Reincarnated as a Ghost Fox With a system

Chapter 8: The symbiote plant tribe

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              *Come my son, it is time that I show you where we shall be staying now that we are reunited.* Looking up at his mother, Drax had no time to reply before he was hoisted onto her back. Turning around, Kuro started to move her large body forward at a steady pace. Crawling to the edge of her back, Drax looked down as confusion flashed across his face. His mother was clearly leaving footprints in the snow. The reason he was confused was because even though he was also made of mist, no matter how hard he tried, he could never make any footprints in anything. 

              But not only is his mother carrying him while his body is no longer ethereal thanks to the scale, but she is also making footprints in the snow. Shaking his head slightly, Drax decided not to worry about it before going back to the middle of his mother's back and curling up into a ball. Unfortunately, he wasn't able to even close his eyes before his ears caught the sound of thousands of scuttling noises along with the crunches of snow falling behind him and his mother. Turning his body before opening my mouth in shock, Drax could hardly believe what he was seeing. Thousands upon thousands of plants with long green stems that looked quite similar to Gallard were following behind the.. 

              Hearing a giggle come from right beside himself, Drax looked over to see a small plant barely a foot tall trying its best to keep up with Kuro. The plant had multiple green roots at its bottom that were constantly moving back and forth along the snow and would probably give Drax a headache if he kept looking. The Roots were attached to a small circular stump with a small stem growing out of the top that carried no leaves. Looking at all of the other plants, Drac noticed that they too have no leaves on their stems, but he also noticed one major difference between the little plant's stem and everybody else's. The tiny plant's stem was red and the leaves that were located on top were purple, while the rest of the plants had green stems with red leaves located on top. 

              And once he looked closely at their roots, Drax could tell that even though every plant had brown roots, the little plant's roots were a noticeable shade darker. *Hi my name is Gale, what's yours?* Hearing a small girlish voice inside of his head, Drax's eyes widened as he looked at the small plant In front of him. Trying to speak but failing, all that Drax could come up with was "I, you, am, um, how, purple?" Clearing his throat even though they were mostly communicating by thoughts, Drax sorted out what he was going to say before he started to speak. 

              Unfortunately, it still decided to come out of his mouth in a big rush. *My name is Drax, I apologize for the late introduction, I've just never had very many plants talk to me before, so it kind of took me by surprise. To be honest, I thought Gallard was going to be the only talking plant that I would ever meet.*Giggling slightly at his rushed speech, Gale fixed her four large pedals that were currently wrapped around each other towards his direction. Moving a little bit closer to Kuro, Gale looked up at Drax before continuing to speak.

              *Well then I'm worried you might pass out from shock once we get where we're going.* Looking at Gale with curiosity and confusion, Drax was about to ask where they were going and why would it surprise him but suddenly stopped as all the plants that were traveling behind them stopped moving along with his mother. Turning himself around so that he was facing forward, his mouth once again opened in shock as he came face to face with a massive door made entirely out of ice. Carved into the door were images of multiple plants shooting out seeds from their mouths at a large dragon-like creature with 2 heads that was breathing fire in return. Behind the dragon stood a large fox with its claws outstretched, and its paw headed for the dragon's neck. 

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              The fox had four tails with 2 of them curled around the head of the dragon keeping it in place. Drax's mother's body moved slightly as she turned her head to look at him, showering her teeth to Drax before turning back towards the large steel door, she lowered her head and started to softly growl while letting it get slowly louder. Lifting her head once more she opened her jaw as she let out a massive roar that shook the ground and made the earth tremble as it sent snow and ice all flying all over the place. Hearing a large rumbling sound come from the door, I looked up as multiple cracks spread throughout the center of it until they formed a circle. 

              In the middle of the circle was a large paw imprint surrounded by multiple small leaf imprints that were being connected by the imprint of a long thick vine. Walking up to the door, Draces mother placed her paw against the imprint as eight of the plants that had been following us scuttled up to the door. Among those eight was Gallard. Shaking their long stems, multiple tiny sticks started to poke out before tiny green stems started to pop up. The stems started to grow as multiple long vines started to appear around each plant. 

              Small cracking sounds started to come from each vine as multiple leaves started to sprout from inside these vines. Walking closer to the door, each plant entangled their vines as they started to mold them together until a single thick vine with multiple leaves were left. Placing the vine and leaves against the imprints that just happened to be a perfect match, Kuro and the plants turned towards each other before nodding. Quickly turning her paw in a complete circle, the plants simultaneously did the same with the vine. Hearing a crunch, all the imprints were suddenly sucked farther into the ice before they started to slowly glow a bright red. 

              As the last leaf imprint lit up with a red light, multiple crunching sounds started to sound throughout the area as the door was split in two right down the middle and started to slowly open revealing the most magical sight that Drax knew he would ever see. Kuro turned her head once more so that she could look at him before showing her teeth in what was supposed to be a large toothy smile that was actually pretty terrifying. Speaking with a voice full of pride and love, Kuro spoke as she watched Drax take in the wonderful sight. *Welcome my son to the village of the symbiote plants.* Her voice echoed throughout Drax's head as he looked at what was to be his new home.

(Author note: Hey guys, if you've liked the book so far then let me know by joining my discord) 

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