Peaceful World Invited To The Group Chat

Chapter 7: Going out for a picnic walk

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[Singularity Found at the End]: Hey, Minato. What do you think we should do?

[Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster]: Well...let's not get ahead of ourselves and say we're just gonna jump in an actual battlefield for ourselves here. By my intuition, this will escalate beyond just a skirmish.

[Singularity Found at the End]: Mmm. That would be reckless if we don't have any means to keep ourselves safe. They say you're in no position to help others if you can't help yourself.

[Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster]: If we have the means to protect ourselves...then we have the means to protect others.

[Singularity Found at the End]: ?

[Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster]: Hey, Kaito-san? Just because a person has power, should they unconditionally wield it for others?

[Singularity Found at the End]: That's a complicated question. I think I'm getting where you're going though. In my opinion, trying to fix yourself in that kind of lifestyle means throwing away something in return. You should ask what it is that you want to do. Because to me, you've already got an answer, right?

[Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster]: ...That's an answer I like. You really do appear like an adult when it matters, Kaito-san.

[Singularity Found at the End]: Minato?

[Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster]: Heh, what was I worrying about just now? Thanks, Kaito-san. You helped me clear my head somewhat.

[Singularity Found at the End]: Alright. You've made your choice, but I'm hoping there's a plan involved.

[Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster]: No need to worry. I'm something of a badass myself.

[Singularity Found at the End]: Haaah~, if you're sure, I'll be cheering you on and help when I can.

[Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster]: You're not going?

[Singularity Found at the End]: ...I'm still not too sure about that myself.

[Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster]: Well alright. No time to waste for me though, I'll be right back.

[Singularity Found at the End]: You're not going immediately?

[Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster]: I need a little more points to grab something from the market + using the world travel function.

[Singularity Found at the End]: Eh? If it's points, then I can send you some.

[<Singularity Found at the End> gifted <Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster> - 1000 points]

[Singularity Found at the End]: Ask me if you're in need of any more points.

[Singularity Found at the End]: Minato?

[Singularity Found at the End]: ...

[Singularity Found at the End]: He logged off so soon!?

[Zero Sanity]: What was that about? If you guys were watching everything, then things have calmed down for now.

[Singularity Found at the End]: We were discussing on traveling to your world to help out. Minato will be reaching you some time later.

[Zero Sanity]: You two are from another world?

[Singularity Found at the End]: You don't look like you can read the pin in your current state, so the short version is that yes, we're from different worlds connected by the group chat. We can do a few amazing things with it like teleporting to other worlds, but we haven't tested that out yet.

[Zero Sanity]: Oh...we could definitely use more helping hands.

[Singularity Found at the End]: You're quick to trust a bunch of strangers talking in your head.

[Zero Sanity]: And you're too kind to be thinking about getting involved with this stranger in the middle of a riot.

[Singularity Found at the End]: ...I can't deny that I'm acting quite strange for a normal person.

[Zero Sanity]: I saw your comments flying by my eyes, so I'm aware that you're not as gung ho like the other one.

[Zero Sanity]: I agree with your words. Don't take action if you're not strong enough to defend yourself first and foremost.

[Singularity Found at the End]: Thanks for the word of comfort.

[Zero Sanity]: I won't force my thoughts onto you. And I'm not going to persuade you for anything. It's strange coming from an amnesiac that's been awake for a few hours at most...but I didn't regret following your suggestion on working with Rhodes Island at that moment.

[Singularity Found at the End]: Oh that? I don't think I made a difference. I feel like you would've made the same choice without us.

[Zero Sanity]: I feel that's most likely true. But having others watching me was comforting.

[Zero Sanity]: Looks like I can't relax anymore. The group has lost communications with other groups, and they say something called a catastrophe is imminent, so I gotta move.

[Zero Sanity]: One last thing, Kaito. Cheer me on as well.

[Singularity Found at the End]: You got it.

[Singularity Found at the End]: ...



