Reincarnation of the Transmigrator?

Chapter 9: Flowers and Closed Eyes?

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Once upon a time, there once lived a mortal scholar with fragmented spiritual roots. The scholar was someone who had no hopes of becoming a cultivator, yet he wished to see the very secrets of the world and find answers to the mysteries of the Heavens. 

          And thus, to find his 'way', the scholar set his mind on travelling the world and seeing the world through his own eyes. The scholar travelled to various lands, saw many wonders and learned knowledge he never imagined. 

            But even after travelling the world for 20 years, he had no answer to his questions. Rather now, the number of questions had instead increased. Haunted by these questions, the scholar decided to travel yet again. But this time, he decided not to seek books, instead he pursued the knowledge and experience held by various people. 

            This time he met countless people, talked to them and listened to their tales. As such, he had a fulfilling journey across the world. At times he laughed and at times he grieved. After 36 years, he finished his 56-year-long journey and decided to meditate about his actions over the past 56 years. He, who was once a young adult, was now an old man, his skin wrinkled and his hair grey.

              At the end of his lifetime, he began to question his past actions. Did he waste 56 years of his lifetime travelling for questions he couldn't find answers to? No, while he wasn't able to find the answers he originally sought. He was sure of but one thing, that even the Immortals who had lived for thousands of years couldn't compare to the multitude of situations he had experienced. He was sure that through the word of mouth he had learnt things that even the Immortals didn't know about.

                 Soon enough, the scholar began to fall into a deep meditative state. After three years, the scholar formed a dao seed as a mortal. After 7 years, his dao grew and his dao tree came into existence, elevating his existence to the immortal realm in one step.

             Reaching the immortal Realm, the scholar decides to travel through myriad worlds yet again. This time he simply watched over people and their experiences and, like that, 9 years passed. After finishing up his journey, he decided to meditate yet again, on his life's experiences. 

          After meditating for countless years, by the time his eyes opened, he had reached the 3rd major step of cultivation, the Dao realm. With his dao of linguistics he could display various Dao, like how one can tell various tales with one's word. With the emergence of 'The great Dao wise sage', the fourth path of cultivation also emerged, the path of will and intent.


 '-I wonder if that guy died a virgin. ' Thought Jianyu after trying to develop his sword qi even further and failing. 'Well, i did reach the 2nd stage of qi condensation realm in just 2 days, no other genius can compare to me. As expected of someone as amazing as me,' Jianyu thought, shamelessly boosting his own morale. "I guess... I should get ready to go to the Fragrant Jade City. Sigh, i hope nothing annoying happens."


I soon reached my mother's residence. This time, for once, there was no one rushing towards me. 'Well, I guess we are off to a good start.' After entering, instead of Cao Meihui, the person I found was someone I didn't expect to meet.

 "Mother? Shouldn't you be handling the clan's affairs at this time?" I asked my mother with an astonished expression. 

"Can't I rest every once in a while?" 

"It's not that you can't, it's just the first time...." My voice trailed off as i said this.

 'Well, it's good that she's resting properly. I was quite worried since she would always be working...' 

"Sigh, the work has increased quite a bit in the past few years..." Mother answered with a bitter smile. 

"Anyways, where is junior sister?" I had a curious expression on my face as i asked this.

 "She's getting ready, she should be here anytime."

 "Umm..." Hearing a soft voice, I looked towards the source of the sound. It was Cao Meihui who had just arrived , she was wearing an azure robe with silver flowers embroidered on it. 

" I look?" Cao Meihui asked, while looking at me with puppy eyes. 

"... You're looking truly exquisite today, junior sister." I complimented her. 

'hmm? could it be...'

 "I-is that so." She started to blush and lowered her head to avoid my gaze. 

"Anyways, are you ready to leave?"I asked 

"Yes..." She answered with a soft voice. We left mother's residence after bidding her farewell. After walking a bit further, i turned towards Lei Qiang and asked.

"Well then Lei Qiang, can i count on you?" 

"Of course, young master." Lei Qiang took out a flying spiritual artifact in the shape of a small boat from her spatial storage ring as she after she answered me.

"Let's go, then."

After about 10 minutes we could see the Fragrant Jade city. We could have reached the city sooner, but i wanted to look at the view. So we traveled at a slower speed.

The city was humongous in size, surrounded by tall walls. Though I don't see the point of the walls since a mere foundation realm cultivator could easily scale over such walls.

We landed the spiritual boat outside the city gate, Lei Qiang showed a Jade pendant engraved with 'Xin' on it to the gatekeeper. The gatekeeper then led us to a special entrance, skipping all the formalities while being 'extremely' mindful of his manners and even offered to serve as a guide.

We let the gatekeeper lead us towards the Dragon's whiskers pagoda. While on our way, I saw someone at 6th stage of qi condensation being surrounded by a bunch of thugs around 7th stage of qi condensation.

"A girl? Why are her eyes closed" I muttered noticing that the girl had her eyes closed with a calm expression. The girl had black hair, skin as fair as snow and exquisite features.

