Reincarnated as a Vampire Princess

Chapter 10: Chapter 10

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2 years had passed, and I was now 5 years old. Amazingly, there weren’t any side effects for whatever magic that the dragon did. I was informed that instructors would be coming to the castle to start tutoring me when I turn 6 years old. Since I was now 5 I could start learning magic, but I was terrified after the last incident. I think my parents knew that as they weren’t pressuring me to start learning magic yet. Currently I was holding my father’s hand as we were walking through the castle. My mother was busy with something. Yumi was following behind us, but I had no idea where we were going. As we turned towards the courtyard where the knights trained, my father started speaking.

“Today I am going to start teaching you how to use a sword.” I was a bit surprised by his words. “Teach me how to use a sword?” I hadn’t heard about this beforehand. As I was wondering why a princess would need to know how to use a sword, he answered. “Yes, this is very important, Enala. Unfortunately, this world isn’t very forgiving, and as a doting father, I will not allow my daughter to go out into the world unprepared.”

I knew this world wasn’t exactly safe. I always felt secure within the castle, but I knew there were many dangers outside. Yumi had warned me of that over and over again. My parents had chosen to stick by me when we ventured out of the castle and into the city. We walked towards a female wolf beastkin with plate armor. Her eyes were a light shade of blue, and the fur on her ears and tail was gray. I had seen her before, but I couldn’t place her name. Plenty of people had introduced themselves to me, but it was hard to remember them all. As we approached her she stood at attention and saluted. 

“At ease, Adelisa.” She obliged my fathers command. Her tail wagged happily as she looked down towards me. “It will be an honor to assist in the training of the princess!” I now understood the purpose of bringing me to this wolfkin. “Go on and introduce yourself, En.” My father ushered me forward with his hand. I was still plenty shy of strangers, and all of the birthday parties hadn’t solved that. I began to fidget nervously before managing to stammer out words. “I-I am p-princess E-enala V-v-v…” My father patted my head as I was struggling to speak. “Enala will be enough, don't you think?”

I sheepishly nodded my head choosing to retreat behind my fathers large figure. “I am terribly sorry. She hasn’t really been good around strangers. Although once you get to know her she is quite energetic and playful.” The wolfkin started to chuckle.

“Think nothing of it, your majesty. I have seen her running around the castle enough times to understand.” She then bent down in front of me so we were eye level. “I would love it if you could be my friend, princess.” She extended her hand towards me. I could tell she was a nice woman, but the experiences I had with other people in my past life made me weary. Slowly I stretched out my small hand towards her rather large hand. As I gripped her hand I noticed that it was laced with calluses. Her entire body screamed warrior. She was muscular for a woman, and she seemed to have no problem with moving in that thick plate armor.

“Y-you can just call me En.” The words barely manage to slip out. She opted to look up to my father. “I don’t see why not. There is no need for formalities. You two will get very familiar with each other starting today.” 

“Very well then. Starting today you will be in my care for sword training. Do you have any questions?” Really I had plenty of questions, but I opted to just shake my head. “Good, now all you need is a training sword.”

“Allow me to take care of that.” Yumi interjected. When my attention gathered to her she summoned a small wooden sword from nowhere. I looked at her in awe again. There was still a huge part of me that wanted to use magic, but on the other hand I was still terrified to try. Yumi presented me with the sword which I nervously took. 

The wooden sword was the perfect size for my small body, and it fit in my tiny hands splendidly. What was surprising was the ease at which I held up the sword. It didn’t feel heavy at all. I instantly lost my inhibitions as I started happily swinging the sword around. What sort of self proclaimed weeb wouldn’t get excited? It didn’t take long for the sword to halt though. I looked up to see what stopped the sword, and I saw my father holding the end of it. 

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“En, I know you are excited, but it is dangerous to play with a weapon.” I started to feel embarrassed. What was wrong with me? I was supposed to be an adult before dying, but for some reason I couldn’t stop myself when I became excited in this life. “I am sorry, father…” 

He sighed before he placed a gentle hand on my head. “As long as you understand. Excitement is a good feeling, but it must be tempered with caution. There will be no end to my worries as a parent if you dive headfirst into everything. You are still young, but it is important to learn patience. I am sure your mother has told you that many times.”

I nodded my head in understanding. My mother had told me many times to be careful especially after that incident. Even after promising her that I would listen to warnings, I still almost crossed the line a few times. It was almost like my brain had become a child again along with my body. Several times I almost ran into a servant carrying glass while sprinting through the castle halls. Eventually my father broke me from my thoughts.

“Anyway, first of all that is not even how you grip a sword.” His expression became serious as he showed me how to grip the sword. “Secondly, posture is very important. There are many stances, but we will start with something easy.” He showed me how to stand and where I should place my feet. Then he summoned a wooden sword of his own. “Lastly, this is very important so watch me.” He showed me how to swing the sword vertically. Then Adelisa chimed in. “The first thing we will do is get you used to swinging a sword.”

I held the sword in my hands as my father had taught me, and then I began to swing it in the way he showed me. They earnestly paid attention to me and corrected me everytime I would do something wrong. It didn’t take long for me to not need their assistance at all, but swinging a sword became tiring extremely fast. After just 20 minutes of swinging it I was at my limits and my arms felt like jelly. 

To my dismay instead of stopping. Adelisa urged me to continue. “I can’t!” I tried to tell her that it was impossible, but she just cheered me on. “Once your limbs feel like jelly. That means you have only reached the halfway point!” 

What was she talking about!? Doesn’t she know I am only 5 years old? And a princess at that. As I looked over to my father he was nodding his head in agreement with this muscle head. Was I the crazy one? Even Yumi is agreeing!

I was trapped for the next 20 more minutes swinging a sword without relent. When my arms became shaky like they were going to fall off there was assisted swinging. Adelisa was behind me holding up my arms to assist in swinging the sword. Eventually with a thunk the sword fell from my hands, and even they agreed that I could no longer continue. I thought that would be the end of it, but instead of taking me to my cozy bed. We started running around the courtyard for the next hour. I was sweating bullets by the time it was over. When I was finally brought back to my room, I didn’t even have the strength within me to try painting. Instead I opted to collapse on my bed.

“Is this hellish training going to continue?” Yumi was looking at me with a confused face. “Hellish training? This is only a lighter introduction to get you used to the harsher training in the future.” Wait what? Harsher training? “Wait! I will learn magic! Anything but that please!” She smiled at me, and I thought I had saved myself from the future anguish until her next words. “Very well, we will add magic training to your schedule. Starting tomorrow there will be both magic and sword training.”

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