Reborn as a Basic Barista

Chapter 3: Chapter Three – Tears of joy

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Enticed by the allure of the unknown Otrea finally cut me down. Sitting upright was such a relief though my head and stomach protested the rapid change in orientation.

I was thankful for the good fortune of having a captor that was too curious for her own good. All I’d done was mention something she’d never heard of and she changed her tune.

Of course, it changed from I’ll murder you now to I’ll murder you later, probably. But that didn’t matter. I’ve read enough manga to know that if I serve her something phenomenal she’ll break down in tears and lament the years she spent without espresso.

Otrea will be so enamored by the deep brown liquid of the gods, she’ll swear to protect me for as long as I live. I’ll become her living treasure and she’ll keep me in a gilded cage full of satin pillows, flannel pajamas, and manga. Perhaps that last one is impossible in a fantasy world, but hey a girl can dream.

“If you keep looking at me with such a dopey grin, I might decide this espresso is not worth letting you live.”

“I’m sorry Miss Otrea!” I shook myself free of my delusions and straightened up. “I was just mesmerized by your beauty. The deep purple of your hair reminds me of an exotic flower. The pleasant green of your eyes recalls the softest moss. Who could look upon such beauty without a dopey grin?”

Who doesn’t love a little bit of flattery?

Do not speak of me in such an indecent manner.” Otrea scowled. “Actually, stop looking at me entirely.” Reaching her hand out Otrea chanted a few quick lines and then spider web blasted forth from her palm and coated my eyes. What the heck kinda spell is that? Is Spiderman your father?

Ah… now I really am Bernie the Blind Bunny Barista, are all my quips going to keep coming back to haunt me? Should I stop venting my frustrations with humor? Perhaps I’d have been safe if I was Bernie the immobile and unthinking Barista.

Please gods, just leave this one alone. I can’t make Otrea espresso if you do it.

Unable to gauge my captor’s mood without seeing her, and scared to upset her further I sat quietly in my chair.

Stifling a sigh I leaned forward and tried to recall happier times. Not my own happy times mind you, who would reminisce about those? No happier times from my favorite slice of life manga.

The one I’d been reading when… ugh headache. The one I remember most recently was called Camellia Sinensis and was about a pair of stepsisters working to save their father’s tea company.  It was adorable, I highly recommend it.

Recalling scenes from my favorite manga was just what I needed to brighten my mood. I couldn’t stop my lips from curling into a content smile as I remembered the pivotal moment in the first arc. The stepsisters had just prevented a big corporate rival from shutting down their dad’s store. Overcome with emotion the two embraced one another crying tears of relief.

Oh… just remembering that scene is making me cry too. I can feel moisture leaking from my eyes, and thanks to the spiderweb I can’t wipe it away.

A pair of fingers brushing the fur on my ears was enough to jolt me out of my happy manga daydream. I couldn’t help but shiver at the gentle sensation of being pet. Biting down on my lower lip I tried to remain still, and allow Otrea the freedom to do as she liked. Not like fighting back was really an option at this point.

“Are you really so distraught to no longer be able to look upon me?”

Oh now, this is a real Super Secret Rare pull. A sadistic, gothic magical girl, spider obsessed, NARCISSIST! Wow, I bet they gave you an animated intro, custom pull dialog, and a higher star rank than the game was programmed to display.

You are beautiful.” A spoonful of the truth so that your mind can create the lie.   

“To cry over something so silly, such a poor creature you must be. I admit when my children first reported you to me I was intrigued. Nothing like yourself has ever wandered into these woods before. I even ordered the stronger of my children to keep the beasts of the forest at bay so I could continue to observe you. If only you hadn’t killed my children, you could’ve become my favorite pet.”

“Couldn’t I still become your favorite pet? Aren’t I cute enough to be offered a second chance?”

Don’t judge me, what is the difference between Private Chef and Pet? That’s right nothing. Now shush.

“If this espresso you speak of is as good as you say it is, perhaps. I do enjoy collecting things which delight me. How long until you can produce it.”

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“I… have to find the ingredients before I can make it Miss Otrea. I have no idea how long that’ll take, but I promise to work tirelessly to get it done.”

“You’d better keep your promise. I have no use for a lazy bunny.” Otrea giggled. With a snap of her fingers the webbing over my eyes disintegrated.

“We’re home.” Otrea stood and pushed open the carriage door. “Follow closely, otherwise the little ones might try to take a nibble. Exotic food such as yourself is hard for my youngest to ignore.”

Stepping out of the carriage I couldn’t help but squeal. Instead of a regular carriage pulled by a horse. Or even a carriage pulled by anything! This was instead a carriage box placed upon the back of a giant spider the size of a public swimming pool.

I’ve admittedly never seen a whale, but ‘whale spider’ sounds like the best descriptor for this behemoth. I couldn’t leave the carriage. My shaking legs refused to obey a single command from my brain. I knew I needed to follow Otrea, I just couldn’t.

I might be a wee bit arachnophobic.

“Seriously, you’re just like the smaller rabbits.” Otrea sighed before turning around and roughly lifting me over her shoulder. I knew I was skinnier and shorter now than I had been, but this was an unexpected experience. Getting carried off a giant spider’s back like a bag of rice by a gothic magical girl easily top ten weirdest experiences.

“Now then, think you can walk on your own?” Otrea asked sitting me down in front of a large wooden door. The doorframe was flush with the hillside which gave me serious ‘Alice in Wonderland’ vibes.

“Yes Ma’am.”

“Good. If you made me carry you any further, I’d toss you into my children’s web. Do not forget that each day you draw breath is a gift of my benevolence.”

“Yes Ma’am, thank you Ma’am.”

“Now what kind of food do you eat?” Otrea asked pulling the hillside door open. “Do you eat grass like your smaller less-humanoid cousins?”

“I’d prefer not to eat grass.” I said stepping past Otrea into a dark earthen hallway. “I guess any fruits and veggies you find would be good enough.”

In the past I was something of a flexitarian. I ate meat on special occasions but otherwise kept to a vegetarian diet. So giving up meat wasn’t that much of a problem for me, and with my new body, it was probably necessary. Whoever heard of a meat-eating rabbit?

“I will inform Harriette of your preferences.”

“Who’s Harriette?”

“She’s one of my prized pets, and she’ll be the one in charge of taking care of you. She’ll also help you gather the ingredients for my espresso. She’s quite reliable, you should pay close attention to her. I favor the reliable.”

The way Otrea said her final words, hardly qualified as a veiled threat. They dripped with a promise of unavoidable death for those she deemed unreliable.

“Now come along. I’ll guide you to your room.”

“Yes ma’am.” Hesitantly I grabbed the back of Otrea’s sleeve, earning myself a prolonged gaze from my new employer. Or should I say owner? She’s not paying me. Then again my aunt never paid me and she still called me an employee so I guess it works?

Without pulling her sleeve free from my grasp or chastising me Otrea strolled confidently into the dark. As I padded along behind her.

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