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"I have heard everything that has transpired." (Shiro)

"Then we are in agreement." (Eden)

"Looks like you were right, Shalltear. Kaito-kun is so reckless as always." (Kuro)

"While I'm a little annoyed, I decided to go against stopping him from doing what he has already resolved himself to do. Geez...the things he makes me compromise on." (Alice)

"Um, you guys look like you were expecting this in advance..." (Kaito)

In front of me are the four individuals who I can say that have my security in mind like most of everyone I know. They have gathered in the sanctuary again around the table in discussion. The topic of discussion I'm well aware of since it's about me again.

"Indeed. I've already calculated a hundred million possible futures the moment Kaito-san became a member of that group chat. One of which was the possibility of you wandering into another world by yourself unsupervised." (Alice)

"Yeah, I should've expected that from you to begin with." (Kaito)

Alice and Kuro sighed in indignation while Shiro and Eden had neutral expressions. I was ready to face a lot of severe opposition to my crazy idea, but I guess they already knew that I might've made this choice at some point.

"We all care about you dearly. And while I'm still hesitating on endorsing your choice, I can tell you were still thinking about us in mind." (Kuro)

"Yeah. I'm really sorry to make you all worry so much. I'm not arrogant enough to think I can solve everything with my power alone. What I want to do is just bring Doctor to safety, not fight." (Kaito)

I told them what I wanted and they nodded in approval of my intentions.

"I'm really not comfortable with not being by your side for just a single second, so I'll have to make do with this and rely on them and that friend of yours." (Alice)

"We're going with operation 'Kaito wanders into another world by himself!'" (Kuro)

"I can see your future, so I knew everything before any of them did. No matter what, I will believe in the choices you believe to be right, Kaito-san." (Shiro)

"I will accept any of my child's decisions. Mother will love you regardless even if you walk into your own destruction. No, I will love even you who will be facing that destruction too." (Eden)

"Thanks, Alice, Kuro, Shiro...and I guess Eden-san too." (Kaito)

I'm deeply grateful for their support that they came to an agreement without much fighting for my sake. I still got shivers from Eden-san's extreme comment...

"My blessing will never leave you. I can I still talk with you in your mind no matter the distance between universes." (Shiro)

I'm happy, but the yandere-esque words were disturbing.

"Here, I'll pour some of my magic power into some spells on your necklace. If you find yourself in need of power, this should be enough to 'blow away a country or two.'" (Kuro)

I'm not really certain if I'll ever need to throw that much power around, but I'll take it.

"Remember the magic tools you have, Kaito-san. You have your teleportation magic tool and the swords I created for you. Their sharpness is enough to slice through cities and auto-target your enemies. They won't recognize anything before their 'bodies are in pieces.'" (Alice)

I'll keep your advice in mind, but can you not say something so morbid?

"My child, would you like to take Abyss Tartarus with you? It serves as an 'omnipotent' watchdog and will erase anything you don't like. About a 'trillion' will do. Take Shield Aegis with you too, a 'quasi-omnipotent' program specialized in defense. An 'infinite' amount will be enough." (Eden)

I'm going to rescue someone. I'm not fighting a war with the universe at stake you know!?

"Thanks...this will be enough for me. If there's nothing else, I'm heading off right now." (Kaito)

"Kaito-san, you still have that hammer I gifted you. That will be your most trusted tool with you where you are going." (Shiro)

"You mean this? You're right, this thing is really convenient! This is one of the rare moments where you're really sensible, Shiro." (Kaito)

"Compliment me more. Compliments make me happy." (Shiro)

Helplessly laughing at Shiro's proud expression, I turned on the phone and found what I was looking for. Sucking in a deep breath, I found Doctor's world called Terra, chose it, pressed the world travel function, and my surroundings disappeared in an instant.





Shallow Vernal's Special Piko Piko Hammer

・Pierces through all physical and magical defenses.

・Nullifies all Law of Causality Interference and Spatial Warps, forcibly determining the outcome of "hitting the target when swung."

・Doesn't deal damage to the body, but being struck causes intense pain.

・Against those for whose concept of pain doesn't exist or those who don't feel pain, "forcibly inflicting pain and dealing damage to them."

Serious-senpai: "This unreasonable thing alone will allow that guy to take a picnic walk anywhere in Arknights..."

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