Pokemon: The master of Aura

Chapter 21: Bon Voyage

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A/N:I am not sure if some of you think that adding Ghidorah in the last chapter was a good or bad thing but I just thought of it after I typed the Unova region I remembered the pseudo legendary Hyderigon so I thought why not.) 

Chapter Begin... 

It has been a few days since the event and I seem to have gained a lot of popularity it seems. 

[Charisma] {high} 

Autumn: 'So my popularity stats also affect my charismatic stat huh. That's great this will be helpful in the future.' 

Autumn was currently at the lab just staying and reading books about Dynamax, he does go out to different cities but he had to go in disguise because he was now a child celebrity and it did make his life a bit harder but this is exactly what he expected when he thought of taking the test. 

Autumn: 'I will have to lay low for some time. On the other note, I am finally able to unlock these arts.' 

[Assassin arts] {Ex} (locked)

≈Presence concealment {Ex} (locked): able to hide one's presence. Only usable at night. 

≈Vital jab: hits the vital spot of the opponent. Only usable at close range. 

≈Disguise: Depends on what kind of disguise it is. 

≈Swift Hand: Give more edge on handling melee weapons. 

[Medical arts]: 

Acupuncture: Able to precisely figure out acupuncture points of the opponent. 

Surgeon: Able to perform surgeries. Depends on the mastery. 

Aura healing: Can heal others by using Aura. 

Autumn: 'Though there are many skills I can not use it is still passable.' 

If someone heard Autumn's thoughts then they would have surely beaten him up for saying the skills he possesses are just passable but he has a good reason for that. The Ex skills are still locked because his body can not keep up with the fatigue that builds up while using Ex skills. Furthermore, the {Ex} refers to the Extreme mastery level which is high but there are still levels even above Ex. 

Autumn: 'The mastery levels go something like this you have Beginner(Rook), Intermediate(Int), Advanced(Adv), Extreme(Ex), Ascended (Asc), Causality (Ca). Beginner being lowest and Causality being the highest and it seems that these eyes can only show the mastery level if it's Ex or higher.' 

Rook: Basic level mastery. Only grasped the basic concept of how the technique is executed. 

Int: Intermediate level mastery able to perform the technique smoothly. 

Adv: Advance level mastery and also able to perform techniques in a swift motion without any delay. 

Ex: Extreme level mastery. Able to shorten the time of execution and prolong the effect. 

Asc: Ascendant level mastery. Able to perform the technique instantaneously and the user is also able to either get a buff or give a debuff to the enemy. It's similar to Dynamax but instead of Pokemon, the Aura user gets the buff or can give debuff to the enemy. 

Ca: Causality level mastery. This is the hardest mastery to reach but if one reaches it then they would be able to perform techniques without disturbance. 

Autumn: 'The causality mastery level was considered a terrifying level because nothing can disturb the technique meaning your target can neither block it nor dodge it, the target will have to directly take the hit and nothing can stop this technique because it is instantaneous and range doesn't matter as long as they are in the user's line of sight.' 

Autumn: "Alright I guess that's that." 

Sonia: "Autumn you there?" 

Autumn: "Yes" 

Sonia: "You have a visitor." 

Autumn: 'Who could it be?' 

Autumn closed the book he was reading and went outside his temporary room to check who it was. When Autumn descended the stairs he saw Cynthia. She was the visitor that Sonia mentioned earlier. Cynthia noticed Autumn and smiled to which Autumn also responded with a smile. They exchanged a brief greeting and started to talk. 

Autumn: "It's good to see you, Cynthia." 

Cynthia: *nods "Yes it's good to see you too." 

Autumn: "By the way how did you manage to find this place." 

Sonia: "I was the one who told her about this place." 

Autumn was a little surprised but didn't say anything and let Sonia continue. 

Sonia: "You see after the whole event I bumped into her and from that point, we started to spend some time together and soon became friends. Right, Cynthia." 

Cynthia nodded, at this and seeing all this Autumn also nodded. 

Autumn: 'It's good that she is enjoying herself and she has managed to make another friend.' 

