Reincarnation of the Abused one

Chapter 4: Chapter 4: Everyday life in another world

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Just like that 3 years had passed and she is now 3 years old. By this time, she had some knowledge of the language spoken, which was a mixture of old Latin and modern Deutsch. She didn't know why those two words popped in her head while she was studying the language. She just brushed it off and thought none of it. During that time she also had already figured out her name which was Lily von Aquatlis. The daughter of the king Federick von Aquatlis and queen Mahina von Aquatlis. Still her parents could not believe that their daughter had already memorized their names as well as her own name. The king was ecstatic to know that their daughter could grow up to be a very smart princess and sometimes boast about it in formal gatherings. 

The kingdom they rule is the Kingdom of Aquatlis. One of the four major kingdoms found in the continent. The continent itself is very large surrounded by the seas in the east and west. Huge lakes are found inside the continent, particularly Aquatlis’ territory. That is mainly because the royal family of Auqatlis is composed of water dragons that take the form of humans. Also known as a Dragon Kin. 

Right now Lily is playing hide and seek with the purple haired maid that took care of her whenever her mother was not available. 

“Fuhehe~ she can’t find me in here” Lily was under the bed of her room peeking to the doorway weather or not the maid with come in. If she does, she’ll just hide deeper under the bed, but just as she thought she was safe. A hand came down from above the bed and touched her blackish blue tail that was over extending the side of the bed.

“Found you princess” A low sweet voice came from above the bed as Lily sighed and crawled from under it.

On the bed sitting down was Chloe. Mahina’s closest maid, her caretaker if her mother was too busy, and the head maid of the castle.She had the same purple hair and fox ears that she saw when she was just a baby, only right now she could see her fluffy tail. Lily has tried multiple times and asked about touching the maid’s tails but she gets rejected and told they were dirty every time. Right now, Lily’s cheeks expanded with a little air and her face contorted into a cute pout.

“Chloe cheated” She said whilst looking away but keeping her pouting face.

“I can assure you I wasn't a princess. I waited for you to come inside the room from behind the bed.” Chloe answered with a soft smile while gazing warmly into Lily’s cute face. 

“But I'm the one hiding while you seek, not the other way around you meenie. Hmph” Lily still avoided Chloe’s gaze the latter giggled at the former’s antics and eventually yielded to Lily’s unrelenting cuteness. 

“I may have cheated a little bit. How about we stop by the kitchen to ask for a cookie as compensation?” Chloe suggested as Lily places her hand under her chin in a thinking motion and stayed like that for a couple of seconds.

“Okay! But I'll be the one to pick the topping!” After thinking she made up her mind and grabbed Chloe’s hands. She then urged Chloe to stand and walk by pulling her hand.

“Okay okay princess” Chloe finally got up and held Lily's hand as they exited her room. 

Today was another normal day in the castle for the residents and the servants who were in it. Many of the servants, particularly the girls, sometimes gossip about how Chloe was so lucky to be the one to serve the princess. Of course the maids would never say that to the head maid in person because if Lily wasn’t looking, Chloe goes from a friendly maid into the most strict person in the castle second to only the royal guard captain. 

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They eventually reach the kitchen where Lily lets go of Chloe’s hand to witness the cookies that were being baked for today’s lunch.

“Oh, Good morning there princess.” A middle aged man in chef’s clothes greeted Lily. Lily could tell the man was a regular human. The man was Adam Terrell, the lead baker in the kitchen. He was giving away orders when Lily came into the room. 

“Good morning Mr Adam” Lily greeted before her gaze focused back on the cookies which were on the baking pan on a nearby counter. 

“Heh, she sure does love cookies” He commented before noticing Chloe was in the room.

“Oh, Good morning miss head maid.” He greeted to which Chloe replied.

“Good morning to you as well Adam” She then noticed that Lily was staring into the pan a little bit too long. 

“So what brings you two over to the kitchen?” He wore a slight smile when he saw Lily gazing down at the cookies that were in the baking tray.

“The princess wanted an early snack after playing for a bit so we decided to visit the kitchen to ask you for a cookie.” She answered while facing Adam.

“Well you came at the right time. The first batch just finished cooking so you can pick them up now. They’re on the counter over there.” He pointed to the said counter where a steaming batch of cookies was ready.

Chloe then called Lily’s attention to which the latter walked back and eventually stood beside the maid.

“You can pick one from that baking pan over there princess” Chloe then pointed to where the pa was and Lily was overjoyed. In an instant Lily disappeared from Chloe’s side and reappeared nibbling a cookie.

Adam and Chloe then stared at each other and lead out a small giggle while they look at Chloe who was too busy eating her food to notice.

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