Reborn as a dungeon core with a status system? What.

Chapter 2: Chapter 2

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The part of dying that sucks the most is the pain you feel before there's just nothing. Not that I'm crying over it I kinda wanted to die anyway.  Stuck in a crappy job and being anti social means that distractions are the go to way to stop thinking. So one thing to another just to not think about how easy it would be and it. But ultimately I didn't cause of the people around me, my family most of all. 

But as I was saying the bit before death sucked. After was fine I couldn't think or feel anything and then I was in darkness with a few blobs and blips of color. Don't know what all of it meant but as time passed,days,months and years my made started thinking again. Of course just in time to see three dense and swirling colors coming towards me.

Though the thing that surprised me most was the game like titles above their heads. 




Looking at them approaching me I try to call out or move or do anything. Only managing to bring up my own status.



MANA POOL:100/100(many factors affect this stat some being mana batterys and time spent at max mp, 56:39 till increase)

Mp regen:1 per 10 minutes(10 per minute due to absorbing mana in domain)(regen is affected by the environment of your domain, high mp locations provide higher regen, another way is magical beings being drained of mane in your domain)


LVL-12 absorb mana : absorbing mana from your domain and of beings inside of it,PASSIVE/ACTIVE

Absorb material: consume any type of non living material(stone,ores,deceased bodies and even some "alive" creatures such as bugs, plants and parasites. Mostly anything that doesn't have a soul strong enough to stop a magical hammer time effect.) PASSIVE/ACTIVE 

Observe:a low level ability to names or titles(can be upgraded with proper equipment)PASSIVE/ACTIVE

LVL-2 Mana control:control mana more efficiently(no capability cap)PASSIVE

LVL-6 Life energy control:gives a little control over life(capable of passively growing plants a bit faster as well as granting very small boost to healing of beings classified as alive)PASSIVE/ACTIVE


Death fighter: even when put into a low mana environment you lived( HAVING 0 MANA CAN ONLY 'KNOCK' YOU OUT, ALLOWS YOU TO EXCHAGE ONE ENERGYFOR ANOTHER)

Dungeon physique:Being a dungeon gives you many advantages, as well as disadvantages 

You are reading story Reborn as a dungeon core with a status system? What. at

  • Ageless
  • No max limit to existence 
  • Intuitive grasp of dungeon core things
  • Impressive mental facility
  • Natural resistant that can be increased 
  • Adaptive creature(through long or strong exposure to situations you improve yourself notably)
  • Mage sight( see mana in the air


  • Loss of easy movement
  • No sleeping,eating or smelling through normal means
  • Offense spells and actions are impossible to pull off unless using dungeon specialties like crafting or trapping your targets 
  • Communication difficulties,
  • Unknown species, your going to wanted by many and hated by many more
  • As a mostly magical being anti magic effects do more against you than most

Finished with the status screen I focused on the witchers. Their names being ones I know a fair bit about, two being experienced witchers and the last being taught by a some century old monster slayer. As I'm still getting used being able to see magic on and off not to mention seeing everything in my domain. 

Once they reached me I started focusing on their words. Making gguesses on what I was and how I'm absorbing things around here they start talking of how to deal with me. Which for some reason I didn't feel much about. Kinda like that's just how it is, of course that weird calmly planning dungeon mind thinking went out the window when he put in fucking dimeritium dust.

As soon as I touched some dust my core exploded with pain. Then when surround it came to a simmering annoying pain. One that's there but you can shrug off if doing something. Then I tried focusing on them again and nothing. The dimeritium shut off most of my domain around me. 

I can tell were moving, by horse no less. After so long my adaptive perk kicked in. Making every level help me absorb mana through the dust. By the time we stopped traveling my dimeritium resistant skill went up to 18, meaning 18% less dimeritium effectiveness. 

Time passes relatively slow, day by I come closer to getting out. My resistance keeps going up, and I'm thinking that eventually I'll be able to ignore dimeritium. So I wait, and I plan. Then when I'm bored of that I start doing dugeon designs. Floor layouts, traps and  where to get resources for crafting magical devices. My thoughts just turn problems into minor inconvenience when I solve it with crafting and other dungeon stuff.

Like when I'm thinking of getting out this cube it starts going over how after enough dimeritium resistance I can absorb it. How the hell can I absorb a anti magic metal when I'm using magic to absorb it. Or if I'm thinking of how to make a mana battery in sends my mind into ways to do it and following along when I have ideas to make it better. Though weird it's not a bad thing, it's just weird whenever I have sudden knowledge just in my head and ready to. Like its jumping to help fill in blanks I have when crafting. 

Months later when I wake up from another nap, which is just me getting knocked out until I absorb magic after vesemir experiments on me again. I finally reach lvl 75 in resistance to dimeritium. Meaning I can start absorbing it. And so I begin.

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