Quick Transmigration : I am the minor character’s lover

Chapter 4: The Serpent and his Seraphic

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The time it takes to fall in love is different for different people. For some only a meeting is needed to fall in love and for others it may take years to realize their true feelings.

Similarly, it only took a meeting of two weeks for Neel to fall in love with Amrit but for Amrit it was not the same case.

He had lived for more than five centuries and had met many admirers who claimed to love him yet no one who could stay with him forever. Oftentimes, he wondered if he was actually unable to love.

In fact, he had actually found a reason behind this problem of his. A matter regarding his soulmate but that person was rare to be born. So he didn't have much hope.

Regardless, Neel's efforts touched him greatly. The man always stuck around with him. He tried to prove his love and decided to stay with Amrit in the dense and dangerous jungle for an indefinite period of time. Many times, the circumstances in the forest would get too crude yet the man never complained. Even Amrit was surprised by this and often wondered how a prince like Neel could adjust here.

They still held an amicable relationship of friends but Amrit's attitude would instantly turn cold if Neel confessed his feelings for Amrit; which he did often. Yet, he never forced Amrit to accept or reciprocate his feelings.

Finally, Neel's efforts started paying off and Amrit's heart started to slowly move by Neel's dedication.

Once he heard from a great man that if you love someone for some benefits, it's not love but a business deal. Thus, loving someone selflessly, without expecting anything back, is the most true form of love.

And Neel's efforts matched with the description. He carefully observed the tasks done by Amrit. And after a few days, Amrit found most of his work already done without his knowledge. He got confused by this and decided to secretly investigate.

There he found the pampered prince Neel Rathore working tirelessly doing all his work manually. He watered the vast flower beds and herb gardens. Then he treated the wounded animals; an art he secretly observed and learnt from Amrit, he climbed trees to pluck fresh fruits and flowers, performed veneration in the temple and did many more tasks. He did all of this with a smile, like he got pleasure of love from it.

And this selfless love finally melted Amrit's heart without his realization.

Slowly Amrit's attitude started changing. He did not realize when his eyes would often search for the human figure. A lot of his heart strings attached with Neel without even him realizing it. Whenever Neel spoke; Amrit's entire attention would be focused on the man. And he could smell Neel's unique scent in the crowd of thousands.

He often asked himself about what happened to him.

His powerlessness on his own feelings, made him anxious and irritated. That's why, when one day Neel presented him a diamond pendant as a token of love, he looked at it and snorted, "you want to impress me with this sparkling stone? I have countless far more precious stones in my treasury!"

But Neel was not disappointed, "then dear, please tell me what you want! I will give it to you!" Neel instantly reassured him.

Amrit looked at the man coldly and raised an eyebrow, "what can you give me?"

Neel smiled widely and answered, "I will give you my loyalty that you will be the only one in my life."

"Really?" Amrit asked.

Neel nodded, "yes, in fact, if it was under my control I want to give you the moon, the stars and the sky."

"But unfortunately now I can only give you one thing."

"And that is my life. It's completely yours, Amrit."

Amrit was stunned, "your life? Wh- why?"

"Because I have deeply fallen for you," Neel answered, "I love you, and I can give my life for you. You are that much precious to me!"

Facing this heartfelt confession Amrit was speechless. He could not ascertain how to react because Neel's eyes didn't flicker for a bit which means he was not bluffing.

Amrit looked at Neel's determined face, "this- this giving life for love. Sentences like these only look good in books or mythical tales of love. I have lived for more than five centuries and I know that at the  last moment survival instinct wins over love."

"This centuries old flower has met many butterflies, eager to touch the flower. But as soon as there are signs of a storm, the butterflies are the first to fly away….."

"So these are just- just superfluous words."

Neel grabbed his hand, "all of this is true! If a situation arrives I will definitely give my life for you. I love you Amrit!"

Amrit yanked his hand back and said in a cold tone, "don't even think about it! If I can survive five centuries then it means I must have a way to evade death but you don't, human! So don't take any foolish actions, Neel Rathore!"

He left the room in anger.