After getting to know Cynthia a little better Autumn discovered that she didn't have any friends except Gible because she lived an isolated life and didn't go outside that much and spent her time reading books most of the time. In other words, she was a shut-in and a bookworm. The main reason participated in the competition was also because she wanted to go outside to explore and meet some people. But the surprising thing that Autumn found out about her was that she was also the granddaughter of Professor Carolina. Autumn also found out that it was her grandmother who raised her from childhood till now. Autumn just patted her because he was also in a similar situation in his previous life but he just shook it off. 

Autumn: "So what do you want to do?" 

Cynthia: " I was looking for you in hopes that you can give me some advice before I began my journey." 

Cynthia said while blushing, in this situation she was asking someone younger than her for advice but she knew that Autumn was the right person to ask for some good advice. Autumn knowing what she was thinking shook his head helplessly if she had known he was way older than her then it wouldn't have been so awkward. No, maybe it would have been more awkward so Autumn decided to say nothing about that. 

Autumn: "Oh, Are you sure you want to learn from me?" 

Cynthia nodded without hesitation, she had a determined look to which, Autumn nodded. Cynthia was someone who isn't hesitant to do something she had decided to do. This is something even Autumn respected about her many would think that learning from someone younger would be embarrassing but Autumn didn't believe that. "One should be able to take every opportunity in front of them if they want to succeed." 

Autumn: "Alright you seem to have made up your mind but may I ask a question?" 

Cynthia: "Yes" 

Autumn: "What do you wish to be in future? This would maybe give me an idea of what things you might need to keep in mind in the future if you decide to pursue that path." 

Cynthia: "I wish to be a Champion." 

Cynthia said with a certain gleam in her eyes while Autumn just smiled a little but Cynthia felt something was wrong with this smile, It was trying to hide something behind it. 

Cynthia: "Is something wrong Autumn?" 

Autumn: "No, Okay let's begin." 

Cynthia: *nods 

Autumn: "So here are some things that will be helpful to you..." 

Just like this Autumn keep on listing the things Cynthia might need to keep in mind. Autumn also paused in the middle from time to time to give Cynthia the time to ask questions and clear some doubts. Like this, they talked all day with Autumn explaining and giving advice while Cynthia was in a trance about how good Autumn's comprehension of many different things was. She also noticed how easy those explanations were to the point that even a person with low comprehensive skills could easily understand. 

Cynthia: "Wow, Autumn those were some really good advice, I learned quite a lot today." 

Autumn: "Glad to help. By the way, can I ask you something?" 

Cynthia: "What is it?" 

Autumn: "When will you be going back?" 

Cynthia: "I will have to return to Shinno tomorrow." 

Cynthia said in a sad tone. She wanted to stay a bit longer but she had to return. Autumn also became a bit sad Cynthia was his friend though they have known each other for a small amount of time they still were sad to say goodbye. Autumn looked outside it was currently evening. 

Autumn: "Hey Cynthia care to join me for an evening walk?" 

Cynthia: "Okay"


Now Autumn and Cynthia were taking a walk in the park and the whole time they didn't say anything but enjoyed the company of each other. Somehow this silent atmosphere wasn't that bad, it make them feel each other's company more pleasant. After it started to become dark they decided to return and while returning Cynthia started to ask some questions. 

You are reading story Pokemon: The master of Aura at novel35.com

Cynthia: "Autumn" 

Autumn: "Yes" 

Cynthia: "I told you about my plans for the future so why don't you tell me about yours." 

Autumn: "Well I wish to be a professor." 

Cynthia: "That's not what I am talking about." 

Cynthia looked at Autumn's eyes with Autumn also looking into her's. 

Cynthia: "I want to know what kind of Professor you want to be?" 

Now this question was something that put Autumn into a dilemma should he or not that question after looking at Cynthia's expression he knew that she would not be satisfied with a sloppy answer so he decided to tell the truth but with a little twist 

Autumn: "You see when I was a child I once read a book it was about the Aura Guardians. At that time I didn't know but I somehow had become interested in that topic so I had made a goal to research Auras. Childish don't you think." 

Cynthia didn't say anything for a while before speaking. 

Cynthia: "Childish indeed but you know what if it's being done by a library like you then I am pretty sure you will find a way to do it." 

Autumn: "Library ehe is that a nickname you just gave me?" 

Cynthia: "Yes and I think it suits you perfectly." 

Autumn: *Haiz "Well, it could have been better but it's okay." 

