Quick Transmigration : I am the minor character’s lover

Chapter 6: Neel’s secret mission

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Flying high in the dark covered sky, Amrit finally reached the outskirts of this beautiful city. Being the capital city of the nation, the Star City was vast in size. And this city provides livelihood to various kinds of people.

There were times when it was counted among one of the most beautiful and technologically developed cities of the world but now as far as an eye could see everything was replaced with ruins.

The tall skyscrapers have witnessed the wrath of bombs and missiles. The grand airport was the first place to be destroyed and now it doesn't even resemble one bit of its previous glory. The flora and fauna was totally destroyed and Amrit wondered if that was the reason he faced difficulty while breathing.

Everything was smashed into dust and yet there were no signs of ceasing of the war. His soul shuddered after thinking about the consequences if the war continued or if the Ghouls of Sin used Neel's Seraphic body for their evil purposes. Then, their last hope would be also ambushed.

No! He could not let that happen! Amrit promised to himself.

He had to save Neel before another trajectory could happen.

His gaze still followed the ruined city as he flew towards his house, The Vilas Palace. He sighed and remembered how just a few months ago everything was still good……


"But do you have to go for two weeks?!" Amrit whined and asked as he grabbed Neel's hands.

Neel also copied his movements and pouted, "but do I have to go for two weeks?"

His question was aimed at Li Wong. A handsome and fit man who was the best friend of Neel. He was one of the few people who knew about Amrit's existence. And this man was also one of the best movie directors of the entertainment industry who have won numerous awards for his works. Neel often worked with him which deepened their friendship.

And currently, he was urging Neel to go for an out station shooting location for their upcoming work. He rolled his eyes, "come on, Neel. You know that you have to. You can't continue to put off your shooting schedule because of love!"

Neel pouted, completely opposite to his alpha male image he always portrayed, "but how would I live without my lifeline?"

"Again, it's only for two weeks!"

"Yes, again it's for TWO weeks!"

"You are impossible! Brother-in-law, only you can handle him now," Li Wong turned and said to Amrit.

Amrit blushed a little while hearing the term of endearment and said to Neel, "okay, I understand, I was just kidding."

"Neel I know you don't want to go and in fact I don't want to stay away from you for two weeks but we have talked about it, remember? Your career comes first. Besides, I am not going anywhere! I will stay here and wait for your arrival daily, I promise!"

Finally Neel gave up, "really?"

Amrit nodded, "alright then, I also promise that I will try to return very very soon! Now make my journey beautiful and give me a kiss."

As they joined for a kiss Li Wong narrowed his eyes, "stop behaving like lovesick teens. We are already late!"

But Neel didn't agree, "what's bad about being deeply in love, whether it's teenage love or adult love. Go away and find one for yourself, you single dog."

Amrit burst out laughing. Yet, he could never guess that this was the last time he would be laughing freely.


Time seems to drag itself when you are waiting for something. And Amrit felt it truly while waiting for Neel's arrival. The first week he tried not to think much about the empty grand palace. He focused on meditation and expanding his powers. However, he noticed a certain hollowness in his chest while he meditated.

It was his intuition. And the feeling of it was not great. He had a premonition that something bad was going to happen. But he could not put his finger on anything in particular.

He tried to calm his heart. Yet, his anxiety grew more when he received a call. It was the night before Neel's expected arrival. Late at night, he received Neel's call. The man's voice sounded exhausted. He profusely coaxed and apologized to Amrit saying that he won't be able to return tomorrow.

Amrit was shocked. He did not expect that. He enquired about Neel's whereabouts but the man said his shooting schedule was disturbed due to some reason and they needed more time to catch up. Yet, Amrit noticed a strange tremble in Neel's voice, the one he often noticed in people when they were guilty of lying.

But why would Neel lie to him about something like this?

He tried not to think about it too much and console his heart that it was his deep concern for the well being of his beloved.

However, the passing of time seemed to slow down around him. It felt like it was dragging itself. Amrit tried to divert his attention and did a lot of hobbies but everything seemed boring and somewhat incomplete.

The wait was eating him yet instead of lessening it was constantly increasing. Neel continuously postponed his arrival due to various reasons. Sometimes, the shooting was delayed due to many not-good shots. Sometimes, the weather was bad or sometimes a protest broke out. Each time there was a new reason which delayed his arrival.

