Quick Transmigration : I am the minor character’s lover

Chapter 3: Their First Meeting

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A shape shifting serpent like Amrit could take the form of any living entity as he wished. This time he neither sacrificed his powers nor was he injured severely so he was able to travel faster by changing his form.

He ran forward and jumped from the ground, opening his arms. Miraculously, his body started to transform and after a few seconds a great bald eagle took the place of Amrit's silhouette. 

He flew high in the dark sky. This jungle was actually far away from the capital city and flying was the fastest way he could get there.

Though, It may still take him hours worth of flying to finally reach the city.

The same city which was once flourishing and splendid was now in ruins. Most of the things were smashed into dust. He really liked this city. It contained so many beautiful memories of him and Neel.


Thinking about him, Amrit's mind drifted back into his and Neel's first meeting.


That day he was resting in the temple, enjoying the great weather. A black snake with silver spots came near him and slowly climbed on his body. Its sleek black body slithered on the figure of the young man and finally settled on his bare chest which was adorned with a beautiful jewelry piece.

Green serpent eyes looked at the raised hood of the black snake, "Sylver, what got you so excited huh?" The man asked, a little bit bored.

The snake hissed loudly a few times and Amrit rolled his green serpent eyes, "and I thought it was something big. Yes, I also heard the crash last night, maybe some big tree fell down, what's the big deal?"

But the black snake was not ready to give up. It again constantly hissed.

Finally, the matter caught Amrit's attention, "what do you mean by it was not a tree then it must be-"

Yet, his sentence was cut by fierce hissing from Sylver. Amrit's serpent eyes widened, he got up and threw Sylver from his chest, "a human! A human fell here?!"

"It's not possible! Humans don't come into this jungle, especially deep inside here," he explained worriedly.

"How's his condition now? Is he- is he still alive?" Amrit asked.

The serpent hissed at him. Amrit felt relieved, "it's still fortunate that nothing serious happened to him, humans also have families you know. Family who loves them; who will get worried at their missing and family members who are waiting for them."

"Not like us, we are wandering spirits; always alone."

Amrit shook his head, "Anyhow, let's go and check out the situation," he announced and started walking towards the direction of the crash that he heard last night.

When he reached his destination, he noticed a big parachute stuck on a tree, now torn from various spots. And a few feet away from the tree root, laid a young man. He was wearing a black tuxedo with a bloody white undershirt. The clothes were now smeared with dirt.

Amrit noticed that a small pool of blood had formed under his head and his leg was also twisted in a strange angle, probably broken.

Surprisingly, the man didn't pass out due to excessive pain. He was still moving which was not a good thing. Amrit walked closer to him. He finally saw the man's handsome and chiseled face. The same face which had stolen the hearts of many males and females. And Amrit had to admit it did deserve the reputation.

The man was groaning in pain. Still shaking his wounded head, he moved his perched and dry lips, "wat- water," he asked.

Amrit felt sympathy for the man. He knelt down beside him. He plucked a big leaf near him and folded it in the form of a cone.

Then he extended his arm and plucked out a few purple coloured flowers from the nearby bush. Amrit waved his palm over the leaf cone and magically the cone was filled with fresh water. He crushed those purple flowers and dropped three drops of flower essence in the water.

Seeing this Sylver hissed. Amrit turned and explained to him, "this will soothe his shock and make him unconscious. I need to do that in order to treat him."

He sat on the ground and carefully put the man's wounded head on his lap. He brought the leaf cone near the wounded man's lips and helped him to drink water slowly.

The drink finally helped the wounded person to relax, he blearily opened his eyes and looked at the ethereal beautiful face in front of him.

"So it was true," he said.

Amrit frowned a little and faced him, "what is true?"

"Tha- that there are celestial nymphs in heaven," Neel answered, his attention slowly fading.

Hearing this, Amrit chuckled, he put a clean banana leaf under the man's injured head, "it's not heaven. You are still alive, human," he answered.

The injured man extended his bloody hand and touched Amrit's face, "but you are a celestial nymph."

And then he lost consciousness.

Amrit looked at the handsome man and shook his head. He carefully put the man's head on the ground and stood up.

His serpent eyes shone when he waved his fingers. Jets of white light shot out of them, like thin silver vines and wrapped around the man's body. It lifted him from the ground, and Amrit started walking away.


