Reincarnated as a Vampire Princess

Chapter 5: Chapter 5

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“Princess, don’t run!” It has been a year and a half since my first birthday, and not much has happened since then. I did start talking more. To the surprise of my parents and Yumi my words were more coherent than a babies should be. They seemingly wrote it off as me being gifted. Now to the present moment I was currently running away from the evil demon lord Yumi. She was chasing me through the halls of the castle. I had so much energy in my little body that I just had to let it out sometimes. 

“Hehehe, you will never take me alive!” As soon as I rounded a corner I bumped into a wall falling on my butt. Well the wall looked down at me with a stern expression. Plastered on the face of the wall was a gray mustache. The aging was evident as he had wrinkles covering his face, and his hair was short, the color matching the mustache. As he gazed over me, realizing who had run into him, a faint smile found his lips. This was Roland, the head butler of the castle. He was dutiful and his expression only ever changed when he saw me. You could say my cuteness was everyone’s weakness. Yumi caught up as Roland began to speak.

“Are you running away from the evil demon lord again?” I looked up at him with a smile and he responded in kind. I nodded my head. “Yes, Yumi is the evil demon lord!” I turned back to Yumi who was stammering to get words out. I guess technically Roland was like a boss to her. Yumi recomposed herself and bowed before addressing Roland. “It is as you say, Sir. She is quite lively in the mornings.” Roland let out a hearty laugh as he bent down to pat my head. “That can only be a good thing. I am glad our princess is healthy. I would join you in the fun, but it seems I have work to do, so if you’ll excuse me.” 

He started to walk away before turning around, seemingly forgetting something. “Oh yes, before I go would the princess like to take this?” He pulled a small blue bottle out of his pocket and presented it to me. My curious hands instantly reached out and grabbed the bottle. “Well, then you two have fun.” As I looked up to thank him for whatever he had given me he was already gone. 

I eyed the bottle wondering about the viscous liquid contained inside. “What is it?” I looked over to Yumi. “That is a hobby of his. He is masterful at painting. Many of the Murals inside this castle were made by himself. It is paint of the highest quality.” I nodded my head in understanding.

“Do you want to go back to your room and try it?” I more vigorously nodded my head. I was never good at art in my past life, but maybe it could be different here. “Very well, let us go to your chamber.” I had finally been granted my own room across from my parents when I turned two. Yumi’s room was next to mine, and they were connected by a small door. This way she would always be nearby in case something happened. Usually there was someone to watch over me though. I am a toddler after all. I had yet to venture outside of the castle. Everytime I asked my parents they said I would have to wait until I was a bit bigger.

As we arrived at my room I took in the surroundings as I had many times before. My bed was decorated with purple and silver matching my hair and eye color. It was small, but compared to my tiny frame it was still large enough to fit 5 of me. There was a tiny wooden desk with a small chair in front of it. A small compartment filled with paper was tucked away beneath it. I had used it to practice writing letters. My parents and Yumi were amazed at the speed in which I picked up the alphabet. Amazingly the language and the letters were the same from my previous life. Art was decorating the walls. There were a few depictions of wilderness and bustling medieval streets. Tucked away in one corner was my white wooden dresser that held the clothing of a princess. A large window sat overlooking the city, silver curtains hanging down.

As I wondered where we were going to get a canvas to paint on I looked over to Yumi. She took this as her cue as a canvas appeared out of nowhere. I was once again amazed by the power of magic as I looked at her in awe. I still hadn’t managed to cast a single spell or channel my inevitably amazing magic power. When I asked my parents to teach me they told me that I was still far too young to use magic. They still didn’t mind displaying simple forms of magic. My parents enjoyed my reactions as I loudly proclaimed that it wasn’t fair in my jealousy.

Before long Yumi had set the canvas up, presenting me with a small chair to sit in. I happily strode over and took a seat. A small brush was resting in front of the canvas awaiting me. “What do you want to paint, princess?” 

Instead of answering her I began my handiwork. Time flew by as I tried to paint a depiction of my mother and father holding my hands. The only color I had to work with was blue making it hard to depict the scenery. In the background I drew Yumi following us. The depiction was beautiful, is what I wanted to say, but in actuality the finished product were blobs representing humanoid figures. It was supposed to be a scene of us walking through the city, but the buildings ended up misshapen.

I turned around to the giggling Yumi. My cheeks reddened as she looked at the scene before her. She put her hand to her chin in a serious pose thinking about the painting. “Is that cute little figure in the middle you?” I nodded sheepishly as my cheeks turned even redder. “Then I am guessing the two next to you are your parents. Who is the figure behind them?” 

“T-that is y-you.” She nodded in understanding as her tail wagged happily. She instantly bent down and embraced me in a hug even though my hands and clothes had paint all over them. “Thank you for drawing me in such a cute way, princess.” As she separated from me she looked me over. “It looks like you are in need of a nice bath, princess.” 

After that she bathed me and helped me change my clothes. I apologized for covering her apron in paint, but she shrugged it off telling me that was what the apron was for. As the day winded to a close my mother entered my room. She ran up to me and embraced me before looking over to Yumi. “Fufufu, how was my adorable daughter today?” 

“She is quite the lively girl. She happily ran away from me, proclaiming me as the evil demon lord, and then we ran into Roland. He gave her paint, and she depicted the cutest scene I have ever seen.” As soon as Yumi brought out the painting I was once again embarrassed. Did she have to show my mom? 

My mom paid no heed to my inner plight as she looked over the painting. “My, my how cute! Is that us?” I nodded nervously. “Fufufu, I see you are on your way to becoming a masterful painter!” She exclaimed as she hugged me even tighter. I was happy to have such a loving mother, but it almost felt like she was patronizing me. Nonetheless I hugged her back as she picked me up in her arms, showering me with kisses.

The day ended with my mother telling me a bedtime story about a haughty dragon that was forced to learn it wasn’t the king of the world. The dragon in the story wasn’t evil. He was just stubborn and needlessly full of himself. A queen in the story brought him down to his level and showed him what real power was. I couldn’t help but wonder about the origins of such a story before I finally fell asleep in my mothers arms.

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