses.

[Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster]: ...Seriously? Who made that decision?

[Singularity Found at the End]: The Creator God of this world. I don't know the reason behind Shiro doing it since I never asked.

[Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster]: You called the Creator God 'Shiro?'

[Singularity Found at the End]: Un. She's someone who's close to me too for now.

[Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster]: 'For now?' Forget it, I don't want to think too deeply about your social circle. Aaahh, I really want to go over there.

[Singularity Found at the End]: I'm sure you won't have to wait long for it to happen.

[Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster]: I hope so. Too bad that there's nothing really worth showing over here even if I could livestream. The camera is on my computer so it's just my empty dorm room.

[Ding! Announcement to the group chat! We will now distribute daily missions for you to earn points! Daily Login bonus has been reset as well]

[<Singularity Found at the End>]

[100 points: Laze around with Fate]

[150 points: Flirt with Shea]

[200 points: Do a workout with Megiddo]

[<Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster>]

[100 points: Hang out with Aigis]

[150 points: Fuse a Persona from the Death Arcana]

[200 points: Obtain a Jack Frost Doll from the crane game]

[Singularity Found at the End]: Guess that's it for today.

[Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster]: Wait, Kaito-san.

[Singularity Found at the End]: Yeah?

[Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster]: ...No, never mind. I'll tell you some other day.

[Singularity Found at the End]: ? If that's fine with you, then okay. Later.




Right now I'm lounging around with Fate-san in her temple in the God Realm.  Fate-san is a light purple-haired Supreme God in priestess clothes and another girlfriend of mine. She was cozily on the uptake with wasting time together with me by relaxing on her floating cushion.

"Fwaaaahh~, laying around and cuddling with Kai-chan is the life..." (Fate)

"I couldn't agree more right now...not after my earlier endeavors with some intense people..." (Kaito)

Fate wasn't my first destination after looking over the daily missions. Oh no. I went after Shea-san and tried to strike a conversation with her. I didn't have much of a plan on how to flirt with her, and I still don't understand how I actually managed to achieve my goal either. We were just talking normally and at some point she got really flustered and ran off somewhere. Confused, I just went away to my next person reluctantly. I went through hell working with Megiddo training my body. I've got cramps all over the place, so I teleported over to Fate-san to finish the day off.

"No worries~, let me spirit away all your fatigue and you just relax~" (Fate)

"Will do..." (Kaito)

I groaned from the aching again. I could only force a strained smile as Fate-san unreservedly hugged my waist tightly and rubbed her cheeks on my chest.

"So I heard Kai-chan was doing something interesting lately." (Fate)

"Yeah, I've made a new friend recently. We interact via long-distance communication with the machine in my pocket." (Kaito)

"Fumufumu, is this what you were talking about?" (Fate)

I heard the sounds of Fate rummaging the pockets of my pants looking for the phone. She pulled it out for me to see. I held it and logged in to see the now familiar message board and showed her Minato's cover photo.

"Heh~, so that's the guy. He's got the potential to be a World Creator." (Fate)

"Minato does!?" (Kaito)

I was stunned because my friend didn't seem to give such a grand image as a human boy still in high school. But I can fully believe Fate-san's judgement because she has the power to see the fate of all be it their future or past save for a few exceptions.

"It's sad that his future is so tragic. He's carrying some heavy burdens." (Fate)

"...I see. Minato has it more difficult than I thought." (Kaito)

My face must've looked really tense and pensive as Fate-san squeezed my cheek and pulled on it. It didn't hurt and I felt more intimacy from it.

"There's nothing to worry about for Kai-chan's friend. That fate will happen only if no external influence can help change it. I'm confident since his fate has already shown signs of changing. So long as Kai-chan continues to be his friend, that's enough~" (Fate)

"...Okay. Since I'm his senpai, I should be able to do at least that much for him." (Kaito)

"Yup. I already knew that's what Kai-chan would respond with." (Fate)

Fate-san assured me a gentle voice. I felt the growing stress in my heart dissipate from it. So I just let myself black out in Fate-san's smiling embrace.





???: "The author is thinking of introducing the next group member next chapter. And he's thinking it's gonna get serious soon."

Serious-senpai: "!!!"

Kuro: "..."

Shiro: "..."

Eden: "..."

Alice: "..."

Serious-senpai: ╥﹏╥

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