Reincarnated as a Vampire Princess

Chapter 7: Chapter 7

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Not much time had passed since my outing with my parents. I discovered a book in their room that had piqued my interest. I snuck the book out of their room while everyone was occupied. I was happy with my covert operation, and currently I was happily laying on my stomach in front of the book while swinging my legs. Normally I would never dare to do something like this. I was going behind my parent’s back and I felt a bit guilty, but my curiosity had gotten the better of me. The title of the book instantly captivated my attention. The book was called “Fundamentals of Magic: Volume 1”. 

There was no way I wouldn’t be entranced at the prospect of learning magic. I was filled with growing excitement as I opened the first page of the book. I immediately started to read. Warning! Children under the age of 5 should not attempt to use magic. Attempting to use magic before could cause permanent damage to the child’s…

Blah blah blah! I skipped the warning pages, turning them over until I reached the first chapter. Every living being in this world has mana. From the trees of the forest to the people living in society. Even monsters have mana. The only difference between a sentient person and a tree is that a person has a mana core, while a tree does not. 

A mana core? Is that like some type of organ? I figured that the book might tell me as I continued to read. The mana core is attached to the soul of every person living. Through the mana core one can enact their will upon the world, bending it as they desire. 

After that I read through the many paragraphs describing what a mana core was. Eventually I ended up on chapter 2 which was where the truly interesting parts would begin. The first step to learning magic is to recognize your own mana core. Some mages take years of meditation to be able to channel mana through it. For others they are naturally talented, and they can immediately feel and understand the process…

I was hoping it would be simple. I really wanted to use magic. Hopefully I would be a part of the latter group that were talented in magic. Feeling your own mana core is different for everyone. The easiest and most consistent way that has been researched is to find somewhere that is free of distractions and clear your mind. Once your mind has been cleared. Try to visualize the fluctuations of mana around you. You should notice a difference between the surrounding mana and yourself. Focus on that difference within, and eventually something will happen. This “something” is different for everyone. 

An area free of distractions? Check. Everyone was currently asleep. I realized what I was doing and I was hit by another wave of guilt. My parents had told me that I was too young to use magic. I really should have listened to them, but their little shows of magic had made me really envious. There is just no way anyone from my old world would miss out on this opportunity. I swallowed my guilt as I separated from the book. 

I sat cross legged and attempted to do the next thing the book told me. I tried to clear my restless mind. As my mind cleared away the guilt. I focused on the world around me. How should I even notice a difference between the surrounding mana and myself in the first place? The book didn’t explain this crucial information. What even is mana? Is it like a particle? I don’t know much about particles, but I know they are all around us. Particles are a fundamental building block in the universe. I closed my eyes in the hopes that I would feel something surrounding me.

At first there was nothing, but when I took in a deep breath a sensation was washed over me. It felt slightly ticklish at first. I squirmed as the sensation blanketed over me. Eventually the prickly feeling dissipated, and instead there was a small trickle of information. I could sort of feel the surroundings even with my eyes closed. The air around me felt neutral, but it was oddly soothing. I thought the new information would overload me, but it was surprisingly pleasant. 

When I opened my eyes I thought I would see something different in the air; however, the room still looked the same. Though I could still feel it. There was much more to the surroundings. Just like there is oxygen in the atmosphere, there was also this so-called mana. 

I remembered the next thing the book told me, and I closed my eyes again. This time I focused on the difference between my surroundings and what was inside myself. 

I noticed an immediate difference. If I could describe the surroundings in a color then it would be clear, but something inside of me was pulsating. The color of my mana core was silver. I started to swell with excitement, and before I knew it I began to act almost on instinct. 

I began to pull on the core with my mind trying to get something to happen. At first nothing would happen, so I began to strain harder and harder trying to pull something out of my mana core. As I struggled against it I started to feel a dull pain in my chest. To me this came as a sign to continue as pulling had clearly done something. The pulsating grew stronger along with the beating of my own heart. As I yanked as hard as I could, straining my mind I heard a loud popping sound.

What followed was the second worst pain I had ever felt. The worst was being shot, but this pain came close. The pain started in my chest and rapidly spread throughout my body. It felt like hundreds of insects biting me all over, as I collapsed to the ground I started to scream. The world became blurry through my eyes that were filling with tears.

I heard my door burst open, but I couldn’t move as my body was spasming. I recognized the worried face of my mother as she ran over to me. She scooped me up in her arms. Words were leaving her mouth, but my ears were ringing, and I couldn’t make them out. I knew I had messed up big time. I really was starting to get terrified that I would die again. The last thing I wanted was to leave my beloved new family behind. As I struggled to stay awake I prayed in my mind hoping that some god would take pity on me and allow me to stay. Eventually the pain was too much as my consciousness faded. 

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