Reborn As The Daemon's Wife

Chapter 106: Preparation (2)

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"That's it. I'm going to finally kill Lord Blaze if I ever get out of this alive." Jasmine huffed as she slapped the dust and leaves off herself. What was she thinking asking Blaze out for a talk? That god was a sadist and wouldn't pass up the opportunity to torture her. It was even more ridiculous of her to have accepted his help preparing for her mission.

She looked around and realized that she was at the foot of a mountain with a dense population of trees. She hadfallen for what felt like forever and her heart had almost stopped beating from the fall. Her limbs were still numb from the low after an intense adrenaline rush.

She thought back to his words as she pressed her hand against the bark of a tree for support. Maybe he was trying to force her wings back out?

She rolled her eyes at her ridiculous way of trying to find good in what he did. He had always treated her this way.

But then again, he had also said that he loved her and wanted to be a good father. Could it be that he meant it but just didn't know how to be a father?

No way. He had three children before and had been a father for at least two thousand years. How could two millenia not be enough for him to learn what Harry learnt in just a few years? She had never had any complaints about Harry.

Giving up on finding any good in Blaze's actions, she took in deep breaths and prepared to find her way out of here. This was not just a mountain. It was basically a forest and there was no guessing what creatures could be found up the mountain. That was definitely not the place she should go, so she headed further downward. It was a peculiar forest with hues of soft colors and she would have stopped to admire it if her legs were not shaking. The only good thing about it was that she could see light ahead of her which meant she was not far from a clearing or road.

The thought of wild animals that resided in forests scared her into walking faster, almost running until she came to the clearing—and the first thing she saw scared the crap out of her.

A leopard.

It was only five meters away from her and was scratching the bark of a tree with its claws.

"Just what I need." She muttered under her breath. The beast before her might be a feline but she knew better than to find its scratching cute. It was probably preparing to hunt for dinner and if it saw her, she would end up in its belly faster than she could say her last name.

"Why does it have to be this way?" She thought as she looked back to the mountain. The forest was much thicker there and must be the habitat of more ferocious animals like lions, tigers or more leopards. Or snakes. The thought made her shudder.

Between the unknown and what she could see in front of her, she was more scared of the unknown.

What did the blogs say one should do if they encountered leopards?

She couldn't think of anything so she decided to take the safe route—hide until the feline walked away. But the nearest trees were not thick enough to cover her body. There was no difference between hiding behind them and standing right where she was. She was yet to decide whether to stay on the spot or hope that the feline's vision was too low for it to see her if she hid behind the tree, when it turned.


It stared at her for a while and their eyes met. She froze on the spot even though she wanted to run away—not that she could be faster than a leopard—but she would rather die trying.

"Don't look at me. Go and hunt for dinner. It will be night soon and then all the yummy animals will sleep and you will have nothing to eat." She whispered in her mind. She would have sounded ridiculous if she said it out aloud. Was she crazy that she hoped the leopard would mistake her for a statue?

The beast took a few steps forward as if to examine her closely.


She shut her eyes for a second and when she opened them, she almost passed out in horror because the beast was running towards her.

It had just taken it a few leaps and she was too horrified to run. She backed away and her back hit a tree. The leopard followed her.

"Stop. Sit!" She frantically tried everything that came to mind and scolded herself. It was not a damn cat! Her heart raced as she wished she could use Dairon's animal-language-understanding skills to talk it into leaving. Why couldn't she use it when she had half of his soul?

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"Go." She spoke when she realized that it was not directly going for the kill. "Go and get something else to eat. I'm not delicious, I promise. I might just give you food poisoning." She muttered as if it could understand her. The leopard raised its paw and her heart lurched in her throat.

"How about… I find you something yummier to eat? I can get you meat. I can even cook it for you."

Great. Now she was negotiating with a leopard.

"I know you don't eat cooked meat but…"

She felt all the strength leave her body when the huge animal rubbed its head against her stomach. Huh? Was this its way of inspecting its dinner? If only she had a weapon. And why the hell was she unable to summon her scepter?

The leopard rubbed its head against her stomach for almost a minute while scaring the crap out of her. Just kill me already, beast! She almost yelled. Why was it acting like a cat?

It circled the tree, rubbing its large, furry body against her thighs every time it came back to her. Maybe that was its way of thanking the gods for the meal it had just received.

She was planning to bolt away the next time it circled the tree but before it disappeared behind her, she caught sight of an bald patch on its body. There was no fur. She uncontrollably touched the bald section, feeling a strong sense of familiarity. Many years ago, she and Dahlia had found a leopard injured near its hind limb. It must have been at about the same spot.

The animal let out a low rumble from her touch. It was not a roar. Was it purring at her? If it wasn't obvious from its circling and rubbing its head against her stomach, it was obvious now.

The corners of her eyes stung. "Goldie?"

As if it was familiar with its name, the leopard turned around and leapt at her.

"Goodness!" She would have fallen from the impact if she didn't have the tree as support. "You are so big. I didn't recognize you! And damn you are heavy."

It once again purred and she scratched the back of its head. It was just a cub when it was taken away. Who would have thought that they would suddenly meet again when least expected?

"You scared the crap out of me. Bad Goldie." When she stopped scratching, it lifted its paw onto the back of her hand and guided it to scratch it. A smile blossomed on her face. Her Goldie was back. Dahlia would burst into tears of joy if she knew.

"Lord Blaze sent me here in preparation for my mission. Do you think you are part of the mission?" She asked even while knowing that it wouldn't understand, much less respond.

Goldie stepped away from her and she wanted to fall asleep from how tired she felt. She had never been so scared in her life. When Goldie turned to leave, she had a nagging feeling that she wanted her to follow her. It was insane. She didn't understand any animal's language but she just knew it. So she followed her instinct. Goldie waited for her to catch up and when she did, it confirmed her thoughts.

"Are you helping me get out of the forest?" She asked. Goldie purred and she laughed. "Am I supposed to know what that means?"

She didn't know where she was, so she might as well follow Goldie. The latter led her to a cave and went in. It turned when Jasmine didn't go into the cave.

She hoped there weren't other leopards inside. When she remembered that leopards didn't live in groups, she hesitantly got in. Goldie stood beside three cubs and turned to her. She looked over and was in awe. Goldie had cubs. How adorable!

"Can I take one with me to be my pet?" She asked gently. When Goldie expressed its disdain, she laughed. "Then I will take you as my pet."

Goldie walked out and she followed it, not asking where they were going. The sun had already set when they arrived at their destination, a clearing, and she gasped. Facing away from them and playing with a stream of water was a winged horse.

"A pegasus?" She muttered in surprise.

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