Reincarnated as a Vampire Princess

Chapter 4: Chapter 4

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It has been a year since my birth and this world, and I was currently being held in my mothers tender arms in a grand opulent room. I was surrounded by people of varying different races. There were humans, beastkin, and even elves. My father stood beside me and my mother. The curious gazes that were directed at me caused me to flinch and bury my head in my mothers chest.

Since coming to this world I had learned how to walk, albeit I would stumble over my tiny legs most of the time. I hadn’t yet spoken out loud to anyone. I practiced speech quietly when I was sure no one could hear, but actually speaking to anyone terrified me. My mother and father tried several times to get me to call them mommy or daddy, but the words would never leave my mouth. Today was a day of celebration. It was my first birthday. Servants and lords with fancy suits and dresses filled the hall. I recognized some of the servants from when my mother would take me along with her through the castle. Murmurs could be heard throughout the large room. 

Suddenly I heard a clinking sound coming from my right, and I looked over to see my father tapping a spoon against a wine glass. The hushed whispers of hundreds of voices vanished, and all of the attention in the room was gathered on my father. 

“Welcome everyone, I know that the people in this hall are all eager to get the party underway, but first I have a short address.” The silence remained, and I started to look around at everyone frantically. I had never been good around people in my past life, especially when there were so many. My mother could tell that I was panicking, so she immediately started to stroke my head. When she rubbed her cheeks against mine the panic from before started to dwindle. She provided me with a comfort you could only get from the embrace of a loving mother. It didn’t take long for my father to continue.

“On behalf of my kingdom, as the king of this nation, I welcome you! To the people inside of the castle. To the people that couldn’t make it. To the people who are celebrating out in the streets. I sincerely thank everyone in this kingdom from the bottom of my heart. On this day we celebrate something that is near and dear to me, and my wife. This past year we have been nothing but blessed by the smile of my daughter and future heir. From the gods above, to the people below, I could never thank everyone enough for blessing my family. I only hope that we will continue to be in your love and care…” 

The faces in the hall filled with nothing but respect and compassion for my father. I couldn’t help but burn this scene into my mind. This was what it was like to be truly loved. The way that my parents held endless love for me was shown in the eyes of all who had gathered. My father started to tear up. As he began shaking, my mother placed a tender hand on his shoulder and urged him to continue.

“Truly, truly thank you for coming to celebrate the birth of my daughter. Anyways… I have held up enough of your time. I think it is finally time we let the festivities begin! Please feel free to help yourself to any of the food within the hall. There is enough to go around.” 

Cheers erupted throughout the hall as the people gathered began clapping away. “Long live King Night Von Arris!”  I heard someone call out. What followed was people shouting similar chants. Many were even directed at me. “Long live the princess!” Before long the chaos of a royal birthday was underway.

People made way to the long tables that held more food than I had ever seen in both lives. Other people started greeting each other, and a few made their way over to greet the newest addition to the royal family, namely me. I couldn’t help but bury my head further into my mothers chest. All of the attention was getting to me as I tried to tune out the voices, but they wouldn’t relent. They showered my mother with questions about me. She answered all of the inquiries as best she could. They wouldn’t stop talking about how cute I was, and my mother couldn’t help but agree. 

Before long I couldn’t take the attention anymore as I started to cry. My mother tried to soothe me, but the loud cry of a baby wouldn’t relent. “There, there. It’s okay dear no one here will bite.” No matter how hard she tried I wouldn’t stop crying. The people near us awkwardly  left my mother to deal with me. Eventually between sobs I started to utter my first word. “M-mommy!” 

I was terrified of all the attention the people had given me, and I sought salvation in the only person I could think of. She gasped after my utterance, but instead of commenting on it she continued trying to soothe my fragile mind. 

“If you will excuse us…” She hastily excused us from the large room, and we made our way through the castle. We ended our journey back in my familiar safe space as I started to calm down. She sat me down in my crib and began to rock it back and forth. She sang to me in her angelic voice that calmed my mind even further. Eventually the heavenly voice of my mother drowned out all of the noise happening within and outside of the castle. The chaos happening in my mind dwindled. Inevitably between the angelic singing of my mother and the rocking of my crib sleep found me.

My dreams were filled with visions of my past life. Instances of abuse from my previous parents and the bullying received at school played vividly before me. The events rehashed in my dreams until a bright light filled my dreams. It brought with it a warmth that caressed me. It began washing away all of the bad memories. When the light subsided my eyes opened to be greeted by my mother who had her hand placed upon my forehead. She was humming a sweet melody, and I could feel a faint power emanating from her hand. As she noticed my opened eyes she smiled at me. It was a smile that washed away all of my fears and doubts. A smile graced my face for the woman who had saved me from my nightmares. “I love you mommy.” Before I knew it the words left my mouth.

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