Reborn As The Daemon's Wife

Chapter 88: Escape (1)

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If Blaze thought this was funny, then he either had an annoyingly twisted sense of humor or several screws loose in his head. Maybe both.

Jasmine sighed as she paced her new room which she'd quickly learnt barely a minute after choosing it, that it had belonged to Blaze's eldest daughter, Catalyah. He had seemed uneasy about it when he learnt that it was the room that caught her eye and wanted to make her change it. Lolanthe had convinced him to let her have it, saying they owed her at least this much for taking away her freedom.

They owed her a freaking lot more and she would seek the scores to settle with them later if they didn't let her go the peaceful way. She cracked all her knuckles in a row, frustration brimming in her eyes as she made the umpteenth walk across the room. She had been uncomfortable in this castle to begin with and the fact that she was being caged made her feel worse. Why did everyone think that freedom was the least of the things she deserved? She hadn't freely received any since she made her first appearance in this realm.

Forcing out a long, heavy breath, she sat on the couch in the room—at least it was soft and comfortable—and crossed her legs at the knees. If she wanted to get out of here, she needed to think and she couldn't do that by pacing restlessly. She knew that she needed to calm down, take a nap and refresh her mind but she couldn't do any of that. Instead, she stood and started looking around.

Catalyah's room was pretty simple for the kind of goddess that everyone made her out to be. It was large but had minimal furniture in the simplest of designs, mostly light shades of brown and hints of red. Jasmine found it a weird combination that somehow didn't look out of place. The small sculptures on the vanity, bedside table and the large one that almost scared the crap out of her that looked like a man standing right beside the bed reminded her of the Caves of Cannon. If she had any remaining doubt, this room was the most certain piece of evidence to prove that the goddess who supposedly loved making hills into a home was Catalyah.

But this was not the time to admire anything. She rummaged through but only to find something that would help her leave. She would have dragged a sheet off the bed and tied it to the window to use to climb out if she were in the human realm but that would only be a waste of time here. She didn't even know how to get anywhere after leaving the castle.

There had to be something she could use. Maybe something that Catalyah treasured so much, that she could threaten to destroy if they didn't let her go.

She did find something. After rummaging over and over for what felt like hours, she stumbled upon a scepter. She was about to reach for it when she remembered what Sinos said about not being able to use anyone else's scepter. In the worst case scenarios, it could curse whoever used it but was not its owner.

But it did help her think of something. She summoned her scepter.

Luckily, the existence of scepters was like an emergency solution for the rare situations when a deity's power failed or they were in places where they couldn't use them. They would still work no matter the circumstances.

The crystal ball at the top of the scepter lit up. It felt like it was draining her and she became dizzier by the second. She was not yet strong enough to use it and didn't even know what to do with it.

"Crap. What am I supposed to do?" She mumbled as she swayed slightly, trying not to see more than one of everything.

Just when she felt she would pass out, one of the walls illuminated with writing. She continued to hold the scepter and turned to read whatever was written. As her bad luck would have it, it was written in the language of the gods. She was yet to learn it.

Another dead end. She didn't even have much luck finding somewhere to begin with in the first place. She let go of the scepter and slumped onto the bed, feeling herself start to drift into slumber. She tried to force her eyes open as she thought of random things to keep her from sleeping. She should learn the language of the gods. Who would teach her? She definitely didn't trust anyone after what happened? Her brows dipped. Sinos must know that she needed to learn it, right? Maybe he was waiting for the right time to teach her. Before then, she should get used to seeing the characters since she would maybe have to learn how to write them as well.

She glanced around for any books she could find. While she couldn't see any, she thought back to the writings on the wall a while ago. She couldn't read out the words but every one of those characters looked familiar.

She had a strong urge to hold her scepter again. She sighed, knowing that she would probably pass out if it drained her strength anymore. But what was the use of staying awake if she couldn't be where she wanted to be? She might as well take a nap. Shrugging, she picked the scepter up from the bed where she'd dropped it, and the wall once again illuminated.

This time, she recognized a character she remembered seeing translated into a language she understood. Narilia.

That's it! Narilia.

She finally comprehended what the scepter was trying to help her do. Was it wrong?

Of course it was. But was it wrong for Blaze to hold her against her will? Absolutely.

So, pressing a hand against the wall, she muttered in the lowest voice she could, to make sure no one heard her. "Narilia, the fourth of the four, open the door sealed by Tolvethor."

A familiar metallic door appeared and it was open. She took a deep sigh in relief and couldn't stop the wide smile that formed on her face. She took a step forward but paused before she could step out through the door. Where would she end up? Would she go to the human realm or to Dairon's Island? What if the other side was somewhere she was equally unfamiliar with? Narilia was a demoness after all, and she was a demigoddess. The former had no reason to help her.

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A snippet of the past flashed through her mind as if on cue.


Twenty-eight years ago.

Scarlet held little Gessamine's hand as she wiped her teary eyes.

"Why is Lord Blaze so mean? I only failed to complete the task and it was too hard." The little demigoddess sniffed and launched herself into Scarlet's arms, whom she believed provided her with a sense of security.

Scarlet smoothed her hair as she spoke in a monotonous voice. "It's not your fault that Blaze hates you. Everyone thinks you could cause danger."

Shocked, she pulled her head from Scarlet's shoulder and looked up at her. "Do you think so too?"

Scarlet stood from her squatting position and held the demigoddess' hand, leading her away. "Only in this realm. If you were to go back home, the danger would subside. No one would bully you there. Your mother loves you. She misses you so much that she cries about it all day."

The demigoddess looked sad. "I miss her too."

"So you have to leave. Go on, say the words I taught you and you will be out of here." Scarlet urged and gave her a push towards the door before which they were standing.

"I don't know… Narilia is a demoness. Will she really take me back home to mama and papa?" She asked, uncertain and trembling in fear.

Scarlet reassured her with a nod. "I don't know about Narilia but the doors that Tolvethor sealed were said to only ever lead you to where you should be."


Jasmine stared at the door with furrowed brows. She didn't trust a word that came out of Scarlet's mouth but she was certain that what she'd said about the doors was true. She had walked through it before and it did lead her where she needed to be.

Besides, in her memory, she tried to call for Tolvethor using her last breath. She didn't have any memory of whoever owned that name but it made her feel safe.

At this point, she was literally making excuses to leave when the real reason was that anywhere was better than this cage. So she took a step forward and walked in through the door.



Where do you think she will end up?

Her home in the human realm?

Dairon's Island?

Some other place that's neither her home nor on Dairon's Island?

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