Reborn as a dungeon core with a status system? What.

Chapter 5: Chapter 5

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No surprise but I got a lot of stuff done now that I'm really going. Even crafting and making stuff so fast that my inventory got low before I upped the gathering of resources. Mostly by using magic crystals that turn into other materials like iron, meteorite ore and even some dimeritium. By simply feeding the crystals magic they grow whatever they're attached to.

This made my mp drain faster than a dam opening its watergates. Making me dump a lot ofmresearch into magic batterys and what the status says are mana generators. How they work is hard to understand the actual way it does it but is an easy concept. Opening a small but somehow controlled black hole into a realm filled with nothing but magic. The black hole acts like a vacume and sends the collected power into a battery. And apparently that's not even close to the best in magic regen.

What the hell!

Like I said Its hard to even think of why that's an option or what could produce more than that. But I'm not here to ask questions like that, I only care that its it's working. So with that solved let's get to what I had made. Artillery,grenades, rocket launchers and a prototype rail gun. All but the rail gun ready for action, with the proper 'programming' in the space marines allowing them to use them. Though the artillery is all automatic with it only needing the shells taken to its placement.

As for the rail gun it's just to strong. By making a testing room as far from the castle as I could and adding a mega butt load of runes to the room, I was able to fire it. Only to have it shatter the gun and send the rail spike, the ammo, 5 feet from the target. After adding more runes to strengthen it, allowed me to at least hit the target. But the runes were stripped from it making the metal all warped. So turning to making a stronger metal I can only wait for that.

Plus even if it work it would have a long time to make usable in combat. Really the only way to do it would be planting the thing on a tank or something. So shelving that for later I turn to making a smaller golem unit. As fun as it watching 8 foot tall badass astartes walking around it won't help me if I need a stealthy unit. Thus begins the creation of the rangers. A stealth unit standing 5 feet tall, with a much synthetic skin created at the alchemy lab. These golems wield a a variety of silent weapons, the complete opposite of the astartes. Wearing enchanted clothes, I know I ate my words, and wearing a chameleon cloak able to hide in any environment. 

Made to act as silent and unseen gaurds or stealth operatives in case I really dont like someone or just want dirt on them. While not as strong as the marines they are nearly 3 times the perception and logistical thinking capability. Meaning they are great at planning to carry out delicate missions. I hope. 

Most of this just what I made them to do. They might not as amazing as I say they are right now. But they will be. After all the astartes sometimes miss their shot and I've been upgrading them for a month and a half. Though almost immediately I ran into a problem, they cant really leave my domain. Though not because they dont have magic or any thing but because the control rods aren't good enough. 

Easy enough to solve, shove my mind at the problem and a day later the new rods are being made. With the old being sent to a lab called the refitting lab. As for the specs of the new rod, it should cover the entire kingdom and a lot of the mountains to the northwest, north, northeast and east. And as I see the ranger leave my domain I start sending others into the mountains to collect data.

One of the rod updates being able to send information back to the rod, then to me. Allowing me to see away from my domain for the first time. Not much different than in side my place to be honest. Any way I think it's time to freak out my witcher friends. Sending a ranger unit with only simple clothes on I have casually enter the large dining area where Leo and Vesemir were sitting. Taking a bowl I took from the kitchen and get some soup from above the foire, I think its deer and vegetables. 

Turning towards them I see Leo with funny look on his face and Vesemir is going stone cold killer mode. This should be fun.

"Hello witchers" hhhmmm my voice sounds a bit monotone. But hey it was a rushed job so I didn't think about what I wanted to sound like.

"Who are you?" Leo ask in voice that sounds like puppy growling. It's strange I just cant seem to see him as a threat. While Vesemir just seems to thinking before saying.

You are reading story Reborn as a dungeon core with a status system? What. at

"Dungeon core that you, it seems you dont need a paper to talk anymore." Darn it nothing from him. 

"Yes, I have managed to make a golem with a voice box. It should allow us to speak much clearer to each other."

"Golem, are you sure I've never seen one like that?" Leo says as his master keeps thinking. Probably wondering what it means that I can make golems and if so how many.

" yes I'm sure, made this body my self. Using a magic imbued stone to make fast. A good feature when it's my only messenger. "

"So you have made more golems than just this one ?" So experienced in word play the old man is, damn.

"Yes, I have many more golems that are being used to protect my core. A little over 200 active golems and more that are inactive to save on magic cost."

Hearing that number I finally see his witcher face crack a bit. Not much but a tick of his nose is a lot for Vesemir. Not to mention Leo who is about out from thinking of the threat of so many golems. 

"So now that your able to speak can you explain more ways yu can help the wolf school?" Vesemir says either ignoring my words for the most part or just asking to get more information about me.

"Yes of course."

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