Reincarnated as a Vampire Princess

Chapter 8: Chapter 8

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I awoke to a dull aching pain in my chest. I was laying down on my bed. Surrounding me were the relieved faces of my mother and father. Yumi burst into tears and immediately restricted me in a hug. “I-I was so worried about you!” I hugged her back, but I was genuinely confused. That was until I remembered the dull pain in my chest. I was reminded of the previous incident. As Yumi released me I placed a relieved hand on my chest. I was so glad I hadn’t been taken from this world. 

My parents moved in to hug me as well. “You had everyone worried. I was so afraid of losing you…” I felt my mothers tears rain down on my face. I was filled with immense guilt. I knew this was all my fault. The tears my mother was crying were all because of what I had done. My stomach turned and my chest squeezed. I choked down the sobs that were threatening to leave me. My eyes started to grow watery. “I am so…”

“Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Why are you so worthless!?” A memory played in my mind. My previous father yelled at me. Then there was a loud smacking sound as I collapsed to the ground. My past life father had slapped my cheek bringing a stinging sensation. 

The memory was as clear as if it had happened yesterday. I was 8 years old at the time. I had brought home my report card already expecting the abuse. I tried my hardest in class to impress my parents, but it wasn’t like I was the most gifted child. The grades on my report card were mostly B’s. There was a single A in science class, but at the bottom of my report card was a C contrasting the single A. I had made a C in history class. 

My father continued yelling all sorts of obscenities at me as I layed on the floor. When the yelling finally ended he told me that my mother would have her turn with me when she got off work. When she finally did get off work she didn’t yell at me, but she looked at me as though I were trash. Then she proceeded to ground me in my room for a month. 

This sort of event was common in my childhood. My parents always looked at me like one would garbage. School wasn’t a safe haven either. The abuse would only continue there. The kids would call me names and make fun of the way I looked. The abuse never stopped until I got out of highschool. 

I promptly cut my parents out of my life, and I never spoke to anyone from school again. The only person who had treated me with care died when I was 5. My grandpa left me with his inheritance, and when I turned 18 the money came to me. I got an apartment and holed myself in my room most of the time. I only ever left at nighttime because I was afraid of the outside world. The only friends I had ever had were online. I had met them all through gaming. 

“En! En! Enala! Are you okay!?” My mother was calling out to me as I relived past memories. The tears that were threatening to be released from my eyes burst forth. The dam broke, and I started to cry loudly. “I-I-I am s-s-sorry! I-I am so st-stupid!” I buried my face in my mothers chest. She started to lightly stroke my hair.

“There, there. My daughter is anything but stupid.” The tears wouldn’t stop flowing. “B-but I…” She placed her hand under my chin forcing me to look into her eyes. She smiled gently at me, and then placed her hands on my cheeks. As my head was locked into place looking at her she spoke softly to me. “Now listen to me, dear. I will not have you think so lowly about yourself. You are anything but stupid. What 3 year old could be as smart as you are? What 3 year old but you could even read that book in the first place?” She wiped away my tears with her thumbs.

“But that is only because…” The only reason why I could do any of that was because of my past life. The truth was that there was nothing special about me at all. She suddenly placed a finger on my lips. “Shhh. I told you I would not let you think so lowly about yourself. Whatever you are thinking is wrong. It would do you well to listen to your dear mother.” I wanted to refute. I wanted to tell her that it was all because of my past life, but the words got stuck on my tongue. 

“Let me tell you what I think. I think you are the most precious thing in the world. We were so scared when you suddenly collapsed. We were terrified of losing our kind and sweet daughter. You are the most important thing in the world to us. When the doctor said that you would never be able to use mana again of course we were saddened, but we are more relieved that you are okay.”

“I will never be able to use mana again?” The words almost caused me to break down again. “Fufufu, that would be true, but I have a special acquaintance. He owes me a big favor, so I called it in just for you. Before that though I need you to promise me something.”

“Promise you something?” She nodded her head before she looked at me seriously. “Promise me you will be more careful from now on. Promise me you will pay attention to warnings.” 

“I promise, mommy. I am so sorry!” She once again placed her finger on my lips. “Also promise me you will stop apologizing. I am just glad you are okay.”

“I promise!” She hugged me once again before picking me up. “Now I will take you to our dear old friend.” 

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“Haah” I heard my father sigh. “That scaly brat is hardly a friend, but he at least honors his agreements. If only he didn’t have that personality of his…” I was really curious about the “scaly friend”, but I was also nervous. I didn’t want to screw up any more than I already had. I remembered my promise with my mother and I shook my head. I would try my hardest to not beat myself up forever. 

My mother carried me through the castle with my father and Yumi following behind. We arrived at the courtyard where the knights usually trained, but there was not a single knight present. Instead a large menacing figure hovered in the air. Its wings were jagged and black. The scales that ran over its body were a light orange in color, and its sharp white teeth were easily the size of my torso. I looked at it in shock before burying my head back in the safety of my mother. This was a creature of legends. It was a real life dragon, and my entire body shook in fear.

“Ineer can you change your form before you scare my daughter to death!” My mother yelled at the monstrosity. The dragon landed and shook the ground. I looked back at it before a black smoke surrounded him. I covered my eyes with my arm, and as the smoke dissipated a different more humanoid figure stood there.

He was quite tall and wore a black suit. His muscles threatened to break through the suit he was wearing. Even in this form he was quite massive. His orange hair was slicked back, and he had orange scales going down the side of his neck. “Hmph, if she died from such a simple sight then I would question who her parents really were.”

My mother glared daggers at him as a strong power started to come from her body. Amazingly Ineer shrunk making himself smaller. “Hieeeh! I am sorry, it was just a joke! Please forgive me!” He prostrated himself and slammed his head into the ground forming cracks.

“I will have you make it up to me at a later date. For now that isn’t the reason we brought you here. Instead we need you to take a look at our daughter.” 

He jumped up, and slowly made his way over. Everytime my mother would glare at him he would jump. “Hurry up!” 

“Yes!” He ran over to us and looked at me carefully. I turned away from him towards the comfort of my mother. “It is okay, dear. Even though he is like this. I promise he will be able to help you.” 

I turned back towards the dragon. His slitted pupils started to glow orange as he inspected me. “I see, I see.” He looked me over several times before reaching a conclusion. “How could you be so stupid!” 


Suddenly the dragon's face was planted in the ground. I didn’t even feel my mother move, but her hand had chopped him on the head hard enough that as his face collided with the ground it formed large cracks. “Don’t ever say that again!” 

“Yesh, meh lady.” As he stood up his head was waving back and forth. He quickly shook his head, seemingly clearing his dizziness. “It seems that her mana core is cracked from trying to use it before it was fully ready.”

“We know that part! What I want to ask is can you help her!?” He looked at my mother as though she was ridiculous. “Of course I can help her! Who the hell do you think I am!?”

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