Cynthia: "Autumn" 

Autumn: '?' 

Cynthia: "I believe in you. You can do it." 

Autumn: *smiles "Thank you Cynthia and I also believe that you will become the Champion of the Shinno Region." 

Cynthia: "I will do my best." 

After this, they went back to the lab. It was pretty late so Autumn suggested that Cynthia will stay for the night to which both Professor Magnolia and Sonia agreed and it was the next day. Cynthia was about to say goodbye to Autumn but he was nowhere to be found. She thought that he might be a little sad to say goodbye so he might have left so she said goodbye to Professor and Sonia before leaving but while on the way she encountered Autumn in an unbusy area where there were no people. 

Cynthia: "Autumn" 

Autumn: "It's good that you are here." 

Cynthia: "What are you doing here." 

Autumn: "I thought I might as well give you this as a parting gift." 

Cynthia looked at the so-called gift and it was a huge book she was a little disappointed at first even if she can be considered a bookworm she still would prefer something else for a parting gift but she didn't judge quickly because when it comes to Autumn you can't judge things too early. She took the book and started to read the book's content. At first, she was confused, then slowly became a little spectacle and then surprised. She looked at Autumn to ask what this is.

Cynthia: "Autumn this..." 

Autumn: *Shh "This is the fruits of my research so far." 

What Autumn had given her was a book that give the General introduction to Aura and had the training method from lower to upper stages. 

Cynthia: "Why are you giving me this?" 

Autumn: "Because you said that you trust me so I thought that you were the most fitting person to be able to look at my works first." 

Cynthia was happy to know that she was the first person Autumn shared his research with but she knew that there was also something else to this as well. 

Autumn: "I know what you are thinking but trust me I don't wish to harm you in any way but I need your help." 

Cynthia: "What is it?" 

Autumn: "I wish to introduce Aura in the future to this world but I would need some candidates to be able to introduce Aura to the world and I want you to be one of the candidates. So I ask you Cynthia are you willing to practice the way of the Aura." 

Autumn: 'I know this is a bit sudden for you Cynthia if you wish you can also refuse.' 

Cynthia didn't say anything but she went into deep thought about whether she should or not. After sometimes she seems to have made up her mind and decided to speak. 

Cynthia: "I am willing." 

This came as a little surprise to Autumn but he soon smiled with a grateful expression. Since Cynthia had accepted his request and offer he knew that she trusted him which was a good thing. 

Autumn: "Thank you and if something bad happens I will take full responsibility also please keep this a secret between you and me." 

Cynthia: *nods "I will have to go now." 

Autumn: "I see Bon Voyage Cynthia if it's possible in the future let's meet again." 

After saying that Autumn walked past her and went toward the lab direction and Cynthia also went towards the Airport.

Autumn was in front of the lab after some time. He opened the door to see Sonia and Professor Magnolia. 

Sonia: "Autumn Cynthia she..." 

Autumn: "I know I met her on the road." 

Magnolia: "Did you properly say goodbye." 

Autumn: "Yes I also sent her off with a gift." 

Sonia: "Oh what is it?" 

Autumn: "It's a secret." 

Sonia immediately became upset but didn't say anything she didn't want to pry into Autumn and Cynthia's relationship. Autumn then started to think about how he should spend the 3 days he will be in Galar and as if the gods were answering his call the door of the lab opened and lo and behold it was Leon. 

Leon: "I have been looking for you." 

Sonia: "Leon what are you doing here?" 

Leon: "Well you see I was looking for the Young prodigy." 

Sonia: "Young Prodigy. You mean Autumn?" 

Leon: "Yeah I want to bring him to a certain place." 

Autumn: '!' 

Autumn was immediately interested he was wondering how he should spend the rest of his time in Galar. Autumn came in front of Leon which Leon also noticed. 

Leon: "Interested" 

Autumn: "I would be lying if I say I am not now wouldn't it." 

Leon: *nods 

Autumn: "But where will we be going?" 

Leon: *grins "We will be going to meet my mentor in The Ilse of Armour." 


(A/N: If you think what I am thinking then the answer is yes new member and I don't think I need to tell who it is. Also thought introducing Cynthia to the way of Aura early was a good thing.) 

Chapter Ends

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