Reincarnation of the Transmigrator?

Chapter 10: Fattening Chickens and Mother?

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After leaving the girl and heading towards the Dragon's Whiskers Pagoda, I could feel someone using the power of will(intent) to probe me.

'Is it her?' I wondered while thinking about the girl I met today. 

'It should probably be a sub-physique of will using eyes as a medium.' I guessed, thinking over our interactions.

'it most likely has the power of divination, since it was able to probe at me while her being in 6th grade of qi condensation realm.'

'Hmm....should I have interacted with her a bit more?, that would have probably backfired. After all, she would grow suspicious of my intentions if I seemed too desperate. It's better to just be remembered as a kind person she's indebted to.'

"Senior brother, what are you thinking?" Cao Meihui asked while pouting at me.

"Nothing in particular."

"It doesn't seem that way to me..." Cao Meihui muttered while narrowing her eyes at me.

"Lei Qiang, can you look into that girl later?" I whispered to Lei Qiang.

"Yes, young master." 


After returning from Fragrant Jade city, I sat in my room looking at the Jade tablet containing information regarding Xiao Xiang. 

'Xiao Xiang's true origins are unknown, she was adopted by a couple who owned a small inn in Fragrant Jade City and was raised by them along with their 3-month-old son...'

'That girl.....Xiao Xiang's sub-physique must be a high-ranking one if it caused her to be unable to properly use her vision. Or it could just be a defective one, but considering that she was able to reach the 6th stage of the Qi condensation realm despite her humble background...whatever talent she has is not a simple one.'

'But..this brother of hers... his talent is average, but his progress is too astonishing as he is already in 5th grade of qi condensation realm. Also, he seems to be practicing a mysterious cultivation technique... This guy reeks of a heavenblessed, considering that he and his sister live in a city directly affiliated with our clan they would probably join the 'sect'. Hm... then it's highly probable that this guy is the heavenblessed-related Yin Xifeng.

'Haah, is this a blessing or a curse. The talented individual I found turned out to be related to a heavenblessed, especially one that I will have oppose no matter what. Well, at least it would be easier to keep track of the heavenblessed's movements in the future.'

'The best approach to this situation would be to wait and see if she can be used then that's fine. But if she proves to be a threat... I must get rid of her.'

"Sigh, why does this always happen to me?" I sighed lamenting over my misfortune.

"Well, rather than worrying about useless stuff I'd better do my best to get stronger."

' I must also let the heavenblessed find many opportunities and grow stronger. After all, you must fatten the chickens before they are ready to be served at dinner. ' I chuckled as I imagined the heavenblessed being served on a dining table on a dish.

(AN:- Winner Winner Chicken Dinner.)


6 days later...

'Finally, the day of the outing has arrived, I must make sure to create a stable foundation for my future plans.'

"Umm... Lei Qiang, do I have to wear 'that'?" I questioned as I pointed toward a lavish set of robes. These robes were Tyrian purple with golden five-clawed dragons embroidered on them. To describe it in simple words, it was flashy.

"Young master, this is your first outing with Lady Xifeng you must dress properly to make sure that she falls head over heels for you!" Lei Qiang exclaimed with passion-filled eyes.


"No buts, young master." Lei Qiang cut me off, crushing my repudiation heartlessly.

"Sigh, whatever..." I sighed giving in to my fate.


Looking into the mirror, I could see a handsome youth with amethyst eyes wearing regal-looking clothes.

'I guess anything looks good with a face this good, huh...' 

"Are these robes to your liking, young master?" Lei Qiang asked with a contented smile on her pretty face. 

"It's not that bad, I guess..." I answered with uncertainty.

Hearing my reply, her smile widened even more.

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"A-anyways, I should go and prepare to welcome Miss Xifeng," I said in an attempt to change the subject.

"Miss Xifeng has already arrived and is waiting in the Plum blossom manor."

