Reincarnation of the Abused one

Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Rebirth

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When she woke up. She noticed her surroundings were pitch black. She tried moving around but only felt confined in a single space. She also noticed that her body felt like she was moving in some sort of liquid container. Suddenly she felt a pushing motion on her body and she slowly squeezed out a small hole. She was suddenly blinded by a bright light and she couldn’t help but cry. When her eyes slowly adjusted to the brightness, her eyes focused on the surroundings albeit very blurry.

The next thing she knew was that another pain rocked her body. It was like getting cut in the stomach by a large knife. Again she couldn’t help but cry through the pain. While crying, she felt being lifted up and placed on something soft. 

She then turned her head to her right and was face to face with a beautiful lady looking at her with caring eyes that calmed her down and eventually made her stop crying. 

The lady had long silky blue hair that was long enough it went past to where she could see currently. Upon closer inspection, she had beautiful light blue irises which complemented her long silky hair. Looking down a bit, she could see the lady had breasts large enough that could cause nations to fight over it. Above her head sat two bluish black horns protruding out of her head backwards. She tried to look down only to see a darkish blue tail? The tail itself had shimmering scales that reflected the light making it shine in the sunlight. 

Slowly she moved her hands to reach the face of the lady which was earned by a big smile on said lady’s face. Her mouth started moving while looking somewhere else, but she could not understand the words that were being spoken by the woman. She then felt herself yawn and before she knew it her eyes closed shut making her enter the dream realm.

When she awoke again she didn’t know the time elapsed when she was asleep. She looked around for any signs of life when she found herself trapped in some kind of wooden cage. She then tried to look around and found she was in a very fancy room with ornate carvings and furniture dotted about. 

While she was admiring the scene she felt something hit her on the back. When she turned to look at the meenie who hit her, it was a tail. The color is the same blackish blue tail that she saw from the lady earlier albeit much smaller. She tried to grab hold of the tail but due to its slippery surface it kept slipping from her grasp. A couple of tries later she managed to grab hold of it and hugged it like a teddy bear.

She then heard a slight nose from above her and casts her gaze up to find a pretty looking maid with purple hair looking down on her. Upon closer inspection she could see the maid had a pair of fluffy fox-like ears above her head and, instinctively, she tried to reach up for them. She felt then sad because her small arms cannot reach them. After  few tries of trying to reach them but failing she ended up crying because she could not reach those fluffy ears. Alarmed that there was something wrong with her. The made suddenly disappeared unassumingly to go inform somebody.

After a few seconds the same lady from before had come inside the room and picked her up in the woman's arms. She started cradling her and she looked back to see her lips move. Again, she could not understand what they were saying. A few short seconds later she heard something closing and before she could turn her head to where the sound came from, the lady pulled down the top of her dress revealing her large breasts and a pink nipple on the crest. She then felt the sudden urge to suck on it. She got her chance when the lady pulled her up to place her little mouth on the red knob. 

Without hesitation her mouth latched onto it and started suckling. Immediately a delicious tasting liquid started seeping in her mouth. It tasted heavenly as she sucked and swallowed the liquid, all the while she felt the lady’s hand caress her head. She heard the lady start humming a melodious tone to which she felt herself become sleepy and before she knew it she was fast asleep.

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