The next day Neel woke up with a heavy head. He groaned in pain and clutched his head. Flashbacks of his accident started coming in his mind, his chopper damaging and he fleeing with a parachute at the last moment. Though he still fell from quite a height when his parachute was torn by a sharp tree branch.

And another thing he remembered was a face, the face was beautiful like a vixen that enchanted him. But was it all a dream? He wondered

Suddenly he realized his head was covered with a gauze and not only that, his clothes were changed also, multiple wounds treated properly. And his broken leg was treated and supported by bamboo strips.

He looked around to find himself in an ancient architectural building made out of sandstone. A little yet elegant furniture was scattered around the big room and it had many windows, currently covered with heavy curtains.

Where was he?

"Oh you are finally awake now," a sweet voice sounded and a person came towards him.

It was the same vixen-like faced man. Neel instantly grew vigilant. He assumed a defensive posture by looking at the stranger. He asked, "who- who are you and- and where am I?"

The man started walking towards him and Neel's vulnerable self stiffened. Seeing this, Amrit stopped at his place and answered, "you are inside my home: inside the Mana forest. The night before yesterday, you had an accident and you fell here. I found you and decided to help you."

This time Neel looked closely at the beautiful man in front of him. He had a slender yet muscular build and he wore some ancient type of clothing with beautiful jewelry. He had dark soft wavy hair. His face was ethereal and facial features unparalleled to any beauty in the world. But the most enchanting thing was the pair of those serpent eyes. Neel could get lost in them.

Seeing this, Amrit cleared his throat. Neel got out of his trance and again became cautious, "who- who are you?" He asked.

Amrit smiled lightly, "I am the Lord of this Mana forest, Amrit Shesha : a shape shifting serpent."

Hearing this, Neel was surprised, "Lord of this jungle? It's a government property! And a shape shifting serpent? You think you are beautiful so you can joke about anything!" He laughed in a mocking manner.

Amrit's smile vanished, "I am not kidding, human."

Saying this, he turned his lower body into a half serpent in front of Neel, whose entire body froze after seeing this.

The next second, he lost his consciousness again.

Amrit smirked. He took out a smelling salt and revived Neel's consciousness.

When Neel woke up Neel couldn't even deny the possibility of it being a dream because Amrit was still standing in front of him in his half-serpent form.

Amrit slithered closer to Neel and asked in a cold tone, "I hope it's enough proof, human?"

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Neel frantically nodded his head. He took a defensive posture and he asked in a scared tone, "why- why did you save my- my life?"

Amrit smirked. He moved his body closer to Neel's and showed an evil smile. The handsome man gulped audibly. Green serpent eyes stared into chocolate brown eyes, "I saved you because……because……"

"Because….." Neel asked, again getting lost in those enchanting pools.

"Because I simply could," Amrit chuckled. He retreated from Neel's space, "when I found you, human, you were still alive and it's my moral duty to save lives if I can. Understand, human?"

"Besides you humans-"

"I have my own name!" Neel cut him mid-sentence, "it's-"

"Neel Rathore, the famous film emperor and the last descendent of Rathore Royal Family, one of the richest and most famous princely estates of this world. The only son of Veer Rathore: a great politician and Siya Smith; the famous international movie actress. Sadly both passed away in a plane crash when you were ten. You are infamous for always avoiding the media."

Neel's mouth hung open after hearing this, his eyes were widened, "you! How do you know so much about me?!"

Amrit seemed amused after hearing this. "Don't go at my magical creature identity and my ancient attire. I know a lot about humans, I constantly visit the human towns nearby and hearing things about the Film Emperor Neel Rathore is inevitable, you know."

He smiled at Neel, "and I do have to admit you are a really great actor but more than that a great human being for your work towards social and natural issues."

In his life Neel had heard many great compliments but he didn't know why this comment from a supernatural being  touched his heart.

The man again showed that heart capturing smile, "as I was saying, you humans have families and friends."

The light in Neel's eyes dimmed. He heard Amrit saying, "you humans have loved ones and friends; people who will get worried over your disappearance. Who cares for you and will miss you. You have people who will be devastated if something happens to you. You have-"

"I don't," Neel whispered, "I don't have anyone like that."

Amrit stopped speaking after hearing this. He looked at Neel whose attention was deliberately fixed on his hands.

