Penance Annihilation

Chapter 2: Chapter #1: Blasted Away

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Robbie grabs his coat and a ten dollar bill, ready to leave he says "I'll be right back mom." as he opens the door. "Stay safe Robbie!" Maddie manages to say before he closes the door. Robbie starts his slow approach to a nearby store, still upset about being rejected again. "I don't need a team anyways, as long as I play my cards right I can be a hero, then someone will ask me to join them." Robbie says trying to lift his spirits. Robbie hears a scream, and realizes he had been completely oblivious to his surroundings. "How did I get here?" Robby says realizing he is on the other side of town, roughly a thirty minute walk from his house.

Robbie remembers he heard a scream, and looks around. There are some obvious scorch marks on the ground, and some of the road has cracks in it that weren't there yesterday. Robbie sees some smoke in the distance and instantly starts running towards it. While running Robbie can see some corpses, and ruined houses, but he is focused on the smoke he saw in the distance. "That smoke... its coming from my house." Robbie says as he comes to a stop, looking at the rubble which was once his house. All of his superhero posters are burning, his suit and goggles are smoldering nearby. Robbie starts lifting rubble franticly, while repeatedly saying "no" until he's screaming it.

Robbie struggles to lift a heavier piece of rubble, when he manages to get it away he stands there horrified. "No... mom please wake up..." Robbie says with tears in his eyes while holding Maddie. "Mom please, you can't leave me... not now." Robbie says, gently shaking her before putting down in an un-damaged area. "AAAGH!!" Robbie yells aimlessly at the sky, letting out a surge of energy powerful enough to decimate his surrounding area. A loud thud can be heard behind Robbie, causing Robbie to slowly turn his head towards the cause of the thud.

"Quite the thing you just did there." Says a deep, almost growling voice. Robbie looks at the creature, which has an almost lion like appearance and flaming fists. "You..." Robbie says slowly, realizing this creature is what killed his mom. "Yeah... me, the Great Blastaar!!" The creature says arrogantly before punching Robbie in the face, causing him to get launched backwards. Blastaar turns to walk away, and Robbie stands up, slouched over and arms dangling. "I'm... not... done with you." Robbie says slowly, as a large amount of colored bubbles form around him, the signature of Speed Ball, Robbie's superhero alias.

Blastaar looks back at him, surprised he can even speak and says "Oooh... a tough one, this makes it interesting". Robbie start hobbling towards Blastaar, slowly turning the hobble into a run. "I admire your resilience, but it is futile." Blastaar says as he throws a high power beam of  heat towards Robbie, who dodges with ease and bounces off of a wall and lands a hit on the back of Blastaar's head. "You little vermin!" Blastaar exclaims as he grabs Robbie's foot and slams him into the ground. The bubbles around Robbie slowly start to disappear, and small bits of electricity start to show around him.

Blastaar goes to punch down at Robbie, who instinctively puts his hands up to block. Robbie could feel the crack of his ring finger breaking, and in the same moment more electricity started to flow through him, putting Blastaar's fist to a dead stop. Blastaar's face changes in an instant "How did you- Never mind. Just die already!" Blastaar says frustratedly. Blastaar kicks Robbie, launching him back a couple feet, Robbie catches himself and lands on his feet saying "I won't stop until you're dead". Robbie launches himself back towards Blastaar, who launches another beam and attempts to punch Robbie, who dodges with ease and kicks Blastaar int the mouth.

"If we were in my dimension, you would be dead already." Blastaar says as he spits out a tooth and charges towards Robbie. "I wouldn't count on it." Robbie says turning to face Blastaar and charges back at him. They land each other in a hand lock, putting them both at a dead stop. Blastaar starts turning his writs forwards, forcing Robbie's back. "You should have played dead after the first punch." Blastaar says confidently, shortly after a grinding and cracking sound can be heard coming from Robbie's hands. The electricity around Robbie intensifies, and he starts bending his wrists forwards, bringing Blastaar to his knees.

"And you shouldn't have fought the one person with nothing to lose." Robbie says as he head buts Blastaar, putting him in a short daze. Robbie lets go of Blastaar, and punches him, knocking him to the ground and breaking him out of the daze. Robbie stands above him, and starts relentlessly laying into him. "YOU! KILLED! MY! MOM! YOU! WORTHLESS! WEAKLING! DICK!" Robbie exclaims, landing a blow onto Blastaar's head in-between each word until he is gurgling on his own blood. Robbie stands up, knowing he had just killed Blastaar. "Maybe they are right... hero's dont kill... they dont get the job done... they give everyone second chances... everyone but me." Robbie thinks to himself, proud of what he perceived as a work of art below him, nearly all of Blastaar now purple, black and red, with little bits of his original tannish color showing through.

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