Amrit could never expect someone to risk his life for him. As he said, survival instinct usually kicks in in real life situations and he was never bothered about it. After all, prioritising one's own life is not a bad thing. Similarly, he didn't expect anything from Neel either but he could never expect what was about to happen.

Three weeks after their discussion, everything had returned to normal more or less. That day it was the time of sunset and Amrit was offering his prayers to Lord Sun. He did this while standing in the river in his half serpent form; praying with his eyes closed.

Meanwhile, Neel sat on a small hill near the shore. He would daily sit here and watch Amrit fulfill his veneration duties which kept his powers stable.

Suddenly, Neel's eyes caught a motion in the river. A few crocodiles were also swimming in the river. All the fauna of Mana forest respected Amrit as their lord so it was not dangerous.

Yet, Neel noticed that one crocodile was restless. It was eyeing its prey which had also entered the water body. The crocodile stealthily tried to attack but the prey was alerted. It started running away and the crocodile chased it with full intention to kill it by one strike of his strong jaw.

Neel's eyes widened when he noticed that the hunger-blinded crocodile was rushing in Amrit's direction who was immersed in praying.

Neel could not think of anything else except that the crocodile was going to harm his love. He ran senselessly and jumped in the water.

Finally he reached near Amrit and as expected the prey fooled the crocodile at the last moment and its sharp teeth were going to dig in Amrit's serpent body instead.

But before that could happen, Neel pushed Amrit away and blocked its mouth from shutting using his two arms. Yet, he knew he wouldn't be able to hold out for more than a few seconds. It was not a fictional movie after all.

Amrit who was pushed away quickly realized the direness of the situation. Without wasting another second, he wrapped his tail around the crocodile and directly threw it away.

After getting free Neel also collapsed.

Amrit wrapped him with his body and brought him to the shore. The entire time his face was expressionless as he carefully put Neel on the ground.

Wordlessly, Amrit took Neel's injured hands into his own and gazed right into Neel's chocolate brown pools. Magically, Neel's wounds started healing rapidly. In a few minutes, there wasn't even a trace of wounds or a speck of pain left.

It was rare for Amrit to heal someone's wounds with his powers. This way of healing was quick and mystic but it used a large portion of his powers, so he always used other methods. But today he couldn't care less for his powers.

Meanwhile, Neel was getting worried by Amrit's silence. He quickly started to explain himself, "Amrit, I- I am sorry! I know you warned me not to do anything foolish but I- I couldn't control myself when I noticed that crocodile approaching you! I didn't think about myself, only you were in my mind!"

"So please forgive- forgive me! I- I wo-"

"Shhh," Amrit put his fingers on Neel's mouth and silenced him.

Neel stopped talking and looked at Amrit's face. His facial expressions had turned soft and finally he revealed a small smile.

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"I accept," he started speaking, "I accept your love, Neel."

He knelt on the ground and bowed his head, "you were right. I, Amrit Shesha has met many admirers in my life but I have never met someone like you, Neel Rathore."

"Your selfless love has pierced all the shields around my heart and has successfully captured it."

"So today the Lord of this forest, the shape shifting serpent Amrit Shesha accepts your love with a bowed head, Neel Rathore."

Hearing these words, Neel's expressions changed drastically. His expressions matched with a child who finally got the toy he was longing for, "rea- really?! Thank you! Thank you! And I- I love you!"

Seeing the pure look of childlike bliss on Neel's face Amrit could not control himself. He grabbed Neel's face and joined their lips together.

Neel was stunned for a few seconds but soon he started participating in the kiss with enthusiasm.

However, a strange thing occurred.

When Amrit kissed Neel, he felt a strange tingling sensation in his body, like countless butterflies covering his body. All the energy he spent on healing Neel was replenished.

But most importantly there seemed to be a click in his heart, like it had found its missing piece it was longing for centuries. He felt his soul was completed.

A thought came into his mind and Amrit's eyes widened.

He pulled back from the kiss, "what happened," Neel asked, showing a goofy smile.

Amrit scanned Neel's body for some sort of sign that could solidify his theory. His gaze trailed on Neel's left arm which was covered beautifully with tattoos but one particular tattoo caught his eye.