Both of them sat in awkward silence for long minutes. Amrit wondered about Neel's words but he didn't want to pry further information.

He silently walked around the room and started opening the window curtains. Finally he announced, "take some rest, I will return with your medication soon. Tomorrow I will help you get out of here to a place where police can easily find you."

"Though I would suggest strict rest for at least two weeks, seeing your….. special condition….. you can leave. Nevertheless, make sure you get enough rest at home, okay?" He said without turning back.

However, he didn't get a reply from the other party. After checking all the arrangements for the patient, he started moving towards the exit.

"Can I rest here for two weeks?" His steps halted when he heard the polite request.

"Be my guest," Amrit smiled and walked out. This time he won't be lonely also, even if it was only for two short weeks.


The next few days, he took care of Neel extensively. At first, the human seemed a little afraid and cautious of him. He looked at the food and medicine made by him doubtfully.

Amrit sighed, "if I had wanted to harm you I would have never saved you in the first place."

This relaxed Neel's guard a little but not completely. Amrit could understand this and didn't say anything.

Finally, Neel started to relax in Amrit's presence. Both of them started talking about random topics, getting to know each other better. And Amrit also felt that having company of someone similar to him felt good after so many years.

However, he noticed that Neel's gaze often stuck at him when he was doing most mundane tasks, a soft smile playing on those lips.

Two weeks passed, his wounds were starting to heal and his broken leg was stable. The time of departure had finally come. Even though he said that there was no one who would be worried for him, he knew his fans must have created chaos after his accident and disappearance. Moreover, Amrit had also been informed that search parties were frantically looking for Neel.

Reluctantly both of them parted ways and Amrit changed into an old tribe man and explained how he found wounded Neel and helped him.

And he again returned to his abode, alone with only the flora and fauna of Mana forest to accompany him.


However, destiny had other plans for him.

A month later he heard surprising news from Sylver again. He quickly rushed to that place.

"You! What are you doing here again?!" He shouted and asked.

In front of him, Neel was entangled in some thick vines. Yet, this time he was wearing proper equipment for a jungle expedition but still he was injured lightly.

"I don't know!" Neel shouted, trying to free himself from the vines.

"You don't know?!" Amrit huffed. He reached Neel and helped him to free himself, "you are alone in one of the most dangerous jungles and you are saying you don't know?!" He asked incredulously.

While Amrit helped, Neel turned still. He kept looking at Amrit's face. He whispered, "your eyes……they are wicked."

"Excuse me?" Amrit asked, baffled.

Neel nodded, "yes, this pair of eyes are enchanting. They have done some sort of magic on me. They just touched the deepest part of my heart and captured it."

"You! What are you saying?" Amrit asked.

Neel continued speaking, "I don't know. Since I have returned you are always on my mind. Wherever I look; I see you. When I am awake, I am lost in your memories and when I am sleeping I dream about you!"

Amrit kept looking at the man's face, blinking slowly. He understood what Neel wanted to relay but, "maybe you need to see a psychiatrist then, human."

Neel's emotions instantly riled up, "it's not a mental illness! It's lo-"

But Amrit cut him, "let's return and get your wounds mended. We will talk after that."

Amrit carefully wiped the bloody cuts and mended Neel's grazes and cuts. In the entire process, Neel didn't say anything yet he kept moving his gaze towards Amrit's face and at the blank space behind him.

"What are you looking at?" He asked.

Neel smiled softly and answered, "the fairies who left disappointed after seeing your true beauty. You are so selfless: willing to help a stranger human without asking anything in return and your outer beauty would put even celestial nymphs to shame. Truly beautiful from inside out."

Amrit finally stopped applying the healing paste, "I am thankful for your compliments, human."

"But don't try to flirt with me. I have lived for centuries and met countless admirers," he put his index finger on his left pec, ".....yet, no one has truly succeeded in entering this heart. So don't waste your efforts."

He got up, ready to leave. But Neel grabbed his arm and turned him around, "Amrit Sheysha, you may have met countless admirers but you have never met Neel Rathore."

He touched Amrit's heart, "Not only will I enter inside this heart, I will make it my eternity long residence. That's my promise."

Green eyes gazed into chocolate brown eyes for long minutes. Finally, Amrit smirked, "we will see, hu- Neel……."

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