Reborn as a Basic Barista

Chapter 5: Chapter Five – A Soft Place to Lay Your Head

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“There are many things from your world that I simply don’t understand.” Harriette noted, taking a seat beside me on the bed.

“Like what?”

“Your home… everything was so well lit. Not to mention the books, you were surrounded with books. Are they not expensive in your world? Were you a princess?”

“The lighting comes from electricity, it’s something most people have access to. I can’t really explain how it works, I never really thought I’d need to know. As for the books, people in my world discovered how to print books super fast. Because they are so easy to make and reproduce they’re really cheap as far as luxury items go. My biggest problem was that I wanted far more than I could ever afford. I’d have had twice as many books if money wasn’t a concern.”

“May I ask a question of you now?” I chewed my lip making eye contact with Harriette. She’d begun to calm down since reading my mind, but it wasn’t that long ago she was choking me. So I really didn’t want to press my luck.

“I am willing to answer any question you may have Bernice.”

Ugh… that smile! Why couldn’t you have smiled at me like that when we met? Why’d you have to be all psycho at first? Now I’ll never trust you no matter how cute you are.

“How far does your mind reading spell go? Do you have all of my memories? Can you recall the stories I’ve read? Or remember the flavors of my favorite foods?”

I was hopeful she’d at least have seen all of my memories of my favorite manga. That way, even if I couldn’t read it anymore I’d at least have a friend I could fangirl with a bit. Maybe we could write our own fanfiction?

“Mind Reading allows me into your recent memories. The more magic I put into it the further back I can go. However if I go too far back it’ll melt your brain and kill you. So there is a limit.”

“How far back did you go?”

“I believe I’ve seen the entirety of the last week you spent in your world. I’m also aware that you appeared in our forest by the whim of the gods. In Scaleborn culture anyone whom the gods have spoken to is an Oracle. My people would revere you.”

So she missed the first three volumes. No problem, I can fill her in! This could work, we could be manga buddies.

“So the book series that I was reading a lot in my last week, would you happen to recall any of it?”

Please… please… please.

“It didn’t appear important so I didn’t pay any attention to it no.” 

Oh… I’m going to cry.

“Would it be bad if you read my mind again?”

“It could cause you significant harm. If the spell could be endured consecutively I would drag you before Lady Otrea so she too could catch a glimpse of your world.”

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“Ah, I guess that makes sense.” I sighed.

“Would you like to rest your head in my lap?” 

“Wait… what?” I blinked and stared at Harriette wondering if I’d heard her correctly.

“One of the first moments I experienced in your memories was our meeting. I clearly remember your desire for… how did your mind put it… ‘a sweet older sister type who would pet your head’.”

“Ahaha…” I laughed and smiled wryly at Harriette. “I… didn’t believe you’d be the type to do such a thing.”

“Did I not just tell you how reverently my people see Oracles? I may not be the most devout, but even I know not to harm someone the gods have taken an interest in. When the gods gaze upon the world they will gaze upon you first.”

“Then… I would like to rest my head in your lap, please.”

“Go ahead. I have been assigned to assist you with anything you may need. As such I have no other duties to attend to, I can spoil you for a bit. We will need to begin our search soon however. I do not want Lady Otrea to believe I am assisting you in skirting your duties.”

Careful to lift one of my ears so I wouldn’t crush it between my head and Harriette’s thighs I laid my head in her lap. Due to her skirt being rather short my cheek made direct contact with her skin and I was mesmerized by how cold she was. Her legs felt like a fresh pillow not yet warmed by one’s body heat.

I’d never dated anyone before, and my aunt was far too busy to coddle me, so I couldn’t really compare Harriette to a human. Still I was willing to bet her legs easily outclassed almost all others, at least when used as a pillow.

“Your ears are so soft.” Harriette cooed brushing her fingers over my fur, causing me to squirm a bit.

Still haven’t forgiven her for choking me. But this is really nice.

Soon enough Harriette’s cool lap pillow and ceaseless petting did me in. Yawning softly I felt my consciousness fade as I drifted off into a very happy nap.

Waking up from my second nap in this world went far better than the first. At some point while I was sleeping Harriette had changed me into my sleepwear and laid me down on my bed.

My cheeks started to feel a bit warm thinking about Harriette seeing me naked. It was undeniable that she had, I wasn’t wearing anything underneath the wool sweater she’d dressed me in. After reading my mind she had to know… I swung that way.

Maybe it meant nothing to her. After all when you compare someone who’s lived ninety-nine years to someone who’s lived sixteen, I couldn’t argue I wasn’t a child. I was about to turn seventeen though.

Actually… if nothing wonky changed, and a day had passed in this world, today should be my birthday.


Name: Bernice Edelberg
Race: Bunnygirl
Age: 17
Alias(es): Bernie the Bunny Barista
Class:  Commoner [lvl. 3]
Strength:  0 (F Rank)
Agility:  2 (F Rank)
Anima (magic):  2 (F Rank)
Intelligence:   1 (F Rank)
Perception:   3 (F+ Rank)
Analyze:  Tier 0 (F Rank)
Fire Magic:  Tier 1 (F Rank)
Coffee Making:  Tier 16 (B Rank)
Common Tongue:   Tier -- (Rankless)

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