It was a snake tattoo wrapped around Neel's biceps and shoulders with its hood elegantly displayed on Neel's left pec. The snake's green serpent eyes seemed almost life-like. This tattoo was famous for being the first tattoo of Film Emperor Neel.

He trailed his finger on the tattoo, feeling intense power and mystic attractive force, "this tattoo?" He asked.

Neel smiled, "oh! this one? I love this one so much because its eyes match with your eyes."

"When and where did you get it?" Amrit asked.

Neel's smile turned cheeky, "oh! Let me tell you a family secret, my love. I did not get this one inked, in fact I was born with it."

"You were born with a serpent tattoo?! Amrit was amazed.

Neel nodded, "Strange right? But it's true! It even started growing with me. My parents always told me to never tell anyone that I was born with it so I always hid it and after I grew up I got more tattoos to cover it."

Amrit was still trying to process this information when an extremely wild conclusion entered his mind, "you- you are not the biological child of Veer and Siya, right?!"

Neel's smile instantly vanished. He slowly blinked looking at Amrit and asked in a low voice, "how do you know that? Apart from my deceased parents and me, nobody knows about the fact that I was adopted. My parents told me when I was seven years old."

Amrit looked at his dejected form. He wrapped his arms around Neel, "what did they tell you about where they found you?"

Neel looked lost in thought, "well I don't really know. When I asked them all they told me that they found me under a tree of gold leaves when they had accidentally found an ancient and mystic waterfall."

Amrit looked at Neel like he was oblivious from the truth the entire time. Seeing this Neel snorted, "what? You can't believe this story! It's just a fairy tale they created to divert a child's attention. It's not true!"

"It's true!" Amrit announced. He got up and smiled widely at Neel, "they found you in such circumstances because you are not a normal human being, Neel!"

"You are a Seraphic!"

Neel got confused, "what's a Seraphic?"

"A Seraphic is a non-magical child born out of two sorcerers. The child, even though born out of two sorcerers, cannot use any kind of magical or elemental powers. They are very similar to normal human beings."

"They are only born once in many centuries and they are said to be destined partners of celestial creatures like me!"

"So you are saying that I am your real  soulmate?!!" Neel asked excitedly.

Amrit grinned and nodded, "it does seem so. We have arrived in this world for each other."

Neel instantly hugged him in a tight yet loving hug.

A few minutes later, Amrit's face turned serious, "but there is a reason that Seraphics are destined partners to celestial creatures. It's because we need to protect Seraphics."

"Why do you need to protect me?" Neel asked, confused.

Amrit answered, "because you have the most precious body in the world! A physique full of mystic powers!"

Neel got more confused, "but didn't you just say that I am not born with magical powers and am just like a normal human being?"

Amrit shook his head, "a Seraphic is not born without powers but all these powers are observed by their heavenly bodies. And the leeway passage of those powers is blocked, so you can't use those powers like others."

"So you are saying that there is a way by which I can also attain powers like you?"

Amrit nodded, "there is. If you align all the seven chakras of your body you can use those powers for once in a lifetime!"

"But," Aman seriously warned, "never try to do that! Because that power outburst will cause a large blast of power and no one knows what will happen after that. You may even lose your life! So don't you dare to be greedy for mystic powers!"

Neel solemnly agreed, "I swear I won't do that."

"That's good," Amrit patted his head, "but the reason you need protection is because there are many evil entities searching for a Seraphic. As I said, a Seraphic is very rare and very powerful. If his body is used in certain dark rituals, even world domination can be attained which is the desire of many people!"

"So never share this information with anyone!"

Neel grabbed Amrit's palms into his own and squeezed them, "I understand it and I will always keep that in mind."

"Thank you for telling me all this but I promise I will be very good so you won't need to put yourself in danger to protect me."

Amrit smiled softly, "what are you talking about? You are my soulmate. The one I have been waiting for centuries and I will most certainly protect you from every harm, Neel. I promise!"

However, Amrit could never imagine that he will fail to live up to this promise……

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