Neel tried to coax Amrit to wait for him, and constantly assured that he was alright and doing well whenever Amrit enquired about it. Yet, Amrit always felt the usual spark was missing from Neel's voice. Something was definitely amiss.

Finally, his wait came to an end. It was a month later when Amrit finally saw Neel. The man had dark circles under his eyes and he looked exhausted due to some reason which made Amrit wonder if something was wrong.

Because it was not the first time Neel had gone for an outdoor shoot and everytime he returned with great enthusiasm, sticking close to Amrit and acting cheerfully.

But today, he didn't act like that and just passed a smile to Amrit. Still, he looked at Amrit with adoration and relief.

When Amrit saw him entering the palace, he jumped on the man and hugged him like his life depended on it, "I am also ecstatic to see you, my love." Neel laughed.

Amrit held his face in his hands and directly crashed their lips, drowning in the softness of which he was yearning for such a long time. Neel also actively participated.

That day Amrit was very happy. He did not leave Neel's side at all and asked him about a lot of things. Neel answered him carefully and also showed him the gifts he had brought for him.

That night Amrit decided to cook for Neel himself.

"Amrit…….can you….. can you teach me how to align my seven chakras and activate my powers when I need it the most," Neel asked all of a sudden, his voice lower than usual.

The serving spoon in Amrit's hand dropped, the smile plastered on his face stiffened and slowly vanished.

"You- you want to activate your powers?!" Amrit was deeply shocked hearing this.

When Neel didn't give an answer, Amrit grew anxious, "you can't do that, Neel. I have already told you if you- if you activate your suppressed powers it may bring a great disaster! Nobody knows what happens after that!"

"It's literally a death wish! Why do you want to align your seven chakras? Has something happened? Tell me! Tell me, Neel! No matter how big of a problem it is, we can solve it together! Don't think about anything like that!"

Neel had his head bowed down and Amrit couldn't see his expression. His shoulders started trembling and he laughed, "oh love! Look at how scared you got?"

You are reading story Quick Transmigration : I am the minor character’s lover at novel35.com

He grabbed Amrit's face and kissed the frown between his eyebrows, "I was just kidding. I know the consequences of activating my powers very well and I am not going to do it. I want to live a long life with you, I promise!"

Amrit's racing heart finally started slowing, "then- then why do you want to learn the art of aligning your chakras?"

Neel chukled, "what's bad about wanting to learn something? Would I get adversely affected while learning this art?"

Amrit looked thoughtful, "according to the old scriptures about Seraphics……there shouldn't be any problem if you learn that. After all, the previous Seraphics also knew this art."

"But I am warning you Neel, never try to activate or even test your powers. It's just one way to self-destruct!" Amrit explained, his eyes turned round.

Neel laughed and flicked his forehead, "Amrit, I really want to live a long and blissful life with you. So I promise unless it's a situation where the awakening of my power can save this nation, I won't use it okay?"

Hearing this, a thought arose in Amrit's heart. The feeling of patriotism was deeply embedded in Amrit's soul. He loved this land and respected it a lot. In fact, he worshiped his mother land.

Amrit also considered himself as a great patriot. He never knew who his real parents were and it was the mother nature of this nation who gave him the resources and brought up such a strange creature like him. So for him, patriotism was above all.

But after meeting Neel, he finally met the most patriotic person in his eyes. The handsome movie emperor was famous for his patriotic speeches and social activities done for the development of his motherland.

In fact, once when he was asked about his ultimate wish he answered, "I want to perish for my motherland. I hope that my ashes get mixed with the sacred soil of my land and I truly find my place. In fact, being a martyr for this nation would be the biggest honor of my life."

And Amrit completely understands these emotions. After all, it was mutual between both of them. However, their friends who knew about Amrit's existence often joked with Neel and asked, "So Neel, who do you love more, Amrit or our nation?"

The question was obviously asked playfully but Neel had instantly turned serious. He kept gazing at Amrit's face and finally he muttered, "there is no one above my homeland; not even myself."

And listening to Neel's words now Amrit could not refute them. After all, it was Neel's ultimate wish to become a martyr and if he could also save his nation by self destruction of Seraphic, Amrit knew he wouldn't hesitate for a bit.

And he could not even reject Neel's reasoning because if he had the chance he would do exactly the same.