"Why didn't you inform me about this?" 

"Young master was getting ready at that time, also this visit of Miss Xifeng can be considered an informal meeting. Moreover, she is someone who will become a part of the Xin family in the future so, the young master doesn't have to welcome her personally.

"...Alright, let me go to her then."


Reaching the Plum blossom manor, I expected to see my fiance with an annoyed look on her face. But what I saw instead was her chatting with my mother while smiling. 

"Ara? Yu'er you're already here, looks like you were truly looking forward to meeting your dear fiance." Mother teased me while giggling. Leaving me speechless and causing me to remember the humiliation I suffered a week ago.

'H-how embarrassing!'

"Well then, I will leave you young ones to yourselves." Saying this mother left the room, leaving behind an uncomfortable silence.

"Ah...." I looked at Yin Xifeng, who was looking at me with a strange expression. Noticing my gaze she soon averted her eyes. 

'I really can't rely on her to start a conversation can I?'

"Miss Xifeng, I am truly glad that you accepted my invitation." I smiled at Yin Xifen trying to hide my embarrassment.

"...It is my pleasure, young lord Jianyu." She said with a stiff expression. 

'Hm? is she... feeling awkward? or perhaps she is just unwilling.'

"Well then, lady Xifeng how about we depart to the Fragrant Jade city."

"...Yes" Yin Xiang answered in a small voice."


POV:- Yin Xiang

Today, I was in an exceptionally pleasant mood. I was feeling so happy that everything in the world seemed to be beautiful to me. The reason I was so elated was that today, I would get to meet my beloved Jianyu and spend time with him.

I rode an immortal boat to reach the Xin clan's territory. After we reached that place I was led to the Peach blossom manor, which I visited just last week. Honestly, it's a bit sad that Jianyu didn't come to welcome me himself, but this just means I am being treated as a member of the family and not just a guest.

While I was waiting for Jianyu, Lady Yingyue entered the room with a pleasant smile on her face.

"I see that you have already arrived Feng'er" Lady Yingyue said to me with a tender expression that I never saw in my previous life.

'Not that I can blame her, after how I treated Jianyu in my previous.'

"Xifeng greets senior Yingyue."

"Haha, there's no need for formalities between us Feng'er. Just call me mother." Xin Yingyue chuckled.

"...Yes mother..." I lowered my head bashfully as I called her mother. I could feel a strange warmth welling up in my heart as I answered 'mother'.

"As expected the robes I sent you, suit you very much." mother nodded to herself as she looked at the robes she gifted me. The robes were red in color with a golden dragon embroidered on them. The golden dragon with crimson is often used as insignia of the Xin family, so her gifting me this means that my engagement has her heartfelt blessing and can be thought of as her favor.

We continued to talk to each other until...

"Ara? Yu'er you're already here, looks like you were truly looking forward to meeting your dear fiance." Mother teased Jianyu as he had dressed exceptionally well today.

'H-how Handsome!' Today Jianyu was wearing Tyrian purple clothes with golden dragons embroidered on them, these robes make him seem far more regal than usual and went exceptionally well with the color of his eyes.

"Well then, I will leave you young ones to yourselves." Saying this mother left the room, leaving behind an uncomfortable silence.

"Ah...." I looked at Jianyu as I was trying to engrave his appearance onto my mind. Noticing my stare Jianyu looked towards me causing me to unintentionally look away as if I was caught red-handed committing a crime.

'H-how embarrassing!!'

"Miss Xifeng, I am truly glad that you accepted my invitation." I lowered my head a bit trying to hide my embarrassment.

"...It is my pleasure, young lord Jianyu." I tried my best to answer properly but failed miserably. 

'Aaaah! why can't I sound just a bit enthusiastic, he must think of me as a weird person...'

"Well then, lady Xifeng how about we depart to the Fragrant Jade city."


'Alright! I shall improve our relationship today!' I thought with a newfound resolve.

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