'Is she blind?, there seems to be  more to it...she seems to have great talent, I should make her indebted to me." after thinking about the situation, i turned to Lei Qiang.

"Lei Qiang, i would like to fight these guys on my own. Handle the situation if things go south."

"As you wish, young master."


"You cowards! Do you have no shame, ganging up on a lone girl?!" I shouted righteously at the thugs, making them turn around to look at me.

 'Mhm, as expected, playing the hero is as amusing  as I thought. No wonder, all the heavenblessed did this shit over and over.'

 "Oy brat, if you know what's best for you, turn around and leave" 

'Wow.....such a typical low-level cannon fodder dialogue..' 

"As if!! Do you think I am afraid of filth like you?!!" I exclaimed with two exclamatory marks.

 "Hah! You truly don't know the difference between us you brat!" Said thug-A as he cracked his knuckles heading towards me.

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 "Oii don't injure his face, we can sell him as a slave for a lot" suggested thug-B.

 "Hahahaha!" Laughed thugs C and D. I swung my sword at Thug-A without giving him any time to react. His right arm was severed, causing him to scream at the top of his lungs. I followed up my first strike with a kick to the..... abdomen, slamming him into a wall.

"You coward! How dare you sneak attack first brother like that!!"

 'Seriously, if these guys stopped monologuing and attacked all at once, then you would at least not be used as comic relief, sigh...'

 "Sneak attack? I attacked him upfront, it was simply his inability to react to my speed that caused this." 

"You bastard! This is for first brother"

 "Take this!" 

"Die!!" Thug B,C and D screamed as they rushed towards me. In response, I closed my eyes, took a breath in and opened my eyes. As soon as my eyes opened, motes of blue lights appeared around me. Soon these motes of light bloomed into beautiful blue flowers. I swung my sword yet again and the petals from the flowers flew towards the thugs. The gleaming azure petals flying through the wind created a bewitching scene.....till one of the petals touched thug-B. Suddenly a sword mark appeared on his body where the petal made contact.

 After that, the screams that followed after caused the beautiful scene to turn into an eerie one.

 'Well, this move is only useful for looking cool. But still I guess it can be used against weaklings like these.'

 "Umm..."  The girl with her eyes closed tried to call out to me. 

'Ah, I forgot about her!' 

"Ahem, are you alright?" I asked with a voice laced with concern.

 "Ah-yes I'm fine, thank you for your help." The girl answered while lowering her head a bit. 

"It's fine, i just did what anyone would do," I said

 "...what happened to those people..?" She asked. Seeing her anxious expression, I tried to reassure her.

 "You don't need to worry I haven't killed any of them. The injuries are light..... except for one guy that lost his arm."

"Is that so..." She said as her voice trailed off.

 "Umm...if it's not too rude to ask can you tell me what is wrong with your eyes?" 

"Not at all, I just can't see through my eyes" the girl said while keeping a calm face.

 'Weird phrasing....'

 "Is that so....If there's somewhere you have to go i can escort you there." I offered her.

 "It's alright, I can't trouble you again with my problems..." she shook her head dismissively.

 "Hmm...well how about you tell me where you want to go and i will have someone else lead you there and please don't refuse otherwise I wouldn't be able to get some peace of mind." 

"....Alright." she answered giving up.

 Then I grabbed her hand and started to bring her towards the main road.

 "So, where are you going?" I asked her. "There's an inn next to the Dragon's whiskers pagoda, I live there." 

"Oh, me and my junior sister were just going there . If you don't mind, you can come along with us." I suggested to the girl.

 "Then I will trouble you..." Then I met up with the others and we headed towards the inn. Throughout this, junior sister Cao remained silent.

"Then why were you out there on your own.....sigh nevermind. But you should be more careful and not go around alone like this. You could get hurt if an incident like today happened again, alright?." I advised her out of concern.

 "...Mhm" the girl nodded.

 "So, how old are you miss...." 

" My name is Xiao Xiang, I just turned 9 the other day." 

"Oh, so we are of similar age. But to be at 6th grade of qi condensation realm at such a young age, Miss Xiao must be a great genius, huh..." I complimented 

 "Not at all.." Xiao Xiang's ears started to turn red as she answered. 

"Miss Xiao, one mustn't let their modesty dwarf the truth." This caused Xiao Xiang to blush even more. Looking at her shy appearance, I began to laugh aloud.

 ... Soon enough, we reached the inn. 

"Well then, take care Miss Xiao."

 "Thankyou for your assistance sir...."

 "Ah, I didn't introduce myself, did I? Anyways, my name is Jianyu and I am glad to have made your acquaintance."

 Then we left towards the Dragon's whiskers pagoda next to the inn. 


After Jianyu's group left Xiao Xiang opened her eyes and looked at Jianyu's leaving back and turned her gaze  towards her hand. She could still remember the warmth she felt from his hands.

 "Jianyu...." She muttered to herself.

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