He took a deep breath and finally nodded his head, "alright, I….. will teach you how to align your chakras but still promise me unless it is to protect the honour of our motherland, you will not ever use this method. Promise me, Neel."

Neel resolutely nodded and pecked his forehead, "I promise, my love."

This promise finally gave some relief to Amrit. Thus, from the next day he started teaching his lover how to align his seven chakras and to monitor and control the supersed flow of power inside him.

Neel diligently learned the art and it was the first time he didn't flirt with Amrit while doing something together. He focused completely on the instructions and with the help of the magical tree of the royal family he was able to learn the art of aligning seven chakras in a month which usually took the time of at least six months.

Amrit was extremely happy for him but he somehow felt that the other party didn't reflect his feelings. These days he often felt that Neel's attention was focused on something else. He would be on long calls in his private study and he would often check his phone like he was expecting something.

Something which was very important for him. And Amrit knew only one thing could take Neel's attention from him: His nation. So, it must be something related to this country.

Yet, Amrit could not probe further information about this matter. After all, unlike Neel, he didn't have any contact with influential people who could give him inside news. So he just prayed for the wellbeing of his nation.

After he learnt the art, Amrit felt that both of them could relax for a while but he did not expect to be woken alone the next day. Neel had left a note saying that he had to take care of matters which were related to Royal secrets.

The Rathore Royal Family had a lot of royal secrets. And Amrit didn't want to unveil them for his own curiosity. After all, it was not his place to do so. Even the secret about the tree was told by Neel voluntarily.

So he didn't inquire about Neel's whereabouts whenever he left. Instead he tried to support his man who was looking exhausted and weak.

However, he still wanted to know what kind of matter it was which made his boyfriend like this. He vaguely had the idea that it was related to the safety of the nation and this matter was quite sensitive. But he was still not sure.

The atmosphere around him started to feel suffocating and Amrit's intuition returned like a boulder to him. It was telling him that something disastrous was going to happen but he didn't know what.


It was the night before that fateful night. Amrit woke up due to a nightmare. A nightmare where everything around him was in ashes or in ruins. In that vast world he was alone looking for Neel but he couldn't find him. He grew desperate and ran to search him. Finally he saw him! But the man's body was floating in the air and his eyelids still. He seemed…..he seemed to be dead.

Amrit woke up with a jolt and looked at the time. It was still late; only one in the morning. Looking for Neel, he realised that the side of the bed was cold.

He frowned. Getting up from his seat was difficult for him. After all, his 'that' time was coming. Finally, he was able to pull himself and went to search for him.

When he reached the study, he realised that the door was left ajar and Neel seemed to be angrily shouting at someone through the phone.

"Tell the freaking Prime Minister, I am not a politician like my father! I don't covet his position! I don't want it. Just tell him to not show them the location!"

"You heard me! Don't show them the location! It's a trap! A trap which will break all of us! Please don't show them the secret location of sorc-"

But his voice was abruptly cut off when he noticed Amrit's presence. He cut the call, "love, why are you here so late at night?"

"Woke up from a nightmare and came looking for you," he replied sluggishly. It was difficult for him to compose himself at this time.

"But what were you talking about? Did- did something happen, Neel? What not to show?"

Neel tried to dodge, "it's nothing, love."

But Amrit was not satisfied, "no Neel, it does seem quite a big matter which has already exhausted you from the core. Neel, I am your soulmate, please trust me and share your burdens with me! It will help a lot! Please love, tell me what's happening?!"

Neel sighed. He looked into Amrit's deep eyes, the same ones he had fallen for. He started speaking, "it's just that our supreme leader wants to have a good image in public for the upcoming elections and what's the best way other than to impress the leaders of the cult Ghouls of Sin?"

"They have a large number of followers which means a large number of votes. So in order to please the Ghouls of Sin, he is going to-"

But before he could finish, Amrit lost his balance due to a dizzy spell. Fortunately, Neel caught him on time, "you shouldn't have come out, love. Tomorrow is the day you will shed your skin, that's why you and your powers are weak for a while. You need to rest properly. We will talk after you have shed your skin, okay?"

Amrit wanted to refuse, "but- but…."

However, Neel stopped him from speaking with a kiss, "no buts. Let's go for a rest."

He directly picked Amrit in his arms and went to the room for a rest.

However, this was only the start of the calamity that was going to occur very soon…..

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